...fly with me beyond the horizon.

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Bottom picture credit: levisbench (thank you so much for everything <3)


Keigo POV: ~ one year later ~

"Hope greeted me on the horizon with a warm gleaming smile."

~ Angie Weiland-Crosby ~

And when the storm clears away, the clouds pass to reveal the light of the sun, shining brighter than it ever had before.

But...this time, my friends, I can fly as close to the sun as I want to, without having to worry about melting my wings, anymore.

Bittersweet words to some, and to me as well, one time. But, if this year of healing has taught me anything, it's that some dreams need to be set free, in order to make room for new ones. And, oh man, how many new ones I've been able to make.

My wings will always be apart of me. I will always love them and hurt for them. I ain't gonna lie to you and say it's been all smiles and rainbows about their passing.

But, I will say, that I never realized how much my wings truly weighed me down. How their expectation, association, and ownership to everyone else, but myself, chained me to the ground, instead of allowing me to fly, the way my instincts always wanted to.

It's a blessing and a curse. The curse of never being able to taste one of my greatest joys again, but also the blessing of finally having been set free from the chains and the cage that always kept me locked in.

It was never the fault of my feathers. They always meant pure good. But, the truth is, those same wings I love so much have sucked up and absorbed so much toxicity over the last two decades, that I don't think I could have ever been truly free if they'd still been here today.

It was the blessing of being forced to take a step out of Hawks' shoes and re-evaluate the truth I needed to legitimately discover for the very first time.

And the truth, is that my wings do not determine my worth. They don't define me, or my identity.

Heh, I know what you're probably thinking. What? This guy's spent the last one-hundred-eighty chapters, basically saying the exact opposite; having an identity crisis every two paragraphs, and being forced his entire life to deem the benefit of his existence on those wings.

And, yeah, if you said that, you wouldn't be wrong. It's all true. When people saw Hawks, they saw fierce feathers, and with these fierce feathers, they automatically saw greatness and power, so I did, too.

I never got the chance to see what people associated Keigo Takami with. I was always conditioned to believe they'd be ashamed and disappointed in that guy. That, I might as well hide him away forever, because no one cares about the man, himself. Just his wings and what they can do.

But, y'know, Ari Parker really proved those people wrong, huh? Not only did she prove the world wrong, but she proved my own insecurities wrong as well.

No matter how many times I tried to flaunt my vermillion beauties in her face, no matter how many cool tricks I'd do, flyin' through the sky...no matter how many times I'd flash her an insincere smirk that would bring any other girl to her knees....

Ari just did not care!

She didn't giving a flying fuck about how many flips I could do in the air. She was more interested in what I liked to eat for breakfast. My social media accounts had millions of followers, and in the early days, when I wanted an ego boost and followed her accounts, a smirk had formed on my face, waiting for her to freak out that the number two hero had paid her attention.

But, all she did was shrug uninterestedly, seeming more interested in where I grew up, and what my favorite holiday of the year was and why.

Well, I didn't quite know how to answer a lot of these questions, because knowing these answers wasn't apart of my grooming as Hawks. They were about Keigo, and as you know very well, it took me a long time to find the right words to say and understand that there's nothing wrong with being honest.

Ah, but I did figure it out eventually. With a lot of help and patience from Ari, I've finally figured out who I am. The lines between Hawks and Keigo are no longer blurred, because for the first time in my life, things have never been more clear.

It's a free feeling. Yes, maybe it wasn't free at first. Maybe the feeling didn't come easy right away, and had to grow on me. But, now it's a feeling I've never been more grateful for.

It's the feeling of being alive. The feeling of reaching for my dreams, and having the ability to look beyond the horizon and see endless heights now, instead of just the mountains that trap me in.

It's the ability to smile-truly smile, without having to worry about how appealing it looks to a crowd, or how painful it is to force an emotion that was never there. It's the knowledge that I no longer have to be ashamed of the person I really am, no longer needing to mentally torture myself and tear my heart apart every time I simply want to feel human.

It's the feeling of saying goodbye to Hawks and letting him rest in peace, so that Keigo Takami can finally live.

I am Keigo. Just Keigo. It's nice to meet you.

I'm twenty-four years old and I live in a small, studio apartment in Tengoku with my twenty-year old girlfriend, Ari.

We live a very simple, quiet life. Nothing heroic, nothing extravagant to most. But, to me? It's absolutely extraordinary, because the future Ari and I always dreamed of, has finally become our present time.

Through all of the pain, past all of the trauma and barriers that tried to keep us apart, we never gave up. Yes, we came close to giving up a couple times. It hasn't always been easy. But, even though we came close, we never truly gave up on each other and our love, because we knew we had something special. We continued to have faith that there would finally be a time where we could both smile again and live peacefully.

And, now, it's all finally paid off, as I get to see Ari's beautiful smile every day of my life.

Yes, the trauma and transition from hero life to civilian life was very difficult for both of us at first. Yes, we still have bad days. We still have fights, just like every other couple. But, the good outweighs the bad by an eternity, and we were quick to fall into a nice routine soon after the dust of the drama had settled.

It's a routine I love with all my heart. I can honestly say that I don't take it for granted. None of it. The best part of my day is everything I dreamed about and looked forward to when times were difficult-when we were broken up. When we were forced to be apart. When we were dying in a mansion, and when I was later dying, comatose, in a bed.

It's the routine of waking up with the rising sun, opening my eyes to see Ari laying next to me in our bed. It's the privilege of rolling over onto her pillow, getting to tell her 'good morning,' before diving in to get a taste of that 'morning breath that can kill an army,' as I always say.

It's getting to see her smile as I press my lips to hers, and feel her pull me warmly into her arms when I whisper how much I love her. Then, it's the feeling of hearing her say she loves me, too.

That's my dream, friends. To matter. To be accepted. To be loved by Ari.

As long as I'm loved by her, nothing else matters. It doesn't matter that our reputations have been tarnished to the entire world. It doesn't matter that we can't ever be heroes again. It doesn't matter that everyone else hates us. Life can be hectic, it will change for us over the years, no doubt.

But, the first and strongest dream that Keigo Takami ever had, was to be loved by Ari Parker. He had it for awhile, it just took him a long time to admit it to himself.

It's true though. So very true. Despite what I've been told my entire life, I am capable and deserving of love. And now, no one can ever convince that I'm not.

As if to further emphasize the truth, a small pair of arms suddenly wrapped around my waist from behind, bringing me out of my daydream.

I chuckled softly as I remained standing in front of the kitchen counter, involuntarily throwing my head back a bit when I felt Ari's face nuzzle warmly into the crook of my neck.

She started humming a song softly-a very familiar song that she's been humming all day, before she decided to sing the words that accompanied it. Again.

"Happy birthday to youuuu, happy birthday to youuuuuuuu, happy birthday dear shit heaaaad-"

"Thirty minutes ago, it was 'boss,' and now we're going back to shit head?!-"

"Happyyyy birthdayyyyy to you-hoooooo-ooooo-ooo!!" Ari yodeled completely off-key as she held onto my waist tightly, starting to sway us back and forth into a sloppy, half dance.

My brows raised in amusement at how badly she managed to fuck up a simple tune, letting her continue to move us side to side in her little dance.

"Ay, since you called me a shit head, let me do you one better and tell you that you need some serious singing lessons." I teased casually, not even jumping in surprise when I felt Ari's hand slap my ass lightly.

"And I'll do you one even better than that-I'll get singing lessons, when you build this little ass." She roasted back, giving my butt one more squeeze before giggling at my face of fake offense.

"Woah, rudeee! I thought you were s'posed to be nice to me on my birthday!" I pouted softly, watching her go to the sink to wash her hands so she could help me with what I was currently doing.

I kept my hands wrist deep in the cooking bowl of dough, continuing to knead the cookie batter into shapes with my hands as she shot me a look of challenge.

"Who says I have to be nice to you?" She smirked, drying her hands before she gently nudged my hip with her own so I'd move over and give her some room in the kitchen.

"The birthday police." I countered matter of factly, adding a bit more chocolate chips to the cookie dough before Ari began digging her hands into the bowl to help me form the sweet treats.

"Oh yeah? And where is this birthday police?" She snickered, forced to duck at the incoming chocolate chip that came flying at her head.

"It's me. I'm the birthday police." Her mother chimed in as she walked into the kitchen of her own home, causing Ari to huff and pout softly as she tried to shake the chocolate morsel out of her thick hair.

Yeah, that's right. It's my birthday. A day that has been so insignificant for twenty-three years, that I forgot it most years. The only reason I even remember the day is for standard things, like doctors appointments and stuff like that. A normal birthday for me consists of working myself to the bone, getting berated by Diane at the end of my shift, and going home to an empty home to collapse on my bed and fall asleep, ready to do it all over again the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

Because of that, I never really cared about birthdays, or any type of holiday for that matter. I never saw the point. I was raised to think that it wasn't important, and that celebrating such a thing was a waste of time.

Ahh, but the Parker family was veryyy quick to let me know that this type of thinking is not how it works around here. The moment my birthday was even mentioned, the excitement around the room had leveled up three times its size.

It was excitement for me. For my birthday.

Ari's mom was already talking about what she was going to cook me for dinner, while Sammy and Mr. Parker were asking me what type of present I'd like.

Heh, I couldn't believe it! I still can't believe that this is how people celebrate birthdays? I never knew you were supposed to really celebrate them. But, oh man, I am not complaining! If anything, it makes me realize how much I've been missing out on, all these years, cause now I'm starting to love the concept of birthdays.

Living only a few minutes away from her parents' new home in Tengoku, Ari and I come by to visit most days a week. The family was quick to move out of the mansion that Diane Himura had placed them in all those years ago, opting to find their own quaint home in a pretty part of the city.

Regularly visiting this home with Ari is another routine we've established that I truly love with all my heart.

That's because I love the Parkers with all my heart.

From the very beginning, Ari's family accepted me with open arms. They've shown me an immense amount of love and kindness, that no one in my entire life had ever done before. Even from the first day, they made me feel proud to be myself, and showered me with more support than I could have ever hoped for.

I still remember that first time I visited their home. I wanted to have a family like that, remember? I craved to have that acceptance, that pure happiness and warmth. I craved to fix my loneliness and find a love, just like the Parkers.

But, now? I don't need to find anything like it, because I've been privileged enough to have it with them.

It's made me realize that Ari didn't just give me happiness with her own presence. She also brought a little extra for me, too-or, I should say, a lot extra, because the Parkers' presence is anything, but little.

And I wouldn't want it any other way, because just like Ari, these people make me so damn happy.

"Keigo, is my Little Booger being mean to you? Cause, if so, we can always send her back to the apartment and enjoy your birthday dinner here without her." Ari's mom teased with a smirk, causing Ari to scoff in pure, sassy protest.

"Ohhh, you hear that Little Booger? You better stay in line." I pointed out to Ari smugly, causing Sammy to snicker as he piled into the kitchen with Mr. Parker.

"Eh, we can always send Little Booger back to her apartment, anyways. She's a brat." Sammy chimed in, diving his finger into the bowl of cookie dough to take a piece for himself.

"At least I have my own apartment, you little mooch." Ari countered, while Sammy rolled his eyes.

"Blah, blah, blah. At least I have my own apartment, blah, blah, blah-" Sammy mocked as he took another piece of cookie dough from the bowl.

Ari gently swatted his hand away, sliding the bowl out of his reach like a child, as she gave him her buttery, chocolate chipped middle finger.

"Fuck you." She added on, in case her cussing finger wasn't enough of an emphasis.

"Fuck you!!" Sammy retorted, abruptly lunging his hand back towards the bowl of cookie dough, simply so he could get another piece to spite Ari.

"Sammy, don't say fuck!" Mrs. Parker reprimanded casually, smiling softly as her husband leaned in to give her a gentle kiss.

I couldn't help but smile warmly at the site, myself, as I went to wash the remaining cookie batter from my hands. I never got to see a loving mother and father as a child. It's just another reason The Parkers amaze me.

It's clear to see that Ari's parents truly love each other. They've got their own love story of struggle and strife, so to see them still going so strong after all the horrible things they've been through in their own relationship? Well, it gives me good influence and determination for Ari and I to follow in their footsteps.

"How was the gym today, boys?" Mrs. Parker uttered contently, wrapping her arms around her husband's waist as she looked from me to Sammy.

I dried the remaining water and soap from my hands, before slugging my arms around Ari's shoulders from behind as she continued to form the cookies.

"Ah, I didn't join today, cause Ari and I are still supposed to go on our little birthday hike." I smiled, unconsciously ruffling up her hair.

Mr. Parker nodded in affirmation, going to the fridge to grab himself some water.

"That's true, but even so, Keigo's starting to improve his fitness again very quickly. You're looking a lot stronger in the gym than you did a few months ago." Mr. Parker encouraged genuinely, tossing Sam a water bottle as well.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of his statement, having seen the comeback of strength this man has made himself.

"Ah, you're one to talk, Michael. You're benchin' more than Sammy and I right now." I countered in amusement, gesturing to his muscular arms that were admittedly bigger than mine at the moment.

....I'll get there, alright? I'm just starting to get back in the gym, gimme some time...

Even so, I gotta give Mr. Parker credit where it's due. The first time I met him, he was thin, frail, and barely able to walk. He's completely turned his health around and really pushed himself to become almost just as strong as he was when he was a hero.

And still, the man smiled humbly at my words, giving his head a small shake of disagreement as he spoke.

"Hey, now. How many times do I have to tell you guys it's not all about strength. There are many more important components to health, than just muscles..." He started out with discipline, trailing off his words when he saw his wife smirking at his toned physique in the corner.

Changing his attitude completely, he subtly flexed his biceps in her direction, grinning at her a bit smugly.

".....although, it's definitely an advantage." He finished teasingly, sauntering back over to Mrs. Parker before wrapping his arms around her.

Sammy let out a small groan of gross protest to see his parents getting lovey-dovey. But, Ari and I laughed softly at the sight, before I placed a chaste kiss to the side of her head.

"Well, I love Keigo and his little muscles. I just think they're so cute." Ari stated triumphantly, unintentionally roasting me with her innocent encouragements of love.

My jaw dropped in fake offense as Sammy and her parents began to laugh, before Ari pressed her lips together in amusement at the realization of her accidental insult.

She cringed fakely, quickly washing the cookie dough from her hands before placing her arms around my neck to try and butter me up.

"Awww. Babe, I didn't-"

"-mean to break my heart into a million pieces? It's cool. Fine. Didn't need it anyways." I mumbled back with teasing annoyance, lazily snaking my hands to wrap around her back as she giggled at her mess up.

Of course, it soon became difficult to even pretend to be upset with her the moment she adorably squished her rosy cheek against my own.

Mrs. Parker let out a small 'awww,' at the sight of Ari and I's hug, whispering to her husband about how she wanted to take a picture before he told her to 'stop, honey. Not another one.'"

With every ounce of self control, Mrs. Parker did not take another picture, instead going to grab the bowl of cookie dough and the baking sheet so she could finish up the treats.

Ari hummed softly in protest at the sight, resting her head atop my shoulder as we remained intertwined in each other's arms.

"Hey, mom. Don't worry about that. Keigo and I are almost done with those, anyways. It's our first time making cookies together." She smiled, before looking at me sweetly.

"Yes, but if you two are still going on your hike, you should go now, before it starts to snow again. I've got to start Keigo's birthday dinner, anyways, so it's a good time for you two to take a break." She suggested, gesturing to the growing cold outside while starting to finish up the cookies, herself.

Ari nodded in understanding, puffing out her cheeks slightly as she realized her mother was right.

"Ah, good point. We should probably go now, if we wanna be back before dinner, huh Kei? What do you say, just a small hike to see the sunset?" She proposed softly, pecking my lips innocently and quickly, which caused Sammy to groan again.

"Ew. You know, I'm really getting sick of all the cheesy romance going on in this house." He uttered, sticking his tongue out dramatically before he was forced to duck at the chocolate chip Mrs. Parker threw at his head.

I hummed in agreement to her suggestion, giving her back a small rub before pulling away to grab my shoes and my jacket.

"Sounds good to me, chicky. Hey, maybe we can have Sammy tag along and take some cheesy romance pictures for your mom." I teased, giving Sam's shoulder a light, playful nudge as I passed him.

"Ooo, really!?" Mrs. Parker beamed hopefully, causing Mr. Parker and I to laugh.

"Susy, darling, give them space. We talked about this, remember?" Mr. Parker reminded her sweetly, before helping with the cookies.

"I would rather gouge my eyes out with those scissors over there, than watch those two makeout." Sammy stated firmly, causing Ari to snicker as she tied her hiking boots.

"Would you like me to get them for you?" She questioned, gesturing to the scissors tauntingly before Sammy pressed his lips together in defeat.



"I'm a pussy, because I don't want to gouge my eyes out with scissors? Don't be such a freak."

"Sampson, don't say pussy!" Mrs. Parker reprimanded, causing Sam's face to contort into disgust.

"Blegh, you don't say it either, mom." He mumbled, dipping his finger back into the bowl of batter once more.

I laced up my own shoes quickly now, slowly rising to my feet before giving my arms a lazy stretch over my head.

"Ready?" I asked Ari, quickly shrugging my arms through the arm holes of my jacket.

I'm finally starting to get used to normal jackets that don't have holes for my wings.

Ari nodded as she tied a scarf around her neck and put on a beanie, gently nudging me towards the door so I could lead the way-

"Oh, Keigo, honey. It's too cold to go outside without a hat and scarf-come here." Mrs. Parker called out, quickly wiping batter from her hands before grabbing said items from the little table near the door.

I felt my heart warm as Mrs. Parker sloppily shoved the beanie over my head, before quickly wrapping my neck up in a scarf with the most motherly care you ever saw.

"Thanks, mom." Ari chuckled in amusement, fixing the hat on my head so that it didn't conceal my eyes.

Her mom smiled as she took in Ari and I's appearance, quickly clasping her hands together as she took a few steps back to give us 'space.'

"You're welcome, you two. Have fun hiking, okay? We'll all be here when you get back...." She started out, about to walk away before she turned to me once more.

"And, Keigo. I know we'll probably say it again tonight-I mean, we have to eat dinner and sing the song to you still-but, once again....Happy Birthday, sweetie." She said warmly, quickly forgetting about 'space' as she threw her arms around Ari and I.

I didn't mind. Not at all.

I hugged her back with one arm, snaking my other arm to Ari's waist as I reveled in the love that's finally satiating my neglected soul. It felt so good. So bright.

It felt like I'm finally right where I'm supposed to be. I belong here. I really do. Hawks doesn't belong here, but Keigo Takami does.

"Thank you, Mrs. Parker. I thank you and your family for everything. I can't ever say it enough." I uttered softly, feeling her give my shoulder a small pat before pulling away.

"There's no reason to thank us. You are apart of this family. We love you, Keigo. We all do." Mrs. Parker stated honestly, before Mr. Parker and Sammy nodded in agreement.

"And I love you guys, too." I replied without missing a beat, feeling the words fall so natural and honestly from my mouth.

I mean it. I mean every word. Love is something I've come to love. Something I never want to omit in my lifetime again.

And now? I never have to.


Ari POV:

"Come on, Keigo!! We're almost there!" I laughed happily, dragging his gloved hand in my own as we neared the top of the snowy mountain.

"I'm right behind ya, little dove! I'm following your lead!" Keigo called out over the soft evening breeze, holding onto the beanie atop his head as he picked up his pace with a grin.

It was a bit of a trek to reach the top. Keigo and I had to stop a few times. We even wanted to turn back once or twice. It wasn't always easy. But, we pressed forward. We did it together, because we knew that we'd eventually reach that glorious peak.

Of course, I'm not just talking about the mountain we're hiking, but our relationship as well.

The obstacles in our life were the mountain, and our dreams were the top. Keigo and I had to work together to clear these obstacles and pull each other closer towards that glorious peak.

Cheesy? Sure. But, Keigo and I? Well, we're just that cheesy couple, and proud of it.

After two years-actually, I guess it would be almost twelve years if you count our very first meeting. After twelve years of waiting for each other, it is finally time that we reach the top. It's finally time that we get to relax and look out to the beautiful scenery of possibilities.

It's time that we reach the top of this mountain and see what lies beyond the horizon.

Two more steps.

Then, one.

And now, we've made it. Now, we are free.

My eyes widened in pure awe as Keigo and I reached the top of the mountain, unable to take in all of the jaw dropping scenery at one time as it was just too pure and gorgeous to retain.

The waterfall a few feet away from us had not frozen, but the gorgeous pine trees, hills, and flowers below were coated in milky, magical snow-all of it tinted a faint pink orange as the setting sun illuminated against it from the pastel streaked sky.

It was beautiful. Breathtaking. Everything I could have imagined and more.

And the best part, is that Keigo and I made it to the top together.

"Wow...." I breathed out as I looked out to the open skies, throwing my head back towards the clouds and letting my eyes fall closed as the chilly winter breeze tickled around my nose.

But, a warm, fuzzy sensation quickly replaced the cold air, causing me to open my eyes and see that Keigo's last feather had detached from my necklace, tickling my nose a bit, before it rose higher to dance with the breeze.

I laughed happily as I watched the vermilion beauty fly as high and free as it wanted, having nothing holding it back from going where it wanted to go.

"Looks like we caught the sunset just in time!" Keigo called out a few feet behind me, setting up a thick blanket atop the soft snow for us to sit on.

But, I didn't want to sit quite yet, turning my attention back to the scenery and the feather with unadulterated glee.

"Yeah, we did, huh? We really did." I uttered warmly, sticking my hands in the front pockets of my jacket as I smushed my boots deeper into the snow.

Just when I was starting to become a bit cold, I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind, before Keigo pulled my back flush against his chest.

His warmth enveloped me in the best way. I didn't need any wings to keep me warm, because Keigo had the ability to do that all on his own.

I melted back against him as he rested his chin atop my shoulder, gently holding onto his arms as he slowly swayed us back and forth with the hum of a quiet song.

Time slowed down as we reveled in the moment, yet I would be okay if it didn't slow down. I wasn't stressing about trying to make the moment last, because now there was nothing stopping us from having a million more just like it.

Keigo's here with me. He's here to stay. And that, right there, is all I ever wanted.

"It's beautiful, huh?" I whispered to him softly, feeling his lips curl into a smile when he placed a kiss on my warm cheek.

"Ahhh, yes she is." He drawled out cheesily, grazing the tip of his nose against my face to emphasize me as the subject of his statement.

I rolled my eyes softly as I continued letting him sway our bodies smoothly. It honestly felt like we were flying even though we were still grounded.

"My Prince Charming." I chuckled teasingly, before Keigo's feather came back down to swirl around us.

"And don't you forget it." He countered gently, slowly grabbing my chin between his mitten fingers before turning my head towards his own.

His hot lips warmed my ice cold ones so perfectly as he captured me in a kiss. His hand came to rest on my cheek, caressing it softly with his thumb, before he used his other hand to turn me around in his hold to face him.

I did it with ease, closing my eyes too soon as I took a step forward straight into a rock concealed by the snow, causing Keigo and I to quickly lose our footing and fall backwards onto the cozy blanket.

I couldn't help but squeal a bit at the surprise of the fall, yet before I could hit the ground and come crashing down onto Keigo, he was quick to grab me in his arms and carefully pull me down on top of him.

His grin was too wide for a kiss, but I leaned in anyways, cupping his cheeks with both of my hands as I kissed his top lip, before he quickly got with the program and melted his mouth back against mine once more.

"Mm, my chicky." He breathed out blissfully against my lips, pulling me closer by the back of my neck to get a more intimate taste of my lips.

I reciprocate gladly, quickly getting lost in the moment faster than it began.

But, it was a sweet moment. Innocent and beaming as Keigo and I lazily captured each other in kisses and whispers, laughs and hugs.

At last, I finally pulled away, resting my head atop his chest to look up at the orangey pink sky. His arm curled around my frame as he placed a chaste kiss to my forehead, both of us watching the light flakes of snow starting to fall around Keigo's feather that was still dancing with joy in the air.

Eternal heartbeats of time had come and gone. Not enough for the sun to have set past the horizon yet, but enough for Keigo and I to become wrapped into our own, little world, the way we always do.

"Thanks for coming up here with me, Kei." I whispered some time later, nuzzling my face against his cheek to feel the lively warmth that had gathered there.

He chuckled softly at my words as he pulled me closer, lazily turning his head towards mine to show me those beautiful, angelic eyes of gold that now shimmered brighter than the setting sun, warming up my soul with a single look of love.

" 'course, baby. I'll come up here with you, anytime. You're my girl. I'll go anywhere with ya." He whispered, gently pressing his lips to mine with reassurance that made me feel so incredibly light.

And that, my friends, brings us to the end of our story. Not the whole story, of course. But, to the present time of Keigo and I sitting atop this mountain. It's a long one. It's a messy one. Tragic at times, beautiful at others. But, there's no doubt that it is life. It's our life to live. Free and true to how we always wanted to be.

It's the story of how we chased our dreams. How we flew too close to the sun, and melted our wings. But, also how our melted wings never stopped us from flying and soaring for new heights. Keigo and I thank you for coming along to listen, and hope that you also go out to achieve your own dreams.

Because when you never give up on them, the outcome is beautiful, just like the vast universe of this gorgeous world.

And so, I smiled freely as I turned my attention to Keigo now, seeing the sun finally starting to set beyond the horizon in my peripheral vision.

But, even though we came out here to see the sunset, all I could focus on was the man I love. My angel of the sky.

"Happy Birthday, Keigo. I really hope you can have everything you ever wanted." I whispered softly, spilling the entirety of my love for him in a simple sentence.

He smiled happily as he looked down at me, using his feather to gently brush away the messy hairs that were concealing my face.

"Well. Your Prince Charming is coming back with the predictable line of saying, I already have everything I ever wanted." He stated dorkily, causing both of our laughs to mix freely into the air before he spoke again.

"It's the truth though, Ari. I don't just have everything I ever wanted, but even more than that. I'm the luckiest man alive, and you, chicky? You are truly my greatest, most important gift. So, thank you." He said passionately, wrapping his arms around me for a hug.

"Thank you, as well." I whispered as we both looked on peacefully to watch the last rays of light finally take their rest for the night behind the snowy mountain tops.

Keigo and I sighed softly in content to see the sun finally set, both of us watching the beautiful scenery in content silence before I spoke up some time later.

"It was so pretty to see, I could almost stay out here all night to see it rise all over again." I stated, smushing my cheek against Keigo's as we looked out beyond the horizon.

His lips curled into a smile of bliss as he pulled me closer, dragging my body fully on top of his own before directing his attention up at me.

"Ah, we got nothin' but time now, chicky, so we can. Or, we can at least stay out here a little longer?" He suggested with light question, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I chuckled softly at his rosy cheeks, chilled from the cold, before nodding my head in happy agreement.

"A little longer? Sure. But, all night? I am not sleeping out here in the snow. So we better set some kind of time limit, Keigo." I teased playfully, as Keigo was quick to pull me down for another kiss.

He broke away from my mouth for a moment when he laughed, tickling his lips with my own, speaking his words as soft as the evening breeze that passed us.

"Ahhh, time. Precious.....perfect, free time. We got the time. I promise, we got time...." He trailed off peacefully, smiling against my mouth before gazing into my eyes warmly.

"Cause you and I? We've got....all the time in the world, Chicky. And that is a promise straight from my heart."


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