Sunday Mornings Arent So Bad (Destiel One-Shot)

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So don't hate me if the grammar is really bad. I wrote this one on my notes one my phone. I can't decide what season this is between, but definitely after four.

Summary: Dean try's to convince Sam to have a guys night (plus Charlie) and interesting things happen after a secret is spilled in 'Never Have I Ever' and sleeping arrangements get a little messed up.
"Oh c'mon, Sammy!" Dean shouted out to him from the door. Sam made sighed and replied. "I just don't see the point, Dean." See, Dean had come back from a run to the store with a bucket of fried chicken, some pie and a 6-pack. He was telling Sam to call up some friends so they could just chill for while. It rarely happened due to their lives as hunters and Dean thought they deserved a break. "I mean it's just a matter of before the next apocalypse rolls in, why not have a break. I'll call Cas, you can call... others friends you might have." He said in defense. Sam then responded with his signature bitch face. "What friends would that be? You mean like Jo? Oh wait, she's dead." He said. Dean just stepped back and put his hands up in defeat. "Someone's in a bad mood."

Dean walked over to the kitchen and placed all the stuff on the table. "Okay fine, I'll call Charlie." Sam finally said after a moment of silence between the two. Dean smiled, opened his phone and dialed Cas' number. "Hey Cas. Sam and I thought about having a guys night." Dean said. "Plus, Charlie." He then added in. Cas didn't respond over the phone. "Cas?" Dean asked. A moment later, a flutter of wings could be heard behind Dean, who was sitting in a chair by the main table in the bunker with his feet slung onto the tabletop. "You could've just prayed, Dean." Cas said.

Sam walked into the room and put his phone back in his pocket. "Charlie's on her way." Sam said. "Great!" Dean exclaimed and turned to Cas. "You want anything?" He asked him, pointing to the pile of food and beer on the counter, along with a few magazines. "No. I do not need anything thank you." Cas answered, still awkwardly standing between the two Winchesters. "Cas, you can at least sit." Sam said to him. Cas looked down at the chair. "Oh right sorry." He said, slowly sitting down. Once again, Dean had tricked Cas into sitting on top of a whoopie (SPELING?!) cushion. Dean was laughing historically at Cas' confused face. "Wonder who put that there?" He remarked innocently, like before, still laughing slightly.

After several minutes of silence, awkward banter and random memories, a voiced lit up the bunker. "What's up bitches! Miss me?" Dean instantly got up, smiling. "Finally some energy in this place!" He said, hugging Charlie. Sam also got up and greeted her. Cas just got up cause well everyone else was and he said hi to Charlie as well. "So I heard this was like a second slumber party so I brought something for a game." She says pulling out a bottle of whiskey from her 'sleepover bag'. "It's called never have I ever. I'll explain the rules. Just sit, my feet are tired." Charlie complained. Then collapsing onto a nearby couch, which somehow was just there. The rest followed and were all told to get a glass to pour the whiskey in. So Charlie explained what they were supposed to do and they started despite Dean's whining. "But this game sounds boring!" He whined. Charlie then sighed and dug through her bag, pulling out new season DVDs of Games of Thrones. "I have these for after, okay?" She said to get him to cooperate. He did. "Alright I'll start." Charlie exclaimed. "Never have I ever been to a water park." She said. No one drank from the group. "Well I guess none of us had good childhoods." Dean commented, looking around the circle. He was next, so he thought for a few moments. "Oh okay, never have I ever been out of the country." He stated, looking over at Sam, knowing that he can't drink to this. Charlie was the only one of us to drink. She was now getting off track with this grand story about the time she got arrested in Canada.

"Never have I ever liked a guy." Sam stated. To his surprise the other three took a drink. "Wait Charlie I thought you were-?" Sam started confused. "Well now, but third grade counts right?" She responded. Sam chuckled and then turned to Dean and Cas. "And then there were you two. Like Dean, confession time, what guy have you ever liked?" Sam asked his brother curiously. Dean just looked down and thought if he should share with the class. Then he decided on no and replied sternly. "That's none of your business Sammy." He said taking another sip of whiskey and finishing the glass. "Cas? You care to share?" Sam asked him next. Being an angel and all you thought he would no problem sharing possibly embarrassing. It probably doesn't occur to him that normal people don't like to bring stuff like that up. Like when he pretended to be an FBI agent, he had no problem casually mentioning about Raphael and archangels. Cas, however responded like Dean...sorta. "No I do not wish to say." He said.

"Alright. That's not suspicious at all." Sam remarked sarcastically. "Well let's just uh take a break. Who's up for season two of Games of Thrones?" Charlie suggested with a smile. For almost the rest of the night Dean, Charlie, Sam and Cas were all sitting by the TV, watching Games of Thrones. "Oh my god, how many freaking die in that show?" Dean asked to no one, irritated. "I mean now I know I can't get attached to any of these characters! I don't even know if they're not gonna survive the next season!" He continued ranting. (A/N: I have actually never seen this show, but people have told me this is the case. I also watch notliterally) Sam laughed a tiny bit, earning a glare from Dean. "What? I like your fanboy side." He replied smiling. "I'm not a fanboy!" Dean argued. It wasn't worth fighting though. Between his experience in LARPing and his rants about Games of Thrones, it was obvious he had some side of him that was a tiny bit 'fanboy-ish'.

"Well it was nice seeing you three." Cas said, about to flash out of the room. Right before he did, Dean stopped him. "Woah hey! Don't leave yet. Why not stay in the bunker?" He suggested. "Why would I do that?" Cas questioned. I mean the bunker wasn't a beautiful mansion after all. It was barely even home to the boys, so what's the appeal in staying? "I mean it is a 'slumber party'!" Dean argued, putting "slumber party" in air quotes. "Okay. I guess I can stay here." He agreed. "What are the sleeping arrangements? Should I sleep on the couch?" Cas asked, pointing to the mysterious couch from before hand. "Nah I'm sure there's a room somewhere." Dean said, shrugging. "But Dean, we don't know where the keys to those rooms are. We only found two keys to bedrooms, remember?" Sam said. He was right though. When they moved into the bunker, it didn't take them too long to find certain keys. Once to that computer room in the basement, the one for the electrical room and two bedrooms keys. Of course, Dean also found the key to Oz, but that's not very helpful in this situation. So now they had four people and three places to sleep: the couch and two different rooms.

"I think I can solve this." Charlie stated. She asked Sam to go fetch the keys and once she had them in her hand, she gave Cas one and Sam one. "So Castiel and Dean can stay in one room, Sam in another and I'll sleep on the couch." She announced. Dean looked at her questionably. "Charlie, there's only one bed in there." Dean said. Charlie looked at him like 'what's the problem?' and just insisted they share. After much convincing, Destiel finally agreed to sharing the bed.

Dean and Cas walked into the room and then Dean remembered that Cas doesn't need to sleep. "Now he has to watch me sleep. Why did ever tell him to stay here?" Dean thought in his head. "Alright Cas, grab a chair. I'm exhausted so I'm going to sleep now." With that, Dean jumped onto the bed and immediately fell asleep.


"Destiel! Wake up!! I made waffles!" Charlie shouted, knocking on the door. Dean slowly opened his eyes and saw no Cas next to him. I arose from bed and trudged down to the common area. "Morning sleeping beauty. You do know it's like 11 o' clock right?" Sam told Dean after checking his phone for the time. "Ha ha very funny." Dean shot back with a sarcastic smile. Dean, along with most people in the world, was not a morning person. This morning was different and he was about to thank himself for having Cas stay over. See Cas was sitting at the table reading and drinking some coffee cause he thought he'd try it and was pleasantly surprised. He did stay through most of the night in Dean's room, but left early morning to watch Sunday cartoons about 'humanity never reaching the Divine'.

"Did you have a good dream, Dean?" Cas asked him out of the blue. Dean shrugged and replied. "Yeah I guess so. Why?" Cas looked up at him and smiled. "You know I can read your mind. I know exactly what you dreamed about." He stated with confidence, still grinning. Dean choked on his breakfast a tiny bit and looked back at him. "Dude, privacy!" He 'advised' him loudly. "Hey Dean, you ever heard of dreams coming true?" Cas asked out of the blue once again. Sam and Charlie were just letting this all play out. It had been predicted by friends, fangirls and siblings alike that those two would end up together and it might be finally happening. "Yeah..." Dean replied curiously, expecting him to continue. "Good." He said, getting up. Dean slowly got up, still confused with what was happening. Cas leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Again, I can see your dreams. I know you were expecting more, but let's go slow." Cas said, trying his hardest to make him uncomfortable in front of Sam and Charlie. I'm guessing you can figure out what Dean was dreaming. It was almost a dream come true, but the rest will come later.

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