Collab One-Shot

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So this a collaboration with Red (cause honestly who else do ever I talk to XD)
It's a camp camp one-shot! Yay!! First time writing one! Also, look at the picture it looks like professional photography. Not taking any credits for that cause it's too beautiful. Back to the one-shot! The ship is Gwen/David/Jasper. I forget how you combine their names together for the actual ship name so it remains as is rn. Also, note: they adopted Max previous to this so that's why he's at the house. Look to RedStorm101 's rant book for part one....sorry mine probably isn't as good (or as long) as his IM NOT A WRITER GUYS

Part Two:
Jasper opened his mouth to fire another comeback, but was interrupted.
"Guys?" They look back to see David, eyes watering and eyebrows knitted together. He sniffed and looked at the ground.
His head came back up to look at the two of them for a moment before walking back into Max's room.
"Why did you have to yell at me like that, Gwen? You really upset Davey!" Jasper whispered shouted, careful not to let David hear them fighting again.
"Well I wouldn't have had to if you closed the goddamn door! (HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE GODDAMN DOOR, NOOOO) I've been reminding you about that for a while now and you haven't listened." Gwen fired back a little louder than Jasper. "So it's your fault for ticking me off!" She continued, exasperated.
Jasper groaned and opened his mouth to accuse Gwen for her hot temper, but was fully aware that he had been forgetting to shut to front door for a while. So he shut his mouth and sighed.
"You're right. I'll be more mindful next time I promise. Sorry Gwen." Jasper said quietly, his frustration ceasing.
"Thank you. Look, sorry I flipped out, I'm working on my temper." Gwen admitted. There was a moment of silence between the two, realizing that it really was both their faults.
"We should check on David." They both said at the same time. They walk up to Max's room and Gwen quietly knocks on the door. There isn't a response.
"David? Max?" She calls for someone to respond. The door opens and a still teary-eyed David stands in the doorway. He doesn't say anything but still sniffles.
"We're sorry." They both end up saying, giving their respective apologizes and promising to work on what they need to work on. David just sighs.
"It's okay. I just wish you two wouldn't fight so much, and about the littlest things. I know you both love me very much and I love you too, but you love each other too, right?..." David questions. Gwen and Jasper look at each other and smile, taking each other's hands.
"Of course we do!" Jasper responds like it's obvious.
"Now come 'ere. We're gonna hug it out." Gwen states, holding her arms out for both of the guys to join in a hug. David, of course, gladly accepts it and jumps into Gwen's arms. Jasper joins as well and turns to Max.
"Family group hug, get in here Max!" He shouts over to him. Max was still slouched over his paper doing homework, which no one was helping him with now.
"No thanks. Unlike you three, I actually have work to do." He retorts in his normal attitude.
"Max, I can finish your homework in about 20 min, it's really not that much. Now get in here you little shit." Gwen pipes in, managing to begrudgingly get Max into the hug. Their family definitely wasn't "the Brady Bunch", but what they had worked and it was a pretty damn good family.

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