Chapter 2:The Jolt

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The net flew through the air, faster and faster, until it descended down to a Wood Cabin. Somehow, the yellow dragon was already waiting for them. As the net landed Jerboa II leaped off of the net and ran inside. "Oh, I'm Jerboa, by the way.", The yellow dragon said. "What...How!?", Spark asked looking around. "Here is where all of the dead Animus dragons and their Wives go.", Jerboa II shouted from the 3rd floor. "Oh.", Spark murmured. "And this, is Arctic.", Jerboa said pointing to the Ice dragon. "Yes I am.", The Ice dragon sighed grumpily. "Oh Souls do heal here.", Jerboa II yelled, this time on the 10th floor. Suddenly, faster than then the eye could see, from 384,794,948,000 places,(There are SO many lazy people who didn't even read that number.) a pebble was took. Then all of them materialized behind Spark. "What...", Spark asked turning around. "This world will die now.", the stone figure spoke,"You escaped me once...But what about twice? Without your friends.". "Wrong!", Spark replied firmly, "My friends will never leave me.". Then Spark drew out six pebbles. He tossed them into the air and a portal formed. The portal sucked in the six stones and spat out duplicates of his Winglet. They were in tank form, but strong nevertheless. the 384,794,948,000 pieces of rock all shattered and his "Winglet" dissipated.

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