Chapter 10

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Sabine was starting to wake up after their battle with Ezra. She looked around and saw the rest of the crew. "Where are we?" She asked. "In a cell. Ezra captured us." Hera said. "That kid is gonna pay for doing this." Zeb said. "Calm down Zeb. We already fought Ezra once and look where that got us." Kanan told him. Sabine thought for a moment then she remembered something. "We can't give up on Ezra yet." She said. "Sabine I know you still want to believe that Ezra can come back to us but you saw what happened." Hera said. "No you guys don't understand. When me and Ezra was gonna shoot, I lowered my gun and he did the same. I saw in his eyes that he didn't want to fight us." Sabine told them. "And didn't you guys noticed something happening before we were captured?" She added. "Come to think of it, yeah but what is the question." Hera said.

Before anyone could reply the cell doors opened and Thrawn, Kallus and Ezra stepped in. "Hello again rebels." Thrawn said. Zeb growled at the Grand Admiral. "What do you want Thrawn?" Hera asked. "Nothing yet. I just wanted to show you all how loyal young Ezra has been to me. He has been the best soldier for the Empire." He told them. "Ezra please don't do this. We're your friends." Sabine said. Ezra said nothing and looked down. "Ezra I believe that you need to show them where your loyalty is." Thrawn said. Ezra looked at Thrawn with a angry look. "Do it." Thrawn told him lifting his arm ready to press a button on his wrist. Ezra used the force and Kanan flew at the wall. Zeb charged at him but was also thrown at the wall. Hera and Sabine was lifted up in the air and was unable to move. "Very good Ezra now lets leave them here to process their defeat. "Ezra let down Hera and Sabine and they ran towards Kanan and Zeb. Ezra was about to leave the cell when Kanan shouted "Ezra! Is this what your parents would want? What Ahsoka would want?!" Ezra froze in his tracks and looked back at them and left.

Ezra, Thrawn and Kallus were walking out of the prison hold. Thrawn went into one direction and Ezra and Kallus went into an elevator. Out of nowhere Kallus pushed Ezra to the wall and stopped the elevator. "Ezra out of all the things you can do, why on Lothal would you join the Empire and betray your crew, your family?!" Kallus said. Ezra turned the tables and pressed Kallus into the wall. "I didn't have a choice! Thrawn did something to the crew. He put nano probes in there body during our last mission to Geral. He said he was gonna kill them unless I joined." He told him and released his grip on Kallus. "That makes sense. So what now? Do you plan on staying with the Empire forever?" Kallus asked. "No I think I might have and idea. I've been looking threw some intel about the probes and they were built here on Lothal." Ezra explained. "Kallus please I need your help. I can't loose them." He added. "Alright I'll help you." Kallus said. "Alright here's what we're gonna do...."

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