Chapter 42

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Shoki (POV)
While I dealt with my opponent, Osiris, Issei, and Koneko finished off theirs. Although Issei's method was a bit rapey as he made his opponent's clothes get magically ripped off.
Koneko- Dude, you're such a loser.
Issei- I thought you'd be proud.
Shoki- Of that? No way bro. Talk about down bad.
Rias (comms)- Koneko, Issei, Shoki. What's your status?
Shoki- All is clear here. The gym is ours.
Rias (comms)- Good. Akeno and Uzume are in position and ready to go. You need to get out of there immediately.
We flee despite the yelling from the rest of our opponents. Moments later the gym blows up due to a great lightning strike from Akeno.
Sona (intercom)- Two more of Lord Riser's and Constantine's pawns plus a rook has been eliminated.
Issei- That was badass.
Koneko- Badass is one way to put it.
Osiris- Geez some of my hair is standing on end.
Koneko- Akeno is the real deal. That's why her nickname is the Priestess of Thunder. She knows how bring the boom and she likes it.
Akeno giggles and turns her gaze towards me and licks her fingers seductively.

Shoki *mind*- Is it me or is she turned on right now? On one hand, that is terrifying. One the other hand, that's hot. Just glad this BDSM dommy mommy is on our side.
I produce a smile and I get a wink in return.
Rias (comms)- The Phoenixes still have us outnumbered. We'll need to buy Akeno a little bit of time so she can be fully ready for her second attack. Once her power is replenished, we'll start making preparations on our next move. Until then, stick to the plan and I promise you we'll win this thing.
Koneko- We need to get to the athletic field as soon as we can. Kiba is waiting for us there. If we see any bad guys, we own them. Sound good?
Uzume comes out from her hiding spot amongst the tree line.
Uzume- You guys go. We got this spot under wraps.
Shoki- Alright. Trusting you sis. We'll be back as soon as we-
An explosion erupts around us from out of nowhere.
Like this

We all go flying but Koneko was directly hit. I go sailing and go right through a tree. It snaps in half and falls on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I let a pained grunt as a result.
Rias (comms)- Issei! Shoki! What happened to Koneko?! Issei!! Shoki!!!
Peering through the smoke, the culprit floats in the air.

I try to move but not only am I stuck, but an immense pain shoots throughout my upper body. More specifically my abdomen.
Shoki *mind*- Shit, a think a rib or two may be broken. I turn my gaze to Koneko who is in Issei's arms. Issei cradling her almost naked self.
Issei- Damn you whoever you are!
Koneko- I'm sorry... I just wanted to...serve Rias well.....
Issei- It's alright. We'll get you to Asia and she'll heal you up in no time.
It's too late as Koneko turns to sparkles and fades away.
Sona (intercom) One of Lady Rias's rooks has been eliminated.
Shoki *mind*- I gotta move. Whoever this lady is, she's bad news.
Three pairs of fast moving footsteps come my way. It was Osiris, Uzume, and Akeno.
Akeno- Shoki!!
Uzume- We need to get this tree off of him!!
Shoki- Guys.....I think some of my ribs are broken.
Osiris- We'll get you medical attention as soon as we move this tree.
Shoki- Yeah but, I don't need all three of you here. Issei is out there all alone with that lady. Akeno, I think you can take her on. Uzume, back her up. Osiris has got me.
Uzume- But-
Shoki- No buts! Winning this battle against the Phoenixes and saving you guys is more important than me right now. Now go!
Hesitantly they do as I say and go confront the lady.
Shoki- Osiris my friend, think you can do me a solid and get this tree off without crushing the rest of me?
Osiris- Yes my prince.
He grabs ahold of the tree and using his otherworldly strength, tosses the tree off of me. He picks me up and puts one of my arms around his shoulders.
Osiris- We need to get you back to Asia.
Shoki-......No. We continue with the plan. We regroup with Kiba and Issei.
Osiris looks at me with concern in his eyes.
Osiris-.......If that is what you wish.
It takes a bit but we eventually find Kiba and Issei hiding out in one of the athletic storage units. I let go of Osiris and stumble up against one of the walls.
Kiba- Are you okay?
Shoki- (spits out blood from mouth) I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
Rias (comms) Kiba, Issei, Shoki. Do you read me? I'm launching a sneak attack on their base with Asia. I want you guys to draw as many of the enemy away from the entrance as you can to buy us time.
Issei- Is that safe?
Rias (comms)- I'm left with no choice. I was planning to give Akeno time to recover so she could blast them one by one. , but now....Riser and Constantine sent their Queen so I need her and Uzume to focus there.
Kiba- Yes of course but don't you think it's too risky to have the king leave the base?
Rias (comms)- With any luck, Riser and Constantine will be thinking along the same lines. Here's hoping I can take them by surprise. If we can strike them strong and hard enough, we might just be able to take the fight out of them and win. Their bodies may be immortal but their hearts are not. And trust me, I will have no problem whatsoever breaking those Devil's black hearts.
Shoki- I hope you know what you're doing because when I looked into their eyes and saw pitch black darkness. These are the type of people that take pride of the pain and suffering they cause others and then they try and blame their victims. Those two are truly evil pricks.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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