Chapter 4

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No one's POV:

Taehyung sighed as he began to pick at the bread that the nice Demon had brought him. Taehyung must have been in Hell for around four days by now and he had hardly slept.

There were bags beginning to form under his eyes and his chocolate brown hair was disheveled.

In the time that Taehyung had been left alone, he began to think. Taehyung could no longer avoid the topic of his disastrous and disappointing heavenly life. He wondered what he could have done differently but he just came to the same conclusion every single time.

Nothing would have made him stay in Heaven.

That was apart from being stronger but that wasn't his fault. Angels have a limit to the power that they can reach. That power all depended on their destined one.

Taehyung's destined Angel must be so strong, so pure. However, they probably wouldn't accept Taehyung as their mate because of his situation.

Most Angel bonds have a balanced level of power, meaning both people in the bond have matching levels of strength, normally both people are strong since they have a God given power. This most definitely didn't apply to Taehyung.

Taehyung's Angel must be an Archangel of sorts that hasn't been born yet. Since Angels are immortal, their partner can appear at any time. Whether that is a few days or centuries apart is completely random.

So, Taehyung was only left to dream about what his partner would look like and what their personality is.

Sex for Mortals is supposed to be within marriage because then it is similar to an angelic bond.

An angelic bond is the only way Angels can experience any form of sexual pleasure. It is deemed acceptable because the two persons involved in the bond are destined for each other.

However, there hasn't been any bonds in Heaven for centuries. The Archangels thought that they had simply died out, though that is very weird.

The likelihood is that Taehyung will die and won't get to meet his destined one. His mate.

Taehyung would be alone and so would his mate. It was a looming threat over his head.

Due to his weakness one of the strongest angels, or so Taehyung thought, would be alone for all their life.

Taehyung yet again brought misery to those around him. What a disappointment he thought as he took a sip of water from the short metal cup on his tray.

Suddenly, some steps echoed from above and Taehyung knew that someone was heading towards the dungeons.

Strange, I have already received my food

Taehyung began to squirm as his anxiety took over. Everything was so unknown to him and it made Taehyung feel petrified.

The Angel's efforts were futile as the chain attached to his wrist prevented most movements. Taehyung knew he had no hope in Hell of moving it so instead he made himself smaller and focused on his breathing.

Inhale, exhale

The last thing Taehyung wanted was to give the king of Hell what be wanted. For Taehyung to fear him, if Taehyung is going to go down. He will go down fighting.

Soon the footsteps stopped followed by the familiar sound of keys jangling and Taehyung opened his eyes suddenly at the sound.

All of the bad thoughts the Angel had came to halt as soon as the Demon who gave him food walked in with a chess board.

What in Heaven? Taehyung thought as he looked at the Demon quizzically. Soon a light-hearted chuckle was heard as the Demon sat down infront of the now more relaxed Angel.

Taehyung shuffled slightly so he was facing more towards the Demon.

"Hello." The Demon spoke whilst laying down the chessboard between the two and taking out the pieces.

"H-hi." Taehyung mumbled as a reply, shyly looking up at the Demon.

"I've been ordered to keep you entertained for a bit, since you are going to be down here for longer than expected." The Demon explained.

"O-okay." Taehyung said as he arranged his pieces on the board. Truth be told, Taehyung was rather good at chess. It was one of his favourite games to play back in Heaven.

"My name is Jimin by the way." The Demon stated once he realised he had never actually introduced himself to the Angel.

"Oh, well- um it's nice to meet you Jimin." The Angel said, trying to be nice. Taehyung knew that it wasn't Jimin's fault he was in Hell, he didn't even blame the King of Hell.

He blamed himself.

"You go first since you are playing as white." Jimin said to Taehyung with a small smile.

Taehyung hesitated at first but eventually settled on moving the pawn in the middle of the board. Jimin followed, also moving a pawn.

The game continued with little words as both players were staring at the board with intensity.

Taehyung smirked as he used his bishop to capture Jimin's Queen whilst the Demon let out a multitude of swear words.

"Check." Taehyung stated monotonously.

Then, the Angel let out the only laugh he had in days without realising it. That made Jimin smile, he liked the Angel and he definitely sympathized with Taehyung a lot.

Now, Jimin was struggling. Taehyung had almost double the pieces than Jimin had.

The Demon replied by moving his king to the left, so it was out the way of Taehyung's bishop and out of check as well.

However, Jimin's efforts were soon proved futile as Taehyung moved his castle to the very back of Jimin's side of the board, so that it was in line with Jimin's king.

"Checkmate." Taehyung said bluntly, very pleased with having beaten the Demon.

Jimin swore yet again and sighed as he began to pack away the many chess pieces into the wooden box.

"You play well." The Demon complimented.

"Thank you, I used to play a lot of chess before- well, you know." Taehyung replied with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"If you want, I can play with you when I bring your food down." Jimin suggested as he stood up, the chess board and the wooden box filled with the pieces in hand.

"I would really like that." Taehyung replied with a small smile.

"Well, I better get going. I don't want to leave sire waiting." Jimin declared as he opened the door of the cell.

"Yeah, okay. Bye. " Taehyung replied, his voice slightly sad.

Jimin bidded him goodbye and disappeared down the large hallway.

Yet again, Taehyung was left with nothing but his own thoughts.

He was alone again.

However, he never really had anyone to begin with and Taehyung was starting to like Hell more than Heaven.

At least he wasn't judged here. At least he wasn't mocked for being weak.

He already had more of a friend in Jimin than he had in any Angel in Heaven.

Hell was by no means good. Yet Taehyung still preferred it over Heaven. Heaven was just a constant reminder of his failure.

At least in Hell he would forget all about his miserable life.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to forget.

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