Strange Interactions

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Top pic credit: KadeArt

Ari POV:

"Okay! Are you ready?" Hawks asked me, knowing I was not.

"Yeah..." I called back unsurely, looking at the somewhat steep drop.

"Are you sure?" He retorted in amusement, still knowing I wasn't ready.

"Oh, just fucking do it, you stupid chicken!" I exclaimed, not wanting to second guess myself any further.

"Alrighty then! Say, chicken nuggets!" He sang out, as he released my hands, dropping me onto the roof.

I focused as hard as I possibly could, tensing all my muscles, as I felt my feet hit the roof.

Yes!! I finally did it! I landed-

I spoke too soon, as I quickly felt my knees buckle, before I crash landed onto the floor.

"Ow." I mumbled out for the countless time, lying sprawled out across the roof in defeat.

"You didn't say chicken nuggets!" Hawks called out, still flying a few feet above me in the air.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure that was the problem." I retorted, rubbing my shoulder in slight pain.

Hawks and I were currently working on roof landings. He'd hold my arms and lift me, only about thirty feet in the air. Then, he'd drop me onto the ground, or a low roof, while he was flying by, so I could practice landing onto my feet.

The only problem was, I hadn't managed to land onto my feet even once. I don't know how he does it.

"Ugh. Remind me why we're doing this again?!" I groaned out, watching him slowly descending down onto the roof.

I had to admit, he looked pretty majestic right now. His big, vermillion wings were slowly flapping, creating a big wind current around him. The wind current made his gorgeous-I mean, blonde locks flow everywhere. He had his hands on his hips like a sassy little bitch, and a glint of sun reflected off his blue aviators.

Hawks gracefully landed onto his feet, casually sauntering over to me.

"We're doing this, because you're my sidekick, chicky! Now, that you're A okay with the flying thing, that means I can take you with me to high places where the crime is at. But, I can't hold onto you forever. At some point, I'll need to drop you down onto a roof, into a window or some type of land. You won't be so awesome if you land on that pretty face of yours, before you even get a chance to take out any villains." He reasoned, extending his gloved hand out for me to take.

I grabbed it, feeling Hawks immediately hoist me to my feet.

"Alright. Let's go again." I mumbled in determination, eager to land at least once before the day is over.

Hawks laughed, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I'd like to get you back to UA in one piece, if ya don't mind. You're already starting to look a little beat up. Why don't we just try again tomorrow?" He suggested, already starting to drag me away from the roof.

"No, no, no. This will be the time. I can do it. I'll land on my feet. One more, please?" I asked, giving him a hopeful grin.

I saw his golden eyes trace the features on my face, before he lightly shook his head.

"Oh boy. First, the girl doesn't want to fly at all, now I can't get her to stop." Hawks smiled, already starting to flap his wings again.

"You should just be happy I want to spend time with you." I smirked, intertwining my hands with his.

I felt my feet slowly lift off the ground, as Hawks began ascending higher into the air very carefully.

"What can I say? I'm a lucky man." He smiled lazily, before picking up the speed of his flight, slightly.

I looked down at my dangling feet, watching Hawks and I glide past countless building roofs in the city.

"Hey, that building over there looks like a nice one. It's got a solid roof. I'm gonna put ya there, kay?" He called out to me, over the wind currents around us.

"Do it." I grinned eagerly, ready to kick the shit out of this landing.

"Woah, someone sounds ready!" Hawks exclaimed, quickly making his way towards the roof of the building.

This will be the one.

I'm gonna land it.

"One....two.......three! Brace for landing!" Hawks called out, releasing my hands from his grasp.

Unfortunately, at the same time he released my phone began ringing very loudly in the pocket of Hawks' jacket. He was holding onto my phone for me, so it wouldn't break when I landed to the floor countless times.

And the ringing of someone calling me, completely fucked up my focus.

"SHIT!" I yelled out, stumbling onto the roof for a moment, before I harshly landed on my face.

It was quiet for a moment.....before I heard that familiar, condescending, slow clapping from the air.

"Bravo! That was your worst fall, yet. I'll admit, I'm impressed. I didn't think you could get any worse, but to my surprise, you did-" Hawks began mocking, before I shot my glare at him.

"JUST SHUT UP AND GIVE ME MY PHONE!" I snapped, holding my hand out for my phone.

He snickered at my irritation, before landing on the roof, and tossing me my phone.

I remained sitting down, realizing I felt a little too tired to get up right now. Glancing down at the caller id, I hesitantly answered the call.

"H-Hi, Diane!" I exclaimed with fake excitement.

The name immediately got Hawks' attention, as he quickly whipped his head around to my direction. He walked over, casually taking a seat right next to me. I'm sure he was subtly trying to listen in on my phone call. Too bad it wasn't on speaker.

"Ari. Care to explain to me why you're working as an intern for Hawks? What the hell happened with Best Jeanist?" Diane Himura spat through the phone, getting painfully straight to the point.

She's always been a woman.

I swallowed thickly, immediately becoming nervous.

"U-Uh, well...Best Jeanist didn't have anymore room at his place. Hawks was kind enough to offer up a position for me-" I started out, knowing Hawks was listening to my words. How couldn't he? The guy was right next to me.

I suddenly felt something tickling my ear, seeing a crimson red feather from the corner of my eye. Hawks' feather was resting on my earlobe, right next to the phone.

Rolling my eyes....I put Diane on mute, ignoring her ranting, before turning to Hawks.

"Nice try, bird boy. But, your tactics don't work on me. I know, that by placing your feathers anywhere you want, you can hear conversations through them. Get it off." I mumbled lightly, more amused than upset with his antics.

"Smart girl." He whispered to me playfully, before reluctantly floating the stray feather off my body.

"Hawks offered you a spot? He's never done something like that before. For anyone. Do you two know each other or something? What aren't you telling me?" Diane accused, already losing her patience with me.

"Huh?! No! I'd never met the guy, before all of this. We met during a mission I did with Ryukyu. He found out I was trying to go rogue and offered me a spot at his agency. That's all it is." I explained, wondering why she cared so much that I went to Hawks' agency.

The other side of the line was quiet for a moment, before Diane finally responded.

"I'll be checking in with you again soon, Ari. Hawks doesn't normally request for people, so I'm curious as to why he did such a thing with you. It seems as've caught his attention. Surely, I don't have to remind you, that you and Hawks are ordered to maintain a strictly business relationship?" Diane stated firmly.

What was she implying? Why did she even care?

"Oh! Yes! Of course. Hawks and I are very professional!" I exclaimed, watching Hawks lazily shoot me a thumbs up, as he played a game on his phone.

"I'm glad to hear. Because if something were to happen between you two, I'd have no choice but to have you leave UA. You'll be kicked out of the hero program in a flash. Remember, I put you into the hero world. I can just as easily take you out of it." Diane stated firmly, still feigning a somewhat gentle tone.

I swallowed thickly as I took in her words, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

Why am I nervous? There's nothing to be nervous about.

"I assure you. Everything is fine, over here. Fine and professional." I reassured, just wanting this conversation to be over.

Diane hummed slightly in reply, before speaking once more.

"Good. I'll be in touch." She mumbled, before the call abruptly ended.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, before tossing the phone onto the floor next to me.

"What did she want?" Hawks asked, still playing a game on his phone.

I looked over at him in amusement, lightly shoving his shoulder.

"Oh please. Even without the feather, you could literally hear everything that was happening. You're practically sitting on top of me." I laughed, gesturing to how close he was to my body.

I felt Hawks' giant wing lightly tap the top of my head, before he finally directed his attention towards me.

He was about to speak, before his eyes trailed to my cheek.

"Oh, Ari..." he grumbled out lightly, before reaching into his pant pocket.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, not understanding what he was doing, until he pulled out a small little kit.

It was only then, that I noticed a warm stinging pain on my cheek, feeling something warm running down my face.

Must be blood.

He quickly opened the mini first aid kit, pulling out some rubbing alcohol, a gauze pad, and a small roll of medical tape.

"I didn't even feel it." I tried to justify, watching him roll his eyes at me.

"Hey, chicky. Looks like I was right again, huh. We should have stopped when I suggested it. So, guess the moral of the story is....always listen to me, right?" He smirked, scooting closer to me now to patch up my wound.

Realizing how close we suddenly were, I quickly averted my gaze to the ground, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly.

"J-Just give me the gauze and let me do it-" I started saying, before he gently shushed me.

"So. Stubborn. Now, what kind of a mentor would I be, if I didn't take care of you." He whispered teasingly, before I watched his gloved hand come up towards my face.

He gently pushed the hair away from my face, smoothing it behind my ear.

His fingertips came under my chin, carefully lifting my head up to see my bleeding cheek.

I directed my gaze to the cloud filled sky now, not being able to meet his eyes for some reason.

"Alright. This is gonna sting, a little." Hawks mumbled, pouring the alcohol onto the cut.

His breath fanned my face, that wonderful smell of peppermint clouding my senses again.

I barely cringed, as he gently rubbed and cleaned the wound.

"Hmm. I can already tell. You're one who easily gets into trouble, aren't you?" Hawks whispered, his tone coming out almost....flirty?

No. His behaviors are hard to read sometimes. Probably not flirty. Right?

I let out a very quiet, nervous chuckle...keeping my gaze to the sky.

"Aren't you the one who said getting into trouble is more fun?" I blurted out, wondering where the hell that came from.

Hawks, like the witty guy he is, immediately went along with it.

"Nuh-uh, uh. I said being devious is more fun. Being devious and getting into actual trouble are two different things, chicky. Besides....I doubt you have a devious bone in your body." He mumbled out challengingly, gently applying the bandage over my cheek.

His smooth tone of voice automatically pulled me in, as I felt my eyes being drawn to his face. I finally directed my gaze to him.

Fuck. He was so close to me. I could practically reach out and-

"Something on your mind, Ari?" Hawks stated quietly, breaking me out of my strange thoughts. His voice came out slightly deeper than usual.

I also realized his tone was serious. His eyes were gazing into mine, a little more intense than I've seen before. I couldn't read him. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, and it bothered me. But, it also intrigued me.

I didn't even realize my breathing had become a little heavier, until I felt my heart pounding out of my chest.

Wow, I was really flustered right now.

I can't say I understand these strange interactions going on between Hawks and I....but I can say, that if these actions continue...

Things will definitely end poorly, for both of us. Diane Himura will make sure of it:

"If something were to happen between you two, I'd have no choice but to have you leave UA. You'll be kicked out of the hero program in a flash."

Diane's voice in my head snapped me back to reality, as I quickly pulled away from the closeness of Hawks' face.

He looked at me dazedly, not understanding my actions. Appearing to not even understand his own actions.

I cleared my throat, quickly composing myself.

"No. Nothing's on my mind. We should...we should head back to the Hawks agency, before it gets late." I smiled at him casually, trying to play off our strange interaction from just a few moments ago.

Hawks rebounded quickly, snapping back to reality in a flash.

"Yea-Yeah. Good idea. Let's get a move on then, chicky. We'll get you back to your dorm, before dark."

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