Chapter 7

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"I can't believe I let her in the castle." Leonard said angrily. "I should've known she was planning something."

"What do we do now Leonard?" Courtney asked.

"I'm not sure. We will have to figure something out." Leonard said. Then Gary sees Mighty Eagle flying towards them. He lands and says, "What are you doing out here? I thought you were going to get rest since you will be busy tomorrow."

"We were." Leonard said. "But a psychotic bird stole my crown and took over the throne. Now she is forming a team to try and find a golden egg."

"The golden egg?" Mighty Eagle asked. "Is that actually real?"

"She thinks so." Leonard says pointing to the castle. "I don't know what to do now. She said none of the birds here will get what they want. I don't know what to tell them."

"I think you just need to tell them the truth." Mighty Eagle said as he pat Leonard on the shoulder. "They might understand."

Leonard agrees and goes to everyone's door and tells them one by one. Some understood like what Mighty Eagle said, while others were upset. When he does the last house, a pig named Sal opened the door and said, "Your highness. It's a pleasure..."

"Shhhhh!" Leonard interrupted. "You can't call me king or anything like that right now."

"Why, what's the matter?" Sal asked. Leonard explained what happened. Then Stella came to the door and asked, "Sal, is Leonard here?"

Sal nodded and he told her what Leonard said. Stella asked him, "Wait, was the bird named Gale?" Leonard nods and she gasps. "Oh no. She's lost her mind. I know Gale very well, and she believed that the golden egg was real. Well maybe this is a way to get back at those who mocked her. We can't let her get away with this. We will help you get your kingdom back."

Leonard couldn't believe what she said and hugged her tightly. Then she called the others to the door. "Leonard, these are my other friends. Poppy. She can be a prankster and a lousy drummer, but when it comes to helping, she's very useful."

"Are you calling me useless?" Poppy asked.

"Absolutely not." Stella said.

"Meet Willow, she may have a weird hat, but she has incredible talent in art." Stella said.

"Question: Why do you wear that hat?" Leonard asked.

"I have wild hair and I hate it." Willow said.

"Can I see it?" Leonard asked.

"No. It's embarrassing." Willow said grabbing her hat.

"Never mind Leonard." Stella said. "Anyways, this is Dahlia. She is a chemist and an engineer."

"I can also do mapping." Dahlia said. "If there's any kind of information you need or you need a guide, I'm right here."

"Nice, but we need a bigger team than this Stella. I feel like this is bigger than the Eagle Island situation." Leonard said.

Stella thought about it and before she said something, Chuck came by and saw Leonard near the door. Then he says to Leonard as he points to Stella, "Dude, I saw her first."

Leonard didn't understand but Stella said, "Chuck, this is not a good time. Leonard got kicked out of the castle and the one who stole the throne was a bird. She's planning something that may put everyone in danger. We need you to help."

"You can't just count on me, my darling." Chuck said. "I know plenty of others to help. I'll be back in a flash." Then he runs away.

"I'm not your darling!" Stella yelled. Then 10 seconds later, Chuck comes back and says, "Okay, I got a few birds that will help. You all know Bomb and Silver. We have a few more new recruits. Hal and Bubbles." They arrive about a minute later.
"Well, we also have Mighty Eagle." Chuck said. "With Leonard, Courtney and Gary. I feel like we are forgetting someone."

Everyone thinks about it and then they all said, "Red!"

"We can't do this without Red." Bomb said.

"Don't worry everyone, I will go get him." Mighty Eagle said. "I just need to hurry. I don't think we have much time." Then Mighty Eagle flies away.

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