Chapter 8: The Arc's Spies and Infiltration

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Sangheili= {I hate Humans}


During the attacks on the White Fang Facilities and Bases, many Faunus are no longer joining the White Fang's cause while some only joined for revenge against us. I guess some are too stubborn to quit. Eventually I sent out a expedition team to find another planet to colonized, the Expedition Team is compose of Faunus, Humans, Elites, Grunts, Jackals and Huragoks. Ever since I told my human and Faunus citizens about the colonization of another Planet, many were intrigued by this development and soon many Human and Faunus scientists joined the expedition and the new CSS Battlecruiser will soon become the Colony ship.

As I sat on my office reviewing the reports and developments that is happening now. After sending out the expedition team, many citizens hoped for the best of them. What I planned for the Planet Colonization is for finding resources, and a place where we can built Shipyards and Factories. And the next development that our population reached 100,000. It's estimated that capacity of our city population is 200,000 but we're still expanding. After checking the reports I called in Commander Zikan.

The doors open revealing Zikan.

"You called for me Arcbiter?" Zikan asked.

"Yes..." I started. "Any contacts from the Shipmasters?"

"No...not yet...but we're still keeping an eye for any communications with the Shipmasters soon." Zikan said.

"Alright, any words from our spies?"

"Not yet, I believe they're in Club drinking or something..." Zikan said with a Chuckle.

I sigh "I know, they're always like that."

~Location: Junior's Club~
~Roman POV~

I'm currently now sitting on Junior's Club thinking on what happened while drinking and stuff. I'm talking to Neo right now until I got call from my scroll.

"Huh?" I said as I picked up scroll and see that Cinder is calling me, and I answered. "Hello Cinder?"

"Roman, listen...I got a mission for you-" I cut her off.

"Let me guess, Another dust raid? Sorry, but security is being high ever."

"No Roman, I got a different mission for's not Dust raid. It's more of stealing new weapons for the White Fang." Cinder replies.

"Really? I thought the White Fang has enough weapons, including that Stolen Paladin from Atlas. What else do we need? Something from Atlas again?" I questioned.

"No, we're not stealing weapons from Atlas, but from the Unknown group that has been a problem to the White Fang recently." She replies as my eyes widen.

"Wait..." I said as I realizations hits me "...are you telling me, to steal Aura-piercing weapons from an Unknown group?!" I exclaimed as Neo looks shock at this too.

"Yes, with their weapons in our hands, it could be beneficial for the White Fang. With weapons like those we can take down huntsmen and huntresses at ease with little effort." Cinder said proudly.

"But Cinder, I don't know where they are located and even if I did locate them Neo and I might not be able survive-" Cinder then cuts me off.

"Don't think, obey! Remember that." She ends the call as I let out a sigh.

"This is not good." I muttered as I gave Neo a look knowing what we should do. So I brought up my scroll again and start calling my boss.

"Hello?" A voice said.

"{Hey Buddy, I got some Intel that the Arcbiter might want to hear}" I said as I spoke in Sangeheili.

Location: 'Crocea's Light'
Jaune POV

I'm currently now looking at the reports that I have received. Technically it's the same like the last one, recruitment, expansion and etc. Many of the Faunus and Humans are grateful for us protecting them from the Grimm and Bandits. But I hope soon we make contact with the missing Shipmasters.

My thoughts were cut short when someone entered my office. It's one of my spies in Vale.

"Sam Remington"

Sam Remington is one of my trusted spies, second trusting spy is Roman Torchwick. Sam wears all black; denim cargo pants, plain shirt and denim jacket, his weapons are an old school rapier and a separate revolver. He's aquatinted with Roman, two of them tend to trade favors and he gives me information about our enemy's schemes.

They became a part of our nation during our expansion and raids against the White Fang, after I offered them a place in the 'Covenant's Arc' and they kindly accepted it. At first they were not used to things here but they were able to get along. Sam and Roman, are now undercover as spies against the White Fang so we can find out what their true intentions are.

"Arcbiter...." Sam greets.

"Sam...You've returned...any intel from the White Fang?" I asked.

"Actually Yes I have, Roman told me some intel from the enemy and you're not going to like it." Sam said which caught my full attention.

"Go on..."

"Apparently the one leading this Operation on the White Fang's Cause is not just Adam Taurus, but someone that goes by the name Cinder Falls and her two loyal followers."

"Hmm...go on..."

"One of them is Mercury, he two cybernetic legs that acts like shotguns, the one other one is Emerald, her hair is green and her semblance is illusions and she makes illusions of the person's worst fears. Plus she's a thief."

"Hm...very well, thank your for this information. But any more information about this Cinder Falls?"

"Well, from what Roman told me she's a false Maiden, she stole the Powers of the Fall Maidens from a girl named Amber, luckily she only took half of it, but there's one more thing." Sam said.


"...she's not the leader of The this Operation, she's just a pawn like her two followers. The Mastermind behind all of this is from Salem, The Goddess-"

I slammed both of my hands in the table starting him a bit. When I heard the word 'Gods or Goddess' I instantly got pissed off, because it reminds me of the how everyone who served in the Covenant where manipulated by a lie!

"LIES! There's no such thing as Gods or Goddesses! The last time we believed there's a Godly being was when the Prophets lied to us!...and now you're telling me there's a Goddess!?"

"Arcbiter, I understand your hatred when it comes to this, but what Roman is saying is the truth. The one behind this Operation is Salem, the Goddess and Creator of the Grimm."

"Well..." I said as I composed myself. "If they believed she's a Goddess, then she must've have other followers other than Cinder, Emerald and Mercury...are there others?"

"Yes...Apart from Salem herself and Cinder, there are known members include Doctor Arthur Watts, Tyrian Callows and Hazel Rainart. Known associates of the group include Cinder's own subordinates, as well as the White Fang under Adam Taurus."

"Alright, what's their main objective? Surely Roman told you about this..." I said.

"Well, from what Roman told me, their objective is not clear, but it apparently involves changing the world of Remnant through the use of the four Relics, and the destruction of the Academies which are said to each house one of the Relics in question. They also appear to be hunting down and taking the powers of the four Maidens, as their powers are the keys to unlocking the vaults holding the Relics."

"This is bad news...anything else?" I asked.

"Yes... during Roman's undercover, he overheard that Cinder is planning an infiltration on the CCT on the night of the Ball or Prom. She's either planning to hack or download something."

I cursed in Sangeheili and I looked at him. "Very well, when does this Prom start?" After Sam told me of the intel of when it begins I say "Good, I want you to grab your armor and to assemble a squad of Stealth Elites with us. We must stop her plans before it's too late."

"Yes, Arcbiter!" Sam said as he runs off to prepare for the mission.

I stood up from my desk and I looked out my window thinking about the mission. We are infiltrating a Beacon Academy the Same Academy that tormented for so long. The same academy, where I was abandoned and betrayed. But I'm still grateful for Ozpin's and the Professors supporting us. I hope I don't encounter my old team, I cannot forgive them after they abandoned me.

I sighed and look out. "Soon...they might know of my return, but that's far from my worries for now..." I said to myself as I grabbed my helmet and place it on my head. And I have a voice changer.


~Jaune POV~

Soon, me, Sam and his squad of Stealth Elites(that consist of Human, Faunus and Sangeheili) heading to their Phantom (that has been upgraded to have a claok) to stop Cinder's plans.

Everyone is geared up, I'm equipped with a Carbine and my Arc's Wrath. Sam is wearing his HELIOSKRILL-class Mjolnir and is equipped with his rapier and a separate revolver, along with an Energy sword, just Incase. Our troops are equipped with Plasma rifles, Carbines and Energy swords.

When everyone is geared up. The Phantom ascends off the ground and heads off to our destination. While we are heading there, I paced around Sam and my troops giving out my Battle speech.

"When we joined the Covenant's took an oath." I said with authority and courage as paced around his men.

"According to our station! All without exception!" Sam and troops said in unison.

"On the blood of our fathers... on the blood of our sons, we swore to uphold our Nation!"

"Even to our dying breath!"

"Those who would break this oath are Traitors, Deceivers... Worthy of neither pity, nor mercy! Even now, they broadcast their deception and threats to the innocents, and or that, they must die!"

"We shall grind them into dust, scrape them as excrement from our boots."

"On and on shall old war go, Without respite my blood will flow"

"O'er your eyes 'til they cannot see. The impossibility of victory."

"And continue our march to glorious victory!" I shouted as he raise his fist up as the rest of his squad cheered.

The speakers came on and said. "{Arcbiter, we are about to land in a few minutes get ready for departure.}" The pilot said as the speakers turns off.

"Alright Everyone! Get ready!" I said as they landed a good distance from the school, it was far enough not to be seen by the school, but far enough that if they needed to make a quick run they could.

"Wort! Wort! Wort!" I said as they got out of the Phantom.

"{Arcbiter, should we cloak the Phantom?}" Sam suggested, as he spoke in Sangeheili.

"{Negative, it would be hard for us to make an escape, it's best if we leave it uncloak}" I points out.

"{Alright, it's your decision boss}" Sam shrugs as he readies his rapier "{What's the plan Arcbiter?}"

"{Alright, theres a back entrance nobody knows about, except the Beacon Staff, I'm not sure if it'll be heavily guarded, I would say its guarded but not heavily. I'm guessing I'm expecting two people standing guard, four at the most.}" I said.

"{Do we have to kill them?}" The Faunus Stealth Elite asked.

"{No, we'll just knock them out and, we just need to get in, go to Cinder Fall and capture her, injure her if needed. Am I clear?}" I asked strictly.

"{So we have to distract them or turn their attention else where?}" Sam asked, I nodded, as me and the group made their way into the Academy and went around to the back of the Academy where the communication tower was, the Ball was starting so they had there time frame, seeing there were only four guards they knew they could take this easy.

I then nodded to the Elites as they activated their cloaks. The Elites then proceeds to knock the two guards unconscious, before any of them would react.

The other two guards noticed that two guards from the outside didn't come back for a few minutes in that few minutes an Elite ran past them.

"HEY!" said one of the guards, they then started to follow Elite until they are knocked unconscious by the me and Sam.

"{Well, that wasn't to difficult, they're almost like White Fang Grunts}" Sam said jokingly.

"{Let's move...}" I said as the group follows him until they reach the elevator. I then turns to one of his Elite's "{Alright, do your thing 'Sakree}"

'Sakree nods then proceeded to hack into the door to get them in, they then quickly went to the elevator going to the appropriate floor, they were amazed to see the hallway was unguarded and so was the door, but 'Sakree still had to hack into the door to get them in.

"{Heh, who knew Beacon has bad security.}" An Elite joked a bit as he and the others chuckled. Except me as I shushes them.

After a few seconds of silence I spoke.

"{Okay, looks like nobody is around, Sam, Sakree do your thing}" I said.

Both Sam and Sakree nodded as the two of them went to the main terminal and start to work, "{It looks hasn't broke in yet, we'll start uploading in a protection program that pretty much covers everything.}" Sam said.

"{That's good to hear.}" I said as I turn to face one of the Human Elites. "{Vincent, I want you go downstairs and report of anything happening, can you do that?}"

"{Yes, Arcbiter you have my word}" Vincent said as he runs heads downstairs and activates his cloak.

When he left, Jaune and his troops starts securing the area for anything suspicious. After a few minutes of waiting, Vincent then returns.

"{Everything is good for now, the guards downstairs are doing there jobs, luckily we hid those bodies.}" Vincent reported.

"{Well, I guess we just stand around and talk until she gets here or stand around and talk until the programs is finished uploaded and we can leave immediately, we cannot have someone tamper our progress}" Jaune said.

"{What should we do while we wait?}"

"{Continue securing the perimeter until, the upload is finished. Or talk if you want to...}" I said as he walks off to secure the place while his troops are Talking or doing what Jaune is doing.

The group spent the next few minutes standing around talking, while Vincent left to scout the downstairs part.

3rd POV

While Jaune, without his helmet, is in deep thought. He has returned to Beacon yet, they don't know he's here. Jaune starts remembers the time he spent in Beacon. How he made friends until they left him, until the Academy is against him. He remembers the good days that Jaune and his team had a strong bond until that bond is destroyed. He still remembers each word being heard.

~Flashback, Years before he left Beacon.~

"You lied to all of us Juane! You lied our team! Team RWBY! And me!" Pyrrha scream clenching her hands, punching the Arc in the jaw before leaving him alone.

'I wish, I could ends this all!' Jaune yelled in his mind as clutched the side of his head in despair, he was left with nobody to support him. He's been abandoned. He wish he would end it all...

~Flashback Ends~

Jaune's clenched his eyes shut hard remembering that dat, the day he's so called friends left him as tears come out of his eyes. He opened his eyes glaring angrily and said to himself.

"Pyrrha Nikos...Cardin Winchester...Team RWBY...Beacon Academy..." Jaune whispers their each of their names with venom in his voice, he stills holds grudge against them. "If I wasn't told about the truth of the Halo Rings, I would have invaded Remnant with my army, or I would have glass Remnant...

Jaune said darkly .It's truth to be told that Jaune still holds a grudge against Beacon, Team RWBY and Team (J)NPR. When he returns to Remnant, he's first course of action was to Glass Remnant, luckily he was told about the Truth of the Halo Ring realizing that he was serving a lie all along he realized he's being manipulated by the Prophet's Deception, and also he cannot Glass a planet with a forerunner artifact.

But he's thoughts were interrupted by Vincent who came running back to them.

"{Arcbiter Sir! She's here! Cinder Fall is here}" Vincent said.

"{What!?}" Jaune's exclaims as he puts on his helmet and looks at Sam and Sakree. "{How long do we have left?}"

"{About another half-an hour or so unfortunately}" Sams grimaced "{Damn this thing is so slow, I wish Beacon's computers are faster like yours}"

"{WHAT!? Make go faster!}" one of the Elites panicked.

"{We can't speed the process, the computers taking it as fast as it can.}" Sakree stated.

"{Alright! Everyone prepare for an ambush!}" Jaune announced. "{Let's give our guest a nice welcome...}"

Everyone nodded and prepares an ambush.


As Cinder entered the elevator, smirking nothing was going to stop her now, but then from out of nowhere, Sam deactivated his cloak grabbed her from behind and slammed her into the wall, she stomped on Sam's foot with her heeled boot causing Sam to yell out in Sangeheili.


Cinder turned around and punched him in the chest, Sam then drew out his rapier, but didn't make her hesitate as she dodged the sword.

The elevator doors then opened and Cinder walked out, Sam quickly followed, Cinder kept backing up as Sam pushed the offensive, she connected the two blades into a bow and fired, Sam dodged the arrow and charged forwards slashing forwards, Cinder backed up, Sam had learned from Jaune to rapidly transforming his weapons and so he quickly transformed his rapier into a separate revolver and fired two shots, Cinder dodged the two shots and Sam quickly transformed his weapons again and went back at it with sword to swords, but Cinder pushed him back and began a mad dash down the hall.

"{Arcbiter! Heads up she's coming your way!}" Sam said, as his rapier transformed into revolver and firing shots after Cinder, one actually succeeded in hitting her in the thigh, but her aura succeeded in protecting her, she quickly ran through to the communication centre as Sam was right behind her shooting at her as she entered.

She saw the Arcbiter and his troops, all of them raising their weapons and pointing them at her, many would have been intimidated in this situation but all Cinder did was smirk, thinking this was a great opportunity to recruit them to her schemes.

"Well, well, well, this is a surprise...." stated Cinder looking at them all "...I assume you're part the unknown group that has been a problem to the White Fang?"

"Indeed we are..." Arcbiter said with his voice changer, as Sam come behind Cinder aiming his weapon at her.

"Well..." Cinder started as she starts eyeing on the Sangheili Troops and smirk. "...this is interesting, you some interesting troops here...." she says as she kept eyeing each of them while troops are still concentrated for any surprise attacks. "What brings you here?"

"We're here to stop you Cinder Falls! We know about your schemes and also about the infiltration!" Sam says still having his revolver aimed at her.

"Oh and so Ozpin or Ironwood hired you..." Cinder said.

"No, our spies has told us about yours schemes."

" about this, what if I offered you something, I heard from the White Fang that your group of incredible fighters who can succeed at taking down White Fang facilities, along your aura piercing weapons." She said as she eyed on the weapons that Jaune's troops are wielding "...I'd like to you to be apart of my plans, name your price and you will get it." Cinder offers, hoping for the Arcbiter to be apart of her plans. But that hope was destroyed.

"We decline, we don't work with Terrorist, and we take down the enemy no matter how strong, how many resources, no matter what we beat the enemy and unfortunately little lady you are the enemy, and we will grind" Jaune stated as Sam and his troops agreed with him.

"oh..." said Cinder "how unfortunate." Cinder then dropped a smoke bomb, when it exploded, everyone coughed and waved there hands through the smoke, when it cleared up she had disappeared.

"{Damnit!}" Jaune cures in Sangeheili, "{Search for her! Sam remember if she goes for the computer try your best to prevent her from reaching it!}" Jaune orders.

"{Yes Arcbiter}" Sam complies as the group starts forming a defensive formation.

Cinder then jumped down from the ceiling, Sam saw her first and used his revolver to shoot at her, she got hit and was thrown into a wall, she quickly took out her bow though and prepared to fire an arrow.

Then Female Faunus Elite then rushed up and engaged Cinder in close quarters combat, forcing Cinder to drop her bow, Cinder was forced to go all out in hand to hand, The Faunus kept switching styles, before jumping back so Jaune and his troops could shoot at her with their plasma weapons. Cinder quickly dodged out of the way of the shots, Sam then fired his revolver, but she then took out her bow and fired several arrows, she gave a few pants as it took a lot, to do that, but she quickly got back up. This was harder than anticipated, but she wouldn't fail to them, she charged, but then Sakree seemingly appearing from nowhere smashed his Carbine into her face, knocking her down, Sakree then loomed over her.

"{Surrender now Human!}" Sakree said

Of course Cinder does understand so she quickly got up though and then charged towards Skaree, she dodged the shots Sakree fired from the Carbine, Sakree then pulled out his Energy Sword and slashed the two glass swords in half, Cinder dropped the handles of her swords and kicked Sakree back.

One of the Elites then drew one of his Plasma Rifles out and began to fire at Cinder. Cinder summoned a glass shield up and rushed Elite. The Elite quickly pulled the other Plasma Rifle out and continued firing, Cinder then attempted to knee him in the gut, but with the Elites training he easily blocked it, dropping his Plasma Rifles and threw a punch which she caught only to get kicked in the side, but then Cinder brought him in close and punched him in the stomach, twice before kicking him in the side and punching him in the head.

Cinder smirked thinking she had this, but then she got tackled out the window by the Arcbiter and he used the situation to do his drop and roll while crashing Cinder into the ground hundreds of feet bellow.

"ARCBITER!" Sam and his troops exclaimed.

"Wort Wort Wort!" The Elite said as they follow suit except for Sakree as he suggested to keep the computer secured.

Jaune was holding his own against Cinder pretty well dodging an arrow and firing a blast from his from the 'Arc's Wrath'. Rushing in close range Jaune threw a punch which Cinder blocked and used to push Jaune back, Jaune held his Wepaon up one handed and fired, Cinder dodged the shot, Jaune then holster on his hip and rushed in throwing a punch at Cinder which she dodged and locked him in close quarters combat, but with his armours strength enhancement, Jaune took hit after hit, slamming his fist into Cinder's stomach she was winded.

"It's useless Cinder, your outmatched. Out numbered, you lose" Jaune says as his troops lands behind him and started to shoot at her, Cinder dove and ducked through all the shots summoning out her swords, she cross slashed at Sam, but Sam slashed back knocking on of her swords away, Cinder slashed again, but Sam blocked it in time with his rapier and kicked her back.

Jaune then activated his 'Arc's Wrath' to melee and slashed her elbow through Cinder's arm, she collapsed to the ground, her arm severed screaming in pain, while Jaune, Sam and his troops remained unfazed by what they are seeing, and Jaune has Cinder's blood splattering across his armour.

"We warned ya Fall, now you lost an arm because of that!" One of the Elites taunted.

Cinder grits her teeth and gets up even with her arm missing, she still had plenty of fight left, she concentrated her aura into her arm trying to fix her wound, she picked up one of her swords and got ready to charge, the others got ready to fight, it wouldn't take much to take her down.

She slashed madly, but the other's dodged, Cinder turned around seemingly fixed on Jaune for taking her arm, Sakree use the hilt of his Energy Sword Cinder in the back of the head, knocking her to the ground unconscious.

"{Good Job, put the Aura Cuffs on her}" Jaune commanded, as one of the Elite complies and put the Aura cuffs, even though she's missing an arm.

The Aura cuffs suppress the user from using his/her aura and semblance, rendering them useless.

"{Good, let's go and bring her to a secured prison cell where she cannot escape.}"

"Okay Arcbiter, quick, Sakree call in the Phantom, Vincent go with him take Cinder with you, the rest of us lets just see what we need to clean up before anyone comes, anyone with half a brain sees this they knew something happened" Sam said.

"{Yes sir!}" The troops said as the other Vincent and Sakree left.

After a few minutes of covering up everything, the Jaune, Sam and his team finish it.

"Alright, now how do we cover up the plasma burn marks?" Jaune asked, when Sam finished.

The Elite then straightened up "oh... I did not think of that..."

"Arcbiter, I've uploaded some protection program that'll protect the communications and give us a back door to hack in." Sam said.

''Good, come on lets go they'll find us soon enough'' Jaune said.

''Wait what about the burn marks?" The Female Elite Faunus asked.

"Don't worry, nobody know how it happened here." Jaune

"We will" a feminine voice said causing the group to look behind them, while Jaune sweated a bit seeing something he didn't expect to see. And he instantly recognizes them.

His Sisters


To be continued

Well this chapter is done, Jaune stops Cinder's infiltration and now she's captured! What will they do next!?

A/N: Also the OC "Sam Remington" belongs to OptimusPrime117

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