Chapter 12: Atlas Confrontation and Memories

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Location: Vale Council

~3rd POV~

Few hours after Jaune's defense of Vale and exposing the Ex-Covenant of their existence, all of Vale and Atlas forces station there are on high alert of the introduction of Covenant's Arc. Many citizens consider the Ex-Covenant a threat while others consider them to be saviors, seeing that the Ex-Covenant group is responsible for keeping Vale from falling from the Grimm threat. After Team RWBY, PNR and CFVY told Ozpin and Glynda about Jaune being alive and his command of over the Covenant Forces, they were relieved that he's alive. Currently Ozpin is having a conference with the Vale council. And it's chaos, many of the councilmen debated and some even tried to reasoned with each other.

"They just came out of nowhere!"

"Are they threat!?"

"We must alert the other kingdoms of this discovery!"

"We must get our forces ready for battle!"

"SILENCE!" The lead council member yells out silencing the commotion. ", I know many of you are still shock about this turn of events, but we must remain calm."

"Calm? CALM?! How can we be calm?! That ship just appeared out of nowhere and disappears along with those unknown creatures without a trace! How can we be calm!" One of the council members exclaimed.

The lead council member sighs and nods towards Ozpin as he steps forward.

"I can assure you, but they have no ill intentions against us, they are more likely to be our allies than enemies..." Ozpin tried to reasoned, but the council were skeptical.

"How can you be sure about that? We saw what they are capable of, they have unknown tech and creatures that is unknown to us, not even our documents have anything about them."

"I am sure, because one of my students were there fighting alongside those creatures and some of them are Faunus and Humans..." Ozpin replied.

"...and who would that be?" One of council men asked.

They were still skeptical but what Ozpin said shocks them.

"Jaune Arc..." Ozpin replied.

Gasp could be heard throughout the council.

"Jaune Arc? Isn't that huntsman the you were looking for months?"


"But How is that Mr. Arc is alive?! More importantly why is he with those creatures?!"

"From what I've observe, he seems to be leading them..."

"Leading them? What are you talking about?"

Ozpin looked at each of the councilmen before speaking.

"When the Atlas reinforcements were arriving , we stopped our advance when we see the unknown force defending Vale. During the defense we saw Mr. Arc giving out orders to the unknown forces..." Ozpin said, as Ironwood spoke up as well.

"And that's not all... one of our students recorded Jaune giving out his speech to them too..." Ironwood added as he reach for his pockets and pulled out the student's scroll. ", watch."

Ironwood then connects it to the monitor as the holographic screen shows them recording of the defense of Vale, the scene then shows Jaune facing his troops with courage and determination in his eyes.

"I can still hear the corruption of the battlefield..." Jaune begins, "the bullets lay stiller than the dead bodies around me, we've lost a few, our families will weep for their losses... but, if we die with no cause? Or show to mercy to wicked..." Jaune said with determination as he wears his helmet with troops ready to fight than ever as they face the last horde with bravery.

The video ends, with the council baffled on what they just witness, they Jaune, JAUNE ARC, leading and encouraging the unknown force to fight, as they continue to discuss what's going on, the Headmaster was wondering where the Jaune is right now.

"What do we do now?" The council member asked, before Ozpin would speak, Ironwood interjected stating...

"I know what to do, we must send in the Atlas Military in Vale to confront this possibile threat." Ironwood said.

"But we don't know where they are located, most of all we don't have any traces that would tell us where they are..." the council member pointed out

"I actually, I do have a lead... before the ship disappears I noticed that it was head northwest making me believe that location is around here on this continent..." he pulls out his tablet and shows them the map where they located

"I have strong confidence that this is where they are located, because this is the only continent that hasn't been claimed by any kingdoms and it means this is where they are."

The Council men looks at each other before nodding in agree, "very well, do what you must do..." Ironwood nodded while Ozpin is visibly worried by this.

~Location: Crocea's Light.~

In the Crocea's Light Capital Building, the Ex-Covenant forces have successfully defended Vale, now they are discussing about what going to happen soon.

"Arcbiter, since we've successfully repelled the attack, Vale and possibly Atlas knows of our existence... this could be a problem, soon all of Remnant will know of us." Zikan said worriedly as him, Jaune, Alex, Roman, Neo and Sam continues walking down the halls of their capital.

"I know Commander Zikan, but I cannot risk Vale to fall. Even though it's not our kingdom to protect, but we must try to show them that we are not a threat, otherwise the kingdoms will declare war on us, and you know how much damage a war can cause..." Jaune reasoned.

"I agree with the boss, even though we can fend ourselves we will cause suffering among the other kingdoms if war is declared." Sam added.

"Otherwise the war would be pointless to us, it's just corrupted politicians wanting our tech." Roman added, as he puffs a cigar.

"So what? They declare war on us, we glass their kingdom... easy as that." Zikan said with pride.

Neo pulls out her scrolls and texted her responses

Neo: "I don't think Jaune will like that suggestion -_-" Neo deadpaned.

"Obviously... and we may have advantages to defend ourselves and attack, but I don't think the we want to turn their kingdoms into a barren wasteland, that's like glassing a planet..." Alex said

"Yeah, no shit it's like glassing a planet, and I don't want to go for that." Jaune said. "It reminds me of a past I want to forget..."

His subordinates look at him with sympathy, but stayed silent.


It's been a day since the defense of Vale and introduction of Covenant's Arc.

Jaune is now looking through a few of the reports that were to given him, the reports consist of the successful colonization in the planets are doing fairly well, the colonist are setting up settlements in the each colonized planets and they flourishing. And he receive reports about new resources found in the planets, things are getting better for the Covenant's Arc.

Soon a Faunus Elite barges in urgently.

"Arcbiter we have a problem!" The Scout said.

"What is it?" Jaune replied as he looks at him.

"Atlas has found us! They are sending in their air and ground forces!"


"What should we do now?!" Jaune stood up from his desk and said.

"Tell Commander Zikan to mobilize the troops for battle! I will deal with these Atlas scum myself to buy you enough time to prepare..."

"Yes Arcbiter!"

The Faunus scout soon left as the Jaune stood up from his chair and looked at the window of the scenery infront of him.

'So they've finally found me...time to test my skills...' he thoughts as he walks away.


"James is it really necessary to bring this many?" Ozpin questioned, the camera pans out showing eight Atlas Frigates and the Atlas Ground forces has already arrived on the continent where Jaune's faction is located.

"Ofcourse it's necessary, you see the tech they possess, it's nothing compared to the tech in Remnant and plus you saw those creatures, we don't have any document about them." Ironwood said.

"James you do realize that this seems more of assault than a confrontation, it makes it look like your trying to invade their lands than negotiating." Ozpin pointed out.

Before Ironwood would reply, one of the soldiers on the control console interrupted.

"General Ironwood! Our Atlas Spy drones have visuals on someone!" The Pilot informs them.

"Who is it?" Ironwood asked as this gots everyone's attention.

"It's seems to be one of the soldiers in that was in Vale, and it seems he's walking towards our ground forces...alone..."

"Show us what he looks like..."

The screen of the monitor then shows Jaune is then seen in a grassland, walking towards the small Atlas Army, without his helmet.

"Mr Arc?" Ozpin mutters in surprise to see Jaune walking alone to confront Atlas army.

"Jaune..." Pyrrha said in relief as well as Team RWBY, PNR, CFVY, and the Arc sisters while Team CRDL feels like pissing themselves.

The scene changes to Jaune as he keeps walking towards the opposing army and stops, in the distance small army consisting of 1200 Atlas Knights, 600 Atlas Soldiers, 4 Specailist and other many huntsman/huntresses has gathered to in full stop also accompanied by 3 paladins.

The four Atlas specialist looked at each other before walking towards the lone Arc, as they reach the Arcbiter, they have their weapons ready, to incase things get ugly.

"This is the Atlas specialist Steve, surrender now and come with us peacefully... or will be force to use uncivilized methods..." he warns him, but the tone of edge can be heard his voice.

Jaune was silent for a moment before he responds by unsheathing the "Arc's Wrtah". The Four specialist sees this and advances on the Arc. Jaune soon follows suit as he remembers the teachings of what his former mentor taught him.

"We are Elites, don't forget that honor..."

The First specialist charges at Jaune blocks. Jaune uses the second specialist to block the incoming Rapier attack killing the specialist by accident.

Jaune and the last three of specialists are still fighting. Jaune flips in the air, lands, and slides towards another Specialist and kills him.

"Concentrate on your foe and be aware of your surroundings young one."

The last throws off the dead Specialist he just accidentally killed earlier, only to have Jaune jab his energy sword into the abdomen of specialist. The specialist groans as Jaune removes his sword, then falls to the ground dead.

In the Atlas Frigate, they have different reactions, for Ironwood he was shock on how Jaune was able to dispatch or kill specialist with little effort, and the fact his weapon was able to pierce their aura like it was butter.

Ozpin and Glynda, stood there shock, not because he can take down Atlas specialist with ease, it's the fact he KILLED someone in front of their eyes!

Qrow was shock and impress by this.

For Team RWBY, they have a look of horror, they are horrified on what just witnessed, they witness Jaune Arc, JAUNE ARC! Killing people, this unsettled so much they felt like puking.

In Team PNR, Team CFVY and the Arc sisters, they are the same as Team RWBY. Shock and horror is what they just witnessed.

As for CDRL, they wet their pants... pants a lot...

"...Jaune..." Pyrrha muttered

On the ground, the entire grassland was silent, the soldiers witness four specialists being killed with ease, this shocks them, one commanding officer was able to shake off his shock and yells.


The commanding officer gives out a warcry, indicating the attack. The Atlas ground forces soon advance towards the Arc. Jaune advances as well, deflecting their shots with his energy sword and his shield to absorb against the incoming projectiles. As the close in distance, Jaune raises his Energy sword and strikes.

~Flashback: Battle of Reach~

In The Planet Reach, The Covenant Forces has besieged the planet Reach and this is the first battle that Jaune has ever participated and is first to experience war for the first time. The first time to fight against... his own species.

His thought were cut off when his mentor giving out his speech.

"Today! We will show these heretics no mercy! We are the Covenant! The Will of the of Gods! For we are their instruments!"

The Troops cheered with Jaune reluctantly joining as the Phantom begins to descend, the troops soon swarm out of the Phantom and war cries from both sides can be heard.




Soon fighting broke out between both sides, taking heavily blows and heavy casualties, Jaune and his squad are now in a skirmish against a squad of Marines, not far behind the main battlefield.

Jaune is unfortunately not having the time of his life, he knows he has to lead his troops, but this is fighting against his own species. His squad consist of three closest friends during training, N'thos, Dripflip and Segnox along with two more Grunts.

"What are your orders leader?!" A Grunt exclaims as more bullets hits their cover.

"Oh... uh..." Jaune said trying to strategize where to hit, until an idea came to his mind. "I want you two of you give out surpressing Fire on the enemy, N'thos, and Dripflip! Head to the Flank left, draw their attentions way from us, I will sneak from behind and try to take down any of them, is that understood!"

"Yes leader!" They said in unison as Jaune nods and prepares to get his plan into action.

"Alright, in three! Two! One! NOW!"

The two Grunts soon gives out suppressing on the enemy, as Ni'thos and the Dripflip run to flank the Marines in the left while Jaune activates his cloak.

~Flashback ends~

The battle in the grassland continues as Arc continues his attack on the opposing army. After killing many foes as possible. A huntsman with a sword attacks, but Jaune knocks him out and takes his sword. Another Huntsman attacks and Jaune kicks him back. With an energy sword in his left and regular sword one on his right duel wielding them, Jaune continues attacking.




Jaune's attacks are swift and deadly as he takes out many foes with great speed. It was a bloodbath!

~Flashback: Battle of Reach~

During the Skirmish between his Jaune's squad, fortunately Jaune's squad came out victorious.

Jaune is still unnerved by victory in the skirmish since he is fighting against his own species.

"Good job..." Jaune said as he took a breath as he took off his helmet and looks at his squad, only to notice that Dripflip and Segnox are missing, "...Wait a minute... where's Dripflip and Segnox?" He asked worried.

N'thos turned his gaze to ground grimly before speaking up, "They...they perished..."

"W-What?" Jaune said in shock, he can not believe what he is hearing, two of his best friends are dead.

"They both perished during the skirmish... I'm sorry..." N'thos said sadly.

Jaune a place hand on his shoulder and said, "Let's finish this fight... these humans... will pay..." He said in a serious tone.

N'thos nodded and before anyone could speak, Vuko com.linked everyone about the situation.

"All units! The humans are retreating! Fortunately they left their demon behind, let's ends it's life! Follow the beacon!"

The cuts out as Jaune and the rest of his squad sees the beacon and as the start heading to it's direction.

Jaune always wonders what this demon would look like, he has been hearing stories from Elites that a Demon is capable of taking on Zealots with ease and was able to decimate many troops in a battle, this unsettled Jaune because he doesn't seem ready to face the demon of the Covenant.

As they reach their destination Jaune cannot help but stand in shock, what he saw is a massacre. Many of squads of Grunts, Elites and Hunters dead lays dead, their comrades lay dead.

"Demon..." N'thos sneers as Jaune saw who was responsible for this massacre.

Two Banshees zoom past as the camera pans down to the man responsible for the massacre... or is this man even a man... it's The Demon also known as Noble Six.

It's standing alone on a raised platform, stranded on Reach. Phantoms start to approach the Demon's position, and gets ready for battle.

Vuko then stands beside Jaune and said.

"Prepare for battle Jaune, it's time to end its life... ever hesitate..."

Jaune nodded "Yes Sir!"

Vuko stands infront of everyone and let's out a war cry, "WORT WORT WORT!" And charges at the Spartan.

Soon Waves of Covenant troops, including Sangeheili, Unggoys, and eventually Wraiths attack the lone Noble Six. Aircraft from above, while initially ignoring the Spartan, also begin to fire on the Demon's position, while Jaune is reluctantly charging despite his teachings.

Noble Six holds out for as long as possible as more damage is taken to the Spartan. Despite the wounds he was able to still hold off many of them.

Soon the Spartan was under heavy fire and hurt. The Spartan's Assault Rifle is lying on the ground as he pulls off the damaged helmet, tosses it aside, and picks up the weapon.

N'thos charges at the SPARTAN, firing a plasma rifle at the Spartan.

"Die Demon!" N'thos shouted as he starts shooting at the lone Spartan and to Jaune's horror, Noble Six kills N'thos with the assault rifle.

"N'THOS!" Jaune's cried out as he watches his best friend die infront of him.

Soon Vuko attacks from behind with an energy sword, Noble Six dodges attack and knocks him to the ground and kills him with a pistol.

Jaune stood there shock and horrified on what he witness, he witness his best friend and mentor die on the hands of the Spartan, soon anger and hatred of the Spartan boils in his veins, and unknown to him he's Aura seems to be activated as it lets out an aura of dark orange, he soon lets out a War Cry!

"RAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!" Jaune lets a war cry catching the Six's attention.

~Flashback ends~

Back at the fight, Jaune continues attacking the Atlas forces. A few Huntsmen/Huntresses, along with a few Atlas Androids and Atlas Soldiers attempt shoot at Jaune in the air, only for Jaune to land on them and kill them.

Jaune then stands up triumphantly over the dead bodies of his foes intimidating the Atlasean forces.

Suddenly, Jaune dodges an incoming shot from one of the Paladin. Then, two Atlas Bullheads appear and advance towards Jaune. Them three Paladins appear and challenge Jaune. As one raises and lowers its fist, Jaune intercepts the fist and pushes it away with little effort.

~Flashback: Battle of Reach~

Noble Six hears a war cry and turns to the direction of the only to be hit by a barrage of plasma fire from the Revengeful Arc, as he is heavily wounded, bleeding, but manages to stay standing and face his adversary, and to his shock it was HUMAN that is attacking him.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" Jaune shouted as he continues shooting his Plasma pistol at the Spartan.

Noble Six took more hits before holding the Assault Rifle at the hip in the right hand and the pistol in the left, Noble Six in retaliation fires at Jaune, but he sidesteps and punches the Spartan hard on the visor shockingly cracking it, before grabbing his head kneeing him repeatedly on head, then he knocks the Spartan in ground.

Jaune then grabs an Energy Sword from the ground and prepares to kill the downed Noble Six. The Spartan then kicks the Arc away and knocks the Energy Sword out of the Jaune's hand.

Then Jaune pounces on Noble Six, but the Spartan manages to elbow the Arc in the jaw, giving the him and Jaune's some distance. Jaune's then recovers and glares intensely at the Spartan.

There was silence between the two until Jaune spoke in a hostile aggressive emotionless tone.

"Prepare to perish... Demon..."

Jaune draws out his Energy Dagger and Noble Six responded by pulling out his combat knife and both charged right each other.

~Flashback ends~

Back at the battlefield, Jaune takes out two Bullheads with a Brute Shot, takes out two of the three Paladins with a Fuel Rod Cannon as he drops the weapon down seeing that it ran out of ammo as he continues killing the last members of the Huntsmen and Huntresses as he heads towards the final Paladin.

~Flashback: Battle of Reach~

The two warriors rushed towards each other and started trading stabbing and slashing at each other with their knives, Noble six managed to catch one of Jaune's attacks and delivered two slashes across his chest leaving two very long cuts across his armor and kicks him back giving them distance.

Jaune growls and recovers as he glares at him with a strong intention to kill.

Jaune and Noble slowly approaching each other, soon Noble Six tried to attack him, but he quickly disarmed Six of his knife as he tried to land a punch on Jaune's face but, his arm was caught as Jaune twirled with his Energy Dagger ready, first he landed a stab to the Spartan's stomach then a follow up stab right to Noble's chest before Jaune kneed him in the chest sending him back as Jaune looks at the injured Spartan.

Noble Six stumbled back with the Energy Dagger still embedded in his chest, he was barely standing and was open for any attack, as falls down on the ground barely alive.

Jaune then grabs the Energy sword from the ground and walks towards severely injured Spartan. Jaune looms over the downed Spartan and as he raises his Energy Sword to give the final blow and let's out a War cry.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Jaune stabs him with his Energy Sword, ending the Spartan life.

~Flashback Ends~

On the battlefield, Jaune approaches the last Paladin and climbs up til he reaches the cockpit.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Jaune lets out a war cry, he plunges his Energy Sword into the cockpit also killing Pilot inside, as the Paladin falls dead. Jaune removes his Energy Sword and overlooks the battlefield which is fill with the littered corpses of Atlesian Soldiers, Atlesian Knights and other many Atleasian huntsmen and huntresses and some Atlas Specialist. He steps down from the fallen Paladin, revealing half of his face is filled with scars from the battle.

"FOR ATLAS!" An Atleasian Huntress charges the Arc in hopes of defeating him.

Unfortunately Jaune makes quick work with the Atleasian, by decapitating her, ending her life.

From the Atlas Frigate, the huntsmen and huntresses stood there shock on what they witness. For Ironwood and Winter, they were shock and horrified to witness Jaune taking down a huge Atleasian Force by himself with little effort! He just took down three Paladins as if he has took down bigger vehicles before! And it's still more shocking that he took down some Atlas Specialist as if they were nothing.

For Ozpin, Qrow and Glynda, they cannot help but be horrified by what they just witness. Jaune slain many Atleasian Soldiers, Atlas Androids, Atlas Specialist and Atlas Huntsmen and Huntresses with ease, mercilessly killing them, no mercy given. This shocks an horrified them to the core.

For the Team RWBY, CFVY and PNR, and the Arc sisters, they have the same reaction as their Professors, horrified and shock. They just sawJaune Arc, JAUNE ARC! The student that has been abandoned and tormented, and has returned in advanced armor and weapon and just decimated an entire Atleasian Force with ease.

And for Team CDRL, they fainted due to the horror they witness... with their pants pissed.

"T-that's Jaune..." Pyyrha mutters, clearly horrified.

"I-is t-this real?" Weiss said.

"General? What should we do?" The Pilot asked.

Before Ironwood could respond, he was interrupted when an another pilot urgently informs them.


Ironwood and the rest looks at the window of the Frigate only to see nothing.

But soon they saw something that made them go pale.

They saw a ship that dwarfs over the Atlas Friagtes making them look so Inferior that even a single ship would decimate the entire fleet, and non-other than the CSS-Battlecruiser.

In the CSS, Shipmaster Gregor is seen standing by, preparing to give out orders.

"Sir, we caught them off-guard! Your orders!?" One of the Human Elites on the control panel asked.

"Send all fighters! Destroy all Atleasian Frigates and do not destroy the one containing the Headmaster and the Atlas General! Arcbiter needs them alive!" Gregor orders.

"Yes Shipmaster!" The Pilots presented in the bridge replied. Soon Banshees and Seraphs swarm out of the CSS and begins their attack on the Atlas Forces.

The fight between Atleasian forces and Ex-Covenant has begun!


To be continued

Well this chapter is done, it seems Jaune will have a confrontation soon, and I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter and I apologize for any delays.

Sam belongs to OptimusPrime117

Alex belongs to cryolight23

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