Deal With The Devil

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Top pic credit: TSA!

I slammed my hand against the wall in front of me, pressing my forehead against it as my breathing became ragged and choked.

Just hearing Dabi's voice, and how angry he was, on the other end of the line was more than enough to trigger the start of a panic attack.

I can't lose everything. I can't lose my family. I can't talk to anyone about this, because Keigo's the only one who knows. And he's not reachable at the moment.

No one's around. Not even in this room with me. I'm alone. I'm all alone...

I've finally broken.

Yes. At this moment. Right now. I am at my wits end.

I want to scream and cry. I want to curl up in a ball on the floor and go crazy with guilt, and sorrow, and everything in between.

I don't want to do this anymore.

But, while I've broken on the inside...

I need to appear okay on the outside.

If I start going hysterical to Dabi on the phone, who knows what he'll do. I don't see him taking pity on me, and sparing my family for it.


I've broken. But, I can't let him know that.

I forced my choked sobs to the back of my throat, clawing my nails against the wall in a desperate attempt to somehow release this hornet's nest of anxiety that's just buzzing around in my system.

Speak, Ari. Speak. He's waiting.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned back against the wall, pinching the bridge of my nose to stop the migraine that wanted to form.

"D-Dabi.....I just think...we should talk about this-"

"Oh, do you now? Yeah, sure thing. Let's just go grab a fucking coffee and have a fucking chat about the fucking weather-yeah no, what's there to talk about, doll face? How you fed me wrong information on purpose? How I believed it like a fucking moron? Not gonna lie, I didn't think you'd actually be this ballsy and go through with trying to double cross me-"

"Because I didn't!!!-"

"But, once again, you've caught my attention by proving me wrong. What an unpredictable, little firecracker of spontaneity you are. The only reason you're even still breathing right now, is because that lizard, Spinner, was able to find out about this attack a few minutes before it happened. That's what saved our asses." Dabi explained, making me mentally question why the hell he was even telling me the last part.

What's making him explain that to me? Perhaps, he's not as mad as he's letting on? Perhaps, he won't murder my family yet, and he's just toying with me?

"And sure, maybe I didn't have time to call you and chew you out then, because I was too busy preparing for this dumb fuck raid, and dealing with that stupid pigeon headed moron. But, you better believe that every damn flame I shot out at Eraserhead and that Midnight bitch....with every flame that left my hand, I saw your family on the other end....getting charred to a crisp. Don't ask me why I fucking saw that shit in my mind. Sure surprised the hell outta me-but, I guess it just shows how angry I really am with you." Dabi hissed out, causing my eyes to squeeze shut in an attempt to block out Dabi's words from my head-


No, Ari.

Open your eyes. Flutter them open. Don't hide from it. Face it. Open your eyes.

They need you. They all need you. Keep them safe.

Gritting my teeth together harshly, I forced my eyes to open and face this situation head on. I'm the only one who can. I need to stay strong.

I swallowed thickly, realizing all of the words inside my brain were currently cowering in fear, not wanting to come out. But, I forced them to come out anyways.

Convince him. Make him believe the truth, Ari. You can do it. Don't back down, the way you want to.

"Dabi, listen up....I did what you asked. I broke into the school for you. Put my ass on the line for you, and gave you information I thought was accurate. I didn't betray you-I mean, why would I? What reason would I have?! Think about it. You're the one who seemingly knows every personal thing about me. Don't know why. Don't know how. But you do. And because of that, you know how much my family matters to me, which is why you already know I'd never do anything that would put them in danger. I'd never carelessly gamble on their lives like that, hoping I'd get lucky with a one percent chance that Eraserhead would catch you." I stated clearly, purposely trying to stroke his ego a bit towards the end of my statement.

I wanted him to believe I thought he was powerful. Maybe it will help him see me as less of a threat.

Silence consumed the other end of the line, making me want to reach through the phone and kill Dabi, myself. It's like he was purposely trying to draw this out and torture me.

What was he thinking? Are Sammy and my parents already dead? That's my next question, but obviously, I can't ask that yet. I don't wanna draw attention to them. Did he buy my reasoning? It wasn't a lie, so I really hope he did. Is he going to kill me instead?-

I rolled my eyes deflatedly at the low chuckle that came out of his mouth a few moments later.

I don't know what he's about to say. But, just from that laugh, I know that whatever it is...

Dabi's not done with me.

The back of my head lightly hit against the wall, the soft pain of it feeling completely numbed, from the stress of this conversation.

"Wait a broke into UA?" Dabi asked, his voice no longer filled with anger, but rather amusement instead.

Really? That's all you heard from my little speech, crusty ass?

He seems genuinely surprised.

I scoffed slightly at his dense statement, doing my best to suppress my initial reaction to completely lash out.

I just wanted to know how this was going to proceed. I couldn't care less about humoring Dabi with more unnecessary, stalling small talk.

But, I don't really have a choice, do I?

No. Right now, I am completely at Dabi's mercy. And there's nothing I can do about it.

"Well, duh. No shit, Sherlock. How else am I supposed to get confidential information like that?" I muttered out sourly, feeling my mood getting worse the longer I stayed on the phone with him.

"I dunno. I figured you'd come up with something, but I didn't think you'd actually be that bold with it. Damn, you're more unpredictable than I thought. You know, I really like that about you..." He chuckled in dark amusement, making me want to practically vomit at the flirty tone of his voice.

I simply remained silent, wanting to make a smart ass comment, but not wanting any of my words to be used against me.

That's part of Dabi's mind games. Something he's good at. I won't give him that advantage. Another advantage.

"So. Who helped you?" Dabi suddenly asked, the immediate serious, almost threatening, change in his voice throwing me through a loop.


That tone. It's angry. Toxic. Killer. Accusatory.

Which makes me think....

He already knows who helped me break into UA...

....does he?

Is it so bad if he knows Keigo was helping me? I mean, in his eyes, all three of us are on the same side now. Right?

But, it sure seems like it would be bad, considering the fury in his voice.

What if he asks Keigo about this? Our stories need to stay consistent. But, of course, there's no way for me to get in touch with him and warn him.


I'll need to take a gamble and hope Keigo can keep up with this, if the time comes down to it.

" one. No one helped me. I did it...I did it on my own." I stated rather shakily, hating the fact that I was still such a bad liar.

Probably why Diane chose to forgo my "special" hero training a year ago, and focus more on winning over the citizens, instead...


Nothing but silence consumed the other line.

It was obvious I was lying. I knew it. Dabi knew it. I'm about to get Keigo and I killed, because I can't tell a fucking lie to save my life. Literally.

"Hm, wow. That's very impressive, Ari Parker. Organizing an entire break-in at UA of all places on your own? I mean, frankly, I'm blown away. All of that security covering the school grounds. Sounds're really something." Dabi remarked lowly, his condescending words basically telling me, "I know you're full of shit."

Oh well. I've gotta go with it now. It's already been said. Taking it back would be worse.

"Yeah, well....when it comes to protecting the people I care about...guess I work a little harder." I stated firmly, biting the bullet by indirectly asking Dabi where my family was right now.

Clearly, he already knew what I was trying to say as he laughed softly in understanding.

"Don't worry. Mom and Dad are safe and sound in their million dollar mansion, sleeping soundly without a care in the world...." He started out, making my heart jump when he didn't immediately include my brother-

"Oh, and little Sammy Parker is okay, too. He's also sleeping in his room." Dabi said curtly, still trying to toy with me by making statements such as these.

I wiped the sheen of sweat that had coated my forehead, giving a silent nod of relief even though Dabi couldn't see.

Please, just let me get off the phone. Dabi was prolonging this conversation to the absolute maximum, and the worst part is that I could already tell he wanted something from me.

Just tell me what you're gonna make me do next already, Dabi. Just get it over with.

Clearing my throat softly, I decided to try and force him to get to the point.

"Well...if that's all, guess I'll be hanging up and going-"

"Not so fast, cutie." He quickly called out firmly, trying to make sure he caught me before I could go.

There it is.

Silently remaining on the line, I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I was in a building full of heroes right now. I was wearing a hero suit, training to become a hero. Training to become powerful.

By right now, I felt so powerless and unheroic, it was almost laughable. The power Dabi has over definitely laughable.

"You know..." Dabi started off slowly, causing me to internally spew a string of profanities at just the sound of his voice.

"I'm actually pretty impressed with you, Ari." Dabi said casually, the tone of his voice unreadable to my ears.

Wait, what?

"I dunno if Hawks told you...but the original plan for when you came on board to help the league, was for it to end with me slowly charring you into a heap of ash." He started off, deliberately pausing so I'd have to answer.

What do I say to that?

"" I muttered in confusion, not quite sure what he was looking for.

Luckily, it seemed to be enough.

"But, after learning about how you broke into UA.......after hearing about how you organized said break-in betrayal mission by yourself.....after seeing just how much Diane Himura talked you up at the celebration ceremony.....after seeing just how much Hawks, almost desperately, tried talking you down in the same ceremony.....after hearing Hawks practically begging me to bring you onboard the league of villains, so I didn't kill you've certainly....caught my interest, I guess you could say." He chuckled, stopping his statement before he really got to the point.

I'm confused. Scared and confused.

What is he trying to say?-

"And you know what? I think you've just earned yourself the reward to meet with the others."

What is happening? Someone explain this to me-

My brows furrowed in disbelief at Dabi's words, hoping I misheard him more than anything.

But, I'm sure I didn't.

"W-What..." I asked in denial and confusion, not sure what else I should say.

I already knew where this was going, and I didn't like it.

"How about it, Ari? How would you like to see the new league facility? Meet the other members? Sure, maybe you got off on the wrong foot with them this weekend when we were trying to nomu-fy you. But, that's all behind us now, right?" He asked darkly, definitely expecting a specific answer to that question.

"Yeah....right." I stated deflatedly, definitely not over the fact that Dabi tried to kill me countless times this weekend.

"Good. And, of course, you want to meet everybody. Right?" He asked again, his voice so low and evil it practically sent a shiver down my spine.

I gulped unintentionally in fear, wanting nothing more than to not have a little meet and greet with the same people who tried to kill me 48 hours ago.

But, well, life doesn't really work that way, I guess.

"R....Right." I practically whispered out, hating the fact that I already knew in the back of my mind that Dabi had ulterior motives for this, so called, meeting he was currently arranging.

But, the worst part is...I don't know what these motives are, yet....

And I'm afraid that once I find out, it will be too late. For somebody. I don't know who yet.

Best case scenario is that this person is me, so Dabi can just leave everyone else alone.

"Good. I'm glad to see we're on the same page. Meet me in our favorite alleyway in ten minutes, exactly, so I can pick you up. Don't be late." Dabi said firmly, causing my heart to jump up my throat at his sudden urgency.

"W-Wait-right now?!" I hissed out desperately, not even being able to hide the panic in my voice.

And Dabi loved that.

"Actually, make it five minutes instead. I'll be waiting for you." He chuckled, before the line cut dead.

I stared at the wall in blank fear for a moment, trying to wrap my head around Dabi's request.

My phone was still pressed to my ear, like I was talking to someone, and I almost wished Dabi was still on the line so I could try to negotiate with him more.

Because right now, he's forcing me to waltz into the league of villains headquarters, the same scenario I just escaped from this weekend, willingly and unarmed.

Keigo won't be there. I can't get ahold of him, and it's almost as if Dabi knows this.

Which means he wants to meet with me....alone. Or, at least, without Keigo.

I know there's more to this "meet and greet" than what Dabi is telling me.

And I'm afraid to find out what it is that he truly has in store for me.

But, here I go, anyways. Betting on my life once more.

I can only wonder when this will all catch up with me.

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