Don't Piss Him Off

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Top pic credit: keiid

"I know you love me, Ari. I love you, too. And that.....well, that makes me the happiest man in the world." He stated genuinely, giving me one more kiss before finally releasing me from his hold.

I know he needed to go.

My arms reluctantly slid off his body, as I ferociously wiped my eyes to stop myself from crying.

Keigo chuckled lightly at my failed attempts to fix myself up, giving my hair a gentle ruffle.

He sniffled softly, quickly wiping his own eyes to compose himself before trying to break the sad tension in the room.

By making a joke at my expense, of course.

"Heh. T-That's quite a look you're sporting there, hot stuff." He teased gently, gesturing to the globs of foundation and mascara streaks that were running down my cheeks

Guess I'll stick with waterproof next time.

I couldn't help but snort in slight amusement at his words, not needing a mirror to know I probably looked absolutely, ridiculously, tore up right now.

Perfectly good makeup wasted, crying over a chicken. Tragic.

"Can it, you damn turkey." I chuckled weakly, quickly grabbing a makeup wipe to give up and remove everything I just put on my face.

He smirked softly at my insult, lazily walking over to my bed so he could start getting dressed for the day.

"Turkey, huh? That's a new one. Y'know, come to think of it, is there any piece of poultry that you haven't called me yet? I think you've done it all at this point." He stated matter of factly, pulling his black muscle shirt snugly over his abdomen.

Not even bothering to reapply my makeup again, I simply opted to comb out my hair and tie it out of my face.

"Hm. Ostrich?"

"You called me that after I accidentally broke your sunglasses that one time."


"You used that one like a day ago when we broke into the school."


"I am almost positive you've called me that at some point, chicky. Sounds like you, that's for sure." Keigo laughed, quickly buttoning up his baggy pants and putting on his belt.

He grabbed his socks and boots, sitting at the edge of my bed to put them on in haste.

We were both rushing to get out the door now, realizing we spent much too long talking here in my room.

"You know, I don't think I've actually called you Hawk. I've called you Hawks, because that's your hero name. But, never the bird." I pointed out, turning around to face him.

He quickly slipped his gloves on, then his jacket, before placing his headphones around his neck.

"Yeah, but I'm glad ya haven't called me that. It's no fun." He winked, before walking over to my desk to grab his aviators.

Realizing he was getting ready to leave, I tried to keep my spirits up. I still felt pretty down about our conversation from earlier, but I didn't want us parting on a sour note.

"Mhm. You and your fun." I stated softly, watching him slip on his sunglasses.

"Yep. Me and my fun. Which, speaking of, you and I still need to do something fun one of these days, remember? Don't forget, I'm long overdue to take your fine ass out on a proper date." He smirked, grabbing my chin between his fingers before giving me a kiss.

It was a quick, rushed kiss. But, still nice, nonetheless.

"I'll be looking forward to it. What did you have in mind for this proper date?" I grinned, watching him pull his phone out of his pocket and set it on my desk.

"Now, that's classified information, love dove. Where's the thrill of the mystery if I share it with you, hm?" He asked, raising a challenging brow at me as he placed his headphones around his ears.

"Fine. But you better wow me." I teased, shooting him a small smirk.

He laughed dismissively, not at all intimidated by my playful words.

"Oh, please. You're with the number two hero, baby. 'Course you're gonna be wow'ed. I mean, have you seen me?" He winked, starting to make his way towards my window.

Now that he was going back out into the real world, 'Keigo' was being put on the back burner so 'Hawks' could take over for awhile.

But, hey, doesn't mean I still don't get a kick outta him.

"What a douche." I called out to him, fighting the smile that wanted to creep onto my face.

"And don't you forget it." He called back, giving his tongue a slight click before sliding my window open to leave.

My eyes quickly shot back to his phone that was sitting on my desk.

"Hold up, Prince Charming. Just gonna leave your phone here?"

Keigo climbed onto my window sill, letting the morning breeze flow through his wild hair.

"Sure am. I specifically never take my phone with me when I'm on recruitment duty for the league. We're around sketchy guys. Guys that I'm not familiar with. I don't know what they're capable of, upon first glance. Don't need them hacking my satellite and listening in on my calls with the commission. Besides, my meeting with Shigaraki isn't for two days. I'll be back here tomorrow morning." He nodded at me, easily keeping his balance on the tiny window as he waited for me to respond.

He was perched on it just like a damn bird...

I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I realized Keigo was starting to make my dorm room, that is definitely three sizes too small to fit the both of us, his place of comfort and escape.

"You have a million dollar, high rise apartment in the nicest part of the city....yet, you choose to live here?" I teased, watching him shoot me a cheesy grin at my words.

"Well, duh. C'mon, what's not to love about this little room? Sure, it's a teensy bit cozy, but definitely big enough for the both of us. Plus, it's got everything I want in it...which is you. Think of it like taking turns. I live with you here, while you finish up school, and then you live with me in that million dollar, high rise apartment in the nicest part of the city, once you graduate. What's not fair about that?" He smirked, giving his wings a small, showy flap.

"Oh? Is that your way of asking me to move in with you?" I laughed, leaning against my wall.

His grin got even wider at my words, before his teeth bit down on his bottom lip slightly.

"Mhm, it is. Well, assuming I'm still alive in two days-"


"Okay, okay! Too soon, right? It was too soon for that joke, wasn't it?" He cringed in mock apology, doing his best to make light of his dark situation with Shigaraki.

I shook my head in agreement, giving him a threatless, worried glare.

"Just be careful out there, today." I muttered softly, crossing my arms for some source of comfort.

While I couldn't see Hawks' eyes too well behind the glare of his aviators, I could tell by the way his body language relaxed that he reverted back to Keigo for just a moment longer.

"I'll be careful, chicky. Promise. I love you, y'know." He reassured, his tone filled with gentle honesty.

I nodded softly, knowing he needed to go. I shouldn't keep him waiting any longer.

"I love you, too. Alright, birdie. Now get out of here, before someone sees you. I'll have your bird seed dinner ready for you when you come back." I dismissed, making my way to the opposite end of the room towards my exit.

The front door, of course.

The Hawks grin immediately came back as Keigo turned his back to me now, getting ready for take off.

"Ah, hell yes! Love that bird seed. Get the fruit and nut kind, please!" He joked, before taking a flying dive off my window and speeding off before the security cameras could catch him.

I shook my head in soft amusement at Keigo's words, trying to ignore the pit of dread I felt in my stomach for this day.

Keigo and his meeting with Shigaraki would, no doubt, be on my mind for the next two days.

But, for now, it's time to do my best to put my feelings aside so I can get some of my own work done.

Sighing softly, it was only now that I vaguely heard the morning news still going in full effect on my television.

Damn. That's been on the whole time and Keigo and I didn't even notice.

Not even listening to what the news stations were reporting, I quickly shut the television off...walking out of my room to start the day.

Think positive, Ari. Everything will be okay.


I quickly descended the stairs of the 3-A dormitory, making my way into the kitchen to grab some breakfast on the go-

"Yes!!! Get 'em!! C'mon! C'mon!!!" I heard Mirio yelling excitedly, watching him shouting and cheering at the television like a maniac.

My brows raised in question when I realized my entire class was crowded around the television as well, all watching and cheering for whatever was going on at the moment.

Everyone was in their hero costumes, clearly already late for their internships/jobs to watch whatever was happening on the tv.

Must be good.

"Wow, that's so impressive!! Man, I hope to be that amazing once I'm officially a pro hero." Nejire commented, not even noticing me walking around in the kitchen. She was too focused on whatever was happening.

I lazily began sorting through some fruit, curiously trying to get a look at what was happening on the tv, from the kitchen.

But, to my disdain, there were too many people crowded around it to get a clear view.

Oh well. No time to check it out. I'm already way late to the Hawks Agency, anyways. I'm sure I've got an infinite amount of calls and emails to catch up on-

"Come on, Mr. A!!! Kick his behind all the way back to hell!" Mirio exclaimed, instantly grabbing my attention.

Mr. A?

Mr. Aizawa?

I continued absentmindedly messing around with the food in the kitchen, blankly trying to process what Mirio was talking about.

What's Mr. Aizawa doing on tv? Is it a recap fight, maybe?

My eyes quickly shot over to the wall clock above the sink, checking the time.

8:24 am.

It's 8 in the morning right now. Mr. Aizawa is set to perform the villain raid, with the help of Midnight, Present Mic, and a few others, at seven pm, tonight. That's what was said on his computer.

That's what I told Dabi last night-

"Fierce! Fierce! I mean, seriously, she always looks so fierce doesn't she??" Nejire swooned, excitedly pointing to someone on the tv.

Who? Who always looks so fierce-

"Hah! I know right?! Seriously, all she's gotta do is put him to sleep. Blue fire doesn't stand a chance against losing consciousness, am I right?" Mirio exclaimed, causing my heart to jump up my throat.

Blue fire?

Now, that's a bit specific....

Dropping a breakfast bar from my hands, I quickly walked over to the tv area, lightly pushing through the crowd of my classmates to get a look at what was going on.

As soon as my eyes laid sight on the tv, it took everything inside of me not to shriek in pure panic, in front of my classmates.


What's happening.

This isn't real.

It can't be.

It's not possible.

There, on the morning news, was the sight of Dabi and Midnight battling it out, in what I assumed to be, the league of villains hideout.

My jaw hit the floor, as my eyes wildly began darting across the screen.

Aizawa was in the background, fighting Toga. Present Mic was a few feet away, activating his voice quirk on the lizard one, Spinner.

"N-No..." I whispered out quietly, trying to wrap my head around what was happening-

"Oh, hey, Ari! Didn't see ya there. What did you say?" Mirio asked happily, turning his attention to me now.

My eyes remained on the screen, and I cursed myself for probably looking as though I've just seen a ghost.

Quickly trying to compose myself, I relaxed the tension in my face...still not being able to tear my eyes away from the screen.

"T-This.....this isn't live....right...?" I croaked out weakly, praying for anyone to tell me this wasn't actually happening.

Yes, of course! Denial is always the right approach-

"What?! Well, of course it's live!! Mr. A and the others left real early this morning to go and kick some villain butt!" Mirio exclaimed, giving the air a mock punch as he was clearly fired up.

Oh my god.

I felt my hands starting to tremble at Mirio's words. My face began paling faster than I could process. My heart was pounding so hard, I thought I might have a heart attack-and honestly, at this point...Lord, just come and take me already.

The league of villains raid.

It's happening now.

It's not happening at seven pm, tonight.

Because it's happening now.

All of that work Keigo and I did. All of the stress to find that laptop. The almost run in with Endeavor. The trauma of forcing myself to betray the heroes and give Dabi what he wanted. The relief I felt when I finally did it, thanking my lucky stars that my family would live to see another day.

All of it. For nothing.

My eyes were practically piercing through the tv, as I desperately tried to drink in what was going on.

But, all I could focus on was Dabi.

He looked frantic. His eyes were wild with confusion, and pure rage. The stitches on his face were pouring out blood as his entire body smoked. He was desperately trying to fight off Midnight, and now Present Mic as well, but clearly he was having a difficult time.

Because he was caught off guard.

And if he's caught off guard, that can only mean one thing...

He actually trusted me in giving him the correct information. He used my family as bait, thinking that would be enough to keep me on his leash and tell him everything I know.

And the best part about this whole thing, is that it was enough.

Your plan worked, Dabi. You hear me? Your plan worked. I'll do anything you want. You've got me hooked. I didn't betray you.

But, of course, this isn't what Dabi will think.


Judging by that look of pure and utter chaotic fury in his eyes right now....he doesn't think this in the slightest.

He'll think I chose to take my chances and pull a fast one on him. I'll only further catch his attention with the way this looks. This seemingly bold move he'll think I tried doing, in double crossing him. He'll think I purposely told him the wrong time of the raid, so he'll get caught.

And that....will most definitely piss him off.

My mouth went dry, my brain melted to mush as I simply stood there like an idiot, watching the villain raid happening on the news.

The only villain I don't see in this raid is Twice, meaning that he probably left to go meet Keigo before this whole thing happened-

And now, I'm only realizing...

There's no way for me to contact Keigo and tell him about what just happened, because he left his phone in my room.


Forcing my shut off brain to turn back on, my mouth began forming words I was barely aware of.

"H-How......did this happen..." I whispered out weakly, only being able to hope that this villain raid ends with Dabi's capture, or even murder.

That's the only way I'll be able to get off the hook for this, after all. Because, Lord knows if he lives through this raid, my family won't live to see tomorrow.

"Guess it's been planned for awhile. I ran into Mr. A this morning on his way out, and he told me a little bit of gossip behind it. Perks of being a third year, huh?" Nejire smiled, as I silently begged her to, both continue and also not continue.

However, she was too excited to stay silent. Of course.

"Apparently, there was an intruder in the school last night, reported by Endeavor. No one knows who it was, and no one knows what they were after, as there was no traces of evidence left behind by the criminal. It's assumed that they escaped from the tech room, and I guess, Mr. A left his laptop in there, so he started getting paranoid that the intruders were looking for his laptop to get information on this raid. What an old man." Nejire snickered, causing Mirio and a few others to laugh with her.

Well, considering the fact that I was the intruder snooping around for his laptop last night, looks like he has every right to be paranoid-

"Anyways, it's not like it matters if the intruders found his laptop or not. What were they gonna do with it, anyways? Everyone knows Mr. A always keeps decoy information on his work computer for those types of reasons. He even told me he kept a decoy time for this raid on that laptop, and that he was thinking about staking the place out until that time, to see if his accusations added up. But, ultimately, he decided against it and went with his scheduled time. 8 in the morning?! Please, I'm barely able to get to work on time, much less an organized villain raid. Sheesh." Nejire laughed cluelessly, her words causing my heart to stop.

A decoy time. Did she just say a decoy time....

Of course.


Damn it.

I am such an idiot!!!

No wonder that raid time was so easy for me to find on his computer. It was a decoy time from the very start. It was blatantly titled 'raid', as clear and as obvious as possible, to throw off any villains looking for the details.

Have I learned nothing from Mr. Aizawa, in the three years I've known him?!

My eyes closed hopelessly, as I continued hearing Dabi's yells of fury coming through the tv.

Of course. How could I forget such an important piece of information.

This whole situation with Dabi has completely fucked up my usual focus. I've been so scattered brained and panicked ever since he's started blackmailing me, that I'm forgetting everything that's important. Things I wouldn't normally forget.

Between the short time limit Dabi gave me to complete my break-in mission, mixed with the pure stress Keigo and I were going through when it was happening, the possibility of Aizawa planting faulty information on his laptop completely slipped my mind.

So, of course, that's exactly what happened.

I've watched him do it. I've watched Aizawa type things into his computer that aren't true, to make sure all of his bases were covered. It was a skill he told me I should always utilize when I record my own findings.

And I forgot.

And now, I'm paying the price.

The raid was never supposed to happen at seven pm, tonight. Seven pm was the decoy time. A trap for any villains that managed to hack into Mr. Aizawa's laptop. The original time for the raid was always going to be 8 am, this morning.

My eyes went blank as I couldn't even process what was taking place on the tv anymore. My world was spinning out of control.

It's all hitting me now.

The reality.

Oh my god. What have I done? Not only did I go through with my intention of betraying the heroes, not only did I break into the school illegally, and betray my morals as a hero...but I also managed to fuck up my own betrayal, and accidentally betray Dabi as well.

I ruined both sides of this for myself.

And no one knows.

Who can I talk to about this? Keigo's not here. It's supposed to be a secret.

Help. I need help-

"Ari, are you okay?" Nejire asked me curiously, bringing me back to reality.

My eyes snapped back to present time as I shot her a wild gaze.

I realized she only asked that question because I had my hand on her shoulder, squeezing it tightly with stress. When did I put my hand on her shoulder?

Through watery eyes, I saw my entire class looking at me in concern now, only making my panic grow.

Get it together, Ari. Now is not the time.

Clearing my throat, I quickly turned my attention back to the tv...hoping everyone else would do the same.

"Y-Yeah. I just...really want Aizawa and the others to beat him-them." I practically cried out, keeping my eyes glued on Dabi who was purposely hiding behind a broken cement pillar so he'd stay out of Eraserhead's vision.

Nejire laughed softly at my words, probably thinking I was just determined for our teachers to win. And I was. Oh, I definitely was.

But, probably not for the reasons she was thinking.

She slung a friendly arm over my shoulder, quickly focusing on the screen again.

"Aw, come on, Ari! You know Mr. A isn't one to lose so easily. Give him some credit!" She exclaimed, as we watched Dabi incinerate the ceiling to try and create a mass destruction of debris.

Present Mic quickly stepped in, using his voice in Dabi's direction.

"Yes!! You go, Mic!!" Mirio exclaimed, as everyone watching started getting riled up.

I felt a sheen of cold sweat coating my face, as I watched the raid go down.

Catch him. Please, catch Dabi.

"Come on. Come on." I whispered repeatedly, watching Aizawa's head dart back and forth. Probably trying to find Dabi.

"Come on, Eraserhead!!!" I shouted way too loud, only getting my class more fired up as they cheered, too.

"That's the spirit, Ari!! Man, I sure missed your fire!" Mirio laughed, clapping his hands excitedly.

"Get 'em, Midnight!!" Someone else shouted.

"You go, Kamui Woods!! So hot!!" Another person said.

As much of an asshole as Kamui Woods is, I couldn't help but cheer for him when he wrapped his vines around Dabi-only for Dabi to incinerate them immediately after.

"That's it, Fat Gum." Tamaki practically whispered, hugging the couch pillow nervously to his chest.

That's right. There were many other heroes in this raid, fighting and giving it their all against many other villains.

But, I didn't care about any of that.

All I could focus on was Dabi, desperately trying to stay out of Aizawa's line of sight, while Aizawa desperately hunted for him.

"Come on, Aizawa. Please. Please." I whispered shakily, praying for Aizawa to capture Dabi.

Aizawa, your heroism in trying to keep me out of this is part of the cause to my downfall.

But, right now, I can only hope your heroism will also be what saves everything I care about.

Aizawa began using his scarf to move Dabi's flaming debris pieces out of the way, and Dabi heard this as he began making a run for it.

He yelled something, and while I couldn't hear what he said from the news channel, the league of villains apparently did.

Because, in the next instant, all of the villains who were fighting abandoned their posts, quickly sprinting towards Dabi.

My brows furrowed in stress, realizing some type of plan was probably in place right now.

It was frustrating, watching Aizawa trying to find Dabi's location, when everyone watching the news could see what he couldn't.

Midnight quickly caught sight of Dabi, starting to charge straight at him.

"Get him!!" I screamed out, feeling my eyes water from pure and utter fear at what would happen if Midnight failed.

She's almost there.

Just a second more.

So close-

Everyone in the room gasped when a giant wall of blue flames suddenly formed between the heroes and the villains, causing Midnight to quickly fall back.

I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest at the sight, not being able to breathe.

Fat Gum, Aizawa, and a few others began communicating with each other through their ear pieces, clearly talking about next steps.

Midnight, Present Mic, and Kamui Woods all scoured the area, trying to find any openings past Dabi's blue fire wall.

I kept my eyes on Aizawa, watching him speaking to someone through his ear piece, before he quickly shook his head no.


Don't say it.

In the next instant, his erasure goggles came off as he rubbed his red, irritated eyes tiredly, sliding them atop his head with no intention to put them back on.

The raid is over.

And Dabi got away.

This will cost me everything-

"Ah, man! Well, that sure was fun to watch, huh guys?! Looks like the nasty villains got away again." Mirio shrugged, hopping off the couch to head out.

Everyone nodded in agreement, starting to talk about the highlights of the fight, as they carelessly walked off.

But me....

I just stared at the tv blankly, wondering how the hell I was supposed to proceed.

What do I do now?

Where do I go from here?

The first thing I need to do, is call my family and warn them of everything that's happening.

I can't get in touch with Keigo, so I'm not quite sure what to do about that. But, I'll figure it out.

Trying to keep myself together, I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket...about to dial my mom's number.

But, at the same time I was going to do so, a call from an unknown number abruptly popped up on my screen.


The raid only just ended minutes ago, yet he's already calling? He must be pissed.

No one was around. Everyone had already rushed off to their respective places, given that we all had a late start today.

And honestly at this point...

I wouldn't have even cared if someone heard me answer this phone.

A sigh of defeat escaped my lips, as I forced the shake in my hands to stop.

Carelessly swiping right, I put the phone to my ear.

I didn't even need to speak first and say hello, because as soon as it was signaled that I picked up the call, Dabi immediately began speaking.

"Congratulations, hero bitch. You've officially pissed me the fuck off."

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