Chapter 4: The Truth behind the Halo Rings and the Rise of a New Kingdom

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~Jaune POV~

This is happening, it is happening. In front of us is the Holy Oracle, the Prophets would be pleased of this discovery.

"By the Rings...the Oracle of the Gods!" I said with shock along with my comrades.

"Excuse me? What do you call me?" The Oracle known as 116 Crocea Bane asked confused by my response.

"The Oracle!" I said as my troops, who are still having looks of amazement, knelt down in one with knee while the Oracle looking at us confuse as ever. "The Prophet will be please, that we found a relic from the forerunners! And-"

"Oh my, it would seem that you guys have been very dramatic for the last hundred years. Please there's no need for formalities." Crocea Bane replied calmly.

"Yes Oracle." I said as I stood up. "Glorious day, The Prophet will be pleased that we discovered another forerunner artifact and discovered a Holy Oracle from this planet."

"It is a Glorious day indeed." Zikan agrees along the rest.

"Okay, why are you calling me an Oracle? My name designation is 116 Crocea Bane." Crocea Bane asked confuse on why we called him an Oracle.

"Forgive me Oracle, we were just happy to see that we discovered a Forerunner Artifact. It's like we discovered a Sacred Ring." I said.

"The Sacred Rings? You mean the weapon?" The Oracle said.

"What? No! The Sacred  Rings is what will bring us to salvation! It foretold that gods created the Sacred Rings to bring us to Glorious salvation and paradise." I said with pride in my voice.

There was awkward silence and I could have sworn I heard a Cricket somewhere until the Oracle started giggling until to burst out laughing.

"Hahahahahaha! Hehehe... that's a Good one hehe." Crocea Bane calms down and sees our confuse expressions. "Oh wait...your serious?"

"...Yes..." I asked confused on why the Oracle laughed at my state moment.

"Oh no, the Rings are not the path to salvation, they are a weapon to combat the flood." Crocea Bane said.

"W-what?!" I said confuse along with our comrades.

"B-but Oracle, I don't understand...we were told The Rings were a salvation, a gateway to paradise." My SIC said.

"Told? By whom? Anyone who told you all that is a fool, or quite, quite insane." The Oracle said as l and my comrades where shock by this, but Crocea Bane continues, "...that installation is a beautiful tool, designed to destroy everything the flood might feed on."

Me and Comrades gasped in shock and horror by the revelation, "...everything..." I said still horrified.

"Oh quite everything, and if even one flood spore survives the destruction from one of the Rings-"

I look at Zikan with a serious expression. "Commander Zikan, when we return to the ship, I want you cut all communications with Prophets, they must not know about our discovery, until I hear everything that this Oracle has to say." I said with a serious tone.

"Yes FleetMaster!" Zikan agrees.

I turn to Crocea Bane, "Please tell us everything, about the flood and the Rings." I said firmly.

"Well certainly..." The Oracle said happily.

The Oracle begins he first explain what the flood are, The Flood are a species of highly virulent parasitic organisms that can reproduce and grow by consuming sentient life forms of sufficient biomass and cognitive capability. The Flood was responsible for consuming most of the sentient life in the galaxy, notably the Forerunners, during the 300-year-long Forerunner-Flood war. From what we can tell The Flood are an extremely adaptable, dangerous, and expendable parasitic life form. Next he starts to explain why the Halo Rings were created. He explains that they massive ring-shaped installations constructed by the Forerunners throughout the galaxy over one hundred thousand years ago as a last resort when combating the parasite known as the Flood. When nothing else could be done, they activated the rings which killed all sentient life forms within three rad when nothing else could be done, they activated the rings which killed all sentient life forms within three radii of the galactic center. Not only are they weapons of last resort, but the Halo installations are also research facilities, mainly for the study of the Flood.

After this I told Oracle we'll need sometime alone to process everything that we were just told. Being honest, my comrades were in deep thought.

"The Prophet lied to us!" One of the Elites yelled out. "We were told we will be brought to Paradise but no! It's just a weapon meant to destroy life!"

"Calm down, Sakree!" Another Elite yelled.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?!" Sakree yelled. "how could we clam down?! The Prophets betrayed us! They made us attack another species for no reason and followed those orders like mindless slaves! Well it turns out it's just a cover up! We killed Billions and lost millions of troops because of them!!!"

"I know you are angry, that the entire time that our religion is a lie, but calm yourself"


"ENOUGH!!!" I yelled silencing them both. "I know your all angry, confuse and full of doubt. I know many of you are guilty for attacking another species and I know many of you are angry at the Prophet's lies, but the damage has been done, there's nothing we could do." I said.

There was a moment of silence until Zikan broke it.

"What do we do now?" Zikan asked.

"Easy...we defect from the Covenant."

"What!?" Everyone presents shouted in surprise.

"I said we defect! There's no reason for us to continue the Campaign against the humans since we already know the true purpose behind the Halo Rings. Heck I don't think we know where we are! And let's not forget I glassed many planet full of humans! And I'm the only human that did this! I attacked my own kind!" I said solemnly as my comrades were looking at my with guilt and sympathy. "As I said before, we leave! Defect! Abandon the Covenant."

"...where do we go if we abandon Covenant?" Gripyap asked.

"We stay here, we make Remnant our new home."

"What!?" My Comrades looks at me surprise and confuse.

"We have no where else to go, and this is the only planet I'm more familiar with. Heading back to Covenant is a big No, since we know the real truth behind the Rings, and if we tell the Hierarchs what we've discovered we'll be labeled as heretics and you all know how the Covenant deals with Heresy. And as for the UNSC is also a BIG NO, they will mostly likely kill us on sight even if we try to negotiate with them, they won't listen to reasoning, since we glassed lots of their colonies and killed many of their people. So this is where we stay!" I said.

"But Sir, didn't you say you want to glass this planet?" The grunt asked with the Elites interested what I'm going to say.

"Yes I did say I want to glass this planet because of what everyone in Beacon did to me, but we have to nowhere else to go and this is the only Planet where I'm more familiar with. And let me tell you this, for now on are a new faction from space, but here on Remnant, we are a new kingdom. We will be known as the Covenant's Arc! In space we are the defectors of the Covenant who sees through the lies the Prophets have told us! Here in Remnant we have the most advance and powerful military in Remnant! A military that surpass Atlas in every single way! United We Stand as one! With all other species! Humans! Faunus! Sangeheili! Unggoy! Lekgolo! Kig-yar! Huragoks! We may be different, but together United We will succeed!" I finish my speech. "So who's with me!"

My Comrades cheered in agreement while Zikan and Gripyap just smiled.

"Impressive Speech FleetMaster Arc!" Zikan said as he pats my back.

"Yeah!" Gripyap and Grunts cheers in agreement.

"Long Live the Arcbiter!" One of the King-Yar yelled gaining my attention while the rest of our comrades looks at him with a confuse expression.

"Sorry, what did you call me?" I asked confused.

"Well, since we are a new faction, that means there's a change of Government so I decided to think that the Title Arcbiter should be the leader of our new faction."

" almost sound like Arbiter except your using my last name, ARCbiter, I like it. And the government system will remain the same but without religion controlling it and many changes." I said.

"So What will our Insignia or symbol be?" Zikan asked.

"I will think about it later." I said.

"Reclaimer!" I turned to see Crocea Bane floating towards us. "I'm Impress by the speech you gave, but if you need any help, you can count on me."

"Okay, But I have one question." I asked. "Are any of the people here are Reclaimers?"

"Sadly no, these humans are not the same humans that Forerunner passed the Mantle on."

"But you just called me Reclaimer? I was born in this planet." I pointed out.

"Actually, the forerunners themselves passed the mantle to both the humans and your family and it would seem the mantle has chosen you. You've proven yourself worthy than these humans in this planet. Your leadership, and courage to fight, not to mention you've survive an entire war, that's why you are called Reclaimer."

"Oh...that a sense, I was wondering what kind of facility is this." I asked.

"This Facility is the New Technology and Weaponry development." Crocea Bane said.

"Okay, I was wondering if you can help us with our situation." I said

"I live to serve the Reclaimer!" Crocea Bane said.

"Okay, I want you help us set up some bases, outposts and home for our crew, we have the materials we need to make bases, outposts and homes, but with your help it could speed up the process." (#HaloWarsLogic)

"That I can do. I'll activate the constructs to get them into it, anything else?"

"I need you're to help us get our CAS into a safe zone so we don't attract wanted attention."

"Okay, I can have the constructs can help you with that, but I need the schematics for the ship so I can get it dock."

"Here..." I said as I hand him the schematics first the CAS and he examines it.

"Okay, I can help you with that...anymore request?"

"Yes, I want you help us build a Shipyard so we can build and repair ships. And I want you to help us build a few factories for vehicles, weapons, ammunition, armor and equipment."

"Okay, any more requests?"

"No, that's all for now, but I want you let our engineers and Huragoks help you with the constructions."

"Certainly, we'll do it" Crocea Bane said as he floats off to activate the Constructs. Before he would continue, I call out.

"Wait! One more thing" I said.

"Yes?" Crocea Bane asked.

"I want you to come with to us to our ship, so you can tell the rest of the crew about the Halo Rings, they need to know the truth." I said.

"Very well, lead the way Reclaimer."

I nod as Zikan calls in a Phantom.


~3rd POV~

By the time the Phantoms arrives, Jaune, Gripyap, Zikan and Crocea Bane along half of the troops while the other half stays in the Facility. Jaune let's The Monitor reveal the entire truth to everyone presented in the ship. Honestly, it shocked everyone, both Civilians and Soldiers alike. All of them are in deep shocked. Many soldiers who fought alongside me against the UNSC, felt very guilty about attacking and glassing UNSC colonies, the rookies though didn't fought any humans yet, but they all blamed themselves for the death of billions. There was argument amongst each other, Civilians having arguments about their beliefs and how the prophets lied to them, but it calm down after Jaune silence them with his tone of voice, full of authority. Jaune told them to defect from the Covenant and gave them reason why to defect and never return. After that he gave the same speech what he just said to his soldiers in the facility. After everyone calm downed, they agreed to defect and join Jaune's new faction idea. And there's one thing missing...

~Jaune POV~

"So what should our insignia be?" One of the Grunts said in the crowd.

Jaune smiled and nodded to Crocea Bane, who nodded back and shows a holographic projection of the their new symbol.

"This here, is our symbol! Our insignia of defection from Covenant! For now, our faction will be called, 'The Covenant's Arc'. This is the start of a new nation, a start of a new kingdom of Remnant!!!" I finish my speech as everyone cheered, as my Officers and my SIC cheered alongside them.

Crocea Bane looks at Jaune and says, "today is indeed a Glorious day, Reclaimer! Your people seems happy."

I smiled as I see everyone cheering. "Indeed they are, this is the rise of a new kingdom in Remnant."


To be continued

Well the second chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter.


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