Chapter 11: The Defense of Vale

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Location: Vale

3rd POV


The Group of Huntsman and Huntresses exclaimed in full shock, they cannot believe what they are seeing, in front of them is Jaune Arc, the Beacon student who was tormented and abused, and been missing for several months is standing there ALIVE.

They see Jaune walking towards them menacingly wearing his HELIOSKRILL-class Mjolnir with his without his helmet on, holding a Type-25 Carbine in his hands, glaring at the Grimm.

As he continues walking menacingly towards the group, the Beacon Students and Arc sisters sees three Beowolves behind Jaune ready to pounce on the Arc. Thy were about to warn him, but then Jaune swiftly turns around in a 360, and fires his Carbine killing the three Grimms, stunning the Huntsman and Huntresses in the process seeing that Jaune killed the Grimms like they were nothing.

"INCURSIVE BEAST!" Jaune insults as he turns to left, firing upon an incoming Ursa killing it aswell.

And in instinct, he turn to the right sees the Ursa ready to strike him and he is about to shoot his Carbine at the Grimm, but the Ursa knocks his Carbine out of his hands and is ready to strike the Arc.

  However, fortunately for Jaune he does roundhouse kick stunning the Ursa and pulls out his 'Arc's Wrath' in its Melee mode and activates the energy sword and slashes at the Ursa in half killing it, before the two-bladed weapon then turned to impale another Grimm, which is an Alpha Beowolf, killing each Grimm close to him and he kills the another as he stands up in triumph, while the Beacon students and the Arc Sisters stood there, in complete awe.

"Woah... Jaune is a Badass..." Cardin mutters as he there in stood there awe and shock. 

  A Howl catches their attention and sees a horde of Beowolf coming straight towards them, numbering over 32 of them coming. The Huntsmen and Huntresses gets into a fighting stance, while Jaune just switch the mode of the 'Arc's Wrath' from Energy Sword to Plasma Rifle, and he fires rapidly as the plasma killing over 25 of the horde, only the 7 remaining Beowolves to charge at him.

"Rise up against me...." He shoots the Grimm to the left killing it, "...AND I'LL KILL YOU!" before he throws a punch at the Beowolf stunning it, and actives the 'Arc's Wrath' into Energy Sword Mode and He attacks the remaining Beowolves.






He then throws his Energy sword-plasma rifle hybrid at the Beowolf behind him, impaling the Grimm, until it disintegrated.

He sees Beowolf charging at him, but Jaune punches the Beowolf on the head, breaking its skull leaving it dazed, before a Jaune pulls out a Plasma Grenade and stuck it on the on the Beowolf's Head and grabs the Plasma Grenade infused-Beowolf and throws it at 5 remaining Beowolves as explosions consumes them killing the Grimms as Jaune jumps out of the way and stands up triumphantly.

(This is pretty much what the Fight scene looks like.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As for the Team of Huntsmen and Huntresses, they varied many different Reactions.

  For team RWBY, Ruby's reaction is mixed with shock and excitement, shock to see Jaune taking out the Grimms like they were nothing, and excitement over his arsenal of weapons and also the bad-ass Armor. Weiss is speechless to see the weapons he possess to able to kill Grimms that easily. Blake and Yang on the other hand are shocked and amazed by what they are seeing.

    Team PNR looked in awe to see there former leader walking through the battlefield, eliminating each Grimm that comes on his way, this wasn't like Jaune, his fighting style now is more brutal and more aggressive, than they normally see in Beacon, but now he looked so cool and dangerous on the battlefield with the those awesome weapons and armor he holds, Pyrrha looking in relief glad he was alive, but still guilty for abandoning him, Ren was glad he could possibly reconnect with Jaune and perhaps have Jaune lead them like before, and Nora was glad she was getting her fearless leader back.

    Team CFVY they stood there speechless, they couldn't believe that Jaune is back! Now with a some highly advance arsenal and armor, now they are wondering if this is the Jaune they know in Beacon, because before he was weak and now there he is stronger than before and killing any Grimm in his path with on mercy! And out of the Team CFVY, Velvet was the only one very happy to see him alive.

    For Team CRDL, all looked in amazement and fear, they just couldn't process this, this was the kid that they had been bullying, tormenting and ruining his reputation in Beacon, but now he stands there strong than before, Team CRDL are now downright scared, they were just praying if he wanted payback on them they hope it's not going to be painful...or worse...deathly!

    As for the Arc sisters, could hardly believe it, Lucy, Allison, Athena, Noah, Aria, Aurora, and Jane all looked in shock and amazement, they were shocked to see that their little brother was alive, they felt great... watching their brother fight through the Grimm, he looked so amazing and strong, they were glad to see him safe and was starting to feel more proud than before. But for Lucy, Athena and Allison, although they are happy, they were suspicious when they see the same Armor that's from the Unknown group, and are also wondering if he had any affiliations to it. But they couldn't help but feel happy and proud to see their brother fighting the Grimms.

    Unfortunately their shock and amazement where cut short, when all of a sudden, a huge shadow looms over them and as they look up, they become more shock and scared than ever!

(PLAY THE MUSIC! United We Stand- Dagames)

    Above them, appears a CCS-Battlecruiser! They become more shock to see this type of ship exists, that makes Atlas frigates look inferior!

   In the Bridge, the Shipmaster Gregor, a Shipmaster Faunus is seen, sitting down in his command chair in the bridge.

"Shipmaster! Your orders!?" The Human Elite, on the control console asked.

"Send in our ground forces now!" Gregor shouted.

   Soon the hanger open ups as hundreds of Type-26B Banshee, Type-25 Spirits, Type-31 Seraphs and Phantoms, flies out of the hanger, ready to repel this infestation.

   The Seraphs and Banshees begins their attacks on the Flying Grimms, such as Nevermores and Griffins. While the Phantom and Spirits, begins to drop troops, like Elites (that consist of both Human and Faunus), Jackals (that also consist of human and Faunus), Grunts and Hunters, and vehicles.

   A Phantom lands and opens up, the Covenant's Arc troop runs out and stood by the Arcbiter, while Team of Huntsmen and Huntresses stood nearby, are shocked to see these unknown types of creatures, such as the Elites, Grunts, and Jackals and are wondering why they stood by Jaune. But when they see a Wraith and Ghost being dropped, they were shock to see this type of tech,

   A huge horde of Grimm is seen come to their way, consisting of Beowolves, Ursas, Griffins and Deathstalkers

"{Arcbiter! What are your orders!?}". Zikan asked urgently as his troops gets into a stance.

  Jaune Glares intensely at at horde and yells out.

"GRIND THEM INTO DUST!!!" Jaune charges with his Arc's Wrath in Range Mode in his hands while Zikan, Sam and Alex troops follows suit.

  Soon his troops rushed behind Jaune and starts to help by firing plasma at the Grimms pushing them back, as the fight goes on, few of the Sangeheili, Human and Faunus Elites activates their energy sword and charge the Grimms with their Energy sword killing them one by one.

  Grunts provides supporting fire as they fire their Plasma pistols, needlers, plasma rifles and throwing Plasma grenades, killing a huge chunk of the Grimm horde.

"GRUNT SMASH!" A Grunt named Flipyap yells out as he smashes a Beowolf with his fist.

   The team of Huntsmen and Huntresses then hears something and they look behind and they were shock, to see Hunters! Running pass them as the Hunters fire their plasma cannons at the Deathstalkers.

  Then one of the Hunters charge in and plows through the Grimms and smashing them with their shields and finishing them off with his plasma cannon.

  One of the Phantoms dropped Jackals, Human and Faunus snipers on top of the building as they provide fire support by shooting down the Grimms with their Beam rifle.

   Soon a flock of Nevermore approaches to attack the Covenant's Arc forces, but the Banshees dives in, destroying the Nevermore.

   Alex then drew out his combat knife and started to slash through the Grimm dodging there claws and teeth and stabbing them in the neck, stomach and head, a Beowolf attempts to bite his forearm off, but he then stabs his combat knife on the Beowolf's head, killing it.

  He then pulls out a chaingun and starts to fire effectively mowing down lots of Grimm in his path as he uses his semblance summons Promethean knights to aid in battle.

"KILL THEM ALL!" Alex yelled out as his Prometheus's begins their assault.

   The scene changes, to Sam as he is slashing down Grimms with his rapier while commanding his troops to station the Wraiths to fire upon at the Grimms as they advance.

Sam looks troops with determination in eyes and yells out.

"HOLD AND FIRE!" He yells as his troops and the Wraiths as they begins to fire their weapons at the Grimms killing a huge amount of them.

Then the scene changes to Jaune fighting Grimms with his troops in support, a Grimm was about to pounced on the Arc, but it was killed by non-other than Roman Torchwick, he and Neo charges in to assist Jaune against the Grimms.

  Jaune, Neo and Roman looked at each other before nodded and they were force to be back to back as the Grimms begins to surround them with the infantry trying their best to take out more of Grimms.

   Roman and Jaune soon began firing their weapons for a bit while moving to sides a bit. Neo stabbed a Beowolf and threw it to the ground follow by Roman who was giving her covering fire with his cane in gun mode. Jaune then stabbed an Ursa with his Arc wrath in his energy-sword mode and threw it to the side.

   Without his attention a Beowolf attempts to sneak up behind him, but Neo kicked it just in time. The three warriors noticed more Grimms were coming from the sides they were looking at and covered each other. Roman and Jaune then transforms their weapons from Gun into melee.

  Jaune and Neo were slicing the enemies while giving each space. Unconsciously the two performed the exact same techniques at the same time. When they sliced their weapons on the Grimm, the two stepped back and bumped into each other. First they glance at each other for a bit before they return to battle against the Grimms.

As Jaune kills the Last Grimm of the horde, another horde that consist of only Beowolves, can be seen coming. He faces his troops and sees that they suffered minimal amount of casualties during the fight, he looks at his troops with courage and determination in his eyes as he begins to make a speech to his troops.

"I can still hear the corruption of the battlefield..." Jaune begins, "the bullets lay stiller than the dead bodies around me, we've lost a few, our families will weep for losses... but, if we die with no cause? Or show to mercy to wicked..." Jaune said as he wears his helmet with troops ready to fight than ever as they face the last horde with bravery.

Jaune lets out war-cry as his troops along with Roman, Neo, Sam, Zikan and  charges at the last horde, they soon fire their weapons destroying the Grimm! Showing no mercy! Banshees can be seen strafing down, killing more Grimms in the process.

Alex's prometheans continues taking down more Beowolves as Sam calls in air support from the Banshees in the air. Zikan then takes out five of the Beowolves with his Energy sword.

The Sniper Jackals along with Human and Faunus Snipers are sniping down any Grimms they see, while some uses their Shield Gauntlets and their Plasma pistols for close quarters combat.

"DIE YOU DISGUSTING BEAST!" The Faunus said as she bashes her plasma gauntlet at the Grimm stunning it, before she finishes it off with her needles.

"FOR THE COVENANT'S ARC!" A Human Elite yells out as he crushes more Beowolves with his Gravity Hammer, before attacking the rest.

The Hunters then plow through the horde, before using their shield to crush the more Grimms in their path.

After couple minutes of fighting the Grimms, the last of the Grimms has been gunned by Elites, Jackals Grunts, Hunters and Banshees, leaving the Jaune's troops victorious, meaning they have won!

Jaune removes his helmet and the raises his 'Arc's Wrath' in air emphasizing they have won, as his troops cheers in victory.

(Music ends.)

Unbeknownst to the Covenant's Arc army, while they continue celebrating their victory, from the distance the Atlas reinforcements that Vale has requested, saw the entire battlefield. And in those Bullheads are Ozpin, Glynda, Winter and Ironwood all stood there baffled to see a CCS and unknown creatures defending Vale, but out of all of them both Glynda and Ozpin are the most shock because Jaune is alive and they observed that he is leading the army of Covenant Arc which shocks them even more.

Ironwood in the other hand isn't focused on the Arc, but more on the creatures and tech they posses. Seeing something that is foreign to Remnant is enough for Ironwood to be on high alert, even though the Ex-Covenant defended Vale, it still a mystery to the General.

"Sir, your orders?" Winter asked breaking them out of their shock.

Ironwood looks at Winters and replies.

"Move and advance with caution, we don't know their intentions are, despite their aid." Winter nods as the Atlas reinforcements starts advancing.

Back with Jaune and his troops while, they continue cheering for victory, the nearby Arc sisters, Huntsmen and Huntresses can't help be speechless on what they witness.

  They witness Jaune Arc! Fighting and commanding an that army consist of unknown creatures, also the fact that Roman and Neo helped with the defense which bring them more shock, it's unusual for them to see Jaune like this, because before the Jaune they knew was weak, kind and leads his team, but the Jaune they see is more serious, very brutal in his fights and leading army is different thing from a whole new level.

  "Jaune!" called a voice, Jaune turned to see his sisters, teams RWBY, PNR, and CFVY with CRDL lumbering behind.

"Jaune that was AWESOME!" Ruby cheered excitedly with sparkles on her eyes.

"Fearless is back!" Nora cheered happily.

"Jaune..." Pyrrha sighs in relief seeing Jaune alive.

Unfortunately their happiness replaced with fear when Jaune sent them death glare which gave them cold feet, a glare that wants nothing, but their death!

"J-Jaune?" Pyrrha asked in fear because the look of Jaune, he wanted to kill them all! Kill his former partner! Kill his former team! His former friends for bringing nothing but torment! They abandoned him and they left alone! Now he wants to have vengeance! He want to GLASS THEM ALL INTO DUST!

"Jaune?" A voice called out as Jaune turns his attention to Velvet and his sisters as he soften his gaze on the Faunus and his sisters. Velvet and Arc sisters stood infront of Jaune as they gaze at each other.

"B-Big brother? I-Is it really you?" Allison asked with tears forming in her eyes, this hurt Jaune seeing her like this.

Before any of them could reply, a certain Spartan stopped the moment.

"Arcbiter!" Alex said breaking them out of their gaze as Jaune turns his full attention to the Spartan. "We got Atlas Forces approaching us! What should we do?"

"We leave immediately, we return back to the Crocea's Light!" Jaune said urgently as he puts his helmet on, the Spartan nodded and starts informing the troops to enter the Phantoms immediately, while also carrying their fallen and injured comrades of course, as Type-25 Spirits start picking up any Covenant vehicles as the Phantoms and Spirit immediately head to CCS.

Jaune then starts running towards his respective Phantom as The Team of Huntsmens and Huntresses, tails behind him not to far behind.

"JAUNE! WAIT!" Ruby yells out as they continue to chase the Arc before he could reach his Phantom, Ruby looks at Weiss and said.

"Weiss! Do something!" Ruby said quickly, Weiss nods and attempts to her semblance on Jaune, but Jaune retaliated by shooting his Plasma Pistol at Weiss' weapon disarming her.

Ruby attempted to use her semblance in hopes to catch up to him, she was success on catching up to him, but the Grunts on Jaune's Phantom shoots at her thwarting her attempt.

Pyrrha tried using her semblance on Jaune on hoping it would stop him, but sadly her semblance cannot polarized Nanolaminate.

Their chase ends when Jaune enters the Phantom as the it flew to the CCS.

"Jaune..." one of Arc sisters muttered.

At Bridge the Shipmaster Faunus was informed that all ground forces has returned to the ship.

"Alright! We got all of them! Let's leave immediately, before those Atlas dogs catches us!" Gregor said urgently.

"Yes shipmaster!" The crew presented said as the ship cloaks and flies back to their nation, leaving a shock Vale to see the appearance of such ship, disappear.

Now Vale and Beacon knows the existence of the Covenant's Arc, what will they do now?


To be continued

Well this chapter is done, it seems Jaune will have a confrontation soon, and I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter and I apologize for any delays.

On a side note: I do not own the OC Alex, he belongs to cryolight23  as for Sam he belongs to OptimusPrime117

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