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Crosshair woke up in a dark room, a set of cold metal bars in front of him, and beyond that a fortress darker than hell itself. Often Crosshair was awoken by the guards walking through but this time it wasn't that. This time it was the other occupant of his cell.

A small clone cadet, he didn't seem much younger than James or Daniel so Crosshair guessed they were about the same age. He'd been in the cell with him for the last 2 days but in all that time they hadn't spoken a word to each other.
Crosshair eyed the kid and noticed he was shivering, Crosshair wasn't surprised, it was rather cold, even more so than he liked.

"Cold?" Crosshair asked.
The kid just nodded, too shy to say anything.
Crosshair simply patted his thigh, guestering him to come other, while Crosshair wasn't exactly a fan of kids, he wasn't going to just let this one freeze in this dammed cell.

The kid hesitated for a moment before coming over and leaning into Crosshair's side, trying to get as much warmth as possible.

"What's your name?" The kid asked after a moment.
"What's it to you." Crosshair said, flinching slightly at how harsh his voice sounded.
"Just curious I guess." The kid shrugged.
There was a brief silence before Crosshair spoke again.

"Crosshair." He said.
"What?" The kid asked confused.
"My name, it's Crosshair." Crosshair said.
The kid nodded.
"Mine's Dante." The kid said.
Crosshair simply hummed and closed his eyes, maybe now he could get back to sleep.

"Crosshair." Dante said after a moment.
Crosshair opened his eyes and saw Dante curled up against him, his eyes drooping shut.
"Thanks." Dante said before his eyes shut and his breath evened out.
Crosshair just looked at the sleeping kid in disbelief, gods Hunter would never let him hear the end of this if he saw.
"You're welcome." Crosshair simply said before going back to sleep himself.

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