Down To The Wire

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Top pic credit: KadeArt

As soon as I creaked the door open, I could hear the zooming speed of Keigo's feathers bursting into the hallway.

I couldn't see them. They were just too fast-

"Cameras are blocked. We need to move now!" Keigo whispered to me urgently, quickly throwing the door all the way open.

I forced my slow brain to work, immediately mimicking his movements and opening my side of the double door.

"Alright, alright." I confirmed, quickly following Keigo into this new part of the building.

My eyes immediately turned up to the ceiling to get a look at the cameras, seeing nothing but red feathers wrapped around the lenses.

I raised my brows in slight surprise as my gaze trailed over the cameras. Flashes of red really covered each and every one.

Wow. He seriously got all of them in the blink of an eye-

"Gimme the time." Keigo commanded, as we continued sprinting down the hallway.

I quickly yanked my phone out of my pocket, lighting it up to see the time on my screen.

"It's 11:34. We have about twenty five minutes left until Dabi's deadline." I explained, forcing the growing pounding of my heart to calm down as best I could.

Keigo and I were really pushing this thing down to the wire here. Let's hope it pays off.

"Ari, my feathers don't detect anyone in the building. These hallways are much wider than the ones near your dorm. I can fly us the rest of the way to the tech room." He suggested, holding out his hand for me to take.

I immediately took it in mine, not wasting another precious second to even answer him properly.

In one swift motion, Keigo pulled my body into him, twirling me around in his arms to hug me from behind.

"Hold on tight." He mumbled to me, as his wings gave a powerful flap to propel us forward.

Even though Keigo told me to hold on tight, he gently pressed my head up against his chest as he jolted, trying to ensure he didn't cause me any whiplash from the sudden impact.

I felt his muscles tense up as he started really flying for the first time tonight, not holding back on the powerful pull of his wings since he didn't sense anyone in this part of the building.

"Which way?" He whispered into my ear, his abdomen regularly flexing and tensing against me to keep control of his flight.

"Make a left at this corner." I instructed, causing Keigo's arms to tighten around me as he made an incredibly sharp left turn.

I couldn't hold back the gasp of fear that left my lips, as he barely pulled back on his speed to clear that corner.

He came so close to crashing, and he knew it as his foot outstretched itself to push us away from the incoming wall.


He was going so fast in this tiny space. One wrong move from him, and he'll literally kill us.

And of course, I'll die first since he's holding me in front of his body, like a human shield. Cheers!

The impact of this whole thing feels like we're on a rollercoaster-and I'm pretty terrified of those. Mirio always makes fun of me, because any time he, Nejire, Tamaki, and I went to the amusement park, I always ended up-

"Which way now?" Keigo asked me, interrupting my stupid, off topic thoughts.

"Oh-Another left. Once you do that, make two sharp rights." I explained shakily, trying to brace myself as the next turn was coming up hot.

Keigo was flying full speed at the wall right now, and I was internally begging him to finally have enough space to be able to clear his turn properly.

His arms tightened around me again, as my entire body tensed. I felt my muscles instinctively trying to brace myself for the sharp-


I cursed the small whimper that slipped from my mouth as Keigo harshly turned the next corner, pressing my lips together to keep my mouth shut. I didn't want him to know I was a little scared.

But, he knows me too well for that.

Not having the time to slow down his speed for me, Keigo simply leaned his head forward, pressing his cheek against mine in an attempt to comfort me.

"Hey, it's okay. I got you. I promise, I got you." He whispered gently, pressing his cheek snugger against my own for a moment.

His reassuring words and tone were enough to ease my nerves slightly, as I tried to calm down a little.

"I know you do. I trust you, Keigo." I uttered back honestly, closing my eyes as he was getting ready to make the last two turns.

"Phew. Okay, here we go..." He breathed out, more to himself in an attempt to clear his own mind.

It was one sharp turn after the other. They required his ultimate precision.

Keigo harshly sucked in a breath at his own exertion, tensing all of his muscles as he quickly made his first turn.

He grunted softly in strain, working his body impossibly harder as he made his second turn immediately after. Perfectly.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as the door to the tech lab came into view.

Keigo's wings outstretched to their full capacity now, starting to flap against the wind to slow us down.

My teeth grit together in silence as the door to the tech lab continued getting closer, and closer-much too close, too fast.

"Keigo..." I groaned out stressfully, as his wings flapped harder against the wind in an attempt to slow himself down faster.

We're about five seconds away from crash landing through the door at a lethal speed.

"Fuck. Too fast. Too fast...." Keigo muttered, our intertwined bodies jolting slightly as he dug his booted heels into the floor now, skidding across the hallway in an attempt to create more friction.

It's like his body was the plane, and his feet were the landing gear.

Keigo took a major risk going full force with his flight speed through the hallway. He knew we didn't have a second to waste. Someone could figure out the cameras were covered any second, and Dabi's waiting, so Keigo made sure to go as fast as he could.

But, the faster he goes, the harder it is for him to slow down gradually.

And in a small space, like this hallway, he probably has to work twice as hard to slow himself down in an even shorter amount of time.

The bottom of Keigo's boots began making a slight skidding sound as we slid down the hallway. But luckily, that, combined with the power of his wings, started bringing us to a quick stop now.

Realizing we would still hit the door with a hard thud, Keigo quickly extended one of his arms out, letting it slam into the door first so my body wouldn't get crushed.

He didn't even let out a peep of pain as his arm crashed into the sturdy door, keeping an iron grip on my body as we finally came to an abrupt halt.

We were both silent for a moment, trying to recover from the stress of that daring, dangerous indoor flight.

"Are we dead?" I half joked after a few moments, trying to ease the tension from our bodies as best I could.

Keigo's heavy breaths tickled against the skin of my neck, before he let out a soft hum in content.

"I's possible." He uttered in amusement, finally loosening his suffocating, almost painfully tight, hold on me to let me get some air.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, smoothing out my shirt as I tried to pull myself together.

Keigo did the same, slowly removing his crash landing arm from the door now.

My brows furrowed in confusion at the smear of red that now donned the area of the door where Keigo's arm had been protecting us.

I turned my attention to him, watching dark red liquid starting to slowly seep through the arm of his tan flight jacket.

He quickly shrugged his shoulders in carelessness before I could say anything, wiping the red stain clean from the door with his gloved hand.

"Just a little blood, chicky. Nothing I can't handle." He smiled reassuringly, paying absolutely no attention to his arm as he gestured for me to open the door to the tech lab.

I shot him a soft glare of concern, reluctantly opening the door as I realized we had no time to talk about this further.

"Fine. But you better take care of that later." I muttered begrudgingly, as I cautiously entered the pitch black room.

Even in the pitch black room, I could tell Keigo was smirking.

"Hm, but aren't you my hot nurse? So, guess you'll be the one taking care of me later, right?" He teased, causing me to shake my head dismissively at his inappropriate timing of jokes. As usual.

"Dream on, chicken boy."

"Oh believe me, darlin'. I already do."

I felt Keigo's body brushing up against mine as he quickly followed behind me, almost closing the door once we were inside.

"Okay. Now that we're out of the security camera's line of sight, I need to bring my feathers back. If someone shows up to check the lens blockage, they'll see my feathers, and know it was me. Can't make a rookie mistake like that." He mumbled, the abrupt zipping sound of his returning feathers causing me to jump in slight surprise.

This boy is trying to give me a heart attack tonight.

I quickly turned my attention back to the pitch black room, trying to find the light switch.

"Alright, so. Eraserhead's laptop. You know where it is?" Keigo asked me in the dark, keeping his attention towards the, now closed, door to keep watch and sense for any intruders coming.

I continued blindly wandering around in the dark, running my hands along the wall like a crazy person to try and find the light switch.

"I don't know where it is exactly, but I'm sure it's here. Shouldn't be that hard to find. How many laptops in this school could be broken, in this room for fixing?" I countered in confidence, feeling my fingers brush up onto the light switch now.

"Ah-hah! Gotcha." I smirked, quickly flipping on the light switch...

....and immediately wishing I didn't.

My jaw practically hit the floor, as I looked at the giant, enormous, huge, mountainous stack of laptops on the repair desks, hearing Keigo immediately start mumbling profanities at the sight.

"Well, would ya look at that....your comedic timing is just perfect." Keigo mocked slightly, throwing his head back in frustration at the endless amount of computers in front of my face.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." I groaned out, wildly darting my eyes over each laptop to find Aizawa's.

"Do ya know what it looks like, at least?" Keigo asked tiredly, his brows furrowing in focus as he controlled his feather senses more carefully.

"Yeah. It's black." I answered casually, watching him shoot me a deadpan look that pretty much said, "Ari, are you fucking kidding me?"

"Ari, are you fucking kidding me?" Keigo suddenly said.

Oh. Well now, he actually said it-

"They're all black." He finished, causing me to lightly roll my eyes at his useless, unhelpful comments.

I briskly walked over to the pile of computers, starting to sort through them as fast as I could. I'll know Aizawa's when I see it.

"No, they're not all black. See? This one's white." I sneered slightly, pulling one of the laptops out of the pile.

"Oh, sorry, one white one out of fifty million black ones? My bad. Guess I miscounted." His smart ass retorted, making me groan as we began to lightly bicker.

"Hey, thanks for the information, Keigo. It's really useful, positive encouragement."

"Oh boy, you're overreacting? My favorite! Look, will you just relax-"

"Don't tell me to relax, you damn quail."

"Stop being so difficult, sweetheart-"

"You stop being so difficult. You're only making this harder with your jackass comments."

Keigo lightly rolled his eyes at me, about to retort with another smart ass comment, before his smirk suddenly fell.

I continued moving quickly, alternating between sorting through the laptops and looking at Keigo in question.

His eyes went blank as he subconsciously pulled the collar of his jacket up to his mouth. He was listening for something.

Not wanting to interrupt his focus for whatever he was suddenly listening for, I simply remained quiet...waiting for him to tell me what's going on.

Keigo's eyes snapped back to reality a few seconds later as he sucked in a harsh breath, turning his attention to me in dread.

Hey, you know what? Don't tell me! I don't wanna know-

"They fucking figured it out." Keigo groaned out, backing away from the door slightly now.

I knew what he was gonna say before he even said it, yet I couldn't stop the jump of panic my heart did upon hearing his words.

That's it.

We're fucked.

The heroes figured out someone broke into the building. They are now in here, and they're coming for us.

"Damn it.." I breathed out, starting to carelessly throw random laptops to the ground in a desperate attempt to find the one I needed.

The sound of Keigo's feathers went live again, causing me to whip my head around to see him barricading our side of the door with them.

"They'll reach us within the next few minutes. This barricade will only hold them back for a short while. I have no doubt they'll break down the door, once we don't comply in opening it." He explained, standing firmly in front of the door as a certain laptop with a cat sticker caught my eye.

Oh my god.

I couldn't help the soft whimper of relief from flying out of my mouth as I desperately clawed my way through the pile of computers, yanking out Mr. Aizawa's like it was a pot of gold.

"I found it!!" I exclaimed in exasperation, feeling myself on the verge of tears at the sight of the piece of technology in front of me.

Keigo let out a big sigh of relief at my words, continuing to shoot feathers at the door.

"Phew. Nice job, chicky. How much longer now?" He asked quickly, letting a small tone of nervousness accidentally slip through his voice.

Luckily, the only thing that needed repairing on Aizawa's laptop was a simple cable port. Everything else seemed to work fine. I immediately opened the computer, staring at the blank password screen.

"Not sure. It might take me a minute to hack." I muttered, starting to rapidly type away on the computer to get it unlocked.

Keigo pursed his lips in disdain, shaking his head softly at my words.

"Won't be much help for you there, little dove. Hacking and technology skills classes were never my strong suit at the commission." He answered, his voice coming out slightly guilty at the fact that there was a class he wasn't the absolute best in.

I smiled softly at him, not even looking up from the laptop as I continued typing as fast as my fingers would allow me.

"Don't worry. Those were my best classes." I smirked, shooting him a small wink as I quickly decoded a way around Mr. Aizawa's password.

I felt Keigo's eyes on me, not even bothering to look up at him as I continued working.

"Wow....that was hot." He stated, causing me to laugh softly.

You know, it's funny. This has gotta be the most stressful part of the night. Keigo and I have less than fifteen minutes to get this mission done. A mob of heroes are currently on their way to our location, about to catch, quite possibly, the biggest scandal UA and the hero world have had in years, the fate of my family completely depends on whether or not I can find the information I'm hoping Aizawa typed out on his computer...

And yet...

This is the most calm I've felt all night. My hands and body had finally stopped trembling as I rapidly scrolled through all of Mr. Aizawa's confidential files, skimming through the words on the screen at an inhuman pace. Just another skill taught to me by the hero commission.

My eyes barely glanced over at the time on the lower corner of the computer screen.

11:49 pm.

"Alright, chicky, here we go. Heroes inbound, coming from all sides. I'm sensing sixteen footsteps total, meaning there's approximately eight people on the way. The majority of the footsteps are still very far away, but there's one pair that will arrive first. That person's about three minutes out. Their footsteps are incredibly...heavy." Keigo stated calmly, molding his hardened feathers against our side of the door to create a makeshift barrier.

It almost looked like a nest.

I continued expertly unlocking Aizawa's computer files, mentally cursing the paranoid man for setting so many passwords, any time I tried to open something new.

Smart guy.

After all, someone could hack it...

"Come on....come on...where are you?" I whispered to myself, trying to decipher the code names Aizawa labeled his information as.

"Two minutes out." Keigo stated, slowly backing away from the door as his eyes quickly scanned the room for a window.

And there was one. At the top of the ceiling. It led to the outside of the building.

My eyes quickly landed on a file, edited yesterday, titled "Raid" praying that was the exact thing I needed.

Decoding another password, in order to get the file open, an audible gasp escaped my mouth at the sight of the information.

It was everything concerning the raid Dabi wanted me to tell him about.

"Keigs!! I found it!" I exclaimed, quickly starting to read through every piece of information and procedure that Aizawa was planning for this raid.

Gotta say though, Mr. Aizawa. "Raid," huh? I was expecting something a little more sophisticated from you, not gonna lie-

"Ari! First hero has closed in-"


Keigo and I both visibly jumped at the booming noise that sounded from the other side of the door now.

My pulse spiked in pure anxiety, as I immediately recognized the culprit behind that powerful blast.

And I know Keigo did too, considering his eyes were filled with actual fear now. An emotion I've rarely seen, since I've known him. Regardless of the situations we've been in.

"Endeavor!? Why is Endeavor here!?" Keigo hissed out in shock, as another boom was heard from outside the room.

11:54 pm.

I muttered every profanity in the book, trying to keep my brain from scrambling under the pressure now.

Keigo's done a fantastic job of completing his side of this mission. Now, I need to deliver on my part. This is where it counts.

Keep going, Ari.

"Fucking hell, Endeavor. Should have expected that. I was made aware that security would be improved at UA, since the events of my kidnapping. Guess Endeavor is the security as of right now-" I started explaining, before Endeavor's loud, powerful voice boomed from the other side of the door.

"It's over, villains. Whoever you are, come out peacefully, and no harm will come to you." Endeavor stated lowly, sounding like there would absolutely be harm coming to us as soon as we stepped out of this room.

I quickly turned my attention back to the laptop, trying to read through Aizawa's notes to find the time of the hero raid for Dabi.

Nerves began hitting me again, as any sense of calm I'd been feeling prior, completely went out the window.

My pulse was racing, my breath completely uneven as sweat was now dripping down my neck. My fingers wanted to tremble, yet I forced them not to. My mind wanted to curl up into a ball, and cry in pure hysteria, but I didn't. I will not shut down. Not when I'm this close-


Keigo and I jumped again as Endeavor's blast hit the door, causing some of Keigo's feathers that were barricading the door to fly off it from the sheer force.

Tensing his jaw uncomfortably, Keigo quickly used some feathers to float one of the giant desks in the room over to the door, desperately starting to use anything he could to barricade and distract Endeavor for a little longer.

"Damn, It's like he's just toying with us at this point. He can easily blow this door to bits if he wanted to." Keigo choked out quietly, glancing up at our escape window again to make sure it didn't suddenly disappear in the time we've been here.

"Yeah, well I'm sure he is. Remember when he took out the entire top half of that building in the high end nomu fight? That was a lot of damaged he caused. A lot of money spent, and a lot of time rebuilding it. The symbol of peace is supposed to bring justice, and cause as minimal damage as possible. He's probably just trying to do his job fairly and correctly right now. Looks like it could cost him." I explained, my eyes widening as they landed on a time for the raid, typed out on Aizawa's laptop.

7 pm.

Tomorrow night.

The raid is taking place, 7 pm, tomorrow night.

That's it. That's all Dabi wanted to know.

This is the information that will save my family.

"I got it. Keigo, I got it." I breathed out anxiously, ripping my phone out of my pocket to send Dabi a message with the information.

11:57 pm-


Endeavor's blast came out slightly stronger this time, his addition of barely any power causing Keigo and I to both go flying backwards.

I gasped in pure panic as my phone flew out of my hand from Endeavor's blast, mid message to Dabi.

"No!!" I cried out quietly, watching one of Keigo's feathers zoom over to my phone to bring it back to me in a flash.

He was next to me in an instant now, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Ari, my feathers can't take another blast like that. Fire power is my weakness. Next blast Endeavor uses will no doubt blow the door off. We need to go!" He quickly explained, as I finished typing the information of the raid to Dabi.

11:59 pm. Message Sent.

Even with Endeavor about to blast the door to bits and find Keigo and I committing a full on betrayal, I couldn't help but breathe out an audible sigh of relief at the sent message.

Keigo and I definitely cut it close, but we did it nonetheless.

Unfortunately, even with Endeavor hot on our tails, we weren't done yet.

If the hero commission taught me any type of "special skills," as they called them...

It's to cover your tracks.

"Ah, fuck." I groaned out, quickly ripping myself out of Keigo's arms as I sprinted over to Aizawa's laptop.

I need to shut it down and place it back in the sea of others. Sure, Endeavor might think some villains are in this tech room, but he doesn't know why. For all he knows, it could just be some delinquents, trying to start trouble, or some low profile villain wanting some extra tech parts for his diabolical plan.

But, if he sees Aizawa's laptop open, with information regarding the hero raid, it could fuck up everything I just told Dabi.

And I can't let that happen.

"Ari, my love. You're really pushing our luck right now." Keigo sang out in pure annoyance with me, as I rapidly began closing all of the evidence I had opened on Aizawa's computer.

I shot him a light glare of annoyance back, as all of the stresses from tonight caused our couple's feud to creep back slightly. Figures.

"I'm closing out the evidence, genius. Oh, I'm sorry. Do they not teach you that in secret spy school?" I retorted, as the sizzle of Endeavor's flames could be heard from the other side of the door, signaling he was gearing up for a final blast.

Keigo scoffed in irritation, keeping his eyes locked on the door that was about to burst open any moment.

"Actually, yes, they do teach you that in secret spy school, thanks for asking. And they also teach you to hurry the fuck up while you're doing it. Something you're miserably failing at right now." Keigo pointed out casually. He condescendingly began clapping his hands at my efforts, causing me to scoff.

"Oh, why don't you just go then." I growled out in stress, feeling my fingers cramping up from the stress of my typing.

Ignoring the smoke from Endeavor's fire that began hotboxing the tech room, Keigo lazily pursed his lips in fake contemplation at my response...placing his hand on his hips like a sassy bitch.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, guess that's a nice thought, huh? Well, see, I can't do that, cause I'm like....97 percent sure you'll go to jail if I leave you here." He stated matter of factly, as Endeavor began screaming his final threat at us from the other side of the door.

"97 percent only? So, you think I still have a three percent chance of being fine." I countered, causing him to shake his head.

"What? Oh, no. Definitely not. Nah, the other three percent is you either die by the giant blast Endeavor's about to fuck us up with, in the next five seconds, or Dabi-"

"I'm done!! Let's go!" I exclaimed in panic, shutting the laptop and burying it with the others to hide the evidence.

Quickly forgetting whatever the hell he was gonna say, Keigo quickly pulled me into his arms, finally making the risky choice to remove his feather barricade from the door.

He held me uncomfortably in his arms, not having enough time to get a good grip on me, as he sped up towards the ceiling...trying to get to the window as fast as possible.

Keigo's stray feathers quickly followed him up, attaching themselves back to his wings while he continued flying.

With each feather that reattached, I could physically feel his flight speed getting stronger and faster.

"Damn it. Slow start..." Keigo groaned out stressfully, holding me tightly as he desperately tried to near the exit window.

I gripped his arms that were locked around my figure, feeling both of our stresses mixing as one.

"Come on, Keigo. You can do it." I encouraged him calmly, feeling his wing speed increasing as the exit came into view.

One of Keigo's feathers jolted off his body, unlatching the window and throwing it open for us.

At the same time Keigo managed to clear the window and close it shut, the ear piercing sound of splitting wood sounded from below, signaling Endeavor had busted the door down.

Keigo didn't stop his flight, zooming as fast as he could to get away from UA territory.

My shock doubled as I noticed the wind pressure from Keigo's flight speed didn't hurt my ears in the slightest--only now realizing he had put his headphones on me.

When the hell did he do that?!

In all the chaos going on around us just now, he still somehow managed to remember something like that.

Keigo's flight finally started slowing when UA was out of sight, entering the low laying clouds to give us a moment to compose ourselves.

I didn't even realize how much his body had tensed up, until I felt it relax around me once we were up in the nighttime clouds.

He let out a small, tired sigh of relief...starting to slowly glide through the air now.

I let myself relax as well, only now realizing how incredibly tired I felt from this whole thing, once the adrenaline started wearing off.

Keigo and I were silent for a moment, just trying to recover after everything that happened today.

We peacefully, and wordlessly, flew through the silky clouds, with Keigo resting his chin on my shoulder.

His soft hum broke through the silence some time later, his clammy hair tickling the side of my face.

"You alright, little dove?" He whispered gently, any annoyance he was feeling for me towards the end of this night completely lost in the clouds now.

I nodded softly in agreement, not really processing how I felt right now to be honest.

At this moment, I felt relief that my family would live to see another day. I felt relief that this day was ending and I could finally go to bed.

And I felt relief...that I didn't get caught.

The time for guilt will, no doubt, set in soon. But for now, I'm just too beat down to find it.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I whispered, feeling something wet and warm underneath my fingertips as I held onto Keigo's arms.

I looked down, seeing the blood from Keigo's hurt arm seeping onto my hands.

Sighing softly, I pressed my hand against his wound tightly, trying to stop it from bleeding.

"Take me back to my dorm, Keigo. I need to fix your arm." I mumbled tiredly, watching him already turning around in the sky without a fight.

Clearly, he was exhausted, too.

"Mm, okay, chicky. I'll let ya fix my arm. But then, I say we head to bed. What do you think?" He asked nonchalantly, causing me to roll my eyes in amusement at his attempted sneaky words.

"We head to bed? Did I say you could sleepover tonight?" I tiredly teased in amusement, hearing him laugh softly into my neck.

I expected Keigo to come back with some smart ass remark about how much I want him to sleepover, or something like that.


"Can I though? Can I sleepover, Ari? I don't like sleeping alone anymore. Not" He uttered quietly, his voice coming out meek and honest, as he held me warmly.

I felt my heart melt at his words, finally feeling at complete peace for the first time all day, as I thought about going to bed with Keigo.

"Of course you can sleepover."

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