Chapter 5

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The crew had no choice but to go back to base without Ezra. While in hyperspace everyone was in the cockpit. Sabine was still trying to contact Ezra on the high powered transmitter. "Sabine it's no use. Ezra's probably captured and we have no idea where he is." Hera said. "I know I just worried." Sabine said crossing her arms and slouching back in hee chair. "We all are. I've been trying to find Ezra threw the force but it's like he's blocked me out of his mind." Kanan said. "That doesn't really make me feel better." Sabine stated with a frown. "Don't worry, the kids tough to the core. We all trained him the best we can. He'll manage without us." Zeb told her.

The Ghost landed on Attalon and the crew went to the command center and explained what happened on the mission. "So what do we do now?" Rex asked. "We have no choice but to wait. But we will do everything in our power to find Bridger and bring him back alive." Sato said and everyone left.

Later that afternoon the crew and Rex was in the common of the Ghost eating some food. Hera notice Sabine just playing with her food and barely eating and she had a sad look on her face. "Sabine you should eat." She said. Sabine didn't reply and just stared at her food. "Sabine?" Hera called shaking the teens shoulder. Sabine shot her head up in surprise and looked around. "Hm? Oh sorry Hera my mind just been somewhere else right now." Sabine said. "Thinking about Ezra?" Hera asked earning a nod from Sabine. "We're all worried about him but for now we just have to wait. Sooner or later we'll find him." Kanan said. After they ate they all went into their cabins but no of them could barely sleep thinking about the young jedi.

1 week later.

The crew was still trying to figure out where was Ezra. They had hit many prisons, hacked imperial networks and more but none knew where he was. Sato and the other rebels were starting to loose fate that they will find him. But the crew still searched nonstop.

The crew was on Attalon about to leave to hit another prison when they got called to the command center by Sato. They enter the command center and greeted Sato. "Is there something wrong Commander?" Hera asked. He nodded and pulled up a holo image. "One of our transports is under attack by a star destroyer. I need you all to go assist them and get them back alive." Sato explained. The crew nodded and got on the Ghost and headed into hyperspace.

The Ghost came out of hyperspace and was met by a star destroyer. They saw the transport ship in the hangar bay and flew towards the it. "Transport vessel this is the Ghost, we'll get you outta there." Hera said in the com. "No turn back! There's someone here! Red blade! Run! Warn the others!" A rebel said and the transmission went off. "It could be an Inquisitor." Kanan said. "Then lets go!" Zeb said and Hera flew the Ghost in the star destroyer.

The Ghost landed in the the star destroyer next to the transport ship. They ran out of the Ghost and saw a few rebel soldiers fight against a man in black with metal armor platings. "Sabine you're with me. We have to distract him." Kanan said ignited his lightsaber. Sabine nodded and grabbed the darksaber. They ran towards the inquisitor. They went for the attack and he blocked all their attacks. Sabine swung her darksaber at him from behind but he used the force to push her back. Kanan went for the attack and the inquisitor blocked all his attacks. After Hera and Zeb helped the rebels get on board the Ghost they ran towards Kanan and Sabine to help fight. They shot at the Inquisitor but he kick Kanan away and blocked all the shots.

Then out of nowhere Sabine came from behind and kicked him in the head and Kanan used the force to push him hard at the wall making his helmet fall of when he landed on the ground. Once they got closer to him the Inquisitor showed his face and the crew was shock beyond words. "What is it?" Kanan asked because he could not see. "Kanan it's not an Inquisitor." Hera said in a terrified voice. Sabine dropped her darksaber and could comprehend what she saw. "It's Ezra."

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