Chapter 3

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Timeskip a week
Shoki (POV)
My first week has come and gone and finally it's the weekend which means I get to kick back and chill. It's Saturday afternoon and right now I'm killing this clicker on The Last Of Us.
Indigo: Great game by the way.
My door opens and it's Uzume.
Shoki- What's up?
Uzume- Come on we need to go.
Shoki- Go where?
Uzume- We're going grocery shopping at the market and I can't carry it all by myself. Come on it'll be fun. Plus it's been forever since we last hung out.
Shoki- Ok fine. I'll go.
Uzume- Alright. Put your shoes on and I'll be waiting on the porch.
Shoki- Okay.
I do as she said and I meet her outside and we go to the market. The rest of the day was spent goofing off, getting groceries, more goofing around, and then we got some food at a local burger joint. Right now we're on our way back to the house.
Uzume- So how was your first week of school?
Shoki- It was alright I guess. I still feel out of place being 17 year old sophomore who just started in the middle of the spring semester.
Uzume- I know it must be weird but it'll all work out. Have you made any new friends?
Shoki- Nah. You know I'm kind of a loner.
Uzume- You'll make some eventually. I'm sure of it. Hey let's cut through the park. It's almost dark as it is.
We cut through the park and come across it's fountain. I approach it and stare into it as go through my thoughts.
Shoki- Hey Uzume, what was mom and dad like? Like you were a toddler when the orphanage took us in so do you remember anything about them?
Uzume- Oh I'm the same as you. I don't remember much of anything about them. What brought this along?
Shoki- I don't know. I just thought that maybe you might've known something. But ion all realness, I plan on finding them one day.
Uzume gives me an uneasy look as she looks towards the ground.
???- I'm sorry but you won't be around to do so.
The sky turns dark purple and black feathers begin to fall around us.
Shoki- Black feathers? What's going on with the sky?
Uzume- Shoki run!
I turn to her and she has a look of distress and anger.
Indigo: A face like this one 👇

The black feathers swirl in a plume in front of the fountain until it dispersed revealing a creature with a huge pike.

Shoki- Ummm what the fuck is that? Are those wings?
Creature- It looked like you had fun today Shoki Tanahashi. To bad today was your last day living.
Uzume- Not if I can help it Devora!
Uzume begins to glow red as this symbol appears underneath her.

She glows increasingly brighter until nothing but white fills the entire area. When it dies down, she's different and she had a giant fucking scythe.

Out of her outfit came wings.

Shoki- Just what is going on?!
Uzume- Shoki get the hell out of here!! Now!!
Uzume (POV)
He drops the groceries and takes off running in the opposite direction.
Devora- You're not getting away!
She takes flight and zooms after him but I get in the way and block her strike with my scythe.
Uzume- Damn you. Do you know how long I've been trying to keep this a secret from him? He didn't need to know about what he is or else he would be in danger. Now look at what you've done. I'm going to kill you for this.
Devora- I'd like to see you try.
I'm in front of her real quick and I slice her right across her middle. She gets sent rocketing back into the trees as blood gushes from her wound. She recovers and comes back to me.
Devora- Lucky shot but (pike lights up) it's the only one you're going to get.
I fly in and go to slice her but she ducks down and cuts my thigh. I wince in pain but I drive the back end of my scythe into her back and she goes to the ground. I prepare to finish her off as I raise my scythe over my head. She twitches then sweeps me off my feet with her right leg. She gets up and stands over me.
Devora- Tsk tsk tsk. You know you couldn't kill me. You're all talk. Now die devil. She's about to bring her pike down to impale me when Shoki of all people comes in and nails her in her face. She doesn't move an inch and just stares down Shoki with an evil glare.
Shoki- You leave my sister the fuck alone bitch!
Her pike lights up again in her right hand.
Uzume- Shoki what are you doing?! Get out of here!!
He doesn't listen as he goes for a right hook but she catches his forearm and drives her pike through abdomen completely impaling him.
Uzume- Shoki nooooo!!!!
His blood splatters everywhere and he spits up blood. Devora then boots Shoki off of her pike leaving him on the ground to bleed out.
Devora- I'm not sorry that I did this to you Shoki Tanahashi. The fact is that you were too great a risk to my kind. I had to dispose of you. If you want someone to blame, why not blame him. He's the one who bestowed you his godly gift after all. Oh and why not blame your sister and parents while you're at it. Shame on them for keeping you in the dark. Anyway I must go now. Ta ta.
She takes flight and leaves and everything goes back to normal. I slowly crawl over to Shoki.
Uzume- Shoki I'm so sorry. Can you hear me.
There's no answer. I place my head on his chest to check for a heartbeat. There is one but it's very faint and it's getting weaker.
Uzume *mind*- No. Not like this. I don't want him to die. He's all that I have. But in order for him to live, he must become.....ah damn it.
Uzume- Rias!!!!!!
The Gremory symbol appears before me.

Rias and Akeno materialize out of it.
Indigo: Rias 👇

Rias- I have come liked you asked.
Uzume- (crying) Please save him. Don't let my little brother die.
Akeno- (worried) Rias please.
Rias- Since death is upon him, I will gladly take him in. (Spreads wings and smiles gently) From this moment forward, he is to live his life for my sake. Same as youn Uzume.
Uzume- Yes. Thank you Rias.
Everything goes black as I pass out.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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