Chapter 15 | Hypocrite

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Part 15

"The violence in Chicago has now touched elected officials. Outspoken Alderman James Burton of the 24th Ward was gunned down this morning in the financial district" A reporter dramatically said as she was filming the news.

"I hate reporters" Anna grumbled, leaving Hailey to chuckle as the two walked up to Al and Voight. The team was put into the whole case and Voight asked for witnesses, but none had come forward.

"Yeah, this place is really dead after hours, Sarge. I doubt anybody was here" Jay said as he walked up behind Anna.

"Pockets turned inside and out. Wallet, watch and cell phone are gone" Novick said. "Any signs of a struggle?" Anna asked.

"Nope, looks like a robbery gone wrong" Novick said. "Know what Alderman Burton was doing down here?" Voight asked.

"Drinking at the Crown Pub. Bartender said he was with a banker, Rudy Finnegan, till closing" Novick answered. "We'll go talk to him" Anna said and Hailey followed her.

"Hi, Detective Lorenzi" A guy called out, both Anna and Hailey paused and Anna turned around. "Hi, O'Hara, whats up?" Anna said and smiled when she saw the officer who had been greeting her every time he saw her.

"Not much, it was nice to see you at Molly's the other night" Harry said and smiled. "Oh, yeah. Sure, it's always fun there" Anna said.

"I hope I'll see you there tonight?" Harry said and smiled. "Maybe, depends on work" Anna said, she got chills from the smiles Harry O'Hara sent her. Anna always got chills around him, she couldn't explain it.

He showed up at odd times and he always seemed to want to talk to her. But she didn't know the guy, he was snoopy and it felt like he was watching her at times.

"Right, right, well I'll see you around" Harry said and Anna nodded and faked a smile when he left. "Let's go" Anna told Hailey and hurried into a car.

"Well, that was entertaining," Hailey retorted. "What's his deal?" Hailey added when she raced off from the scene.

"I don't know, he's trying to be nice, but it's too much" Anna said with a grimace. "Sounds like he wants a piece of you" Hailey snorted.

"Yeah, not gonna happen" Anna retorted and gushed as another wave of chills warned her.

The two found Rudy Finnegan and met with him, and asked him questions. "I was with Alderman Burton for about two hours. He wanted me to invest in some urban revitalization project in his ward" Rudy explained.

"At midnight?" Anna questioned. "Oh, yeah, he insisted that we meet after dinner. He seemed desperate for cash" Rudy told both Anna and Hailey as they walked.

"What do you mean?" Anna asked. "Well, he offered to pay 15% interest. That's double the market rate. We're friends, but that made me nervous. So, I, uh, passed. Oh" Rudy said and started typing away on his phone.

"Then I got in my Uber at 2:01 at the bar, and Burton went down the street" Rudy said. Anna glanced down at his phone screen and saw the details of the Uber ride.

"You see anything suspicious?" Hailey asked him. "No, btu there was a guy at the bar earlier, um, African-American, came in, looked around for a few minutes, left without ordering" Rudy told them.

"Any details on that? Age, height?" Hailey asked. "Eh, late 20s, average height and build" Rudy said and then his phone started ringing.

"You think of anything else, give us a call, okay?" Anna said and handed Rudy her card when he answered his phone. "Yeah" Rudy said and walked off.

"Hey, by the way, why do you think that IAD picked up Olinsky?" Hailey asked Anna as they began to walk towards the exit.

"I don't know," Anna admitted. "With Olinsky, you may never know. At least that's what the guys tell me" Anna said.

"Now we got a list of pissed off locals from the alderman's secretary. There's at least 50 names" Kim said and handed Jay the papers.

"We weren't able to get video of the make black Finnefan saw at the Crown Pub" Anna said. "All right, what about the alderman's personal belongings?" Voight asked.

"His phone has no signal, no hits on his credit cards, and his Rolex hasn't popped up in any pawn shops yet" Kevin explained. "Though you should know the alderman's wife is on TV expressing concern about Chicago PD's dedication to black politicians" Trudy cut in.

Anna scoffed in disbelief upon hearing that. "It's been like, what, five hours? Why is she going so hard at this?" Jay questioned.

"'Cause she's smart. She wants to keep the pressure on. All right, so run the names of the angry locals. But don't give up on this robbery angle either" Voight ordered.

Everyone fanned out, getting started on different tasks to figure the murder out, so they could catch the killer.

Kim and Kevin got an address for a suspect and so the team geared up and so Kim, Anna, Adam and Kevin took off to get the suspect.

"Chicago PD!" Atwater shouted, the door was unlocked so the four entered, Kevin put his hand on Anna's back as she cleared the way in.

The sound of a saxophone started to fill the apartment when the team searched the property. After following the sound, Kim opened the door to a bathroom where Darius Brown was playing his heart out.

"Darius Brown!" Kim shouted as she aimed her gun at him. "Was I too loud, Officers?" Darius asked, shocked and confused. His headphones had been in while playing so he hadn't heard them at all.

Anna chuckled along with Adam as they shared a look. "Yeah, you're coming with us to the precinct," Kim said. When the team arrived back in the bullpen Jay and Hailey nodded their way. "Nice one" Jay complimented and Anna returned the nod.

Kim and Kevin went to interrogate the suspect immediately and Anna went to watch. "When I found him, he was already dead. I didn't know he was an alderman" Darius said. Anna tilted her head and read his body language and tone.

Anna walked out after listening for a while and went back to the bullpen and sat down at her desk. "Any luck?" Hailey asked and Anna shrugged a little.

"I don't think he did it, but he knows something, that's for sure" Anna said and Hailey nodded while Anna felt Jay's eyes on the side of her face.

"Blue Sedan" Kim called out, both Jay, Anna and Kevin walked downstairs to find something on the computers.

"There's only 5.260 blue Chrysler Sedans in the city of Chicago" Atwater said when Voight walked in. "All right, run the ones registered to people living in the 54th"

"Did that. It narrowed it down to 832" Anna chipped in. "Huh, it is what it is. Run the names, see what you find" Voight said.

"Hey, uh, guys, check this out" Jay then called out. Anna stepped around the desk to stand next to Jay where she leaned forward to see his screen.

"This voicemail from Alderman Burton's phone" Jay said and Anna shot him a quick look before diverting her gaze back to the computer screen, but Jay had felt it.

"You are a greedy, opportunistic hypocrite and deserve to die" A voice said as Jay played the voicemail.

"That was left last night just before 11:00 p.m., and the call came from a payphone at a Douglas Park diner" Jay finished.

"Grab Upton. Check it out" Voight ordered. Anna frowned a little but let it slide, Voight could've gotten Anna to go with Jay but he chose not to.

Perhaps Voight didn't believe Anna or Jay when they had both said that they had no problem working together anymore.

Soon enough the team got notified that Arthur, Alderman Burton's son, was killed. Single shot to the head, just like his father.

"We pulled video surveillance from Arthur Burton's shooting. Blue Chrysler sedan. Just like the Rolex thief said sped away from the crime scene" Hailey said and pinned the car on the board.

"We ran the plates, and we put out a BOLO. The car's registered to a Keon Walters. We're trying to find his home address" Jay explained.

Adam hung up on the phone and turned to Voight and Al. "Car was just spotted behind Landon's Market on Archer" Ruzek said.

"All right, get over there now. Nice work" Voight complimented and the four walked off.

"Ruzek, I'm riding with you" Anna called out and ran up to him as they exited the building. "Yes, ma'am" Adam said and Anna chuckled in response.

Kim and Atwater met up with the four and were all in position. "Drivers getting in the car" Hailey said over the radio. "Yep, we got eyes" Anna responded.

"No passengers are visible" Adam added. "You ready?" Adam asked Anna who nodded and everyone raced up to the blue sedan and blocked the car.

"Keon Walters! Get out of the car!" Kim shouted as she exited the car and took aim. Everyone followed and snuck up to the car. "Out of the car!" Anna shouted.

"Hey! Turn off the car!" Kevin shouted. "Turn the car off and get out of the car!" Adam shouted. But Keon didn't listen.

He backed the car into one of their cars and sped off, while the team tried to regroup and follow the suspect.

The car chase ended with the team getting Keon Walters, they found a rifle matching the murders in the trunk and brought him in.

Anna and Al watched Voight and Adam in the interrogation room and Anna couldn't help but notice the intense air. "How are you doing Al?" Anna asked.

"I'm okay" Al said. Anna nodded, not buying it at all. But she respected that he didn't want to talk to her about whatever was going on. "We're all here for you, Al. Whatever is going on, we got your back" Anna found herself saying.

"I know, Anna. You've helped me a lot these last few months" Al said and Anna nodded her head, taking pride to his words.

"Hey, you two" Kevin called out as the door opened. He nodded his head outside and both followed him to the bullpen.

Just then Hailey and Jay walked in. "We can't find Lamar's home address" Jay said once Voight walked up to them.

"You check out that bar I told you about?" Voight asked. "Yeah, he's not there. Patrol stopped by an hour ago. The place looks shut down" Hailey said.

"You know, he's probably been on the run ever since we pinched his cousin" Anna chipped in. "You're probably right. Guess we have to come up with a different approach" Voight said.

"I assume we still got his coat?" Al asked. "Mmm–hmm" Voight nodded. "Tracker?" Anna questioned. "Tracker" Al confirmed and nodded her way.

Hailey and Jay got an address on where to find Lamar's location and the team geared up and went. Anna kept her gun in front of her as she made her way up the stairs. She shared a look with Burgess and nodded.

"Ready?" Adam asked and Anna nodded before he broke the door down. "Chicago PD!" Adam shouted.

"Put your hands in the air. Now!" Burgess shouted. "Got the stairs"

"Put your hands up" Kim ordered. "I want you to take a step back from that knife, ma'am" Kim shouted.

"Where's Lamar Jenkins?" Voight asked. Adam ended up jumping a guy on an ATV and it was Lamar. So Ruzek and Kevin took him to the district immediately.

Keon and Lamar didn't want to break in the interrogation rooms. Neither wanted to give the other up, but Keon was the one to go down if he wouldn't give up Lamar.

Shortly after Voight and Al broke Keon and gave up Lamar. He gave them what they needed.

Just before clocking out, Kim came up to Anna. "Hey, you coming to Molly's?" Anna nodded and shot the brunette a smile. "Sure, I'll see you there later" Anna said and Kim nodded.

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