Birds Of A Feather

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Top pic credit: Unknown. Tell me if you know

*switches out angst glasses for fluff glasses* ah, that's better. Enjoy this happy arc :')


"What are you talking about?! I am so not a flake!" Keigo exclaimed, resting his forearms atop the kitchen counter in the Hawks Agency building.

I shot him a look of pure disbelief as I continued preparing my instant noodles, wondering how in the world the guy could say something like that given the latest evidence.

"Keigo, you are the biggest flake and sooner or later, he's going to lose interest in even coming here, if you keep it up." I countered, stuffing my noodle cup into the microwave to get it hot.

The bird boy let out a loud over-dramatic groan of exasperation at my words, slamming his head down on the counter.

Good. Maybe he hit his head against it hard enough to knock some common sense into himself.

"Baby, baby, baby. Just listen." He muffled out in a whine, keeping his face smushed against the counter.

I lightly rolled my eyes, walking over to him and ruffling his fluffy, wild hair.

"I'm listening, bird brain. And because of that....I might have to stop at the store later and grab some baby wipes to clean my ears, since all I'm hearing is bullshit excuses from you." I smirked, starting to lightly drag my nails across his scalp.

His wings immediately twitched up at the action, a small moan coming out muffled from his spot on the counter.

I couldn't help but crack up as I ceased my actions, giving his hair a light tug.

"What are you, a fifteen year old, hormonal boy? Stop being so horny all the time." I laughed, hearing Keigo's lazy laugh follow my own.

He blindly brought his hands up to find my own, before pressing them encouragingly against his head so I could continue scratching it.

"Mm, well it's not my fault ya got hands like a goddess. C'mon, baby. Talent like that shouldn't be going to waste. Put those skills to use and give me more foot rubs and massages. As your boss, I command you." He chirped out, humming in content when I began dragging my fingers along his scalp once more.

I shook my head in amusement when his wings twitched up again.

"Seems like I don't have to do much to please you these days. But, I dunno...maybe these massages are a good way to build up your 35 second record for sex-"

"No, no, no. No more of that. I don't like you having such scandalous blackmail over me. I can promise you that I'm a total sex god in the bedroom, alright Chicky? Yeah. You just caught me on an off day! Here, get on this counter right now and lemme bang you, so we can settle this once and for all."

"Keigo Takami! Watch your mouth!"

"When you watch yours? Sure!" He teased, letting out a fake, high pitched moan when I lightly yanked his hair again.

The sound of the microwave beeping, caused me to release Keigo's hair and practically sprint across the kitchen to get my beloved noodles.

"Huh-wait! Come back! You only petted me for like two seconds. I wasn't done!" He called out, letting his wings droop all the way to the floor.

"Nah. How about I just put you in here, instead? I need some fried chicken for my ramen." I stated, gesturing for him to get in the microwave.

"I'd rather you devour me in a different way-"

"Not, but seriously, does your horny ever take a vacation?" I cackled, slurping a mouthful of noodles.

Keigo let out a smug laugh at my comment, finally lifting his, now smushed, face from the counter to look at me

"It will if you don't do this really nice and amazing favor for me." He mumbled adorably, resting the side of his face on the counter now so he could still look at me.

I groaned in annoyance as I began taking giant bites of my food now, feeling myself starting to stress eat from this damn bird.

"Keigo, I've met with him countless times already. His first internship is almost done, and you haven't bothered to show and up see him once." I muffled out with a mouthful of food, too focused on its deliciousness to think about table manners.

Not that Keigo even cared.

"Well, yes, but that's because I've been too busy saving the world." He countered matter of factly, shooting me a smirk as he knew I'd have a hard time refuting that.

What a heroic, adorable, little bastard.

"Okay. True. But, are you saving the world today?" I asked in mock cluelessness, watching his shoulders slump as he already knew the answer.

"No, but-"

"And did you ask Tokoyami to come intern for the Hawks Agency? Or did I?"

"I did. But-"

"And has your other intern, aka me, been spending all of the time that Tokoyami should be spending with you, and constantly trying to cover and explain to him why you're not there?"

".....okay, well that's a very specific question.....and yes. But-"

"No buts." I countered, shaking my head in nonchalant disagreement.

"But, it's my day off from doing hood rat things with the villains, and I wanted to spend it together!" Keigo whined out like a child, floating a small feather over to my face.

I thought he was planning to do something cute, like caress my cheek with it-until the fluffy feather dipped into my noodle cup, grabbing a giant twirl full of food.

"Wha-hey! Get outta here! Your feathers drag around on the floor and shit." I groaned lightly, watching Keigo's feather plop the large amount of noodles into his mouth.

He rolled his eyes carelessly, humming in delight for the food.

"My feathers are clean as fuck. And don't forget, darling, that I am still the boss of this crummy ol' office. If I wanna take a day off, and take my hot, little chick on a date, you really have no right to refuse." He teased, shooting me a smirk before licking a drop of teriyaki sauce from the corner of his lips.

I couldn't help but feel a smile tugging at my lips upon hearing his words. I thought it was really sweet that Keigo still wanted to make good on his promise to take me on a proper date.

And don't get me wrong. I wanted that just as badly as he did.

But, Tokoyami is coming up on the last days of his internship and Keigo hasn't come around once. It's not his fault. He's been working really hard on his infiltration mission.

And he's had to work even harder than usual, considering that Dabi still hasn't contacted him since....that day.

A month. It's been a month since that little squabble between Dabi and Keigo. A month since Dabi tried to take advantage of me.

A month since Keigo found out that his meeting with Shigaraki was officially retracted.

A month since Keigo has had any contact with Dabi, or anyone else from the league of villains.

The question of whether or not he's still even in the game of this infiltration mission with Dabi has come up a few times.

But then, Keigo and I simply remember that there's no way Dabi would just let him off the hook like that after what happened. Unharmed. Unthreatened. Just letting us walk out of villain territory for free with absolutely no consequences.

Especially, since Keigo beat him into a pulp.

No. We both know this thing with Dabi isn't over yet. He's probably just biding his time. Trying to figure out his next moves.

But, so is Keigo.

And because he doesn't have the luxury of taking his time with this job, he's the one who's been working harder than anybody to keep up with the league's activity...a task that's much harder to do now, considering they won't even contact him at the moment.

Long days. Sleepless nights of him, and me helping him when he'll let me, trying our best to figure out where Dabi's crusty ass will be off to next.

And even though things have been busier than usual for Keigo and I this past month, trying to keep up with all of this....

This is the happiest we've been with our situation in a long time.

Because there's been no Dabi. No villains. Diane's been quiet.

It's just been me and Keigo. Lounging around in my room, or the Hawks Agency, enjoying each other's company as we do our work.

We've even been able to go patrolling together a few times. Something we did a lot of in the early days of my internship, before he got too deep into his infiltration mission and became too busy.

But, of course, this is still a rare occasion, as Keigo usually lets me handle most of the patrols now...using that time to continue tracking his whereabouts on Dabi.

And since this whole double agent thing is still a secret, he'll normally lock himself away somewhere and do his work behind closed doors.

Which is exactly why Tokoyami hasn't been able to catch even a glimpse of him whenever he shows up here.

Keigo has unintentionally put Tokoyami on the back burner, deciding that his priorities in trying to track down Dabi and save Japan are more important than showing his intern a few pointers on the pro hero world.

And yeah....I understand where he's coming from with that point of view.

But, Tokoyami is a sweet guy, and while I enjoy his company on our daily patrols and answering his questions....he didn't come here to see me.

He came to see Hawks.

And after getting to spend a lot of time with bird boy jr. this past month, I know how important this is to him. I know how much he looks up to Hawks, and how much he wished he was around.

I really would like to see Keigo take some time to spend with him.

So, of course, when a wild, horny bird came clucking into my office this morning to ask me out on a date, because he was actually taking a day off....

I decided he should use that time to take his intern on a date instead.

....with professional boundaries. Of course.

Groaning softly in longing, I turned to Keigo...deciding I would force myself to put my foot down on this.

Even though I really did wanna go on a date...

"I just think Tokoyami has a lot of potential, and I really think you'd be able to show him the ropes-" I started saying, before Keigo let out another loud sigh of exasperation.

He finally lifted his head off the counter, slowly trudging over to me.

"Chicky, you're killing me here." He mumbled smoothly, a small smile tugging at his lips as he grabbed my hips.

I simply continued slurping my noodles as he pulled me into him, hearing him let out a chuckle as he buried his face in my neck.

"Damn. I forgot I'm not allowed to get between you and your food, huh?" He uttered in soft amusement, probably in an uncomfortable position since my jaw kept hitting him in the face every time I chewed.

But, hey, he didn't move. He simply rotated his pretty boy face slightly, burrowing it deeper against my skin to protect it from the villainous punches of my jaw.

Now, that's true love.

"Pretty much." I muffled out through a bite, before deciding to set my noodle cup down so I could hug him back.

My bird needs me.

"Now, come here." I muttered playfully, feeling him smile widely against my neck at my tone of voice.

He hummed in content once I put my arms around him, pulling me closer to his body and wrapping me up with his wings.

Our chests were pressed against each other, aligned to the same level, which allowed me to feel the steady thumping of his heart beat echoing off my own. One of the perks that comes with our small lack of height difference. Heh. was nice. And, quite honestly, it even almost made me give in to him and suggest that he does cancel Tokoyami, so we could go on a date.


"Are you sure we can't just cancel Tsukuyomi for another day? Not sayin' I won't spend time with the little bird, I'm just saying...later." He mumbled meekly against my neck, placing lazy kisses against my skin.

That voice. I know that voice.

That's his voice of defeat! I can't go back on my word now. He'd never let me live it down.

Should have waited one more minute before responding, bird. You just cockblocked yourself. And you don't even know it.

"This is important to him, Keigo. He's been asking about you a lot. Asking me questions about your philosophies. Your tactics. He's a nice kid, but he doesn't want me. He wants you. And understandably so, Mr. Number Two Hero." I said peacefully, closing my eyes as I felt him rest his head against my shoulder.

"Agh, don't say it like that." He sighed tiredly, rubbing small circles on my back with his feathers.

"Say what, like what?"

"Eh, y'know. The whole number two hero thing. I hope ya haven't been telling little Tsukuyomi lies about how amazing I am, or anything like that. Cause I know how you are, chicky. Always tryin' to hype me up and embarrass me." Keigo muttered slightly begrudgingly, the gentle actions of his hands and his lips silently betraying the soft grumble of his voice.

I couldn't help but scoff in amusement at his words. Not quite sure what he was trying to get out of that pouty little statement.

"Mm, okay. Well, I can promise you, I didn't tell Tokoyami any lies about how amazing you are.......I only told him the truths about how amazing you are-"

"Ari..." Keigo groaned out in annoyance, still keeping his head on my shoulder.

"What?!" I chuckled in disbelief, finding this conversation, both amusing and confusing.

"Stop saying nice things about me." Keigo uttered out stalely, causing me to become even more confused and amused.

"Wow. It's not everyday you hear something like that. What, do you want a girlfriend who treats you like shit?!" I teased lightly, stroking my fingertips up and down his back gently.

"No, it's not that. It's just...." Keigo started, before he trailed off.

His statement and tone of voice immediately gave him away as I sensed there was an actual underlying issue to this now.

Comfortable silence filled the room as Keigo remained quiet, still trying to get used to the act of voicing his own opinions and feelings.

But, he's starting to become better at it. Every day.

And sometimes, he just needs a little coaxing and support to get going.

"Hey..." I uttered softly, slowly dragging one of my hands through his hair.

He let out a small, detoxing sigh at my actions, the warmth of his escaped breath tickling my neck.

"Keigs. You can talk to me about it." I suggested patiently, feeling him nod subtly in agreement against my shoulder.

"I'm trying, little dove. I really am. I-fuck, I dunno how to say it though. You know what I mean? It's like.....talking....actually talking about this awkward for me." He sighed out, pursing his lips defeatedly against my skin.

I continued lightly massaging my fingers through his hair, barely entertaining the thought of how scandalous it would look right now if someone walked into the Hawks Agency to see Keigo and I's intimate embrace.

"I understand it's hard for you. These things won't come over night, Keigo. Don't beat yourself up over it. Take your time. Don't force yourself." I whispered quietly.

Keigo was silent again in thought, and I could tell he was still racking his brain to formulate his thoughts into words.

He groaned in annoyance at himself a few moments later, slumping his shoulders in defeat.

"It's just not clicking for me right now. Sorry." He muttered with slight guilt.

I didn't want him to get too frustrated with himself. So, I decided not to push it.

"That's alright. Take some time to think about it. We can talk about it later. If you want to." I reassured, having completely and utterly messed up his hair from running through it with my fingers.

Keigo hummed in agreement, not releasing me from his hold yet.

"Yeah, for sure. We can talk about it later. Maybe that's for the best-I just think going around telling Tsukuyomi all these amazing things about me will only make him disappointed when he sees how I really am." Keigo practically blurted out all in one breath. His abrupt confession practically hit me in the face, as I wasn't expecting it so soon.

Well, guess that's one way to get it out, Keigo.

He remained silent, continuing to keep his hands clung to my hips. The fact that he wasn't moving from our embrace made me realize he does, in fact, want to talk about this now.

"And why would he be disappointed in you, when I've told him nothing but the truth? It's not as if I'm making things up about you." I reasoned calmly, feeling the tip of his nose graze the space under my earlobe.

"Well....yeah-I mean, you're not technically telling lies about me. But, I just feel like he's gonna get this perfect image in his head of Hawks-and that's fine! That's totally fine. I want him to. But....I dunno, maybe he's more likely to see me as someone he can look up to and count on, if I'm not around. That way, he can just keep building up the hero image I've made for myself, rather than meet me in person and be disappointed." Keigo sighed out softly, placing a small peck on my neck.

I hummed out in dissatisfaction as I took in Keigo's words, realizing the root problem of this whole thing.

He still thinks his presence, and the person he is, isn't enough for others.

And that's just the masked presence of Hawks that he's referring to. This means that he probably feels even less confident about Keigo.

"Ah, Keigo. Don't talk that way about yourself. There's no way Tokoyami would be disappointed in the person you are. He looks up to you a lot, and I know he really values your guidance-"

"My guidance? But see, that's just it. I don't know what to say to the kid, Ari. I'm the last person anyone should ever take advice from, when it comes to nurturing the next generation. That ain't me." He groaned out, closing his eyes pleasantly as I continued to stroke through his hair.

I thought he was actually relaxing a little more, until I heard him let out a small "hmph" of annoyance, before he spoke again.

"And don't act like you don't already know the reason I even took that poor, little bird on as my intern. After that whole, little escapade with Eraserhead's computer last month, I can't have you going around trying to snoop through UA's confidential information system again. Security's been upped. You're more likely to get caught now. Fumikage Tokoyami is just a kid I'm using to get eyes and ears on that school in a different way. To prepare us with more information, for when Dabi comes back into the picture. Is that what I should tell Tokoyami-kun? That I'm a total dick?" Keigo questioned blandly, causing me to roll my eyes slightly and gently yank his head up by the hair.

"Ow. I was comfortable." He huffed under his breath, once I brought him face to face now.

I shot him a light glare, cupping his baby faced cheeks between my hands.

"Don't do that." I stated plainly, raising a brow at him.

"Do what?"

"Act like a dick."

"But, see?! I just told you I'm a dick-"

"No, you're purposely trying to make yourself sound like an asshole. I can hear it in your voice and the way you phrase your words. It's like some sort of defense mechanism for you. A bland, out of context reminder to what it is that you're doing for your double agent life. You think that by giving yourself these harsh explanations, it'll remind you not to let others get to close to you and allow you to just focus on this mission. You make yourself feel worse about your actions by saying these things, only so you can shut yourself off from everyone as a punishment for it, because you think you don't deserve anything good. Correct me if I'm wrong." I stated firmly, keeping his cheeks squished between my hands.

Keigo's eyes became half lidded in annoyance at my words, continuing to let me squish his cheeks.

"Well, chicky. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did I not tell you that this was the reason I chose to take Tsukuyomi on as my intern?" He muffled out in question, as the pressure of his squished cheeks impaired his speech slightly.

I released my hands from his face a little, only cupping it in gentle reassurance now.

"You're not wrong. You did tell me the reason. But, your actions also speak louder than your words, Keigo. While you did take Tokoyami on to get information, you've done practically nothing to follow up on that motive. Sure, you gave me a few UA questions to ask him the first day, but after that? Nothing. You've been trying to figure it all out by yourself instead, while I guide Tokoyami through his internship." I reasoned, seeing his golden orbs slowly trail to the floor as I spoke the words.

His silence encouraged me to continue.

"And don't think I haven't noticed all of your prying, daily remarks about his progress: How's Tsukuyomi doing, chicky? Make sure to tell him that 'birds of a feather' thing, chicky! Tell him, if he wants to look more edgy, he should use that cape on his back to-" I mocked out lightly, causing Keigo to cut me off with a loud groan of embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, okay. What's your point here?" Keigo huffed out, keeping his gaze to the floor as his cheeks began to tint pink in embarrassment.


I smiled softly, deciding to lighten up now as I saw his stubborn attitude had backed down.

I tucked my finger underneath his stubbled chin, gently lifting his head up so he'd meet my gaze.

His eyes slowly trailed from the floor to find my own, melting into them immediately.

"My point, is that I know you care for Tokoyami, and that you're nervous to spend time with him, because you think you'll disappoint him. But, that's not a good enough reason to avoid doing it. I want you to realize that you're Tokoyami's hero, his role model. Who doesn't want to meet their hero? I wish I could meet mine." I started off gently, watching Keigo's eyes widen slightly at my last words.

He seemed a little startled. Almost caught off guard.


His actions surprised me a bit, causing me to take a pause in my words as I thought maybe he wanted to say something.

But, he said nothing....simply shooting me a blank, unreadable look as he silently asked me to continue.

So, brushing off his strange, yet subtle, action....I did continue.

"Tsukuyomi getting to know his hero isn't going to change his perspective of you. It's not going to dull his image of you, simply because you're the man behind the hero. If anything, it will only make him like you more. Your back is strong enough to put people at ease, Keigo. Even if you don't think so. I'd be happy to know if I had Keigo Takami as my savior." I stated honestly, watching Keigo's eyes slowly starting to burn deeper into my own.

I was slightly taken aback by his intense look, knowing there was a whirlwind of emotions swirling through those blank, honey orbs, but not knowing what they were, or what it meant.

Keigo's eyes didn't break away from my own, but I could practically see his thoughts working overtime in his head, wanting to tell me something...but not sure how.

Remember, sometimes...he just needs gentle coaxing to get the words out.

"Keigo...." I uttered quietly, gently caressing his face with my thumbs.

He swallowed thickly at the sound of his name, quickly coming back to reality and throwing his gaze to the floor.

Silence. Give him time to think.

More silence.

.....come on, Keigo. Talk to me. You've done so well opening up to me so far. You can do it.

"Do you really mean that?" Keigo asked quietly a few moments later, refusing to meet my eyes now.

I furrowed my brows in confusion at his question, wondering why it made him appear so sensitive and quiet all of a sudden.

What did I say?

"Of course I do. I love you. I wanna support you, and make you feel better-" I started off, before something suddenly seemed to click in his mind.

"Ah. There it is. Support me, huh? Now, I see. You're just sayin' things to make me feel better." Keigo interrupted softly, slowly nodding his head in some sort of understanding.


I don't understand.

"Wait. Are you....mad at me for supporting you now? It's not like I don't believe what I'm saying, Keigo-" I muttered out, feeling my mood starting to deflate as I thought he might be getting upset for something like that.

Keigo quickly picked up on my mood change, immediately lifting his gaze from the floor to grab my shoulders.

"What? No, no, no. Baby, that's not it. I appreciate your words. It's just-don't feel like you need to say things just to make me feel better. You shouldn't have to be the one supporting your savior, chicky. It's the other way around." Keigo blurted out, smiling softly at me now as he gently rubbed my shoulders.

That's all he picked up on from my speech about Tokoyami? It was such a small part of what I was trying to say.

I'm so confused on what he's trying to get out of this conversation.

"Huh? Wait-are we...still talking about Tokoyami? Or-"

"Hm?-what?-Yes. Tokoyami. Yes, we are still talking about Tokoyami. And we're talking I am gonna take him out today, so the birds can spend some much needed time together on this internship." Keigo said softly, studying the features of my face intricately.

I looked at him in silent question, trying to feel out the mood in the room.

That peculiar, intense silent moment from him had fled now, leaving behind the sweet, adorable Keigo Takami I've come to know.

But, still....while Keigo may have a poker face with everyone else, he unintentionally showcases all of his emotions to me.

He's become a very expressive person around me. So, I know that every twinge in his eyes, every furrow of his brow...

It all has a purpose.

And I didn't miss the small, subtle moment of these actions today.

But, as I said earlier....I don't want to push him, and force him to open up more parts of himself that he's not ready to discuss yet. He's already come so far in this respect, and this is all part of him learning to find himself.

I know....that when the moment is right...

Keigo will get the courage to tell me the truth.

And I'll be here patiently waiting for him to do so.

"Oi, don't get quiet on me now, chicky. Come here and hold me. I'm in need of some good lovin'." Keigo hummed playfully, a small, happy smile gracing his face as he pulled me back in for a hug.

But, then again, even though there had been something on his mind a few moments ago, it was different than how it's been in the past.

Because this time, the feeling wasn't somber or secretive. If anything, it had....almost a sense of...closure.

Keigo wasn't letting his mind eat away at him and consume him with guilt. He didn't seem troubled by the fact that he couldn't express himself this time. He didn't look caged by his thoughts. He wasn't pretending to put on a happy face, saying everything was okay when it wasn't.


He looked....

At peace. He looked happy. Good.

He looked as though he'd be okay if no one in the world ever knew the thoughts he'd just been thinking. And not in a bad way. Just a content way.

He looked as though he'd be okay if no one ever found out this specific truth. That he was just happy it had even happened. That he was just glad to have been apart of it.

And yet...

It feels as if these thoughts are something that should hit close to home for me. It feels as if I'm not the one at peace this time, wanting to know what it is that Keigo was thinking about in that moment.

But, then again, who am I to be so nosy?

Chuckling softly, my worries faded away into nothing as I felt Keigo's lips placing slow, sensual kisses on my cheeks.

"There's no time for that, birdie. Tokoyami's gonna be here any minute." I smirked, feeling him smile against the side of my face.

"So what? I'll only be thirty five seconds." He teased, causing me to bust out laughing now as the energy between Keigo and I became playful again.

Keigo laughed with me, gently grabbing my jaw between his fingers and pulling me in for a kiss.

"Mmm. And I'm.....only....going to see Tsukuyomi....if you....come with me." Keigo muffled out between kisses, causing me to shake my head in amusement.

"But, aren't you the one who's always saying that you and Tokoyami are birds of a feather, or something like that? I don't wanna be a third wheel to the bird brothers." I uttered, wrapping my arms around his torso.

To feel those back muscles, of course.

Keigo shrugged dismissively at my words, shaking his head in disagreement.

"Yeah, you're not a bird. But you are the mate of a bird-" He smirked smugly, causing me to immediately cut him off.

"Don't call me your mate. This isn't the animal planet." I groaned out, causing him to chuckle as he knew the term was something that always annoyed me.

"Fine. I'll stop for now, but only cause I want you to come with me." He grinned, that pearly white smile causing me to easily give in to him.

"You jusy can't stay away from me, huh?" I smirked, giving his lip a soft bite.

"No way, little dove. I mate for life."

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