Greetings From The Void!

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Top pic credit: Nils_and_Geese

~ Three weeks ago ~


The conversation continued to echo into my empty head for a countless amount of time. It's all I could think about, and sure maybe that's cause I've been in this strange limbo-for who knows how long, with nothing else to do. But, I also think it's cause that little dove is just too hard for me to forget.

"I-I just wanna know if you can feel me. If you can hear me. I-I just want you to know that you aren't alone. I'm here for you. I will always be here for you. I will always be in your corner, supporting you every step of the way...."

Can I hear you, Ari? No. Can I feel you? Well, not really. Not for the most part, anyways.

I can't feel your touch, the way I wish I could. I can't hear that voice, the way I so desperately want to.

However, for some reason, I can sense the vibrations of your words through that little feather you must still have with you. I haven't been able to feel it until today. Maybe you just needed to bring it close enough, so its sounds would be able to reach me strongly. I'm not sure.

But, I guess the short answer to your question, yes. I can feel you.

The moment you had entered, wherever I am, with your mom, I could sense your weak heartbeat. I couldn't feel your touch, but I could sense that you were running your fingers against that last feather you held onto, all throughout the war.

You never let it go, huh?

I could sense you sniffling. I could sense the sound vibrations of voice-your voice, because your sounds have a very specific pattern that I'd already memorized so long ago.

"Hi, Keigo." She had said.

Oh? Hey, little dove. How's it going?

I had felt the cobwebs of my sleeping head starting to blow away as I tried to force my sluggish mind to focus on translating the vibrations of Ari's shaky, tearful voice into words.

The sound of her speaking stimulated my sleeping brain. I could practically feel her words tapping against my skull in an attempt to force me awake somehow.

But, while my brain was finally starting to wake up a bit, my body was definitely not.

Sleep paralysis. I was paralyzed. I couldn't feel anything. Quite frankly, I didn't even know where I was. It felt like I was dead, and maybe I was.

Ah, but Ari's here. So, if I'm dead, I must be in heaven, cause she's an angel and that's where she'd be.

Heh, how's that for cheesy? Guess I still got it.

My head had already been tired just from trying to interpret that simple two word greeting from Ari. But, when I sensed her speaking again, you bet your feathered ass that I forced myself to take it in and translate it, so I could hold onto every single word.

And, I did. Damn, I really did.

I listened to how she regrets not running away together. Yeah, I'm a little sad that we didn't do that, too, baby. But, if we did, think about everyone else who would have died?

"But, then again....We both know that we care too much about the well-being of others to just...walk away like that."

Hey, I just said that!-or, thought that. See? I told you she's the only woman for me.

"Sammy told me how you finally stopped searching for me, just so that Tokoyami would leave the mansion and be saved. I know that couldn't have been easy for you, but....I just want you to proud I am that you did that."

I mentally pursed my lips in conflicting feelings for that one. I dunno, chicky. I can't say that was my proudest moment. Now, mind you, I wouldn't take it back, if I had to do it again. I couldn't just let Tokoyami drag himself down with me.

But, I do think that's kinda the thing that really pushed me over the edge and landed me here. I gave up. Yeah, that's the truth. And, sure, you don't really hear a lot of stories where one of the protagonists actually gives up, but hey....this story's different, I guess.

Quite honestly, I purposely gave up right then and there, cause I was trying to die. I didn't wanna be in a world without you, Ari, so...I decided to just let nature run its course and take me.

Ah. Had I known you'd be alright though....I wouldn't have given up like that. I would have forced myself to stay awake for as long as possible, to make sure I could wake up before you did and pour my heart out to you, like you're doing now.

I even had a little, teary speech planned for ya, and all. You know, I've been told I'm quite pretty when I cry. Yep, I'm bragging.

But, damn. Guess I kinda fucked myself over with this one, huh? I gave up, so now, I'm the one who's lying here like a dead bird, fighting for my life. Lesson learned, I guess.

"I always knew my angel of the sky had to be someone amazing."

Ah, man. Here it comes, huh? If I wasn't totally paralyzed right now and I still had my wings, I'd fly farrrrr away from here, so I wouldn't have to hear Ari's thoughts on me being her angel of the sky. Her true thoughts, not just thoughts she had when I held her dying body in a falling mansion.

I mean, after fear of what she would really think is what led me to keep it from her for so long. I could already imagine those lively green eyes of hers dulling down into disappointment that this angel she loves so much

And, sure. Maybe some would call that irrational. Maybe some would say "she loves you, Keigo. She would be so thrilled, if she knew it was you."

But, that's not how I was raised to believe. I was raised to believe that my back isn't strong enough to put the people at ease. I was raised to believe that Keigo Takami would never be enough for anybody.

So, the possibility that the love of my life would turn on me and feel the same? Well, you bet I wouldn't risk that. No way. I don't ever want Ari to feel disappointed and disgusted in me, so there's no way I'd put myself in a situation where that could happen.

"My angel of the sky isn't just kind....he's completely selfless. He's not just amazing, he's extraordinary. He's not just the best hero in the entire world, but the best person that I know...."

If my heart had the ability to flutter right now, it definitely would have, upon hearing those words.

"I guess what I'm trying to that my angel of the sky is better than any fantasy I could have ever expected. He's better than I first remembered him, and he's better than any superhero image anyone could ever try to replicate. He's better because he's you."

Ah, wow. Did you hear that? Did you hear what she said?

Man, I'm at a loss for words, y'know. Maybe that's just because my vocabulary at the moment isn't totally all there. But, even so...nothing can stop me from forcing these words to stick in my head forever, no matter where I end up. I wish I could play them on repeat.

And now that I know how she feels, I wish I would have just been a man and told her the truth so long ago, just so I could have seen that look on her face. A look of happiness and excitement, pure pride and ease to know it was me who saved her.

"And, deep down, I must have always known it was you, because I always saw you as my hero, Keigo. Not Hawks, not even the illusion that I painted this unknown mystery of the 'angel of the sky,' to be. It was you, before I even knew. And I'll always see you that way. As this shining light, who can put everyone at ease, just the way you always dreamed."

You're making me tear up, little dove. I mean, if I was alive enough to cry, anyways.

But, thank you, Ari. Thank you for never giving up on me. For having so much patience with me, and for truly giving me a chance. No one else gave me a chance, but you did.

And, no matter where I matter if I go back to full unconsciousness and never wake up, or if I decide to finally come back to the life of the living...

It doesn't change the fact that you saved me.

"Why....why didn't you tell me, Kei?"

I know, it was bad. I fucked up again. I'm sorry.

"I....I....I didn't appreciate you enough, did I? That's why you kept it from me, right? I didn't deserve you, huh?"

Nah, that's not it all, babe. I just said you saved me. I never even knew how it felt to be appreciated, before I met you. This is my fault. I was being stupid. Hey, don't cry.

"I just need you to know that I love you, Keigo. And I will always remember how it felt to cherish my angel of the sky. But, more than that, I will remember more how it felt to love you, Keigo Takami, because over everything....that feeling is the best thing I have, and ever will, experience. Thank you for giving me that honor...."

You don't have to thank me. The honor is all mine.

Oh, and in case you still aren't quite sure....I love you, too. I always will.

Sensing the sound of Ari's voice rotating slightly in my senses, I realized that I must have managed to actually move the feather a bit.

It barely swayed off my chest, trying to make its way towards Ari's hand that I know was resting on the bed.

But, damn. I'm just too tired to try and keep moving it. I'm sorry.

The room had remained silent for-I don't know how long, with Ari's soft little cries filling the room.

I spent that time trying to wake up as hard as I possibly could. Yeah, I know that sounds a little bit strange, but it's what I did.

Of course, it didn't work-well, not in the way I wanted it to. What I wanted was for Ari to finish her little speech, asking me to come back, only so I could conveniently wake up at the exact moment she finished and say "I'm right here, little dove. I heard it all. I love you, and now let's go get married."

Then, neither of us would have any lasting physical repercussions or emotional trauma from this whole thing, we'd walk out of the hospital on our two left feet, I'd fly her away with me, and then we'd go live happily ever after somewhere.

But, I guess this ain't no fairy tale, because my cruel reality quickly set in, faster than my head had come back to some in-limbo sort of consciousness.

I sensed a small creaking sound from the opposite side of the room. It sounded similar to a door opening.

"We need to leave now, Ari. You can't stay in here any longer, I'm sorry." An unfamiliar voice said, her sound waves coming from the door area.

Who's that?

"Y-Yeah. Okay..." Ari whimpered softly, before I heard her sniffle again.

'Okay?' No, don't agree! I don't want you to leave. I'm finally starting to wake up. Don't go now. You're the only thing helping me stay focused on trying to find my way back-

"I love you. So much." Ari whispered, before I sensed the sound of her lips placing a kiss.

Oh. Well, I can't feel where she put that kiss, but I hope it was meant for me....

"Bye, Kei. I'll see you soon."

No! Wait! Come back! Ari! Come back!!

I miss you, little dove. Please come back. Kiss me again.

"You did very well today, Ari. Excellent job." That unfamiliar lady said to her again, before I heard them making their way towards the door.

Huh. She sounds nice. I hope she's being nice to Ari. I hope Ari's okay...

And, brain began to finally start actually waking up more and registering more of the situation.

Now that I think about it, I don't know how long I've been here. How long has it been? Days? Months? Years? Was I just an old man now? Had Ari moved on without me and she was just doing a yearly check-in or something?

Oh my god. Did she marry someone else?!

How did the war end? Where is everyone? Where am I? Is Ari in any danger? Does she have any injuries?

Okay, now I'm starting to freak out a little.

I can't feel my body. I can't feel anything. I can't move, and it's kind of starting to scare me. All I can do is think. It's like I'm trapped inside my mind, with no way out.

I....I need to get out of here.

Think, Keigo. Think-

"Oh, you're back! How did it go?" I suddenly sensed inside my brain, feeling a jolt of feather vibration stimulate my consciousness a bit.

If I could have gasped I would have.

The feather.

You're kidding. I can still sense it's vibrations, now that part of me is conscious?

Okay, come on now, Keigo. Focus. Stay together. At least if you can't make your body work, then force your mind to continue working, or you may never come out of this again.

I need to use these sound vibrations as my anchor into the real world. Continuing to stimulate my brain into translating the voices is the only hope I have of waking up.

So, who's talking?

That was Sammy.

"It went fine. He....he's still sleeping, was really good to see him." Ari said, sniffling softly before I heard her dad now.

"I know he would appreciate it, kiddo. He will wake up. Keigo's a strong guy. He won't give up so easily."

Thanks, Mr. Parker. Eh, you know I kinda did give up, butttt not anymore, so that's gotta count for something, right?

Wake up, Keigo. Come on.

And, so I listened. I have no idea how long I listened for, but I basically listened to everything I could through that feather.....


"Susy, have you gone to the market, yet? We're out of hand sanitizer."

"No, I was going to, but then I had to drop by the pharmacy to get Sammy's new anxiety medication."

Anxiety medication? Ah, Sammy. I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess. It seems it's finally taking its toll on you now, too.

More conversations.

"Ari, I'm nurse Adachi, and I'm going to be taking care of you today. It's time for another blood test. Can we put that feather you're holding on the table for a moment?"

"B-But, I don't wanna lose i-"

"I know. Just for a moment, dear. Come on now."

Set it down, Ari. It's okay, she won't hurt you. Remember? She's the one who gave you the extra jello cup after lunch, yesterday.

Blacked out for a bit after that. But, I came back again at some point.

"I just don't understand why the courts won't let me testify! I mean, he trashed my reputation and now I don't even get to tell my side of the story? How much longer do I have to wait before I can speak? People are already starting to set these ridiculously false rumors as true!!" Ari yelled in frustration.

He? Courts? Testify? Reputation? Rumors? What is she talking about? Whatever it is, it's got her really worked up.

Onto another conversation.

"I-It's just really hard, you know. I didn't want to say anything, cause I know how hard this entire situation has been for you. I thought you were gonna die, Ari. I-I saw dead bodies and people dying. And K-Keigo won't wake up. God, I-I just feel like I'm so messed up now." Sammy cried during a heartfelt conversation with Ari.

Ah, I'm glad he finally told her how he's feeling. Sure, I've been listening in on the conversations he's had with his parents about this post traumatic stress he's developed, but he only spoke of it when he knew Ari was sleeping.

He didn't wanna burden her. That's what he told Susy and Michael. But, they reassured him that not being open about how the whole thing affected him would only be more of a burden for his healing.

Yeah, they're right. They're good parents.

So, Sammy and Ari finally talked it out. And she was just as understanding and comforting to him as I knew she would be.

"I know, Sam. My god, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve any of that. I know this will stick with you, possibly for the rest of your life. But, you're not alone. You're not a burden, and can always talk to me about this stuff. I understand. I will always be here for you." Ari said as she began to cry now.

Ah, that's my girl. Good job, baby-


Huh? What the hell was that? Was that a sound? It didn't come from my feather?

Where did it come from?

It's another day, week, or month. Let's keep listening through my feather.

"Assholes!! They're all assholes!" I heard Mr. Parker storm into the room in pure and utter fury.

Woah, I've never heard him so angry. Damn, he's always such a nice guy, but that was intimidating as hell.

Hey, remind me to never get on his bad side.

"Michael? What's wrong? How did the court session go? Are they finally agreeing to let Ari speak?" Mrs. Parker asked, yet I could tell she was stressed.

"No. The Hero Commission won this round today. They argued that if Ari spoke right now, just the sight of her face would cause people to lose it in a frenzy. They think it's better that people believe she is still in a coma and the courts agreed!" He exclaimed angrily, causing Ari to sigh in disappointment for not being able to speak.


What, now?

Ari was in a coma?-Hero commission? Why would people be angry if they saw Ari's face-

"And poor Keigo. They're just eating him alive in that courtroom!!"


"A boy, who gave his entire life and quirk for the hero commission, in exchange for their abuse and torment. He's fighting for his life in there on a ventilator-"



What was that beeping again?!

"-and they have the audacity to trash his name in front of everyone like that?! He can't defend himself! It's outrageous!!" Mr. Parker practically yelled, causing my mind to start spinning within itself at this new information I was getting.

What the actual fuck is going on?


And can someone please turn that shit down?! I'm tired.

Another day-or-you know what I mean.

"Hah, oh my gosh, check out this meme that Nejire sent me." Ari laughed weakly during another day, or hour, or month. I don't know. The point is, it's the first time I've actually heard her laugh, since I started listening through my feather. It was weak and still sad. But, it's a start.

"She sent it, because that cat's face looks like yours." Sammy snickered.


"Shut up. It does not." Ari pouted adorably.

"Blah, blah shut up, it does not, blah blah." Sammy mocked out-





Please tell me....

You heard that, too. Surely, you must have, because that sound of my name did not come from my feather.

It came from my eardrums. My actual eardrums-




What? What's happening.


Suddenly, I feel weiiird-


"Shit-He's coding!!!! Code blue!!"

Code who?-


My feather. I'm....I'm losing touch...with my feather.

It's getting hard for me to-

"Ari, Keigo! Ari! Ari is waiting for you, honey. You can't die, okay? She's waiting for you! You gotta stay with me. If you can hear me right now, stay with me!" I actually heard loud and clear somehow, yet I still felt myself failing.

That sounds like the doctor who always takes care of Ari. I've heard her through my feather. She's nice. Ari doesn't think so, but she's nice.

She talks of Ari.

That's right. Ari. Come on, I gotta try and hold onto that feather. Focus on the feather, Keigo.

But, I'm so tired. So tired.

"Ari, Keigo! Remember?! Stay alive for her-someone give me a rundown of his vitals-get the-"

She's right. Ari. Fight it. Come on, I gotta fight it.

Agh, but my body is legitimately trying to die right now-

"Hands clear on the body! Shock administering!-"

Oh fuck. What the hell was that!?


Don't go to sleep-I mean, I'm already asleep. But, what I mean is, I can't go fully to sleep again, cause then I know I won't survive.

I won't make it back. And I gotta make it back to Ari. I promised her I would.

"Stable. He's getting....s..ta..b..le-"

And suddenly, it went white. I don't know how much time passed, but now....everything is white.

"Keigo. Tha...s.....good......rea...y....g..."


Am I dying?

I'm scared. I am scared. Please. Someone help me. I don't know what's happening to me.

T...The feather. Keep...




On the...


"Safe, Keigo."

Keigo? Someone's saying my name?

Ari? Is that you?

My realities are colliding. I feel changes within my mind and body taking over.

And then....I surprised myself.

By trying to speak. And then, I surprised myself again by actually registering that I was trying to speak. I heard it. I felt it.

Am I awake? Or dead?

Of course, the sound didn't come out like I'd hoped...

"Ahhwii... asjksjdb." I babbled, unable to even use my vocal chords properly or close my mouth to form the words as I now realized there was something inside it.

Actually, now that the feeling is starting to come back, I realize it's down my entire throat.

What is that!??! I can't breathe. It hurts.

Get it out. Get it out. Lemme pull that out real quick. I don't like it, it's annoying me-

An abrupt, horrid gasp sounded in the room, and quite honestly I think it was my own gasp as I felt my eyelids fly open too quickly to actually utilize my vision.

"Oh my god-doctor, he's awake!!!!-"

Seeing nothing but white with eyes wide open, I felt my body starting to writhe around on the bed in frantic panic, before my hands went to my mouth-

"Oh, no, no, no, no-hey, relax, Keigo. Doctor, we should get Ari so he knows he's safe in here-he's trying to pull the tube out-someone help me restrain him, please. Just for a moment, so he doesn't yank the tube out and hurt himself. Keigo? Hey, Keigo. You're safe. Ari is here. Ari is in this hospital, too. Okay? Think of Ari." Some unfamiliar voice said patiently before I felt the pressure of people's arms holding down my writhing frame.

I don't hear Ari. I don't see Ari. Being restrained only made me freak out more.

The beeping suddenly got faster as I felt my anxiety increasing. I heard distorted and muffled incoherent whimpers in the room, before realizing they were my own.

It's all terrifying. Get off me. Get off-

"Jeez, he's stronger than I thought for coming out of a coma-Keigo, I know it's hard. You need to calm down. Your hands work, that's great-but, don't touch that-or that. It's helping you stay alive-definitely don't touch that. You're safe." The voice said, coming out clearly now, but still with the tone that I was underwater.

"Ahhwii...I....Awhi." I whimpered incoherently again as I felt the voided, lonely scenery of my mind finally starting to fade as I began losing a handle on the feather now.

No. Come back. Ari, come back.

Who are these people, Ari? Are they hurting me?-

"Ari is fine. She's safe. I'm a doctor. You're in a hospital. You're waking up now. You are okay."

Huh. Yeah. That was wayyy too many words.

She's a hospital and I'm a doctor? Hm. But, Ari's fine. I got that. I finally registered it.

And finally it helped me calm down a little.

The BEEP continued. A beep that I was now realizing was a steady beeping of some type of machine behind me, probably monitoring my health.

"Keigo." This strange person said again, once I'd stopped writhing around.

It sounds like that doctor woman Ari always speaks to. The one who's nice.

But....Ari doesn't trust her. So, I don't either.

"N...oooooauuy....Ge....a-ayyy...oeee eee." I drawled out incoherently and wheezy from the tube, sounding as if I was high on thirty different kinds of drugs. I probably was.

Yeah. That didn't work. I was trying to say "no, get away from me." You understood me though, right?

But, guess I don't really have a choice.

She ignored it, anyways, speaking the first, full sentence that finally registered in my head and made sense.

"Keigo, you're waking up. You're alive, and you survived the war."

Ah, I did, did I? Well, how about that.


As much as I would have loved to wake up all at one time, remember everything that happened, strut my way over to Ari's room with my weak chicken legs, and plant a nice, passionate, dramatic kiss on those lips....

That did not happen!

Quite the contrary actually. It seems that while gaining consciousness again was definitely a hard part, the even harder part was trying to clear away this fog in my brain and body that seemed to be frustratingly permanent.

Nights and days blended together. I still couldn't speak or even retain any pieces of information that the doctors and nurses told me. I felt like a loopy zombie and parts of my body still continued to remain frighteningly numb, in a way that made me believe I might be paralyzed forever.

Of course, the doctors and nurses tried to reassure me that these symptoms were completely normal for someone who's been in a coma for over a month, and that it will take some time for me to gain my senses back again and return to normal alertness.

As much as I wanted to continue getting my daily episodes of the Parker family through my little feather in Ari's hand, now that my brain was legitimately awake, I didn't have the strength to telekinetically focus and focus on the real world. So, I had to forgo using my telekinesis, until I'd be able to really become alive again.

Instead, I spent the time exercising my brain, and trying to force my paralyzed muscles to finally move for the first time.

It was grueling. Exhausting. Difficult. I felt brain dead, not being able to even speak or keep my eyes open most of the time.

But, I forced myself not to give up. I forced myself to fight through it, because I knew now that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel, if I did.

And, it seemed to work, cause finally...after what felt like months-but, I later learned was only an excruciatingly long week and a half, that annoying tube finally came out of my throat, and I'd also built up the skill to finally keep my eyes open, and retain a good enough amount of alertness and attentiveness to have my first conversation.

It would be my very first conversation since I passed out in the mansion.

It was a conversation with the doctor. The doctor, who's voiced I recognized to be Ari's doctor, too. And, of course, I didn't say much. I haven't really tried to speak much, since it takes a lot out of me.

But, I listened. I listened very well, and I hung onto every word, to better understand my situation.

"I am so glad to see how quickly you're progressing now, Keigo. You were having a very difficult time for over a month. We didn't think you'd make it. But then, one day, when I was checking your vitals, your fingers began twitching and your eyes began fluttering a bit. Internally, your body began making small bouts of progress. Little sounds started to come from your throat and your muscles began to flex every now and then. You had been trying to wake yourself up. It took you about five days of trying to finally bring yourself back to consciousness." She explained kindly, and slowly to make sure my groggy mind would be able to retain it.

Five days? I was only having those stupid conversations in my head for five days? That shit felt wayyy longer than five days.

Regardless, I simply nodded in my bandaged face a small rub with my, now able to move, hands as I had one person weighing heavy on my mind.

The doctor seemed to sense that-I mean, how could she not? Basically the only thing I've been saying to anyone for these past few days is "Ari." It's pretty obvious to everyone that I really want to see her.

"You know, Keigo. It's very interesting. You didn't start showing any signs that you'd wake up, until a day or two after Ari came to visit your room. I didn't realize how much it would help her to see you, but I also didn't realize how much it would help you to see her." She smiled hopefully, letting out a small sigh of guilt as she spoke her next words.

"I really wish she could have continued to come and see you. But, you see.....when you started showing signs that you might wake up, and then when you did, I felt it best if I kept her away. Even once you woke, you were still in very bad shape for a bit. No one knew what direction you were going to go in. Sure, you showed some new activity, but it didn't necessarily mean you were going to wake up and survive. I didn't want Ari to see you progressing and get her hopes up, only for you to hit a barrier and pass away so quickly. That would have destroyed her, more than anything. So....I decided to hold out and wait to see what happened with you." The doctor stated, pulling out her stethoscope now to try and listen to my heart.

Once again, I simply nodded....feeling my mouth too dry to really speak as I tried to sit up for her to do her assessment.

The nurse had to help me fully, as even the act of trying to sit up was too much work.

"You started breathing on your own a few days after Ari visited your room as well. That was a very big deal and gave us hope that you would wake up, so we continued to monitor you very closely. We didn't want you to wake up, freak out, and start pulling things out of your body." She chuckled a bit, probably remembering the way I did exactly that, the moment I came back to the world.

I swallowed a bit as I realized I was finally getting ready to speak, not even recognizing the sound of my own voice as it came out so incredibly raspy and burnt.


I grimaced a bit at the sting my dry throat felt from speaking, quickly taking a sip of the water that the nurse on my other side had held to my lips.

"She's doing very well, physically speaking. She's going to try walking for the first time in a few days." The doctor reassured, yet she only caught my attention with the word physically. And I could not be happier to hear that Ari is well and making good health progress on her own.

" she....doing..?" I asked again, not caring about the way it hurt my throat as I felt myself needing to know.

The doctor's smile fell a bit as she clearly understood the context of my question. Her behavior was enough of a response for me, before she even spoke.

"She talks about you a lot. She....she actually has one of your-"

"Feathers. Yeah, I know. I can sense it." I blurted out a little more clearly this time, causing the doctor's brows to raise in surprise.

"What? You can? Keigo, that's wonderful. The fact that you can still sense that means that some aspects of your quirk may still work. How long have you been able to sense the feather?" The doctor asked, quickly placing her stethoscope back around her neck as she made a beeline to her laptop on the table to take some notes.

"Since I was asleep. S'the only thing that helped me wake up."

"Can you move it?" She asked perplexed, typing rapidly on her on computer.

I pursed my lips in unknowing question.

"Dunno. I can try to move it around right now-" I started saying, before she quickly stopped me.

"No, not yet. Let's wait on that, if you don't mind...." The doctor started off, sighing softly when she saw the questioning suspicion immediately paint my face.

"And why not?" I asked with just a hint of accusation in my voice.

After all, I know what hospital we're in. Hero Commission people can't be trustworthy.

Seeming deflated-but, also used to this accusation and suspicion, probably from Ari...the doctor slowly closed her laptop, before walking over to me.

"Ari has that feather in her grasp every minute of every day. Even just the slightest bit of movement from it, and she will know. You're awake, Keigo. But, I'll be honest with you. You're not quite out of the woods, yet. I want to monitor you for a bit longer, before we tell her you're awake..." She explained, pursing her lips in a bit of somber thought before she continued.

"Ari...she's got a long way to go. I will be honest in saying that her physical health will heal leaps and bounds ahead of her emotional health. This entire situation-not just the's affected her very deeply. She may not be the same girl she used to be. She will have to truly learn how to live again....and....I know it might make me seem like the bad guy by not telling her you're awake, but I'm really trying to do what's best for her. What's best for both of you, so that you can both walk out of this situation in the best shape you can be in."

I puffed out my cheeks softly as I took in the words of the doctor. They make sense, and they sounded pretty genuine. Not to mention, she has been the one who's been keeping me alive. And anyone who has my chicky's best interest at heart immediately gets points in my book.

She doesn't sound all that bad, Ari. But, I guess that's part of these changes that the doctor's talking about. I bet you think a lot of people are pretty bad now, huh?

Don't worry. I'll fix you. Just like you fixed me. We'll get through it. Together. That's what we do.

Allowing myself to relax once again, and mostly just cause I was feeling tired, I slowly began leaning back into my bed, giving the doctor a small nod of understanding.

"Ah. Alright, that's fair. I'll just have to keep getting better then. I gotta warn ya though....I can't always control an involuntary twitch or movement, especially now that I've been asleep for so long. If it moves, it's only cause it was an accident. But, I'll do my best to control it." I explained, trying to give my numb legs a small move to speed up this whole getting better process.

But, of course, it's not gonna happen overnight.

"Thank you, Keigo. I really appreciate that. And if there comes a time where your feather does accidentally move, and Ari notices? Well, I will tell her the truth. She's had enough people lie to her in her life. And depending on how well you are, maybe I'll even let her see you, if that time comes. For now, let's just give it a little more time to try and feel things out." The doctor proposed, giving the top of my head a small, motherly pat as she saw my eyes already wanting to close again.

But, yet I forced them open. I wasn't quite done with my questions, yet. I wanted to see if what I heard through my feather was real, or if I was just hallucinating.

"So....what's this whole thing going on with the hero commission and Ari? Sounds like it's also got something to do with me, ey?" I questioned, keeping this motivation I had to continue trying to move my numb legs.

The doctor's lips pressed into a thin line of anxiety at my words, meaning that I clearly hit the nail on the mark with my guesses.

I didn't miss the way her eyes darted to the turned off tv, before she quickly placed the television remote up high in a place I wouldn't be able to reach.

"I want to be as transparent as I can with you, Keigo. So let me be honest and say that knowing that entire mess will only deplete your progress, instead of help. You will understand that situation when your body and mind can handle it. For now, it's not important. You're safe. Ari is safe. She's only just down the hall, a few rooms away from yours. And you both will make it out of this okay. Alright? I promise." The doctor said with a smile of reassurance, nodding for the nurse to give me one more sip of water before putting me down for my nap like a damn baby.

"Fine." I uttered softly, letting the water coat my dry mouth before I decided to settle back down for some rest.

"Good then. I'm actually going to head into Ari's room to check on her now. Believe it or not, it will be very hard for me to keep this a secret, Keigo. I....I was hoping to actually see her smile today. But, I am looking forward to seeing her smile when you two reunite." The doctor nodded, pulling my blanket up my chest before she and the nurse began walking out.

Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing that smile of hers, too. It's pretty contagious. But, you already know that.

And, while Ari may need some time to learn how to trust people again, she did a pretty good job of teaching me how to do so.

"Hey, doc." I called out weakly, watching her stop her walk at the door, before turning around to face me.

"I heard you, y'know. When I was starting to crash and....-I heard you telling me to fight. I heard how hard you worked to try and save my life. Thank you for saving me. Thanks for....being nice. And thank you for taking good care of my Ari. She's real special to me." I nodded casually, barely noticing the way her eyes welled up with that "awww" look.

Ah, whatever. I'm a mushy person. I accept that now. And you know what? Yeah, that was pretty fucking adorable, so there. I hope everyone "awww'ed" their asses off at that.

"You're very welcome, dear. I know she's special to you, Keigo. And I know how special you are to her, too. Both of you...are some very special, extraordinary people, just the way you are. I hope you kids will be able to realize that about yourselves in time. Now, get some rest." The doctor parted kindly, turning off my lights now before gently shutting the door.

Special, huh? Yeah, I guess Ari and I ended up being pretty special, after all. Special heroes? I don't know about that. But, special people?

Well, I'm finally at a point in my life.....where I'd like to think that's true.


And so, I continued to heal. I refrained from using my telekinesis to drop by Ari's room and see how she was doing. Mostly cause I was afraid I would accidentally move my feather if I did. I wasn't sure how much time had gone by now, but it couldn't have been more than a week or two.

Very slowly, the feeling in my legs began to return to me, but the doctor said I was still in no position to walk just yet. I still couldn't feel any touches that Ari gave my feather. I was hoping that sensation would return soon.

Even if I can't have my wings, I'd still like to be able to have that feather. I'd still like to have everything about it.

And, sure. I've been kinda avoiding the topic of my missing wings. I've been ignoring them. Let's call it a coping mechanism, and not a very good one. I know I'll have to face those burns on my back at some point, but I just can't do it now.

It will take too much out of me.

But, I guess I just really hope I'll be able to feel Ari's touch again, cause everything on my feathers is more intricate. I can feel her touches so much more intensely on my feathers. I can feel every single detail on the ridge of her finger. Every slice of emotion in her body.

Only time will tell though, right?

Hah, and speaking of has a funny way of showing you things.

I've spent these past endless weeks trying to heal as fast as possible. I've been trying to heal so damn hard, simply so I could be healthy enough to go and see Ari.

And that chicky hasn't once left my mind since I woke up....

Except an hour ago, when I'd finally fallen asleep.

Knock. Knock.

I heard at my door, causing my deeply asleep body to quickly jolt awake, something that's been happening a lot since I'd come out of my coma, for a fear that I won't wake up again.

But, god damn it. Now I'm awake. After spending six hours trying to go to sleep so I can heal faster and get stronger, I finally fell asleep, only to be woken up again by whoever is at the door.

A little irritating that they knocked. I mean, seriously, if it's the doctor, she usually just comes in and does her assessments while I sleep. If she needs me awake for one, she always comes back later, because she knows how important it is that I rest.

Not answering the knock for a moment, I began waking myself up now, rubbing my groggy eyes as I finally called out to let the person know I'm awake.

"Oi. Who's there?" I asked raspily, voice thick with sleep and a bit of irritation.

"Keigo, it's Doctor Fukuda. I have a visitor outside the door who would like to see you now, if you're feeling up for it. Her name is...Ari Parker. Sound familiar to you?" The doctor asked casually, clearly trying to hide her own excitement as she said the words, yet the smile could be heard on her face.

My heart just stopped.

My body went numb in disbelief. My lungs stopped working-ah, but don't worry. I'm fine.

I swear, I'm fine. I am more than fine!

I'm so fine, that for the first time in probably six months, I smiled. I smiled big. I smiled so big. I laughed a light, happy laugh. And I felt tears already clouding my vision.

Finally. I've missed you, chicky.

I wasted no time in answering. I don't want to keep her waiting any longer. After all, I've kept her waiting long enough.

"Ah, yes. Please bring her in!"


Next Chapter Title: Light As A Feather

I hope you're ready for the fluff you've been waiting ages for :') ❤️

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