Chapter 31

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Shoki (POV)
It's the next night and we're in the gymnasium getting prepared for the upcoming dodgeball game. We're all helping each other stretch and Uzume is helping me out. Rias comes up to us all and speaks.
Rias- They outnumber us by four so we've asked the extras to be refs.
Issei- I'm like the worst at sports; I don't even know if I remember how to play.
Rias- Oh you'll be fine, just grab a ball, aim it at the Sitri team, and hit em right in the face!
Kiba- Asia picked it up in no time. I'm sure you can too!
Asia- My legs are on fire!
Akeno- Stretch them a little bit farther. Come on you can do it.
We hear audible crack and yell come from Issei.
Shoki *mind*- This guy I tell you. Can't get his mind out of the gutter for one second.
After our stretching got done, Issei passed out team headbands.

Kiba- Nice.
Akeno- Yeah we're going to look so badass.
Issei- Thanks. I stayed up all night making em.
Rias- You didn't sleep?
Issei- I just wanted to make something cool as a way of saying thank you for everything you guys are doing for Asia, Shoki, and myself. I'm lucky to have friends as awesome as you. Plus I suck at sports so this way I'll remember not to throw the ball at my own team.
They talk some more but I tune it out to get focused and get in the zone. That is until the doors open and the Sitri come in.

Finn and I lock eyes in long stare

Uzume snaps me out of it.
Uzume- Hey, focus on the task at hand. Getting his ass out will only be icing on the cake.
Both teams line up and get into position. The Sitris get the ball first. One of their members throws the ball at Koneko. She bends backwards but the shot tears up her shirt and hits right in the boob. The Sitri get the point.
Issei- Aw, right in the tit.
Koneko- I need a drink anyway.
The Sitri get the ball back and Tsubaki throws.
Tsubaki- Ready or not, here I come!
She throws the ball infused with her powers at Rias but Rias catches it.
Sona- Well, catching Tsubaki's spike head on is pretty impressive.
Rias- Don't forget Sona, I'm a Gremory, that's just how we roll!
Rias knocks out a member of the Sitri. They retaliate by throwing it at Issei who's distracted. I move in the way of the ball and catch it. Using the momentum of the ball, I redirect it's direction and throw it at Finn.
Finn- Nice try shortstuff but you're going to have to do better than that.
Back and forth this game goes until it's just Sona, Finn, and Saji on the Sitri's and Rias, Uzume, and myself on Team Gremory. Uzume has the ball in her hands and Saji opens up his mouth.
Saji- Come on and bring it!
Uzume- With pleasure! This is payback Issei and his man bits!
He throws the ball and decks Saji in the balls with it. He goes down for the count and Finn picks up the ball.
Rias- Come on. Let's end this thing Sitri. Right here right now.
Sona- Oh I'm just getting warmed up, Rias.
The whistle blows and the refs announce the game is over and our win. I smile and look over at Finn who pops the ball with his bare hand out of anger.
Shoki- Guess we proved that this team is more than a group of sluts eh Finn? Now who's the dumbass?
He growls as I walk off the celebrate our victory.
Rias- Deals a deal Sona. Since we beat you, we get first pick of the familiars.
Sona- As much as I hate to lose, I have to admit it. That was fun. Although had this been a Rating Game and not just us fooling around, there's no way you could've beat me.
Rias- You really think so? Well I guess we won't know for sure until we actually play the game. But it'll be awhile til we have to worry about that.
Sona- Don't be so sure Rias. You never know what's coming up.
Sona walks to the door but Finn is the only one still standing.
Sona- Come on Finn.
Sona- Finn I said we're leaving.
Finn pulls out a pack of cigs, lights one, and has a smoke.
Finn- Yo Shoki or whatever the hell your name is.
Shoki- What?
Finn- You're over there gloating about much your team of tramps are better than me and my squad. But the thing is, you only won a silly dodgeball game. In a real fight, you and the rest of them would have no chance. All they're really good at is sucking cocks. Next time I see you Shoki I'm ripping off yours and feeding it to the dogs after your little squad of prostitutes are down gargling on mine. That is, if they don't want to start now. Especially Akeno of even your sister perhaps.
The room goes dead silent as both my team and Sona absorb what he just said. With my head down and my hair covering my face, I slowly walk towards Finn. Without even activating it purposely, my Sacred Gear comes out. It is now when everyone comes in front of me to try and stop me and hold me back
Issei- No no no. He's not worth it.
Kiba- Yeah man. Just stop.
Uzume- As much as I want to kick his ass too, Sona will do it for us. Just stop.
All of them continue to tell me things to stop but I can barely hear them as I keep stepping, dragging them at this point. With my next step, my symbol appears on the ground

I light up and I turn into that form that I was in when I fought the Fallen Angels. I lift my head and stare at this bitch while my power begins to aura around me.

Finn takes out his cig and flicks it away. Two wolf ears pop out the the top of his head and his eyes begin to glow.

Finn- Oh yeah. You wanna go, bring it fucktard!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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