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Mark was taken home by a scientist. They left quickly as Mark made his way inside. The house still looked like a mess- the window was still broken, and the smoke bombs were still scattered on the floor. Mark took some time to clean, sweeping up the shattered glass and tossing the smoke bombs out. He made a quick lunch, since he didn't finish his before he left the lab.

Mark looked around himself, noticing that the house felt empty when it was just himself there. He looked at the couch and imagined Jack sitting there, laughing along with something playing on the television, or playing around with Chica, waiting for Mark to finish cooking for the two of them to eat.

Mark's eyes filled with tears as he leaned against the counter. He wiped at them frantically, trying to control his breathing. He finished lunch and ate quickly, just in time for the door to open.

"I told you, Ryan, there's no chance in hell of him being back here."

"We have to look, Matt- hey, Chica!"

Mark stepped out of the kitchen, just in time for a ball of fluff to jump onto him, licking his face. He smiled and kneeled down, petting his dog. "Hey, girl. I missed you, too."

"Mark?" Mark looked up at Ryan, who was standing in front of him. "You look like hell."

Mark sighed. "Yeah? Well, I just got back."

Matt pulled Mark up to a hug. "Where have you been? You just fucking disappeared without a trace!"

Mark swallowed. "The lab. McFarland Laboratory."

Ryan's eyes were wide. "They took you? But... why?"

"Because I was with Jack." Mark looked at the ground. "I got to experience that place first-hand. They... they still have Jack. They let me go. I don't even know what they're doing to him. I- I-" Mark's eyes filled with tears again. "Fuck. I don't know what to do."

Matt came to a conclusion in his head. "You love him, don't you?"

"And you're just now realizing this?" Mark wiped his face. "And... he loves me, too. We told each other, just as he was threatened his life. He's still alive, but I don't know how long that will last."

"But at least you are." Ryan put a hand on his shoulder.

Mark moved away from his touch. "I wish it was the opposite way."

"Hey, hey." Matt stepped in, trying to be the voice of reason. "Let's just take our minds off of it. Try and relax. Go out to town. Do something."

The three left the house for a while, and Mark came back at around nine, immediately going upstairs to bed. He woke up a couple hours later to Moises downstairs. Mark jumped out of bed, startling Chica, who was by his side, sleeping on the floor. He walked downstairs, just in time to see a dark figure leave his house, closing the door behind them. He moved to go back upstairs, until he heard a whimper from the living room. He cautiously made his way to the living room couch, widening his eyes at the form laying there.

Jack was curled up on his side, in a deep sleep. His face was scrunched slightly, like he was cringing at something in his sleep. He was shirtless, showing off his pale, translucent skin. Mark immediately noticed a difference in him, and moved to gently wake him up.

"Jack." Mark whispered. "Hey. Wake up."

Jack slowly widened his eyes. "W-what?" He then sat up, his eyes flying open. "Huh? Where... what... how..?"

"Hey, Jack, calm down. Take deep breaths. Stand up for me, carefully." Jack noticed him staring at his back, and slowly turned his head to look. "Wait, no, don't look-"

It was too late. Jack had seen the damage. His back was covered in both dried and fresh blood. Where Jack's huge, white wings should've been were two large, stitched-up wounds that obviously did not get the care they needed.

Jack stared at the stitches. He stared at Mark. The pain started to register, pushing its way into his mind until it was the only thing he could think of. He leaned forward, balled his hair in his hands, and screamed.

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