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This is something I have always wanted to do. Just not with this book series. Yet, as time(like years) went by, I always heard the same thing be said: do it with something you love. I mean, I love TONS of things. Marching band, archery, reading in general, horses, TV shows yadda, yadda. You get the picture.

Eventually, I came to the realization that doing videos on Rangers Apprentice might actually be a good idea.

1) It's not insanely popular(yet) but it still has a pretty good fandom

2) I LOVE this series. I may not have grown up with it like others have, but that doesn't make me a fake or whatever people say these days(I don't keep up with the slang. Ever)

3) I have really wanted to do YouTube videos for a long time, but my incapability to get on electronics, or figure out a way to work them properly has kept me at bay(but no longer!)

4) I'm sure there are more reasons that I'll think of later.

Okay, enough of that! Now its onto the more important stuff. Starting with why I named this chapter "Pilot". If you have ever looked at the first episode of a TV Series, 95% of the time, its titled "Pilot". Here's why.


1.  a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.

2.  a television program made to test audience reaction with a view to the production of a series.

Check out definition number 2. A television test. Literally what I'm doing right now only with a book to advertise a channel that is hopefully(GOING) be coming out next summer. I want your thoughts. Is this a good idea, bad idea, what is it to you?

For this reason, this book will be open to comments/suggestions from Wednesday, October 5, 2016 to Friday, May 5, 2017(I think its a Friday...)

See you next summer Rangers!


(Thinking about changing that sign-off name....)

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