Chapter 29

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Shoki (POV)
It's the middle of the night and we're all walking Susan to the school to get her notebook. It may be odd but if it gets us a pact, then I'll deal with it. Susan begins to scream and swing her sword.
Shoki- Hey watch where you're swinging that thing will ya?
Issei- Yeah. What's even wrong?
Susan- Sorry. Like I said, it's really scary out here.
Issei- And like I said, you're the scary one!
We managed to nab the notebook and make it back to her place.
Susan- Arigato gozaimashita.
Issei- I have no idea what the hell you just said.
Susan- Sumimasen?
Issei- You're really starting to freak me out.
Susan- I hate to be a bother but there's nothing me more sansei I need you to do.
Issei- And I hate to be a bummer, but no way. Only one request per visit.
I smack Issei across the back of his head.
Shoki- Don't mind him. How else can we help you Susan?
Issei goes to the corner and sulks while Rias, Akeno, and myself consult Susan with her boy drama.
Rias- So tell me about this guy.
Susan- I really like him, but I'm kind of a shy Shouju. I don't know how to talk to hitobito.
Issei- (sulking) I bet he's a total samurai nerd, complete with armor, a sword, and his virginity.
Hiro: I'm gonna kill him. I swear.
Shoki: No. You can't kill him. I need him for the story.
Hiro: Let him say one more bad thing about samurai and I'll cut him up into tiny pieces before he can even get out another word.
Shoki- Fine. Just stay calm okay?
Akeno- So you want us to make him fall in love with you, is that correct?
Susan- Oh no. I don't want to force him to Koi me. I want him to Koi me on his own.
Issei- (still sulking) I'd like to Koi you right in the face.
Rias hits him good upside the head for being rude.
Rias- So Susan, have you tried opening up to him and telling him how you feel?
Susan- Oh no I couldn't! I wouldn't even know where to begin!
Shoki- How about a letter?
Susan- A rabureta?
Rias- Hey not bad Shoki. A love letter might just work.
Susan- You think so?
Shoki- Well yeah. Writing down what one feels for another is a great way to express one's self.
Susan- Daijobu! I'll give it a try!
Akeno- That's my Shoki for ya.
We wait while she writes her letter. Issei notices she isn't being original.
Issei- Isn't the whole point to write something that's original?
Rias- I think it's great. The only thing that matters is the feeling you communicate, not the form.
Issei- Well using someone else's feelings seems like a copout to me.
Akeno- Well Issei, it's hard........To say the way you feel.........It's so hard. But it's good.
Issei- Um okay?
Susan interrupts us by bringing out her bow.

Issei- Oh for crying out loud! That's how you're going to send the letter?!
Timeskip to the day
We're out in the park where Susan is determined to wait for her crush.
Issei- Oh man. No way this ends good.
Rias- Well it looks like he's here.

Issei- Ahh!! The arrow!! This is bad. You shot him in the fucking head!!
Susan- Yeah sorry. I have good aim. I just tried to think of other ways, but shooting the arrow at him seemed to be the best.
Shoki- Welp, we're just gonna toss ourselves to the side here and let this one play out.
We do exactly that and the knight approaches Susan. There's a long pause as the wind ruffles the leaves.
Knight- I have perused your letter my lady, and I'm shot through the heart.
Zack: And you're to blame! Darlin, you give love....a bad name!!
Indigo: Shoki, did he really just do that?
Shoki: Yes. Yes he did.
Zack: No regrets!
Indigo: That's it, imma strangle him. Get your ass back here you annoying idiot!
Zack: Never!!
Knight- To think that I, of all people, would be caught off guard like this..... I am truly overwhelmed.
Susan- I'm so head over bearskin boot in Koi. You were all that I could think of Horii. My samurai.
Issei- I'm I the only one who feels like they're going crazy?
Shoki- Well I'm only slightly.
Knight- If you'll have me, I'll Gladys be your knees in shining yoroi.
This stuff goes on until we make the pact and get back to the clubhouse around sunset.
Rias- Those two were clearly a match made in armor.
Akeno- They couldn't have been more adorable.
Issei- More like a match made in the insane asylum.
Rias- So what do you boys think?
Issei- About what?
Akeno- About being together with the person you love more than anything in the world.
Issei- Well I dunno. Sounds kinda nice.
Rias- Yes, yea it does. Shoki what about you?
Shoki- Well the way I see it, being together with the someone you love is one of the best things in life. But it's not the feeling of being in love that makes one happy. It's the person that they're in love with that does. And the thing is, they don't even have to say that they love you. Although most people do for verbal confirmation, you can already tell someone loves you by the way they treat you. And that is real.
I notice Akron's face light up after I said that and the gentlest smile spread across her face.
Shoki- But that's just my opinion.
Rias- No no. It was great. I'm glad Akeno and I got a real answer.
Shoki- Well, I think I'm gonna head home. Later you guys.
Rias- Goodnight.
Issei- Later dude.
Akeno- Goodbye for now Shoki.
I exit the room and head home.
Indigo: (has Zack in a headlock) That's the end of this one. Hopefully guys enjoyed it. Stop struggling ya bastard.
Zack: No! (Elbows Indigo in the stomach multiple times and runs off)
Indigo: Oh you little shit! Okay guys, I'm gonna go murder my friend so I'll see you guys later. Peace out Indigo fam. Zack you bitch! Get back here!

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