Chapter 15

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"So, how many of those angel scum did you kill?" Herobrine asks as his demons enter the castle with Ann and Libby. He disregards the facts that Wolfie is out of his cell and that they all snuck out of the castle, much to the relief of the demons.

"Um, none?" Julie squeaks. Herobrine's white eyes glow brighter as he stalks over to her. Camryn follows behind, cackling quietly.

"None of them? I hope, for your sake, that I am not hearing that correctly."

"Aren't you happy we got Ann and Libby back?" Justina asks. The cracks in the ender side of her face are glowing due to nervousness, and the flame in her purple eye is flickering.

"No! You demons are disposable. I would have rather they had been left to rot than you coming back to me without having killed a single angel. Do I make myself clear?" Herobrine asks, his tone venomous.

"Disposable?" Libby demands. "We're the only demons you've ever had!"

Herobrine chuckles darkly.

"You're so naive. Of course you aren't the only demons I've ever had. This isn't my first round in the buying and selling of demons business. Besides, I've raised you since you were seven years old. You don't think I've had demons before that?"

They all stare at him, and he continues.

"Granted, they were all killed or sold, but you know the lucky one that escaped."

"Ty..." Justina mumbles, her eyes wide. Herobrine chuckles and returns to his throne. Camryn hands him a drink that she had retrieved from the kitchens, which he sips.

"Bingo. Now, go kill some angels!"


"You let them go. We had all six demons in our dungeon and you let them go," Notch sighs, pacing back and forth in front of his throne.

"I didn't want to, but Mitch and Ian insisted!" Adam exclaims.

"They're being abused, Adam!" Mitch replies angrily. "Nobody deserves that!"

"Don't you think they would have been safer in our dungeon?" Notch asks wearily. He sits down in his throne and buries his face in his hands.

"They'll be fine now that we let them go! They can leave if they choose to," Ian insists. Mitch stares at the floor.

"They aren't going to leave, Ian. Demons are loyal to their masters. If they aren't loyal, they're killed or sold. Demons will keep doing what they have to do and performing the way they were trained to survive," Notch explains.

"Then why am I alive?" Ty demands. "I wasn't loyal, yet here I am!"

The angels all fall into silence at these words.

"I have not yet been able to form a hypothesis, but I think the only reason he didn't find you and kill you was because you were young and weak. If you had been older and stronger, he probably would have sent someone to find you and kill you," Notch says.

Everyone remains quiet, thinking about the current predicament. Ty shuffles from foot to foot, looking at the floor.

Finally, Quintana speaks up.

"Why don't we go and kill Herobrine?" 

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