Taking Back The Power

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Top pic credit: unknown. Tell me if you know

Ari POV:

"I've called you here, because I want to talk about you and Hawks. I want the truth. Right here. Right now." Diane stated firmly, already narrowing her eyes at me in accusation.

I let out a small sigh of stress, wondering how the hell I ended up in this situation.

Diane messaged me about a day ago, demanding her and I meet up to talk. Of course, I already had an inclination on what she wanted to talk about. I knew she wanted to talk about Keigo and I, especially since she knows he spent the weekend with me. While I wanted nothing more than to skip out on this meeting, and ignore her forever...I couldn't do that. She's my boss. She's the woman who gave me everything that matters to me-which is happiness to my family.

So here I am, walking into the fire. All I can do is try to put the manipulation skills Keigo taught me to use.

Speaking of Keigo, I really wish he was here right now. I messaged him earlier this morning, but he never got back to me. He went out of town for Hawks Agency business....said he had a meeting with Endeavor in Musutafu-

"You're either deaf, or you're ignoring me, and none of those options are acceptable." Diane reprimanded, grabbing my chin between her fingers to make me look at her.

I let out a dry chuckle, rolling my eyes at her insensitive answer.

"There's nothing to know." I retorted, already feeling pretty cranky from just being here.

"You're a liar." Diane stated immediately, continuing to stand above me.

It annoyed me, because I knew she was doing it to intimidate me.

"Look-how about you just have a seat, and we talk about this like civilized people? You're hovering over me like I'm some kind of abused animal." I groaned, watching her aggressively toss the office materials she was holding onto the desk.

But, still...

She remained standing.

It was quiet for a tense moment, before Diane narrowed her eyes at me.

"Do you think I'm stupid, Ari? Do you take me for a fool?"


"No, ma'am. I do not." I involuntarily responded, keeping my blank gaze to the table.

"Right. That's what I thought. So, then this means you're aware that I know what you were doing this weekend." She stated in accusation.

The way she phrased that sentence....she's trying to catch me by twisting my words.

"Hm, that depends. After all, what you're talking about, and what I'm talking about could be two totally different things. I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea." I replied professionally, knowing my tone held just a hint of annoyance.

"Okay, fine. I'll bite. Then, explain to me why your boss spent the entire weekend with you. I want every detail. All of it. Go on." She commanded, impatiently gesturing for me to start speaking.

I felt my palms getting sweaty, as I subtly wiped them on my jeans.

Should I have listened to Diane, and just told her some made up story about how Keigo "professionally" spent the weekend at my house? Probably.

So, I surprised myself when instead...

"May I ask how you're aware that Hawks was at my parents house?" I blurted out, realizing I wanted her to admit to me that she went behind my back, by talking with my brother.

Diane was visibly taken aback by my statement, craning her neck back slightly in disbelief.

"No, you may not. I don't have to answer to you. But, you have to answer to me. Now, get on with it, before I lose my temper." She stated lowly, her voice coming out menacingly calm.

I grit my teeth in stress, thinking about my next move....thinking about Keigo's words of encouragement.

"She has no right to treat you the way she does."

"If anything, she knows you're stronger than her."

"Diane is just another human being."

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to meet Diane's blazing gaze.

....then I immediately shrunk back in my seat upon looking at her.

Ugh, that's no human being. That's a monster.

Groaning silently in defeat, I decided to just save myself the agonizing stress and answer the damn question.

"Uh....well, my parents met Best Jeanist, my old boss, for dinner when they came into town. They just wanted to extend the same courtesy to Kei-Hawks." I explained, proud that my statement wasn't a complete lie.

My family really did go to dinner with Best Jeanist, and they liked him. I realize now, that the reason my parents invited Keigo to the house, instead of a professional dinner, is because they already knew we were dating. So, they wanted something more intimate and informal.

Of course, I'll leave that little detail out of my explanation to Diane-

"Typical Parkers, always trying to assert that stupid, American hospitality into everyone's business. And why couldn't they come back to town, and meet Hawks for dinner, the same way they did with Jeanist?" Diane asked, still not buying my excuse.

I swallowed thickly, trying to think of another excuse quickly.

"Because my dad isn't doing well again. He wasn't fit to travel at the time, and he really wanted to meet the man who's supposed to be in charge of my survival and well being-"

Oh shit. Her lips are tightening up. That means she's getting mad.

"I didn't give Hawks permission to leave the city, Ari! Do you understand the mess you've caused, since you persuaded him to leave for the whole weekend?! He's never disobeyed me like that before! Not until he met you." Diane blamed, only raising her voice slightly.

What? What mess did I cause? Keigo didn't tell me about this.

"H-Huh?! I wasn't aware I messed anything up. Had I known it wasn't a good time for him, I wouldn't have let him come with me-" I started explaining, before Diane began talking over me.

"No, no, no. Don't play stupid, little girl. You can't fool me. I'm sure you love this. I'm sure you love the attention. I mean, who wouldn't? You have the number two hero of Japan wrapped around your manipulative little finger. Any girl would be ecstatic. Let's be honest, I know the only reason he picked you over Kiara is because you are a walking, talking free piece of ass, while my daughter has actual morals, and self respect. Typical Keigo, can't keep it in his pants. Stupid boy has never been able to." She scoffed, looking at me comically.

Kiara having morals and self respect? That's funny. What's even funnier about her statement is that Keigo and I haven't even had sex yet-

I stood up now, watching Diane starting to pace the room back and forth. I could tell her anger was only escalating.

"No. You have it all wrong. Hawks and I have never had sex. I'm sorry, about whatever happened with him and Kiara. But, he made the decision to end things with her on his own." I said carefully, trying to defend myself while still being respectful.

Clearly, I was walking on eggshells now.

"I'm gonna stop you right there. You're not important enough to even speak my daughter's name. You're nothing more than a lying, manipulative tramp, who's trying to ride the coattails of others for success." She spat, already gathering up her stuff to leave.

I suddenly felt a fire light inside my heart at her words, feeling my own anger levels starting to rise.

Oh yeah, Diane? Then, what does that make you?

As soon as Diane turned around, in infuriated disbelief, I realized I actually said that statement aloud, instead of in my head.

Whoops! Now, I'm dead!

Without a word, Diane slowly walked back over, looking at me like she already found fifty different ways to murder me.

"What does that make me, you ask? I don't know, Ari. I guess it makes me the fool who continues to put up with your shit, and give you a chance. If only I'd taken you away from those people earlier. Maybe then, I'd have an easier time controlling your life." She spat, her eyes lit with anger.

My jaw dropped ajar in disbelief, as I took in her words.

"Those people?! You mean, my family!!?" I called out, my voice rising.

"Yes, your family. They've been a pain in my side, from the day I met you. Always trying to check up and see how you're doing. Always trying to come visit, or ask you to come home. And don't even get me started on that rat brother of yours. I give him one simple task, and he's not even competent enough to follow it. This is why all the quirkless people of the world should just be wiped out. They're all useless." She scoffed dismissively, already about to leave again.

Except, I was livid now.

"You know...you got some nerve, lady." I retorted disrespectfully, smirking as I knew she'd come back.

Now, I wanted a fight.

Diane simply stopped walking, not even bothering to turn around, as she dared me to continue.

"Sure, one of us here is a lying, manipulative tramp, trying to ride the coattails of others' success....but I can tell you one thing...it sure as fuck ain't me." I stated confidently, crossing my arms in satisfaction at the poisonous words that fell out of my mouth.

Well, that felt good.

Diane dropped everything she was holding, onto the floor, storming back over to me now.

I didn't even flinch as she grabbed my throat harshly, slamming my upper body down onto the conference table.

I simply let out a choked laugh, realizing I was much too angry to care about the consequences to my attitude.

I should probably stop talking...

Eh, nah. Let's just keep going, shall we?

"Is this supposed to intimidate me?! You've been doing the table choke thing, since I've been twelve! You tried it once when I was ten, but almost broke my little neck. So, you waited two more years to try it again. Don't you remember?! This is who you are, Diane!! You're a monstrous bitch!!" I yelled, holding my hands out in rebellious carelessness.

She simply gripped my throat harder, causing me to start coughing.

I have a quirk. I could use it on her. But, then she'd kick me out of the hero commission for sure. My thoughts aren't clouded enough to forget that.

"Is there a point to all of this, Ari? Or are you just looking for a pay cut?" Diane growled, her teeth grinding together to find the willpower not to kill one of her star clients.

Point. Is there a point...?

Huh. Why am I here again-

"Don't forget that you are the one who called me here, Diane. But, since it's gotten to this point....I guess I wanna know why? I have been asking you questions for eight years, and now I'd like at least one answer." I replied, feeling myself struggle to get air from Diane's grip.

She remained quiet, watching me struggle to breath for a few more seconds, before finally releasing me from her grip.

I immediately hunched over, sputtering and coughing for air.

"Why what?" She whispered lowly, clearly so done with me.

"Why won't you just admit you went behind my back?! Why won't you just admit you tried to trick Sam into telling you things about me?! Why did you do it?! That was my one stipulation when I joined you. You were never to mess with my family!" I yelled, cursing myself for sounding so affected by this.

Diane simply shrugged, clearly not caring about my concerns.

"Because you're not telling me the truth, and I needed to find out another way. If you don't want me talking to your family again, be honest the first time." She said, crossing her arms.

"Again?! You're planning to do this again?" I said in disbelief.

"Absolutely. If I feel you're not telling me the truth, I'll do it over and over again. As many times as I want." She stated, giving me a lazy smile.

My fists balled up in anger. I didn't realize I was biting my lip so hard in frustration, until it started bleeding.

I am powerless. I am grasping at anything now, just trying to get her to hear me.

"I-If you keep going behind my back, I will leave the hero commission. Do you understand?" I retorted raspily, feeling my body starting to shake in pure anger.

Not even batting an eye, Diane simply gathered up her stuff from the floor.

"Okay. Give me your two weeks notice by tomorrow, please. Oh! And while you're at it, tell your parents to pack for jail, and your brother to pack for foster care, too. All charges we've graciously cleared from your dad's fight against Gigantis, will be returned immediately." She shrugged, starting to walk out.

What?! It was that easy?! She didn't even fight me on it?!

I felt my lip quivering in overwhelming emotion, as I just got a, not so friendly, reminder on why I'm trapped in this life.

"Y-You can't just do that. My parents are entitled to what I've currently given them. T-They deserve that much. If you do this, I will inform the police-"

"Oh, you will? And tell them what? I think the president of the hero commission has a better chance of winning this fight, compared to a bratty, poverty stricken eighteen year old girl. Don't you agree?" Diane chuckled, getting tantalizingly closer to the door.

"T-Then, I'll tell the news crews-"

"Do whatever you want, little girl. Tell everyone you know about this. Cry about it, laugh about it, forget about it. I really don't care, because you will never win. You will never beat me in this game. But now, you've made your choice. You've decided to quit the hero society, so it's time to stick with that. You've made your whorish bed, now go lie in it. I'm sure the strip club down the street would be lucky to have you." She said calmly, giving me a departing nod.

A jolt of panic ran through my body, as I realized what I might have just done to myself.

What I might have just done to my family.

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