Chapter 16

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No one's POV:

Jeongguk smirked as he leaned back into his lounge chair. The king had just let the Angel into his room and then began to set up the wooden chess board.

This was going to be a walk in the park for the Devil. Never in all his years of existence had someone ever come close to beating him at chess.

The game brought the Devil great joy and was possibly the only thing that did so. The power and pride that Jeongguk felt when he absolutely demolished an opponent at chess was indescribable.

Chess was something reliable, purely skill based and so defeating an opponent creates a great feeling of invincibility.

The only way to win at chess is by intelligence and outsmarting your competition, something that Jeongguk thrived on.

Taehyung however, was completely different. Sure, the Angel enjoyed beating his opponent but the fun for Taehyung lied in the game itself. The Angel loved the bliss of finding tricky moves and getting out of difficult situations.

The Angel also found the game reliable and it was one of the only things he trusted. Taehyung knew how the game worked, there was nowhere to hide in chess. You either are good or not.

Taehyung smiled slightly as he sat opposite the Devil and repositioned some of his pieces that were slightly off-center. Jeongguk decided that Taehyung shouldn't even have a chance at beating him and so gave him the black pieces to conduct.

The king put on his 'game face' and leaned forward in his highbacked chair, Jeongguk then rested his elbows on his strong thighs. There were no words exchanged as the Devil moved his first piece, a pawn in the center in front of the king by two spaces. The Angel countered his move by moving his own pawn on the far right by two spaces.

The Devil then proceeded to move his horse piece to his far left just behind the first pawn that he moved. Taehyung mirrored the move played by the Devil and that surprised the Devil but he didn't let the emotion become evident on his face, the opening moves that Taehyung played are of that of a skilled player.

Jeongguk knew the opening moves very well for he had used them many times. The Sicilian defense the king thought as his hand moved over the white, marbled horse on his left and brought it forward.

'The Sicilian Defense' is a well known opening move in chess but it is a difficult one to master and so is mostly used by advanced players yet Taehyung used it and he used it well. The counter opening move by the Angel confused Jeongguk, maybe it was the look on Taehyung's face as he so confidently conducted his pieces or perhaps it was the grace in which he so quickly knew the move he was going to play.

Almost as if it was planned, rehearsed and performed many times before. The fact that 'The Sicilian Defense', is such a complicated and difficult opening move to get right made the Devil think about his moves a lot more carefully.

Due to the sharp and easily gone wrong moves, 'The Sicilian Defense' is reserved for masters of the game. Using the complicated opening is like chess suicide for beginners; the minefield of possible loss of pieces are almost uncountable.

The many variations of the powerful opening can easily leave the player open and vulnerable, it can backfire quickly if used incorrectly yet Taehyung had such a quick response to the king's opening move that there was no way that it was played by accident.

The game continued and eventually slowed down as both players thought carefully about the moves that they played and soon enough the two of them had been playing for more than two hours in total.

Both players were almost completely level, with Taehyung having eight pieces left and Jeongguk having nine. There was an intense concentration etched onto Taehyung's face as he moved his Queen forward diagonally by three.

The Devil broke his façade slightly as smirked when he captured Taehyung's castle that was formerly blocked by the Queen that the Angel had just moved.

Smiling evilly, the King leaned back into his comfy chair and let out a sigh. The move that he had just played was, in his opinion, one that would lead to his inevitable victory. All he needed was for Taehyung to make a mistake by moving his bishop into the center, then Jeongguk would have his glorious victory and rub it so hard in the poor little Angel's face.

However, what the king had failed to notice was the little smile that danced on the Angel's lips as he moved his hand forward and wrapped his dainty hand around the Queen piece, Taehyung then proceeded to lift up the heavy, marbled figure and placed it in front of the Devil's king.

The smirk on the Devils face was very quickly replaced with absolute horror as he gawked at the chess board, looking for a way out but it was futile as soon as Taehyung looked up from the chess board, smiling slightly in victory and announced. . .

"Checkmate!" The Angel practically sung, clearly proud of beating such a talented opponent at his own game. Taehyung's wavy, brown hair bounced on his hair as he chuckled while staring at Jeongguk's horrified face.

"W- what, that can't be! How in all things unholy could I, a great and powerful Demon king, be defeated by a little Angel." The Devil announced in utter confusion and shock as he assessed the checkered board in a pointless attempt to find some way out of checkmate.

The Angel giggled again at Jeongguk's silliness, he knew that there was no way out of the checkmate that Jeongguk was stuck in. When Taehyung sacrificed his castle, he knew that the king's greed and lack of patience would cause him to make a rash decision.

The Angel knew all along that as soon as Jeongguk fell into one of his traps that his defeat would fast approach. The Devil had done well to avoid them in the earlier part of the game since he thought extremally carefully about which moves to play but as soon as the pieces began to diminish, Taehyung found his weak spot.

Jeongguk thought he saw a clear line of victory but it was all false hope that was set up by Taehyung so that the Angel could take advantage of the poor move choice and counter it well, leading to Taehyung's victory.

The Devil was still frozen in shock as he presumed to study the board for a way out however, Taehyung's declaration of 'checkmate' turned out to be very true. Never in all his years of being a 'grand master' of chess had Jeongguk ever been beaten so greatly.

Although, Taehyung did feel a tiny bit of sadness for the Demon; Jeongguk just looked so dejected. Like a little lost puppy with droopy ears, who would have though such a devilish creature could be cute. Though maybe it was just Taehyung's habit of finding the good in everything.

"Um- W-we can play again, if you would like to?" The Angel suggested in a haste, trying to fix the Devil's profound sadness.

When Jeongguk finally glanced up from the board, making eye contact with a softly smiling Taehyung, he couldn't help but accept the offer. The Devil couldn't just let the Angel get away with beating him.

"You're on." The Devil replied as he began to rearrange the chess pieces back onto the board for both himself and Taehyung.

That response resulted in another eight hours of chess and in total four games played. The King's chances to redeem himself were shattered into billions of tiny pieces because of Taehyung's excellent gameplay.

The more they played, the more advanced the Angel seemed as he used moves like 'The Queens Gambit' and 'The King's Indian Defense'. Overall, Taehyung won four games in total while the Devil only won one.

Needless to say, Jeongguk practiced hard that night after the Angel left, claiming that he was tired.

Though, the Demon King was still horrified that someone had beaten him at a game he would spend hours revising and practicing.

And that person happened to be an unassuming tiny little Angel. Now, the Devil definitely needed to talk to the Angel more, something was definitely off about him.

But what?

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