Chapter 7

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Shoki (POV)
Shoki- I've got a question. Since Devora failed to kill me, why hasn't she come back?
Rias- Well you see, once a fallen Angel accomplishes their mission, they erase all traces and records of themselves from everyone's around the target.
Shoki- And Devora's goal was to kill me?
Rias- Yes but only after she figured out wether you had something in you that was dangerous or threatening. Once that was verified, you wre in impales by her pike of light.
Shoki- That explains the weird stuff she was saying about be having a godly gift or some shit.
Rias- Yes she is not wrong. You Shoki have a sacred gear but unlike Issei who also has a scared gear, yours is rather a rare one. I've never seen anything like it and it's power just radiates off of you.
Akeno- Last I recall, I don't believe anyone has held your sacred gear before so you're a big deal around here.
Rias- The thing is, this power can be so uncontrollable that some who have it become a threat to the underworld. Shoki, lift your right hand and focus on what you think is the strongest body part in your body.
Shoki- Uh ok.
I close my eyes and and to focus on my right hand which is the strongest.
In another realm
??? (POV)
???- So the boy is calling on my power I see. Very well. I'll shall show them a tiny taste.
Shoki (POV)
I don't feel anything happening so I open my eyes to see my hand is glowing.
Shoki- What the hell? What's happening to me?!
Rias- I'm not particularly sure.
My hand glows even brighter and the ground starts to shake a little.
Uzume- The hell is going on?!
Rias- Ok Shoki that's enough. You can stop now.
Shoki- I'm trying but it's not working!
Suddenly a symbol appears below me.

Shoki- What is that?!!!
Rias- I.....I
The glowing of the symbol and my hand gets brighter until the room fills with white. When it dies down, my hand is way different.

Shoki- What the fuck? What is this?
Rias- It's a sacred gear but I've never seen anything like this.
Within a moment this thing disappears in a glow of white and my hand is back to normal.
Shoki- Ok, that was weird. What the hell was that? What's wrong with me? How did I get like this in the first place?!
Rias- Well just before your life ended, Uzume called me and summoned me. She begged for your life to be saved because she didn't want to lose the only family she has so on that day I graciously turned you into a devil and you became an honored member of the house of Gremory, daughter to the powerful devil Zeoticus Gremory. Which means you are now my devil servant.
She spreads her devil wings and so does everyone else
Akeno- Isn't this exciting? You're one of us now.
Out of nowhere wings come out my back.

Rias- We're glad to have you here. Welcome Shoki. The way this works is that we grant powers to humans for a price we both agree on and then seal with a pact. It used to be that people would draw magic circles to summon us but that became too complicated. Nowadays we make house calls and personal deliveries.
Shoki- Okay I guess that makes sense.
Rias- Ordinarily we'd have a messenger team make them run but as a new servant, I think it'll benefit you to learn what goes into this job. If you do well, you may get a few servants of your own to help in anyway you like.
Shoki- My own servants you say? I'll have to keep that in mind.
Rias- Alright. Since you and Issei are the new people, your first task is to deliver these summoning cards. Come back here when you're finished.
IS- Yes ma'am.
Indigo: That's The end of this one. Short and sweet. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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