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Silver grew faster and stronger every day. Five years old, and she had already mastered the power of flight. She could soar and glide, loop and dive. And she didn't even have someone to teach her!
It wasn't just Silver's body that grew, but her brain as well. She was good at math and science and loved arts and crafts. Heck, she even helped rebuild Leonard's castle. She also developed a strong sense of humor. But despite her gifts, her kind heart, and how much the pigs loved her, Silver sometimes felt like she didn't truly belong.
Leonard, on the other hand, was impressed with Silver's intelligence. He knew she would help him steal the eggs once again. However, he was concerned about her generosity and how that would prevent her from doing so. Leonard knew that, somehow, he would have to outsmart the young fledgling.

“Silver?" Leonard called to the young falcon. “Can I have a word with you?"
“Um, okay," Silver replied nervously. She could tell it was important.
Leonard took Silver to the beach and gave her a small bag of food.
“What's this for?" she asked, confused.
“Silver, you have to go," Leonard replied, pushing her towards the water.
“What?" Silver muttered, resisting his shoves. “You want me to leave? But... I thought you liked me."
“Silver, I love you," he lied. “It's because I love you I want you to leave."
“But why?" Silver asked worriedly. Leonard sighed.
“You see," he began, “before you were born, Piggy Island was attacked by birds."
“What are birds?" Silver asked.
“Horrible creatures," Leonard described. “With razor sharp claws and beaks, covered with feathers, and their eyes... Don't make me get started on that!"
Silver shivered in fear.
“Anyway, they attacked us," Leonard continued, “but we survived. Now, I'm afraid they might come back. And I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt. That's why I want you to leave."
“But what about you?" Silver asked, concerned. “Ross, Earl, Mr. Hamilton? What'll happen to you?"
“I don't know," he sighed, holding the young bird close. “Unfortunately, we don't possess the ability to fly, like you. I guess we'll have to stay here. But no matter what happens, we'll always be with you."
After a quick kiss on her forehead, Leonard began walking away with his head down. He knew Silver would give in.
“Leonard, wait!" she cried out. Leonard stopped in his tracks, hiding his smirk from her view. “I have an idea."

“Oh, it's beautiful!" Ross gasped, gazing at Silver's blueprint. “What is it?"
“I call it a dirigible!" Silver replied. “It's like a boat, but instead of floating in the water, it floats in the air."
“How does that work?" Ross asked.
“This section that looks like a big balloon," Silver explained, “gets filled with hot air. The hot air is much lighter and thinner than the air we breathe, and once the balloon is full, the dirigible will float."
Leonard smiled in satisfaction.
“But I can't build this alone," Silver added. “Which is why I need all of you to help me."
“I'll help you," Ross said.
“And me!"
“Me too!"
Every pig on the island volunteered to help Silver.
“Let's do this!" Silver cheered.

Immediately after that motivational speech, Silver and the pigs began working on building the dirigible. With a song in her heart and a smile on her face, Silver knew they would get this done.
Soon enough, their work was done. The only thing left to do was test it. A few of the pigs, however, were worried that it might not work.
But Silver refused to back down. So, she lit the fire, and watched the hot air fill the balloon. It worked! Every pig on the island was aboard the flying ship, and Silver believed she was taking them somewhere these “birds" couldn't get to them.

Little did Silver know where they were really heading...

Yeah, before she joined the Flock, I don't think Silver's ever actually seen any other birds. So I figured she doesn't know that she is one.

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