Chapter 50

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As the sun rises, its light glows against the sleepy village and the shimmering walls of Notch's castle. The town slowly begins to bustle with life as merchants head to work and people begin their morning tasks, but the castle remains quiet.

A small village boy looks up at Notch's castle, his head cocked slightly to the side. He's always been intrigued by the massive structure, and he knows that there are angels living in there.

He looks at the bucket in his hand. He has to fetch water. Now is not the time to get distracted.

He runs to the well and quickly fills the metal bucket. The entire time, his eyes are fixed on the castle.

"I'm going to go there one day. I'm going to see the angels that my mom tells me about," he thinks.

As he thinks this, ten figures with wings soar from the castle. A massive white wolf follows them, a huge grin on his face. The winged figures lift the wolf onto the roof, where the eleven of them stand. It seems far, but he can still make out the features on their faces.

Notch's angels.

The boy's jaw drops and he just barely manages to hold onto his water bucket.

"Mom! Mom, look, the angels!" he calls, running back to his house.

"What is it, honey?" his mother asks.

"Look, it's the angels! They're on the roof of Notch's castle!" he cries with joy. She looks and smiles as she sees them standing there, watching the village.

Adam sees this little boy, who's so excited about seeing them. His hazel eyes skim over the kingdom, falling on three gravestones. Rosy pink flower petals, which had bloomed the day before, have fallen from the tree above and scattered over the stones, beautiful and sad at the same time. Ian sees them too and his face falls.

The other angels notice the two angels looking at this, and Jason nudges their arms gently. No words are exchanged, but they get the message.

They all look back to the village, where the little boy is still watching them. He waves, and all of them wave back. Once again, the child's jaw drops and he starts smiling brightly and jumping up and down.

"Mom, aren't they amazing?" the boy asks.

His mother nods. "Indeed."

As the sun breaks over the horizon, the angels take flight, the white wolf howling at the sky before being brought to the ground. The winged figures go soaring back into the sky as the wolf chases them from the ground.

They're all pure and happy, free at last.

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