Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

It had been about six days since I had first met the Waynes. My ankle was completely healed, since I had given in and taken some ambrosia, which worked pretty quickly. I still had to wear the brace until Alfred gave me the all clear, which was infuriatingly annoying.

I had noticed an increase in the amount of attention the other boys were giving me, which was a little concerning. I knew they suspected something, and the thought that they had teamed up to figure out what it was was worrying.

It was during a more subdued dinner that night that Bruce brought up the matter of a gala he was hosting in a couple days. The other boys all looked at me, and I, who had not been paying attention, made a confused sound through the mouthful of lasagne I was currently sporting.

"It's for the local charities," Bruce repeated for my sake. "I know it's your first event in the public eye, and everyone will be curious. There will be a lot of questions, but stick close to the others."

I swallowed, nodding. Then I gestured at Jason with my fork. "I assume you won't be there, since you're technically dead and all that."

A vein in the older boy's jaw pulsed. "No. I'll be around though."


"So, what sorts of 'questions' should I be expecting?" I asked Dick as he helped me with my tie. We had all been (except for Jason) forced into suits, and having never worn one before in my life, I was very confused. And uncomfortable.

"Just the usual. The rest of us all went through this, too. They'll ask a lot of things like how you're adjusting, what you find good about the family, that sort of thing. They'll try to get you to admit to a lot of personal things, though. If that ever happens, you don't have to answer them. I'll try and stick by you so you have a getaway if you need."

"Okay." I didn't doubt I would take advantage of that. I wouldn't mind answering questions about 'adjusting to Gotham' or whatever, but as soon as anything tipped into personal questions about my past, then I would need that getaway.

"We should have asked this before, but do you feel comfortable talking to the media?"

I shrugged. I didn't really feel one way or the other about it. On the one hand, publicity seems like a bad idea. There's been no monster attacks so far, and I'm not sure how having my face on TV would change that. But on the other hand, It likely wouldn't affect anything at all and I didn't really see the harm.

"If you ever need to get away, just make some excuse and head out onto the patio, okay? One of us will come find you."



There were a lot of people here. Somehow, Bruce had managed to fit what seemed like an entire city into the drawing room, which had been cleared of furniture and the walls covered with long drapes and lined with tables set with food and drink.

There were people there from various charities that Bruce supported and media people and people the boys knew from school and people Bruce knew from work and there were just a lot of people.

"You're the newest Wayne, is that correct?" A woman dressed in red asked me, a man in matching wine colours filming with a portable camera behind her.

"It's not official yet," I answered. She raised a sculpted eyebrow and gestured for her cameraman to come closer.

"Why is that? Do you feel uncomfortable here? Do the Wayne's treat you differently because of your skin?"

" The papers are still processing?"

Her face fell. "Oh."

"They treat me very well, actually. Just because you're racist and have daddy issues doesn't mean I have to. I have better places to be than talking to white trash like you, so if you'll excuse me," I gave an icy smile to the camera and left the woman standing slack-jawed.

Dick, who had been trailing behind me more or less the whole night, caught up and fell into step beside me, struggling not to laugh. "Damn, you really handed her ass to her, that was awesome!"

"Well, I'm tired of stupid reporters trying to get me to admit you all abuse me or some equally false shit. I'm going to get some air."

"Okay. Take your time." Dick pats my shoulder and then leaves me to make my way past the hoards of strangers through the kitchen and to the patio.

The air was warm and still and smelled like rain that I knew was supposed to hit tonight. I could still hear the sounds of voices from inside. My head was aching and I just wanted some quiet. And where better to find that than the roof?

I wandered into the protective shade of the orchid at the patio's edge and transported myself to the roof. I stumbled a bit in surprise when I realised there was someone else already sitting on the edge overlooking the city, hanging their feet over the drop. It was Jason.

I carefully lowered myself to sit beside him, leaving a safe distance between us. He jumped a little. "Where the fuck did you come from?" He asked.

I shrugged. "The ground. It was too loud there. Too many people."

"How did you get up here?" Was Jason's next question.

"How did you?" I replied. He inclined his head. "Touche."

We were both quiet for a moment, taking in the lights of the city glowing in the distance. I tipped my head back, but the stars weren't as visible out here. The moon was bright, though.

"You should see them when the city's in a blackout. They're beautiful."

I hummed in agreement. "Where I grew up, my sister and I used to sit outside at night and see how many constellations we found. I haven't really been stargazing since she died."

Jason was quiet for a moment. Then, "I'm sorry that happened to you. You must really miss her."

"I do. But she's doing okay wherever she is, I hope. And I'm doing okay too."

"Do you really believe there's something after death?" Jason asked. His voice was soft and he didn't look at me when he spoke. I sighed.

"I know there is. I can't tell you how or why I do, but I know that there is an afterlife. And I think you would be okay there." He smiled at me, a single moment of vulnerability. Then it was gone and he was scowling again.

"Don't think this means I trust you or anything. I don't."

I laughed a little. "You don't have to. I've never really had a family, exactly. When my sister died, I was kind of on my own. People avoided me. This is nice, you know? It's weird to realise what an actual family is like. You don't have to trust me. I get it."

His lips parted in shock and he blinked once, twice. "Nico, were you really"— a high, cold cackling interrupted him and he and I both jumped. I nearly fell off the edge of the roof but Jason's hand gripped my elbow.

"Shit shit shit shit SHIT!" He swore, pulling a dagger out from Gods know where. He spun wildly, looking for the culprit.

"Jason, what the fuck is going on?" He pushed me behind him, between the edge of the roof and his back, gripping his blade so hard his knuckles were white.

"Just stay behind me."

"Well, well, well, look at this touching moment! I, for one, am offended. You didn't invite Uncle J?" A tall, spindly man stepped into view. How he had gotten up here without either Jason or I noticing was beyond me. He had snowy white skin and bright green hair, a blood-red smile crudely scrawled over his mouth. He was dressed in a horrendous purple suit and was carrying a baseball bat.

"Is this the newest little Wayne? Come say hi to your Uncle J!" He smiled at me, giggling hysterically. Oh shit. This was the Joker. The one and only Crime Prince of Gotham City. And I just had to pick the family that he had a personal vendetta against.

"Get the hell out of here, Joker." Jason said coldly, pointing his dagger at the man. He was still shielding me. Which was sweet, but at the same time, it should be the other way around.

I pushed past Jason and glared at the Joker. "Whatever the fuck kind of psychotic anger issues you have need to get the fuck out of my sight before I fuck you up." I growled. I was so tired of people assuming I was a pushover just because I was a small sixteen year-old. The tinier something is, the less space it has to contain its anger.

The Joker laughed as Jason valiantly tried to pull me back. "Oooh, the feisty ones are always so much more fun to break!" He whistled and I jumped out of the way as two masked strangers vaulted over the edge of the roof. One tackled Jason and the two went down, grappling. The second one stumbled when I wasn't there for his weight to fall on.

I intended to make it to Jason and do something, shadow travel or I don't know, but the walking boot on my foot caught on something, a roof tile maybe, and I tripped, scrapping my chin. The second henchman pinned me to the ground as I struggled. I nearly made it free, too, (demigod strength coming in clutch) but the Joker pressed his boot to my cheek, pushing my head into the ground.

"He's a handful, isn't he, big brother?" The man sneered. Jason was being successfully detained by the other henchman. He had a bloody gash on his forehead and looked pretty out of it. He still managed an angry glare. "Get your filthy hands off him," he spat. Aw, he really did care about me.

"Hmm, I don't think so. In fact, I have a better idea!" He swung the bat over his head and before I could try and move out of its way, brought it in a swooping arch towards me. 

okay before anyones goes 'oh wait, isnt Nico white, too?' HES TECHNICALLY NOT he is described in the books, BY RICK RIORDAN as having 'olive-toned skin'. it paled over time because he spent so much time in the literal shadows. However, in this book, he has his natural darker skin back because he has been travelling IN THE SUN so much. thank you. 

Also im very sorry for the cliffhanger but i gave you some jason and nico brotherly bonding fluff so please be satiated for now. also, Will is to be seen in the not-so-far future so get ready!!!

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