+•+ Chapter 14 +•+

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Jack's P.O.V.

I woke up, yawning softly. I had been in this God damn bed for a week. I wasn't getting any better. At least my wing had managed to heal. We were set back. All because I got fucking poisoned. I heard the door to the basement creaking, and muffled footsteps trudging downstairs. I saw Mark's worried face peak out from behind the stairwell.

" Oh good, you're awake!" Mark chirped, speed walking over to me.

" When can I leave?" I begged, " I wanna do our prophecy."

" I dunno Jackaboy..." Mark replied, scratching the back of his head.

I groaned, patting the space next to me on the bed. Mark climbed up, wrapping his arm around me. I snuggled up against him, enjoying his warmth.

Why couldn't I just leave?! I felt fine! I felt as if I could run around the world. That does raise the question... who could've poisoned me?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard soft snoring from behind me. Mark must've fallen asleep. He's been so worried recently. I just wanted to get out of here! We needed to get the book from Hell, and get to Earth, and rejoin Heaven and Hell and stuff! We are so behind.

I took a large gulp of the water on the bedside table. I was told I needed lots of hydration and shit in order to feel better.

I heard a drowsy groan from beside me. I turned around and saw Mark's tired eyes looking into mine.

" How long was I asleep?" his groggy voice asked.

" Mmm... 15 minutes?" I guessed.

Mark stood up, stretching. I whined at the sudden loss of his body heat. I heard footsteps clunking down the stairs. Charlie's face peered out from the banister.

" Good. You're awake!" he said sternly, walking over to the marvels of technologyI'm he had, " We have to do another blood test on you. From the way you're acting, I believe most of the poison is out of your system. But I need to make sure before I let you guys go."

I gasped, probably a bit too loud. I hated needles. And when I say hate, I mean absolute hatred. Mark looked over at me, cocking his eyebrow.

" What's wrong?" he asked quietly.

" I'm really scared of needles. I know it's dumb but they're really scary." I whispered back.

" Aww, Jackaboy." Mark cooed, " I'll hold your hand."

I grinned happily, grabbing Mark's hand in my own. Charlie walked back with a needle in his hand. I watched as Charlie gathered cotton, rubbing alcohol, bandaids, vials, etc. He walked over to me and tied a thick elastic band around my upper arm. It squeezed my arm harshly.

I winced, looking up at Mark. I saw his calming brown eyes look into my panicked blue eyes. I immediately felt relief, and I relaxed.

I shivered and yelped as I felt a cold substance get swabbed across my skin. I felt Charlie's fingers push down on my skin. I watched, my heart pounding. I knew what was coming. And I was terrified.

" Don't look Jackaboy. Look at me. Look into my eyes." Mark said soothingly.

I adverted my attention from the needle, and looked into Mark's calming brown eyes. I felt my muscles relax as I looked longingly into Mark's eyes. He had this adorable half smile on his face. He was looking down at me, making sure to let me know that he was here for me.

" Okay! You're done." Charlie said, snapping me out of my trance.

I hasn't felt a thing! Mark's a fucking wizard.

" You did it sweetness, good job." Mark murmured, planting a kiss on my nose.


I walked out of Charlie's house, smelling the fresh air.

" I LOVE NATURE!" I screamed, launching myself into the air.

Felix, Marzia, and Ethan followed me, yelling and shoving me around. As I was in midair, I felt a small pair of arms wrap around me. I looked down and saw Ethan hugging me tightly.

" I'm so glad you're okay." he said, tears falling from his face.

I smiled, hugging Ethan back. He pulled away, chasing after Felix.

" JACK'S OKAY!" Ethan shouted, flipping in midair.

Felix smiled ear to ear.

" So glad you're okay bro." Felix said happily, giving me a fist bump.

I looked down, and I saw Mark staring longing into the sky. His eyes looked full of... sadness? He laid on his back, his chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm. His tail was flicking in rhythm to his breathing, which normally meant he was angry... or sad.

A deviant idea crossed my mind, and I spiraled down towards the ground. Mark shot up in fear, his wide eyes staring right at mine. I swooped fast Mark with a loud 'whoosh' of air. Mark hadn't even processed that he was off the ground. He looked down and...


" Shhh." I cooed, placing a finger on Mark's lips.

Mark's frightened brown eyes looked up into mine. His mouth was slightly open, causing a bit of his teeth to show. His red hair wad tasseled from the wind. His body was limp in my arms. I held onto him, wrapping both of my arms around his lower back.

It seemed like time itself had slowed down. I couldn't hear the shouts of my laughing friends. I couldn't hear my wings beating against the air. I couldn't hear the rustling of the trees. I couldn't hear the hissing wind. All that I could hear was Mark's soft breathing, and his steady heartbeat.

Before I knew it, Mark and I leaned in, our lips barely apart. I felt his hot breath against my lips. He placed a hand on the back of my head, tangling his fingers in my hair. I stared longingly into his chocolate brown eyes. I felt my eyes flutter closed as our lips connected. They moved in sync, sending shivers up my spine. We pulled away, just resting our foreheads against each other's. And for some reason... hot tears began to stream down my face.

I wasn't crying because I was sad. I was crying because I was scared. So scared to begin our adventure. So scared to loose people who I held dear to my heart. So scared to leave my home. So scared to go to Earth. So scared to go to Hell and back. Literally.

I looked back into Mark's eyes, only to see tears coming from his eyes too.

" I'm scared too." Mark whispered.

Hey! So... here's chapter 14. I'm not trying to self promote or anything... but I made a one shot book... and I really need requests. So if you guys want a one shot to come ... request away! Word Count: 1162
~ Dusty

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