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Ari POV:

"You went where this weekend?!?"

"Okayyy, see? This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you. Cause I knew you'd freak out-"

"And why the hell should I not freak out after hearing such baloney??"

I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth to conceal my cackles at such a statement, failing miserably as my wheezes and laughs slipped through the confines of my fingers.

"H-How do you expect me to take anything seriously when you say things like that, Endeavor?!" I chuckled loudly, not even jumping in surprise when he heatedly slammed his fist down on his desk.

"Because I'm angry with you." He seethed out as threateningly as he could, cerulean orbs burning into me with a look that could kill.

.....ehhh, whatever, he's not gonna do anything. The man's all talk.

Letting out a small sigh of exasperation, I leaned against the wall of his office, giving him a small, deadpan glare of annoyance, since I'd have to explain myself to him again.

"Well, if you're mad, then it's only because you're focusing on the wrong things." I shrugged, pretending to file down my nails in boredom as I waited for him to chill.

However, it didn't seem like 'chill' was an option for the man, as I saw him dig his dull fingernails into the cherry oak wood of his desk in stress.

"The wrong things-okay, then, Little Ms. Know-It-All, let's recap the things you've, so casually, dropped on me in the last five minutes. Did you, or did you not, just tell me that you spent the entire weekend at the Paranormal Liberation Front Mansion?" Endeavor questioned impatiently, causing me to puff out my cheeks at the repeat conversation we were about to have.

"Yes, I did. And that's about the most insignificant part of everything else I told you-"

"And did you, or did you not-"

"No need to add that whole did you not thing, Enji, since I probably did, in fact, do it-"

"Participate in some type of underground fight club at said mansion, facing off against one of the incredibly dangerous PLF members, when you had absolutely no business in doing so?!" He interrogated poorly, as the fire beard on his face suddenly began to burn hotter.

"One of the PLF members, who-thanks to me, we now know as a guy named Geten, who has an extremely powerful ice manipulation quirk." I corrected with a huff, crossing my arms stubbornly as I watched him refuse to back down.

"That's not the point!"

"It's exactly the point!-"

"Look at your face! There's cuts and bruises all over it. That, in itself, shows how reckless and dumb you were, for going there!" He reprimanded, crossing his arms at me in a disciplinary manner.

I pursed my lips in distaste to his comment, having forgotten about the bruises that dawned my face momentarily, only for Endeavor to bring them back up again.

"Well-Are we really gonna start comparing faces right now, Scarface? And, as I already said, I didn't have a choice in going there. The villain, Dabi, snuck into my room again and forced me into going. I dunno what's up with the UA security team, but if they could stop deadly villains from continuously entering my room, whenever they please, that would be just peachy." I finger-gunned, causing Endeavor to close his eyes in legitimate frustration for how I was approaching this entire thing.

"Why won't you take this seriously, Parker?!" He scoffed in exasperation, running a wild hand through his fiery red hair.

"I am taking it seriously!" I defended, pushing my back off the wall so I could stand up straight.

Endeavor simply rolled his eyes in disbelief, rubbing his tired, fiery face with his hands.

"I wouldn't have told you any of this, if I didn't take it seriously. I just thought you'd be more concerned about what the hell is going on with Tomura Shigaraki's hospital power-up, rather than my whereabouts for the past few days...." I started off, debating on whether or not I should finish the last part of my sentence.

....I really shouldn't. He's already pretty mad-

Nah. I'm gonna say it, anyways.

I tried, and failed, to hide the smirk on my face, as I decided to poke a little more fun with Enji.

"You know, I had no idea that you cared so much about me, Endeavor. I'm honored, really." I grinned, tilting my head to the side in amusement as I watched his fire beard burn even hotter from my words.

He let out a small growl of annoyance, giving his head a quick dismissive shake before flashing those cerulean orbs on me.

"I don't give a shit where you go! I only care because I don't have the patience to be in some dumb, secret, Save-The-World partnership with a damn moron." He retorted stubbornly, gesturing to me as the moron he was talking about. Obviously.

I let out a laugh of pure disbelief at his statement, already knowing he was just making excuses for caring about his comrades.

Would you believe it, if I told you that Endeavor's a bit of a softie on the inside?

But, either way. I don't need to embarrass him, anymore than I already have.

"Alright, alright. Sure. Whatever you say, tough guy. Well, look, the point is....I'm back. I'm safe. And I've brought you a shit ton of information we can work with, in order to win this war. So, continuing on with this Save-The-World Partnership, what are we gonna do about all of this?" I asked patiently, letting up on my jokes so Endeavor and I could get back to business.

He hesitated in answering for a moment, giving me a scowl of irritation as it was still obvious that he wanted to discipline me further about hanging out in the PLF mansion in the first place.

But, eventually, he came to his senses and decided where the focus should really be.

"Agh, well.....the situation's shit, any way you spin it. Basically, we have four months to figure out what hospital that Shigaraki kid is hiding in. And, if we plan to catch him before he finishes up this enhanced treatment, then it's even less time to find where he's at. Not to mention, we still haven't told any heroes about what's going on, so they still have no way to prepare for the war." The Flames Man gathered, closing his eyes in stress as it was obvious he wasn't quite sure about how to proceed.

"Yeah. I'll admit, it doesn't look the best from that perspective. But, on the bright side, at least we know something about this war. And it's something big. That's more progress than we could have said a week ago." I nodded in reassurance, involuntarily chewing on my bottom lip with my own hidden anxieties about this whole situation.

Yeah, of course I'm worried about everything. I'm nervous that we won't find a solution to a very large problem, in an extremely short amount of time.

But, someone here needs to be the voice of reason. And I don't need Endeavor's black cloud of nagging annoyance hovering over our luck.

He was quiet for a moment, staring at his desk in thought as he absentmindedly nodded in response to my comment. It actually seemed like it gave him a bit of new perspective.

"Good point. But, we still need to work faster." He uttered distractedly, letting out a small, tired sigh at the end.

He's not wrong about that.

"Understood." I answered firmly, giving him a serious nod of my head so he would know we were on the same page.

Seeming satisfied with my answer, Endeavor relaxed a bit, plopping back down in his office chair with a tired huff.

I couldn't help but follow his actions, leaning back against the wall as I waited for him to speak first.

"Well, let's start with the things we can control, then. Did you get anymore information from....him this weekend?" He asked somewhat quietly and awkwardly.

I furrowed my brows in thought for a moment, too engrossed with trying to make a plan, to put together what he was talking about.

"Huh? Him?"

Endeavor muttered profanities under his breath at my clueless response, resting his forehead in the palm of his hand as he tried again.

"Him. You know....him. The....bird. You said he was there at the mansion." He uttered cautiously, studying my reactions carefully.

"You mean, Hawks? Why are you having so much trouble saying his name?" I chuckled slightly, raising my brows in question.

Especially, since Endeavor isn't usually one to beat around the bush.

He let his giant hand fall limp on the desk, leaning back in his chair as he looked at me tiredly.

"Yes. Hawks. I just didn't know if you were comfortable with hearing his name after everything that happened-isn't that how teenage girls are, or something? I don't talk to Fuyumi about these things. I don't know." He mumbled stiffly, clearly becoming uncomfortable with where he took this conversation now.

That's right. He thinks Keigo and I are still broken up. Rightfully so...

"Ohhh, yeah...that makes sense." I started out softly, rubbing the back of my neck nervously as I thought about the sequence of events this weekend.

An awkward silence loomed over Endeavor and I, as he was clearly waiting for me to expand on that sentence. But, I never did.

"Okay. And? What's the verdict? Did you get anything out of him?" He asked impatiently after a few moments, raising a brow of question at me.

Did I get anything out of him? Now, there's a question....

I puffed out my cheeks to stall time, trying to decide how the hell I wanted to respond with this question.

I definitely don't feel like telling Endeavor anything else about my love life....so, the best thing to do in this situation, would be to lie.


Yeah. I can lie. I've had to have gotten a little bit better at lying, after this weekend.

"Ah...well...you know, kinda...........we talked...about...s...s....stuff." I drawled out suspiciously slow, purposely avoiding Endeavor's gaze now as I suddenly found the ceiling very interesting.

Yep. Nailed it.

The room went quiet with awkward silence, and I felt myself starting to sweat as I could tell there was a heated pair of turquoise orbs burning into me with knowing judgement.


"You're back with him, aren't you..." Endeavor deadpanned in annoyance, rolling his eyes in a sort of "I don't have time for this" kind of way.

"What? Me? Now, that's a crazy thought." I responded much too quickly, cursing the way my stupid cheeks began to heat up as I thought about Keigo.

Endeavor closed his eyes, rubbing his temples to try and get the information out of his head.

"Curse you for being such a bad liar, kid. I don't wanna know about all that, and now you're dragging me into it, with your bad acting!" He blamed rightfully so, pointing a meaty, calloused finger at me in accusation.

I groaned in embarrassment, slapping my hands over my hot pink cheeks as I tried to compose my flustered state.

"I know. Sorry about that." I cringed softly, shaking my head in disappointment with my lying skills.

"How did it even happen? Last time I saw you, you were spewing some bullshit about a podcast you listened to about independent women-"

"Yes, and all of that is still true-but, it's not my fault the guy's got eyes like an angel." I fake swooned, trying to crack a joke to get rid of my embarrassment somehow.

It's not really a joke though, is it-

"You kids need to learn a thing or two about self control. I can tell ya right now, my children would never behave this way." Endeavor started out with discipline, causing my jaw to drop open in pure amusement at such an ironic statement.

"Heh, well I wouldn't be so sure about that one, chief." I cackled obnoxiously, already remembering the time I caught Shouto Todoroki in the UA hallway, making out with-

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Endeavor nagged out in slight panic, clearly picking up on my insinuation.

Shit. I'm no snitch.

"What??? Nothing!! Jokes!-I'm kidding!!-"


"I'm sorry!!!!-"


Endeavor and I both put our gossip session on hold as my phone began ringing loudly on his desk.

Wanting to get out of this conversation, I immediately ran over to it.

"Whoopsie, would you look at that? Saved by the bell, it seems. That's a shame." I chirped out cheerfully, purposefully ignoring the sour, blue eyed glare that was following my path.

But, as soon as I got a look at the caller i.d., my heart dropped.

Definitely not saved by the bell. More like....destroyed by it-

My mood immediately shifted upon seeing who called me. I could feel my shoulders scrunching up, and my breathing becoming uneven in post-traumatic stress as I knew I'd be forced to answer the phone.

"I-I....I've gotta take this." I uttered to Endeavor meekly, about to turn around and leave his office before his words stopped me.

"No. Take it in here." He demanded softly, clearly noticing my change of mood and becoming curious as to why.

I closed my eyes in dread for a moment, before quickly opening them with a nod.

"Okay..." I breathed out quietly, clearing my throat before answering the phone.

"Hi, Diane." I stated as confidently as I could, already feeling my heart beat picking up at the mere mention of her name.

I saw Endeavor cross his arms from my peripheral vision now, tilting his head to the side in curiosity as he listened intently to the sound of my phone.

"Ari, dear. How are you?" Diane sighed in careless question, surprising me that she even asked how I was doing in the first place.

She doesn't usually give me that courtesy. Wonder why she did today.

"Me? Oh, I'm doing-"

"That's wonderful. So, listen..." She started off quickly, making me roll my eyes at her insincerity.

"I'm gonna need you to come down to the Hero Commission Headquarters as soon as you can. It's urgent. And very important." Diane finished, her nonchalant tone shifting into something slightly more serious towards the end.

I furrowed my brows in slight concern, already having a million thoughts in my head as to what she could want.

It's not everyday someone gets called down to the HPSC Headquarters. One would only get called down there for something extremely important. Whether that means getting in trouble for violating the major rules of the hero world, or for something top secret and confidential.

And at this point, after everything I've done and been involved in, I'm very unsure as to which one applies to me.

Not wanting to stay quiet for too long, I forced myself to answer a few moments later.

"Oh-uh-yes. Of course, I can do that. May....may I know the reason why I'm being called down there-" I uttered raspily, scrunching up my lips in annoyance as she cut me off before I could finish.

"I can't disclose that over the phone. But, please be sure you look most presentable. You know the drill: hero suit should follow your dress code appropriately-with all the gadgets on it in tact, hair done, make-up done-everyone on the JP Hero Public Safety Commission Board will be attending this meeting. As I said before, it's very important." She explained, causing my eyes to practically bug out of my head with shock.


ALL of HPSC board members will be there?!? That's like the equivalent of every president and prime minster in attendance.

This whole thing just got a lot more serious.

What the hell is going on? And why am I involved-

"Based on your silence, I assume you understand my instructions. Correct?" Diane stated a few moments later, her monotone voice cutting right through my panicked thoughts.

And even so...

Even in that monotone voice...it was strange. I could barely detect a hint of something new in her demeanor.

I can't put my finger on what this new change in Diane's behavior is. Maybe, patience? Or affection? I'm not quite sure.

And I also can't tell if it's genuine, or just part of the role she's playing for me at this moment. But, I guess I will find out soon.

After all, I better hurry up. She doesn't like to be kept waiting.

"I understand. I will get there right away." I reassured firmly, involuntarily giving her a nod of respect even though she wasn't here.

"Great. I will see you then." She uttered, quickly cutting the line short a few moments later.

I held the phone to my ear longer than necessary, hopelessly wondering if Diane would call me back and tell me she was mistaking me with someone else. That it wasn't really me who had to go down to the HPSC Headquarters.

But, of course...that didn't happen.

"Shit..." I breathed out stressfully, a few moments later, tossing my phone back on the counter so I could nervously pace the room instead-

"What did she want?" Endeavor suddenly asked, making me jump slightly as I now remembered he's still here.

Quickly straightening my posture and lightening my mood, I turned to him with a forced smile.

"H-Huh? Oh....um....she wants me to report to the HPSC Headquarters. So....I'm sorry, but I'll have to clock out of the office early today-"

"Why does she want you to go there?" He asked firmly, crossing his arms at me as he clearly expected a straight forward response to that question.

But, I can't give him that. Mostly, because....

"I don't know. She didn't say." I sighed softly, starting to twiddle with my thumbs as I thought about the worst.

Endeavor didn't respond for a moment, leaving the two of us in a comfortable, slightly somber silence as I waited for him to properly dismiss me.

However, he didn't do that just yet, opting to pull out his phone and dial a number instead.

Gritting my teeth in a bit of stress, I couldn't help but be mindful of the time as I glanced at the clock. Why can't he just dismiss me first, and then make this phone call when I'm gone-

"Burnin, cancel all my calls for the next few hours. Only contact me if it's an emergency. I'll be out of office for a bit." Endeavor murmured quietly to his top sidekick, quickly hanging up a few moments later.

My jaw dropped at his words, still somewhat believing that the act of him doing such a thing was a coincidence.

"Uhhh...." I started out unsurely, watching Endeavor wordlessly trudge over to his desk and grab the winter jacket that was hanging over his office chair.

"Come on. Get your things. I'm taking you." He ordered matter of factly, nodding for me to grab my phone and bag off his desk so we could go.

I felt my heart jump slightly at the sudden turn of events, wondering what the hell brought something like this on.

But, my heart also jumped because Diane's specific instructions were that I come to the HPSC Headquarters. She gave no further instructions about bringing anyone with me, which means she wants me to go alone.

And even though Endeavor is the number one hero of Japan, he still works for the hero commission. The bottom line is, if he's not expected at the HPSC Headquarters for his own meetings or reasons....then he has no need to be there with me.

Not to mention, if he shows up at my side, I already know that Diane will be pissed off....

Cringing softly at the thoughts, I stood up straight and did my best to decline the number one hero's order.

"Hmm?-oh, wow! Well, that's really nice of you to offer, Endeavor, but-"

"Wasn't offering. I'm taking you, and that's the final say. Now, get your things and let's go. I know Miss Bitch likes her tight schedules, so we'll keep to it." He grumbled softly, brushing past me and stubbornly opening the door for us to leave.

My feet refused to follow him for a moment, cautiously going for one more try in getting him to stay.

"Aghh-But.....you weren't-well....you know....you weren't exactly....invited." I uttered unsurely, rubbing the back of my neck as I avoided his sharp gaze.

He scoffed in annoyance with my words, giving his head a small shake of carelessness.

"They'll make an exception for the damn number one hero. I'll make sure of it. Now...don't make me ask again. Let's go." He commanded with finality, crossing his arms as he remained waiting at the door.

I groaned softly in stress, running a hand through my hair as my feet hesitated to move once more.

My stresses immediately began to rise at the realization that Endeavor was dead set on attending my meeting with the hero commission, and I wanted nothing more than to sit here and argue with him about it until he backed down.

But, there are two reasons why I won't do that. The first, being that I'm too afraid to stay at the Endeavor Agency any later, for fear that I might be late to the HPSC meeting.

And the second reason is that, as much fun as I have, giving Endeavor a hard time, the bottom line is that I do still respect the man. I know my limits and boundaries of what I can get away with, and having him legitimately angry with me?

That scares the hell outta me. I mean, after all, he can be intimidating when he wants to be, and I'll be getting enough of that today with Diane.

Plus, maybe having Endeavor there would make her....less mean. Not that I'm looking for him to back me up, or anything like that.

Puffing out my cheeks tiredly....I slowly began trudging towards the door, already wishing this day was done-and it's not even lunchtime, yet.

"Alright then, Endeavor. Let's....let's just go, I guess."


"Stop doing that." The Flames Man uttered in only slight annoyance, quickly dragging me out of my racing thoughts.

My stress dazed eyes snapped back to reality, suddenly looking around the vicinity to see that Endeavor and I were still waiting in the lobby of the HPSC Headquarters.

It's funny how Diane says to never be late, yet, here she is...making us wait for these extra fifteen minutes.

Maybe, it's because she found out Endeavor's here, and she's just purposely trying to be difficult. It wouldn't surprise me.

"Stop doing what?" I uttered distractedly, swallowing thickly as my eyes couldn't resist darting around the unimportant objects of the room.

I was feeling a little nervous.

"Doing that-tapping your fingernails against the armchair. It's making an obnoxious noise." He pointed out tiredly, calmly resting his head back against the pale, white walls.

"Oh. S-Sorry." I breathed out anxiously, quickly placing my hands in my lap so I wouldn't be tempted to fiddle with them.

Endeavor was quiet at my response, before I saw him slowly lift his head up straight, from my peripheral vision.

"Sorry, huh? Don't you hear utter that word very often." He grumbled lightly, yet I could detect the slight hint of amusement in his voice.

It's not something a person would be able to pickup very easily. But, I've been around Endeavor long enough to know he's trying to joke around and lighten my mood.

And normally, I'd play along. But...I guess, right now...I'm just not in a joking mood.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry about that. Do you want me to apologize more often?" I asked genuinely, my voice coming out uncharacteristically meek as I kept staring at the closed door of the room we would soon be going into.

Endeavor let out a tired, deep sigh at my response, either thinking that I didn't pick up on his joke....or already knowing that something else was bugging my mind.

"No. I don't want you to apologize more. You don't normally do anything wrong, so there's no need to apologize, right?" He stated with gruff reassurance, unknowingly causing me to relax a bit as I listened to his quiet, deep tone of voice.

My stiff shoulders eased a bit, as I ended up catching a breath I didn't know I was missing. The action caused me to slowly lean back in my chair, instead of sitting up uncomfortably straight, the way I'd been doing previously.

"Yeah. I guess that's true..." I started out in relief, closing my eyes for a moment to re-center my mind and nerves.

A calm silence filled the air between Endeavor and I for a moment, before I found myself smiling lightly at a new thought.

"Man, Enji. If only you were the Hero Commission President, instead of Diane. I'd much rather have had you watching over me all these years, instead of her. You're much better than she is." I uttered softly, wanting to give the man a genuine compliment for all of the obnoxious antics I probably put him through on the daily.

He didn't answer right away, but I'll be honest with you...the response I was expecting from him was something along the lines of "of course you'd be better off with me" or "definitely."

But, I didn't get that. What I got instead, was pure silence. Nothing. Not a word.

Yet, the silence, in itself, was an answer, as I could literally feel the mood between us shift from carefree to somber.

And I don't know why.

So, I said nothing. Feeling the weight of his unknown thoughts keeping my mouth zip closed. It left me curious. Wondering if he would explain. Wondering if he would say anything.

He did. A few, long moments later.

"No. You're lucky you didn't have me, growing up, kid. You're damn lucky." He said with soft seriousness, blankly staring at the door ahead-with a slight shadow of, something similar to shame, cast over his face.

The words caught me off guard. The tone of his voice did, as well. I wasn't expecting Endeavor, of all people, to take a dig at himself. The man's the number one hero, for crying out loud. I would have thought his confidence and self support would be, justifiably, through the roof.

But, it seems that's an incorrect assumption.

I stared up at him in question, knowing he could feel me looking at him-yet, watching as he kept his gaze on the door ahead.

"Well-I don't think that's true, at all. I bet you would have made a great mentor to the hero commission kids. Take it from a commission kid. I believe you would have." I reassured innocently, feeling bad that he suddenly seemed a little down on himself.

Enji's eyes closed deflatedly at my words, allowing a small, sad sigh to escape his lips.

"You only believe that because I wasn't your mentor. Trust me, if I had been....you'd hate me right now, too. And you'd have every right to do so." He stated, almost formally, clearly doing his best to mask the poisoned pain of his own spoken words.

I'd hate him "too," he said...

After seeing the way Shouto Todoroki and his father interact, at the Endeavor Agency, I was smart enough to piece together what he was implying.

He's got a strained relationship with his kids. That's something that's pretty obvious to the people close enough to Endeavor.

No one knows why. He doesn't speak much about his family, indirectly making it an off-limits topic to other people, too. The mere mention of his father makes Shouto immediately tense up and glare-but, his glares have softened a bit, over time.

I don't really know much about his other kids. He's mentioned 'Natsuo' and 'Fuyumi' a few times. It's obvious that he cares for them.

But, looking back on the minuscule times his family has come up in conversation, I'm now also realizing that it's obvious he was always a bit lost during those talks, too.

He almost seemed afraid, or guilty, to mention his family; flinched whenever someone else would casually use one of their names in a sentence. His eyes would always close first, before he spoke of them, like his mind was suddenly replaying all of the past pains and memories that constantly consume him.

Yet, he never seemed to stray away from these memories. He never looked as if he was trying to forget them; sort of like he wanted himself to hurt, because he thought he deserved it.

"I...I don't think...they...hate you." I started out softly, gently trying to insinuate that I was referring to his children.

I said the words with an honest reassurance of my feelings, truly believing what I just said. And for a good reason.

"Yeah, well that's okay of you to say, Parker. But, you don't know the wrongs I've done, or the things I'm indebted to atone for-look, I'm not asking for a pity party here, alright? It's a well deserved hatred towards me." He uttered dismissively, voice coming out a bit rough and final as I could tell he didn't want to open up too much about his past.

I don't blame him.

But, something about his words still struck a chord with me, enough to where I couldn't quite let it go just yet.

"Well deserved hate, huh. You know, there's not many people in this world, who feel that they deserve to be hated. So, I guess that makes you one step ahead of the rest of them, right?" I asked, pursing my lips in soft thought.

Enji's brows furrowed in slight confusion at my words, clearly not expecting such a response.

"One step ahead of the rest? The rest of who?" He questioned begrudgingly, not wanting to admit that I might have him a bit intrigued.

But, his question made me smile, as I could tell he was, at least, a little interested in my take on the matter.

"Well, the rest of all the other wrong doers in the world. Now, I'm not saying hatred is a good thing, because it's not. It can eat you alive and make you sick-oh, and it can definitely cause more of those wrinkles, just so you know." I started off lightly, teasingly gesturing to the deep setting crows feet that sat at the corners of his eyes.

I only said it to make him more comfortable. After all, I've gotten to know Enji's personality relatively well, throughout this past month. And what I've learned, is that he's not big on the soft stuff. If you wanna make him open up to you, you've gotta be a little bold and throw in your own version of 'tough love,' the same way he does to you.

That's how you can get through the barrier he shields himself in. Even if just a little.

And it seemed to work as I watched him roll his eyes in apparent disinterest, before he scoffed in 'annoyance' with my words.

Yet, he kept quiet. Not asking me to continue, but silently wondering if I would. I could see that look on his face. It's a similar look I've seen on Keigo's face, sometimes. Dabi's, too.

So, I did continue.

"But, I guess what you're telling me, is that you think you deserve a punishment, because you know that whatever you did was wrong. That's a lot more than some people can say-admitting when they messed up. Understanding their faults, and trying to fix their mistakes. I don't know your past, or a lot about the relationships you have with your family. But, I can see who you are now. I can see you trying. And if I can see it, I know they can, too. Sometimes, it just takes time to heal. That's not something you can get with well deserved hatred. Now, I'll admit, it's not something that's always easy to see, at first...but, it's not impossible." I shrugged, pursing my lips in thought as I tried to see things from the Todoroki kids' point of view.

How can I put myself in their shoes?

Now, let's see, Endeavor's never been the warmest cookie of the bunch, so I can see him being a bit hard on his kids.

Like, maybe, he expected too much from them. Right? Maybe, there were times where he said the wrong thing and never apologized.

He could have been absent. Maybe, there were times when they needed him, and he wasn't there. Or, he made them feel stupid for asking a question, or for help...so they never asked again.

Maybe there were times when they were...afraid of him. Afraid of what he'd do. Or how he'd react to the simple things. Maybe they feared they'd never be good enough for him, and end up in failure and disappointment.

Those are just some examples. Ones that immediately came to my own mind.

Why those specific ones? Probably, because those were my own experiences, and right now, I'm in the very same place where I've endured all of those experiences for far too long.

And that's when I realized something....

"I know....it might not seem like I understand...." I started off quietly, absentmindedly trailing my eyes towards the plaque on the wall ahead, that displayed Diane Himura's honorary title.

Enji's eyes trailed to me, upon hearing my serious shift of voice, following my gaze over to Diane's plaque.

He remained silent, staring at Diane's sign in lost thought as he waited for me to continue.

"And I know there's probably a lot about your situation that I don't understand, Enji. But, if there's one thing I know....it's that I know...hate. I know it from my own feelings. I face it from the actions of others. I know what it's like to wake up angry, and go to bed resentful. It consumes you. It takes your spirit-"

"Now, take what you feel with that, and apply it to me. What if I told you that was me....what if I told you....I was just like her. Then, you'd understand that my hate is well deserved, too, right? I'm no different." He stated coldly, clearly implying that he did, in fact, used to be like Diane.

I didn't wanna lie to him. Diane Himura has treated me, and many other kids, absolutely horribly over the past years. And in that way, I guess Endeavor does make a good point. If I picture him treating me, the same way Diane treats me, then I can understand where his children are coming from.

But, I guess the difference between Endeavor and Diane, is that Endeavor knows his wrongs, and wants to atone. Endeavor is trying to become a better man, while Diane continues to ride on the blood, sweat, and tears of abused children.

And, interestingly, while Enji's question was meant as a reflection for himself, it actually got me thinking about my own situation. My own hate. My own resentments.

It made me realize something new about myself. Something I didn't know, before this conversation.

"Well, if you want my opinion on the matter, I'll tell you this....kindness and effort go a long way in healing. Those are my honest feelings. And, if I feel that way about my own inner demons, then maybe...your family also feels that way about theirs. Deep down. That's not to say it won't take a lot of work and time to get there. But, it's not to say that you can't get there." I sighed in acceptance, tearing my eyes away from Diane's plaque with a sad smile.

Endeavor kept his eyes on Diane's name, letting the own demons from his mind continue to haunt him for a moment longer, before he also slowly directed his gaze away.

"Is that...really what you believe?" He asked me a few moments later, looking down at his lap.

His tone was soft. Softer than I've ever heard it. His face still donned a bit of that mean mug I've become so accustomed to, yet there were flecks of hope and peace sprinkled atop it.

And I told him the honest truth, so who am I to deny him that small bit of peace.

"Really." I smiled, relaxing back in my chair as I decided to face forward once again.

The comfortable silence enveloped the two of us once more. It made me not expect anything more out of this conversation, as I assumed I wouldn't be getting anything else out of Endeavor.

That is, until he was the one to speak first this time.

"You're a good kid, Ari." He uttered genuinely, letting a minuscule smile curve on the corners of his lips.

My brows raised in slight shock at the compliment from him. Normally, Endeavor's the kind of guy to show his care through actions. Not words.

But, I guess today...he decided to make an exception. A very welcomed exception.

"Oh. T-Thanks." I chuckled a bit shyly, not used to having such soft moments with the number one hero.

However, this time, it was Endeavor who didn't seem to mind the vulnerable atmosphere, even deciding to open up a little more.

"You know....you remind me a lot of my own daughter, Fuyumi. And if you really wanna know the truth, that's a lot of the reason why I came here today. Why I care about things that I know are not my business." He stated clearly, furrowing his brows in slight pity as he kept his attention on his lap.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that....watching you with her-with Diane....is like watching my past self interact with my own children. It's a pain to see. Especially, when I know the lasting effects it can have on you. I've seen these effects first hand. By my hand. I couldn't stop it with my own kids....but, I can try to stop it from happening to you." Enji explained firmly.

His words were nice and genuine. They should have made me feel safe and secure. And maybe, it's because of Diane's lasting effects that they only made me feel weak and incapable.

"That's really kind of you, Endeavor. But, I don't need protection. After all, I'm supposed to be a protector-"

"I don't wanna hear all of that commission bullshit. Trust me, I'm familiar with the phrases and the tactics. I know what they've planted inside your head. But, you're still young with a lot to learn, so let me tell you my say. Alright? You can either listen to me or forget it, but these are my thoughts-from a former Diane..." He started off, taking a moment to gather up his words before he spoke.

I simply nodded in acknowledgment, waiting for him to continue.

"Letting people walk all over you, and treat you like shit, for years on end, ain't any way to live. Those tactics don't make good heroes. They make damaged people who lose themselves, and forget the real reason they're doing what they do. It's not about power or strength, Ari. It's not about manipulation or lies. It's not about titles, and it's not about being number one. It's about doing good and saving others. And you? Well, that's something that's built in you. Naturally. Not because of Diane. Not because of the commission. It's all you. And you don't need her to be great. You don't need her to be the hero I know you can be. I just want you to know, that you're not trapped. It's okay...to...let go, I guess you could say. It's okay to let go of her." Enji explained clearly, nodding softly for agreement.

His words struck a chord with me. He knew exactly what to say, probably because he relates and knows my situation better than anyone else.

And somehow, even though this thoughtful statement from him should have surprised me, it didn't. Because, deep down, Endeavor and I always had some sort of an understanding with each other. From the very beginning.

I could never quite put my finger on this understanding, until now. It was always just a feeling.

But, now I know that this feeling, was a feeling of acceptance from both of us. A feeling of nostalgia and what could have been, had both of us been placed on different paths of life-me, as the confident, strong student; and him, as the witty, yet kind teacher.

And while we never found that in our own pasts, we've found that with each other now. And I think it's something that's helped us both, unknowingly, heal a little, from the demons that haunt our hearts.

I don't know Endeavor's past. I'm in no position to right the things he did wrong, so I won't do that. I don't know his mistakes or the home life he had with his wife or his children. I'm only familiar with the man that I've come to know.

But, I think, that man is pretty damn great.

"Thanks, Enji. That means a lot to hear you say that." I smiled genuinely, keeping my statement short and sweet, as I know he didnt want a lot of praise.

I finally turned to look at his face, causing him to look up from his lap and meet my gaze.

And for one of the few, rare times, I saw a tired, authentic smile turn up on his lips for a moment. It wasn't a grin. His eyes didn't light up and he didn't flash his teeth.

But, I could tell-for that one moment, he was truly at peace.

"Don't worry about it, kid." He said quietly, his words barely heard over the sudden sound of the heavy door opening.

The intrusion caused the both of us to quickly lose the soft moment, as I automatically shot up to standing to greet whoever was there.

I felt a cold sweat of post traumatic stress immediately form on my neck as I looked ahead at the man in front of me, watching blankly as he looked down at his clipboard.

He was standing in front of the doorway, writing something down on his clipboard as he refused to give me the time of day. As usual, this man donned a clean cut suit, and sunglasses as dark as night, so that I would never form a personal connection or identity with him.

But, he has an identity in my mind. Even though I don't know his name. Or anything else about his life...

I know him as the man who used to throw stones at me when I was little, training me to strengthen my quirk.

"Hourglass." The man stated in deep monotone, acting as if my name is one he'd never heard before.

Endeavor slowly and calmly stood up now, upon hearing my name being called, clearly wanting to make sure that he inserted himself into this situation.

"Hourglass is here at your service." I rehearsed robotically, quickly sliding my feet neatly together and placing my hands behind my back-just like I'd been taught to do in a situation like this.

Not even taking a glance at me, the man in the suit simply nodded me over to the room, causing me to immediately pick up my feet.

Since Endeavor walked in behind me with no questions, I assume Diane had reluctantly given him authorization into the meeting.

But, the focus of that particular stress soon morphed into something on another level as I entered the high clearance security room, taking in the intimidating sight ahead of me.

At least twenty-maybe, thirty, men and women in suits were all seated at a giant table, that was positioned in the shape of a "U." Standing in the corners of the room, were a few agents I facially recognized from previous passes in the hallway, but these guys are coined as "Ones of the Night," or the last people you see before you die. Civilians never actually see them in broad daylight.

You can imagine how that only made me more nervous.

The commission plaques and flags were decorated in formal, government fashion around the room, with HPSC represented heroes in big, expensive picture frames donning the walls.

Hawks' picture was sitting smack dab in the middle of the wall. I didn't even recognize the man in the photo, but he definitely looked good. He looked extremely powerful, in full hero gear.

I could also tell that he was a bit younger in this pic, meaning it was probably taken before we met. His arms were crossed, and instead of giving a cheeky smirk or grin to the camera, his face was serious and determined. His hero-commission-given aviators were dark enough to blind his eyes. You could still feel his full presence as he posed his vibrant, vermillion wings in a lethally sharpened way that displayed his predator instincts.

The sun was shining directly behind him, illuminating his frame with a strong, glowing light that gave him the appearance of an angel.

Realizing I'd probably been ogling his particular picture for too long, I quickly tore my eyes away from him, focusing my attention forward as the man in the suit wordlessly led me to the middle of the room.

Resisting the urge to nervously curse under my breath, I walked into the middle of the "U" positioned tables, immediately locking eyes with the culprit in the dead center of them all.

An involuntary shiver ran down my spine at the eye contact we made, yet out of pure duty for the situation, I forced myself not to look away.

"Hello, Ari." Diane stated a few moments later, keeping her eyes locked on mine as she spoke the words.

Clearing my throat softly so my voice wouldn't come out shaky, I didn't hesitate with a reply.

"Hello, Diane. What brings me in today?" I asked in monotone, getting straight to the point so we can get this whole thing over with.

I felt all eyes on me as I kept my gaze on Diane, standing still as a stick to ensure I didn't slouch out of place.

"Well, we have a lot to talk about, Ari. But, more than that, you should be happy. Today is going to be a very big day." She explained, giving me an insincere, empty smile.

"And why is that?" I immediately responded, not in the mood to mess around with unnecessary time.

She chuckled softly at my eagerness, slowly standing up from her chair as she spoke her next words.

"Today is the day that you will become a very special hero, Ari Parker."


Next Chapter Title: Coercion.

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