Chapter 27

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The city is eerily silent as Quintana sits on a rooftop for patrol. No villagers are in sight, having left almost a month ago. No demons are around either, which makes her nervous.

"Where are Mitch and Jerome? They should have been back already," Jason says from beside the mudkip. She nods. It's been almost three hours since they left, which is way more than enough time for two of the fastest angels in the flock to fly there, drop off Ann, and fly back.

"Maybe they got caught up," Quintana suggests, trying to reassure herself that the worst did not happen.

"Mitch and Jerome? Caught up? Ha!" Jason exclaims.

"I'm going to the castle," Quintana says firmly. Jason's face falls.

"You can't go to the castle! Notch told us to stay on patrol!"

"I don't care what Notch says. We can't lose any angels right now," she replies hastily. "They're my brothers too, and I don't want them to get hurt."

She takes off, soaring through the air effortlessly. Ian can be seen perched on a large tree, and Quintana lands next to him.

"Ian, I'm going to Herobrine's castle to find Mitch and Jerome. If I'm not back in two hours, come get me with help," she orders.

"Are you serious, Quin? That's basically a suicide mission!" Ian exclaims.

"I don't care. Come with help if I'm not back in two hours."

Ian nods in defeat and the angel girl smirks before flying as fast as she can to the demon castle. She lands on their front lawn, staring at the front doors. The darkness gives her an eerie feeling, but she ignores it. She looks around, searching for any clues that could point her to the whereabouts of her brothers.

Quintana spots a tuft of brown hair on the ground as well as a blood splatter. Wincing, she picks up the fur, and everything about it tells her it's Jerome's.

"How do I get in..." she mumbles. The windows are all too small for her to get through, and the door is way to obvious of an entrance.

Suddenly, she sees a demon peering at her through the window. Quintana jumps and back away, preparing for a fight. But the demon girl just stands there, her weapon still in its sheath.

She slowly opens the door and pokes her head out.

"You're looking for Mitch and Jerome, aren't you?" she asks in a hushed tone. Quintana nods, slightly confused.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Khali. And I'm telling you this because they need to get out of this castle now," the demon replies.

"I'm Quintana... Why do they need to leave so badly? I mean, besides the fact that they're in a demon dungeon," she demands. Khali's face grows dark.

"Because Herobrine made an announcement to us that our two prisoners are going to be the sacrifice that officially starts the war between our kinds."

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