Silver's Dilemma

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“They got my baby!" Chuck cried in panic. “What do we do?! They're going to eat my baby and I can't stop em!"
“Chuck, just calm down," Stella soothed. “We're gonna get those eggs back."
“How would you know, Miss Smarty Feathers?!" he yelled. “Do you even know where they went?!"
“Why did I marry you?" Stella asked herself. “No, but we can find out. Together. Okay?"
Chuck sighed. “Okay."
Stella smiled. “Now, that's my big, strong man."

“Deep breath, deep breath," Matilda gasped. “DEEP BREATH!"
“Matilda, what happened?" Red asked.
“I may have been seeing things," she answered, “but I could've sworn I saw a small bird flying."
“But that's impossible," Bomb said. “Other than Mighty Eagle, birds can't fly."
“We saw her, too!" Jake peeped. “It was our friend, Silver!"
“There she goes right now!" Jim cried out.
The flock watched as the small falcon flew away from the flying boat all the way to Mighty Eagle's mountain.
“Oh, thank goodness!" Matilda sighed. “I'm not crazy!"
“What's wrong with her?" Bomb wondered.
“I don't know," Red replied. “But I'm going to find out."


Four hours. For four hours, all Silver did on that mountain was lie on what appeared to be a giant abandoned nest, reminiscing. She remembered how the pigs would always play with her. She remembered how Ross would try to take care of her, but he didn't have much success. Silver was capable of taking care of herself, but she was happy he tried. And Leonard... Leonard would always hug her. He'd just wrap his flabby arms around her, and she loved it. She felt safe and warm in his embrace.
But none of it was real. Leonard never loved her, he only wanted her brain. Those pigs just hustled her. They only cared about the eggs.
Betrayed by the only family she knew, Silver cried in anguish.

Red had no trouble climbing the mountain, unlike last time. Maybe it was because Chuck and Bomb weren't there to annoy him, or he was just lucky this time. But whatever the case may be, the important thing was that he made it, and he found the girl. She was lying on her stomach on Mighty Eagle's old nest, with her head down and her wings hanging over the edge.
Red climbed the tree and crawled into the nest and found that Silver was half asleep. He gently stroked her cheek and wiped off her tears with his thumb. Silver opened her eyes and looked up at the red bird with unusually large eyebrows. And then she turned her head.
“What do you want?" she muttered.
“I just want to know what happened," Red replied. “You seem really upset, and I just want to know why."
“Why do you care?" Silver groaned, angry at herself. “I'm the reason your eggs were stolen in the first place."
Red's eyes widened. “You're with the pigs?!"
“I was," she sighed. “They were my brothers. I loved them, and I thought they loved me. But it turns out they just loved how smart I am. I only built the dirigible because I thought birds were mindless savages who wanted to kill them. If only I knew..."
Silver started crying again. Red wasn't really the affectionate type, but he managed to calm her down.
“Look kid, what those pigs did to you was terrible," Red said, pretty darn angry about it. “That should never happen to a little girl. But, only if you want to, you can help us get the eggs back. Do you know where they went?"
“Northeast, about two hundred miles from here," Silver answered. “A place called The New Land."
“Then that's where we're going," Red confirmed. “But only if you want to, you can help us."
And so, Red jumped out of the nest and climbed down the mountain, leaving Silver behind to clear her head.


The following morning, Red made his announcement to the village.
“I know what you're thinking," he began. “‘The pigs are back! They stole our eggs once again! What do we do?!' But don't worry! I know where the pigs went. And that's where I'm going. But I can only bring a few birds with me."
A bunch of birds, mostly new mothers, wanted to come along, but Red had to choose carefully.
“I'm gonna have to go with..." Red muttered, “...Chuck, Bomb, Matilda and Terence! Now if we're going to get the eggs back, we'll have to move fast! Let's go!"

“Red, are you sure this is going to work?" Matilda asked worriedly. “There's hundreds of them, and only five of us."
“Make that six," a familiar voice corrected. The flock found Silver emerging from the bushes. “I thought about it, and... You're all probably mad at me, and I don't blame you. It's my fault the pigs stole your children. I thought I was saving a community, but actually, I almost destroyed another. But your eggs shouldn't get eaten because of my mistake. Which is why I'm coming with you. I have to fix this."
“You better fix this," Chuck said at a fast pace. “Because one of those eggs was my son or daughter, and I really want to watch it hatch and grow up. And the next time we lay eggs, you better make sure they don't get stolen again. Because if they do, you'll be sorry. Hi, my name is Chuck. I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I like you a lot. You're a cute kid."
“Um.... okay," Silver replied nervously, then she turned to Red. “Is he always like that?"
“Don't worry, he's being tested," Red assured her. “What's your name?"
“Silver," she answered.
“Well, Silver, I'm Red," he introduced. “And these are my friends. Chuck, Bomb, my anger management teacher Matilda, and the big guy's Terence."
Terence just growled.
“Chuck!" a sweet voice called out. It was Stella, holding a large paper bag.
“Baby, what's this?" Chuck asked his wife.
“I thought I should pack you some lunch," she replied. “There's a foot long sub stuffed with worms and caterpillars, fruit salad and a slice of strawberry shortcake."
“Made from scratch?" he asked, making sure. Stella nodded.
“Is that all for him?" Silver whispered to Red.
“Where do you think all his energy comes from?" Red replied.
Stella hugged Chuck and sighed.
“You sure you'll be okay out there?" she asked, concerned. “It could be dangerous out there, and I don't wanna lose you."
“Don't worry," Chuck assured her. “I'll be fine. And I'll get our baby back."

And so, Red, Silver, and the rest of the flock set sail in their small boat, not knowing what dangers lie ahead.

Yeah, there was this press conference in which Josh Gad, the voice of Chuck, said that the bird has a much better metabolism than he does, so I felt it would make sense why Stella would pack so much food.

I'm not really sure if Mighty Eagle's going to be in this story. I wanted him to be a narrator, but it just didn't feel right to write in the point of view of someone who barely interacts with... anything. So, I don't think he'll be here. Sorry.

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