Ch 9: The Jig Is up for Nexus.

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>Secret Base<

Male agent: We triangulated the source of the signal.

Female: agent: there is another strong signal emitting from the same source, analyzing now.

Ryouku: this is an aufwachen signal.

The Big screen revealed the signal. GUNGNIR.

Genjuurou: GUNGNIR?

Tsubasa and Kanade looked surprised at each other.

Male agent: putting it on screen.

Female agent: Nexus is next to the gungnir they're engaging the noise.

Tsubasa: Kanade's gungnir.....

Kanade: Silver Beauty?

Genjuurou: Tsubasa move out.

Tsubasa: Understood.

>Meanwhile at the factory<

Y/n: Hibiki, what happened to you, you look like kan.... uh I mean those Valkyries.

Little girl: you cool onee-chan. 

Hibiki: Y/n look out.

Hibiki charged at Y/n to punch the noise behind him.

Y/n: Thanks hibiki, but I'm not gonna have all the glory to yourself.

Y/n grabs his evoltruster out of his hand and raised it up.

Y/n: Raaghhhh!!! Nexus

Little girl: Onee-chan looks shiny and pretty.

While the girls said those words, he ready his stance along side hibiki.

Y/n: Huh, I never been called Shiny or pretty before.

Hibiki: Y/n, so that's why you been calling my name two years ago.

Nexus: Sorry to keep this a secret from you, but right now let's protect this girl from the noise.

As Nexus punched and kicked a few noise back, hibiki started to sing. Grabbing the girl she jump of the silo.

Hibiki: What!?

Hibiki then started to fall towards the ground landing nice and easy.

Nexus: Hibiki! Look out.

The noise jumped of the silo towards hibiki closely followed by nexus. They started to shoot Hibiki.

Nexus: Hibiki! Watch out!

Whilst Nexus was destroying the noise hibiki jumped out of the way crash landing in another silo where she grabbed onto while holding the girl.

Nexus: Where are you going Hibiki?

Hibiki: I-I don't know.

A giant noise suddenly came from behind the silo and smacking into it with his fist, luckily hibiki let go just in time.

Hibiki: Did I do that.

>End Song<

Then Hibiki heard the sound of a engine nearing. It was tsubasa rider her bike, she rode past hibiki before jumping of the bike gracefully next to hibiki and letting her bike crash into the giant noise.

Tsubasa: Don't space out, deadly mistake. Protect the girl.

Tsubasa then started to run towards the noise where Nexus was fighting against.

Tsubasa: "Imyuteus Ame no Habakiri tron"

Tsubasa enlarged her sword and slashed the noise, luckily nexus manage to dodge the giant blade towards him barely missing him.

<Blue Flash>

Nexus: Glad you can make it to the party, but seriously don't try to hit me.

Tsubasa: We'll talk later.

She then jumped into the air and summoned beams of energy.

<Thousand Tears>

The giant noise got passed the two ans was standing above hibiki and the girl.

Nexus: "Cross-Ray Schtrom"

Nexus used his signature move to destroyed the giant noise and the rest of the noise.

Nexus: *quietly* sorry, hibiki but I gonna fly.

When Nexus tried to jump away he looked straight into a wall. When he looked around him noticed that it isn't a wall but a giant sword, tsubasa standing on top of it.

Tsubasa: Your not getting away, this time Nexus.

Nexus: *sigh* Welp, you got me there.

(End Song)

(Time Skip)

After a short wait the military came in and starting  cleaning up the mess from the fight. Cleaning up the remains of the noise and repairing the damage done to the buildings.

Nexus: *sigh* Okay... kindly please~ let me out of here

Tsubasa: not a chance nexus.

Tsubasa had nexus stuck to the ground with her shadow weaver.

Then a female agent offered hibiki and nexus a cup of hot chocolate.

F.Agent: here you two this will warm you both up.

Hibiki: thank you.

Nexus: Come on tsubasa please, will you let me go now, I promise I won't disappear or run away.

Tsubasa: Fine.

Tusbasa then released nexus so he could take a warm drink, and could take a sip.

Hibiki: How can you drink when you have a armor on Y/...

On that very moment nexus puts his finger on hibiki's mouth.

Nexus: First of all hibiki call me nexus for now, second I'm thirsty and exhausted. Like someone else said and I quote "A ultraman can't not reveal its identity to anyone..."

Hibiki then took a sip from her cup.

Hibiki: Aah that tastes delicious.

Right on that moment hibiki  started to glow as she reverted back to her normal self. losing her balance and falling backwards, only to be caught by both nexus and tsubasa.

Nexus: Woah, we  got you hibiki. A first battle can be exhausting sometimes.

Nexus and tsubasa helped hibiki back on her feet. And tsubasa started to walk away.

Hibiki: Thank you Y/.... eh I mean joker and tusbasa. This makes it the second time you two saved me.

Hibiki was holding up two fingers and smiled, as tsubasa turned around.

Tsubasa: second time?

Nexus: The first time was at the last concert of zwei wing.

Tsubasa then started to walk away again.

Tsubasa:*thoughts* why a second time and why does this girl refer to nexus starting Y/... and why does he sound and feel so familiar.

Little girl: Mommy!

Mother: I'm so glad you are save.

Nexus and hibiki turned around and see the little girl hugging her mother followed by an agent walking up to them and presenting something on a tablet.

Hibiki: What do you guess in on the tablet?

Nexus: I don't know, but it can't be anything to good for us in this situation.

Hibiki: I think it's time for us to leave.

Nexus: Right!

Suddenly hibiki and nexus where surrounded by men in black, and in front of them was standing is tsubasa.

Tsubasa: We have unfinished business with you two.

Nexus: Don't hurt Hibiki, and I also surrendered myself to you.

Tsubasa: I can't have that, you two are coming  with us to the second branch of the disaster relief squad.

Nexus and hbiki was about to be put on with special handcuffs,. But nexus grabs the agent and judo throw him aside.

Nexus: Don't try to put those handcuff on us or your gonna get it.

Agent *grunted* ok we won't put you two into these handcuffs.

Nexus: Good. I don't want to hurt even if you try.

Agent: noted.

the agent get back p from the judo throw from nexus.

Nexus: Can I have one request before we go?

Tsubasa: it depends what you need.

Nexus: I can't leave my bike behind here.

Tsubasa: Where are you going with this?

Nexus: Can you take it with you to wherever we are going , since you destroyed your bike against the noise. I have the keys right here.

Nexus handed tsubasa the keys.

Nexus: It's two silos that way.

Tsubasa: You're really are a mysterious person, trusting your bike to a stranger.

Nexus: What Stranger, what I'm looking at that we been fighting for more than two years now and there is more ways than one the we can know each other better.

Tsubasa: Whatever. *thoughts* more than one way what does it mean.

Tsubasa walked away to get the bike of nexus, as nexus and joker were put in the car without the handcuffs.

Tsubasa walked towards the bike.

Tsubasa: This bike looks like Y/n's bike but this one have some sort of system that summons guns on the front of the bike, so it can be is nexus is....

>Time skip<

Hibiki: Why we are at the school?

The car stopped at the school and nexus and hibiki got out of the car. Tsubasa also arrived with the bike and put it down.

Ogawa: Please follow us.

They all started walking towards the school building and went inside.

Hibiki: This is central tower where the teachers live.

They went to the elevator and ogawa holded a device against an censor, the a few handles came out of the wall.

Tsubasa walked to grabbed one of the handles.

Ogawa: it's better if you hold on tight.

The agent put hibiki's hands on a handle.

Ogawa: It applies you too Nexus.

Nexus: I already experience this kind of speed before, So don't worry about it.

Tsubasa: Your funeral.

Nexus stood in the middle with his hands cross, then it started to go down fast enough but hibiki was screaming while nexus stood perfectly still surprising both Ogawa and Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: How are not phased by this?

Nexus: Like I said before "I experienced this sort of things way back when."

Nexus just stood still while the tsubasa stared him with surprise face.

Tsubasa: *thoughts* Did he experienced kind of stuff before.

Then when the elevator stooped the elevator doors opened, While nexus still unphased of the speed of the elevator and hibiki reacted with a faint smile and tsubasa shook her head disbelief.

Then the doors of the elevator opened.


Confetti was scattered everywhere.

Genjuurou: Welcome to the second branch of the disaster relief squad.

Genjuurou was standing there wearing a magician's hat in his head. After him were a large group of people and there were banners hanging welcoming nexus and hibiki.

Ryouko came  walking up to nexus and hibiki with a phone in her hand.

Ryouko: let's take picture to remember the first day of our new friendship.

Hibiki took step backwards.

Hibiki: D-Don't do it, how will it look in a photo album if I'm with people that I don't about well except you Nexus.

Nexus: Noted.

Hibiki: and besides why do you know my name even though we never met before.

Genjurou: Well to answer your curiosity, that the second branch is some sort of secret service, looking in your past was a piece of pie.

Kanade: But for Silver Beauty, we found nothing about him.

Nexus: So you're all along, what a surprise.

Kanade: It's been long time isn't Silver Beauty.

Nexus: Not as long as you think.

Tsubasa: At least you two didn't have those handcuffs on.

Nexus: That's because I hate being handcuffed that's why.

Ogawa: But that Judo flip you did to me, means your actually serious about it.

Kanade: Wait! he judo flip you!?

Ogawa: That's right and it really hurts when he does it.

Nexus: I warned you, about it.

Genjuurou: Well let's leave it aside and let me introduce the gang to you two. I am Genjuurou Kazanari, the boss here.

Ryouko: and I am the smart girl here, Ryouku Sakurai.

Hibiki: Nice to meet you.

Nexus: Same here as well.

Genjuurou: You two came here at our invitation, because we like you both to work with us.

Hibiki: Work with you.

Then hibiki remembered how she changed after these two years ago.

Hibiki: Please tell what happened to me... two years ago.

Ryouko: To answer that, we need to ask you two questions first. First don't tell anyone what happened today. And second, let's take of your clothes first.

As ryouko was pulling hibiki with her to a private room to undress her, Nexus was left standing with others.

Genjuurou: the same thing counts for you too, we would like you to work with us. But we do want to know who is behind the mask.

Nexus: It depends, what you said.

Genjuurou: What do you mean.

Nexus: *sigh* I guess I have to keep this secret, so can you guys keep my identity a secret, can I have your trust for this.

Genjuurou: You will trust us nexus, we don't need to cause harm to you.

Nexus: Alright.

Nexus started to shine and revert back/ changing him back to Y/n.

Kanade/Tsubasa: Y/n!!!

Y/n: Well... The Jig is up for Nexus.

>End of Chapter 9<

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