Find Another

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Top pic: KadeArt

"Noooo!!!" Nejire cried out, dramatically collapsing onto the floor of my dorm room.

I lightly rolled my eyes at her theatrics, shoving more cheesecake into my mouth.

"Oh, please. Fuck him! I don't need a man. I have everything I need right here." I told words muffled, due to the ungodly amount of cheesecake I continued to shovel inside my mouth.

"But, he was so dreamy!!" She whined, not moving from my floor.

I lightly glared at her, flicking whipped cream onto her cheek.

"How is that supposed to make me feel better?!" I exclaimed, hearing Nejire giggle lightly.

She swiped the bit of cream off her face, before placing it into her mouth.

Typical Nejire.

"You're right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not being supportive enough. Here..." She said, before clearing her throat.

I raised my brow in amusement, watching her sit up straight on the floor.

"He's an idiot. What a fool, to have lost you. Does he know what he's missing? Hawks, who? The boy can't even make it to number one hero, so he's stuck at number two. And what's up with that-" She started rehearsing, before I immediately cut her off.

"Yes, yes. Okay, you're a supportive best friend. Thank you." I laughed, shaking my head slightly at her words.

Nejire pursed her lips in thought, as she watched me trying to put up a happy front.

She got off the floor now, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Ari...I really am sorry. I know you liked him. And honestly, I thought he liked you too. I guess, once a player always a player. Now, we know." She cooed softly, resting her head on my shoulder reassuringly.

I simply nodded, feeling myself starting to become overly full from the dessert I was eating.

"Yeah. Now we know." I muttered, feeling slightly deflated.

Nejire sensed my mood quickly spiraling, as she attempted to cheer me up.

"No problem! We'll just make sure you looking SMOKIN' at the Pro Hero JP ball, this weekend. We'll make him eat his chicken fried, little heart out." She grinned, already going towards my closet to find a dress.

I finally pushed my beloved cheesecake aside, laying down on my bed.

"I'm not going to the ball." I called out to her, as she continued rummaging through my stuff.

"Oh no. You're going to that ball. It's the only formal event, like ever. Plus, all the famous heroes and celebrities will be there. The Big Four from UA, were literally the only student heroes invited, in all of Japan! You need to go!" She exclaimed, throwing a few dresses at me to try on.

Oh no, sweetie...not after I just ate, please.

I carelessly tossed the dresses to my side, already having my mind made up.

"No. There's no point. I don't want to go there, and see Hawks., Mirio, and even Tamaki all have dates. I'd be like, the seventh wheel there." I reasoned.

"I'll ditch my date and go with you." She immediately responded.

"No, you will not. I know you like this guy. You're going with him." I stated firmly, not allowing her to skip out on fun for my sake.

Nejire was quiet for a moment....the wheels inside her mind clearly turning towards something.

Not a moment later, the lightbulb went off in her head, as she reached for her phone.

An almost evil smirk spread across her face, as she clearly had a plan in motion.

"I know a guy.....I know a good guy. Good enough to make that bird head jealous. He's a pro hero, and he's been into you for quite some time. His group patrolled with Ryukyu's group, and he told me he was interested in you. But you were already clearly in love with Hawks, so I didn't say anything. But the perfect time." Nejire giggled, biting her lip as she sent a text to someone.

"I'm not trying to make Hawks jealous. He won't be jealous, because he doesn't care." I pointed out, not wanting her to text anyone.

Nejire tapped her phone proudly for the last time, before tossing it back on the bed.

"I saw the way Hawks was looking at you in that news video, Ari. I still think the guy cares. I think something's holding him back. Regardless of the me when I say...Hawks will definitely care, when he sees you with someone else at that event." She smirked, taking a bite out of the cheesecake.


"Yo, chicky. I'm going out." Keigo announced to me, grabbing a can of sweet coffee out of the fridge.

I continued munching on some almonds, not even looking up from my homework.

"You know...I'd ask you where you're going, but I doubt you'd even tell me, Mr. Secrets." I countered, raising my brow at him over suspiciously.

He laughed, almost sounding nervous, as he popped open his can of coffee.

"I'm going to do bad things." He stated jokingly, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Oh? Is your prostitute job missing you?" I smirked, referring to Kiara.

He let out a small scoff of amusement, quickly downing the rest of his coffee, before tossing it in the trash.

"Yeah. That's never happening. This prostitute job is different." He winked, before grabbing his phone and heading towards the door.

"Slut!" I called out to him.

"Don't judge me!" He called back, before leaving the building.

I shook my head in amusement, cursing myself for still thinking Keigo was absolutely adorable.

After a few moments, the door opened again.

Figuring it was Keigo, I didn't even bother to look up.

"What'd you forget this time, bird boy?" I retorted, continuing to work on my homework.

"Bird Boy?" An unfamiliar voice called back, causing me to whip my head up in slight surprise.

My eyes practically widened out of my head, when I saw...

"K-Kamui Woods?! Hi! I haven't seen you, since Kamino." I said, immediately standing up from my seat.

"Hi, Ari. Yeah, it's been a while! Sorry, for just dropping by like this....I was in the area, and figured I'd check out a friend's hero agency." He explained, slowly looking over the room.

"Oh, you and Hawks are friends?" I asked, realizing Keigo has never once brought up Kamui Woods.

"....sure. Yeah. Of course! We're total friends." He stated a little unsurely, as he fiddled with Keigo's knick knacks that were decorated around the room. Most of these quirky knick knacks included bird things.

"Oh. Sounds great. Well, just missed him. He's left for the day, probably won't be back until around six for closing time." I explained, as Kamui came back over to me.

"That's alright. I actually wanted to talk to you." He stated confidently, looking into my eyes.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, not quite understanding.

"Oh. Okay. Is everything alright?" I asked, causing him to chuckle slightly.

"God, you're adorable. Yeah. Everything's really good. So, listen...Nejire texted me...said you were looking for a date to the pro hero ball thing, this weekend. Well, Mount Lady and I just broke things off...again. So, I'm also dateless." He explained, causing me to mentally roll my eyes at Nejire.

Kamui Woods, Nejire! That's who you called up!? The man's almost as popular as Hawks, especially with the ladies.

I didn't have the energy for this. I really didn't want to go to the ball. I'd rather sit in my room, and binge watch my soap operas, if I'm being honest.

"Yeah, Kamui. Um....that's really sweet of you, but-" I started saying, before the front door flew open.

"Just me, chickadoodle-doo! Forgot my jacket." Keigo laughed, before he immediately stopped in his tracks.

He looked from me to Kamui, trying to piece together what was happening.

"Kamui Woods. What can I help you with, man?" Keigo asked, getting straight to the point.

Well, that wasn't a very friendly tone, Keigo. I thought Kamui said they were friends!?

Kamui simply chuckled dismissively, clearly trying to blow off Keigo.

"Relax, buddy. I'm here to talk to Ari. Not you." He said, before turning back to me.

"Oh yeah? About what?" Keigo asked, clearly interested in the conversation now.

I felt myself getting a little annoyed at his sudden nosiness. The guy blows me off, and doesn't want to date me...but now, he wants to be involved with my personal business? No way.

"Kamui, here, was just asking me to be his date to the pro hero ball this weekend." I replied in fake excitement, putting on a smile.

"Mmm, how exciting. And what did you say?" Keigo asked, trying and failing to hide his annoyances.

"I said.....yes, of course!" I chuckled, giving Kamui Woods a dazzling smile.

"Wow. That's so awesome!" Keigo called out, matching my excited tone sarcastically.

"Really, Ari? Well, that sounds perfect to me. You've made my day." Kamui Woods said, giving me a formal nod.

"No need to be so formal, Kamui." I smiled, hearing Keigo audibly scoff in the corner.

"What time should I pick you up from UA? Would you like to get dinner with me, before the event?" Kamui asked, completely ignoring Keigo's eye roll from the corner of the room.

Before I even had the chance to respond, Keigo quickly stepped in.

"Hey, neat! Why don't we all get dinner, beforehand. Together? Then, we can head over to the event. Together." Keigo suggested, walking in between Kamui and I to grab his bomber jacket.

"What? Me, you, and Kamui?" I asked, wondering why the hell I'd do something like that.

"Yup. Oh...and Kiara, of course." Keigo quickly said, giving me a lazy smile.

I felt my jaw tense slightly at the name.

You really wanna go there, birdie?

"Oh? You're taking...Kiara to the ball?" I asked curtly, tilting my head to the side in question.

"Mhmm." He smirked, clearly trying to get a rise out of me.

I laughed emptily, drumming my fingertips on the table.

"Oh yeah? What happened to your words about her, I believe they were......that's never going to happen." I retorted, ignoring Kamui who was awkwardly standing next to me.

Keigo simply shrugged his shoulders, that stupid, half lidded gaze present on his face.

"Yeah. Well, as of's happening." He remarked freely, chuckling softly at my annoyance.

Remembering Kamui Woods was here, I quickly cleared my throat to get rid of my irritation.

"Well....I think that's...wonderful about Kiara. Really great. Really fantastic." I praised, gritting my teeth together.

"Oh yes. Very fantastic, indeed." Keigo grinned, knowing he struck a nerve with me.

I glared at him a little longer, before ripping my gaze back to Kamui.

"And of course, you are my date. If you don't want to go to dinner with Hawks and his date, and you just want it to be us....I'd completely understand." I smiled, making it a point to touch his shoulder softly in front of Keigo.

I was a little startled as Kamui Woods immediately picked up on my shoulder touch, forwardly placing his arm around my waist.

Quickly, I wiped the shock off my face...wishing Keigo hadn't seen it.

"They are your friends, so I have no objections going to dinner with them. As long as you and I can spend some time at the dance. Maybe, even afterwards..." Kamui said softly, giving my waist a light squeeze.

I chuckled, feeling uncomfortable with his touch, as I quickly pried his hands off me.

"Y-Yeah. Definitely." I said dismissively, admittedly being a little intimidated by his seriousness and forwardness.

I saw Keigo looking at me carefully from the corner of my eye. He knew me pretty well by now, and unfortunately....he knew me well enough to know that Kamui Woods was making me uncomfortable.

"Well, hey man....thanks for stopping by! We'll see you on Saturday." Keigo said to Kamui, clearly trying to get him out of the Hawks Agency.

Ignoring Keigo completely, Kamui grabbed my it a light squeeze.

"I look forward to it, Ari. See you Saturday." He said quietly, giving me a nod before walking out of the building.

As soon as he left the building, Keigo broke out into obnoxious laughter.

"Kamui Woods. You're going to the pro hero JP ball, with Kamui Woods!!?" He cackled, causing me to roll my eyes at his childish antics.

"Well, Kamui Woods is better than Kiara." I sneered, going back to work on my homework.

"Kiara's just your average ditz. Kamui Woods is like a well known player. Everyone knows that. He's just gonna try to lay the moves on you, all night. You should cancel." Keigo shrugged, leaning back against the wall.

"Well. Maybe that's what I want him to do." I retorted, already second guessing my words.

"Ari, you stiffed up like a board when the guy put his arm around you. Look, Kamui and I used to run in the same crowd, when I first got into the hero biz. He's not the type to take it slow with women. He'll get what he wants, regardless if they want the same thing. You need to be careful-" Keigo started saying, before I cut him off.

"I don't need your advice here, Casanova! I don't even know why you care. I'm going with Kamui. You're going with Kiara. That's the end of it." I stated firmly, waving him off dismissively as I began working on my homework again.

Keigo was quiet for a moment, clearly wanting to say something.

Giving up a few seconds later, he simply scoffed and began walking out again.

"Fine. Suit yourself. Oh! Bring some mace with you, just in case, to defend from his horny expectations." He retorted over his shoulder, as he slammed the door shut.

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