follow your dreams (dad Wrecker)

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Wrecker, Katie, Colin, James and Allison all stood at the zone of where Brendam's latest fire had been.
James had wrecklessly ran into the house in an attempt to save the occupants unaware that the house was empty, and had gotten himself trapped as a result.
This lead to Wrecker having to save him.

Wrecker looked at Katie and Colin.
"Can you two head back to the station and explain everything to station officer Lloyd, I'm going to take James home." Wrecker said.
Katie and Colin nodded and climbed into Orion, driving back to the station.
Wrecker and James started heading home.
Wrecker picked up James and hoisted the boy onto his shoulder.

It was then Wrecker took in James' profile.
Ash from the fire coated the boy's clothes and a decent amount of it was on his face and hair as well, there was also the strong smell of smoke coming from both him and James.
He would definitely need a bath when they got in.

Just then Wrecker heard James yawn.
He looked at James and chuckled.
"Aww, is my little boy sleepy." Wrecker teased.
"I'm 8." James protested.
"You'll always be my baby angel, no matter what age you are." Wrecker told him.
James hummed and a moment later he yawned again.
"I am tired though." He mumbled.

Wrecker chuckled again.
"I'm not suprised, running around town all day long saving people does that to you doesn't it." Wrecker said.
James nodded rubbing his eyes.

The two soon made it home and Wrecker lowered James down from his shoulder.
He then unlocked the door allowing James to go in first, he then went inside and locked the door.
Wrecker looked at James.
"I'm gonna go run you a bath, I'll call you when it's ready." Wrecker said.
"Okay dad." James said nodding.

Wrecker went into the bathroom and began running James' bath.
After a few minutes Wrecker turned off the taps and checked the temperature of the bath.
Once he was satisfied he opened the bathroom door.
"James your bath is ready." Wrecker called.
"Coming." James called from downstairs.

James came up and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Wrecker turned away as James undressed and climbed into the bath.
"Okay dad, I'm ready." James called.
Wrecker nodded and grabbed a flannel cloth.
Kneeling down next to the bath he began scrubbing at James' face to get the ash off.

James laughed and squirmed slightly as Wrecker washed his face.
"Dad, that tickles." He laughed trying to pull away.
Wrecker chuckled and held him still.
"I know bud, but I need to get this stuff off." Wrecker said resuming his efforts to get the ash off of James.

After a few minutes he finally managed to get ash off of James.
"There, all off." Wrecker said.
He stood up.
"I'll leave you to relax for a while." Wrecker said.
James nodded.
Wrecker smiled and ruffled James's hair before leaving.

James leant back in the bath and closed his eyes.
He thought about everything that had happened today.
It felt good helping those people and he couldn't help but smile slightly when he remembered just how happy he'd made them.

He wished he hadn't been so careless earlier though, his mistake had put him in great danger and his dad had to save him.
He remembered just how worried Wrecker had sounded and felt bad he'd made his dad worry so much about him.
He was also glad Cynthia was away on a trip, he grimaced imagining the lecture she'd have no doubt given him.

Deciding to put aside the negative thoughts for now he decided to just relax.
He hadn't even realised he was beginning to drift off until Wrecker came back in.
"James, it's time to get out." Wrecker said.
James nodded and climbed out the bath, wrapping himself in the towel Wrecker gave him.
"I've got your pajamas all warmed up and laid on your bed for you." Wrecker said.
James nodded and left the bathroom to get changed.

Wrecker showered and changed into his own pajamas.
He went downstairs to find James sitting on the couch.
"Hey bud, wanna watch a movie?" Wrecker asked.
James nodded and eagerly scrambled over to sit on Wrecker's lap.

The two put on a movie and it began to play.
Partway through the movie James spoke up.
"Dad, do you reckon i could be a brave firefighter one day, like you and uncle Trix?" James asked looking up at Wrecker.

Wrecker smiled and ruffled James's hair.
"Of course you can, I was about your age when I decided I wanted to be one if I ever got the chance, 99 always told me to follow my dreams, I did so and look at me now, I'm the strongest firefighter in this town." Wrecker said flexing his muscles.
James giggled.
"Thanks dad." James said.
"Don't mention bud, and like I said, follow your dreams and they may just come true." Wrecker said.

By the end of the movie James was fast asleep.
Wrecker carried him up to bed and tucked him in.
Wrecker was just beginning to leave the room when suddenly turned around.
"But for me, my biggest dream was adopting you, and I'm glad it came true." Wrecker whispered before leaving the room.

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