BREAKING NEWS- New Recruit Wants To Go Home

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I don't own the SCP Foundation
Alita POV

It's been a a year since I actually started pulling my weight around here.  Mostly paperwork I've been doing, experiments as well.  Most of them on myself.

Odd thing that happened yesterday, I was up doing paperwork and heard screaming in the hallway.  I poked my head out and didn't see anything.  How bizarre.  Oh well.  Probably some late-night experiment or an overdramatic Researcher seeing a spider or something. 

There's many reasons for screaming here.  So, it's not an uncommon occurrence.  I suppose I should talk a bit about how shifting works.  Sort of a coping mechanism.  When you've got no idea what people need you to do and who you need to be to do them, you have to change at the drop of a hat.  No warning, no nothing. 

I can go from perfect researcher to life of the party faster than you can say "Containment Breach!".  Someone puts a hand on my shoulder, jarring me from my thoughts, and it takes everything in me not to jerk away.  "Hey, can you come with me?  I'm not too sure about this new girl I have to give the tour to.", Daisy says.

I turn around without saying a word.  I took off my lab coat a while ago, just wearing a gray shirt and pants.  I put the white coat back on, since it is standard wear.  Even though it is quite hot in here.

"Of course.", I reply, and I start following her.  I can't help but notice the three armed guards next to us.  Who is this new girl?  Hopefully I get some answers. 

We arrive at a cell not unlike mine.  The door opens, and I peer inside.  Just a small blonde woman,  cowering in the corner.  "Fucking get away from me!", she shouts, and tries to run for it.  I hold her back with the help of the guards, just as the door closes.

"Take me home, goddamnit!  I don't want to join your fucking science club!", she sneers.  I can't help but notice the air quotations she put around the word "science".  "That's not an option, sorry.", Daisy says calmly. 

The door opens, a voice heard from beyond it.  "The only other option is death, Dr. Hadley.  This is only temporary until we find an amnestic that works on you.  For now, please bear with us.  We are short-staffed by ten Researchers and we need your expertise.  Killing yourself will not help.", Dr. Jones says, eerily calm.

"I don't care!  You can't just yank me away from my home and work me like a slave!  I'd rather die!", she shouts.  "Whoa, whoa whoa!  Nobody here should treat anyone badly.  We're all scientists, calm down.  Well, except the guards, but I know that one and she's intelligent.", I say, pointing to the guard in the corner.

Her name is Sara, and I sometimes play chess with her during breaks.  "Oh no, you will be more than compensated for your work.  You made $100,000 at your previous job, correct?  We offer $200,000 for each year that you are with us.  Also, we are perfectly within our rights to contain you indefinitely, so don't get too unruly.", Dr. Jones adds, still completely stone cold.

"What's your name?", Daisy asks the woman, who has stood up.  "Dr. Rebecca Hadley.  Please, just let me go, I won't tell a single soul about what I saw.", she answers.

"That's against protocol.  We'll take you to your quarters, Dr. Hadley.  What, you thought we were just going to leave you in there?  No, me and Alita over there will show you the ropes around here!", Daisy replies, pointing to me.

"What the hell is on her wrist?", she says, pointing down to the SRA.  Scranton Reality Anchor, to those that care about acronyms.  "A man died to make that, so you'll respect the tech around here.  Chances are, people died to make it.", I reply, slowly getting angrier with her.

Poor Dr. Scranton.  I read SCP-3001 on one of my reads through the database.  That man, who knows that he saw in there.  He's an idol of mine, and the reason that I can stay here and work here and not just be killed.  Rest in peace, I hope he's not still alive in there.

"As for the thing itself, that's a Scranton Reality Anchor.  Named after the man who made the prototype for it.  He died slowly and horribly, and we don't even know if he's actually dead, or still being tortured.  As for what it does, it keeps me from teleporting.", I reply, watching her face pale.

"Wait. What?", she says.  "I'm what's known as a reality bender.  I manipulate reality itself to my will.  I can only use it to instantaneously hop between different places, however.  In laymen's terms, teleportation.  I'm pretty weak when it comes to it, actually.  Still dangerous though.  If I really wanted to, I could teleport you into a volcano and leave before I died.", I say.

I can see the fear in her eyes, somehow.  She, thankfully, follows us to the staff dorms.  I haven't been here before.  I don't sleep in the staff dorms, I either sleep in my cell or my office.  "Here we are!", Daisy says, opening a door.

Inside, there's a decently sized bedroom, and another door.  Probably a bathroom.  "Whoa.", Dr. Hadley says, surprised by the sight of it.  "Assuming you behave, Dr. Hadley, you'll be getting an office too.  Right now, I have to go.  My son should be getting home soon.", Dr. Jones says, walking away from us.

Dr. Jones announced that she was pregnant just a few days ago.  We're all happy for her.  I haven't seen Lucy in a while.  Maybe I'll sit with her and Dr. Bright at lunch today. 

Speaking of lunch, it's that time of day right now.  Daisy and I head over, Dr. Hadley in tow.  She isn't very happy being dragged around, but I couldn't care less. 

Today is Pizza Day, the best day of the week.  I heard that there's an infinite pizza box at another site.  I think it was Site-19 that had it. But we have the coffee machine that can dispense anything in our break room.  It's just that a lot of people don't carry change so they just get coffee normally.

I do carry change, so I get coffee and tea from SCP-294 instead.  I once tried to get liquid energy to pull an all-nighter with some paperwork I had to do, but someone stopped me before I could. 

Leaving Dr. Hadley with Daisy, I sit next to Lucy.  "Oh hey!  How's it going?", she asks me.  "Very well, thank you.  The new recruit is a bit.. belligerent.", I reply.

"Oh, that one.  So glad I didn't have to talk to her.  Sorry you got stuck with her, but I can't say I'm not relieved that you did.  You've got a way with the newbies, always have.", she replies.

"Probably because I don't haze them with Keter Duty right away.  They trust me, which makes it all the more fun once you guys get your hands on them.", I say, writing a note in my book. 

Just a reminder to treat Dr. Hadley with some level of respect.  I can't say that I don't feel a little bad for her. Amnestic resistance is terrible when it comes to weird mutations. It's enough to get you contained, for good.

Luckily, it'll only be maybe two years or so before the researchers down in the Amnestics Department can make something that will work. So, at least she won't be here forever. If she was, I'd be annoyed since this Dr. Hadley is rather infuriating.

Well, I have no control over it anyway. Maybe a miracle will happen and they can get it done in a year.

[A/N]. The next chapter is going to be violent and I'll put a warning at the top of it. Also, what do you guys think of this? I need the comments, please.

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