Chapter 19 | Missing

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Part 19

"Hey, has anyone seen or heard from Anna?" Jay asked once everyone was piling into the bullpen. Hank turned back around when he heard Jay ask this.

"No, I had a missed call from her late last night, but when I called back her phone was off" Kim said and shrugged.

Jay nodded and decided to try to call her again, still it went straight to voicemail. Jay sighed as feeling in his stomach kept trying to tell him something was wrong.

"She didn't come home last night either" Hailey said. "She's been staying with me for a few weeks" Hailey added.

"Go by her house" Voight told Jay and nodded his way, Jay thanked Hank and hurriedly ran off. Jay knew where the spare key to her place was, so when he saw no car in the driveway, he locked himself in.

"Anna? You home?" Jay called out, he searched every inch of her house and came up with nothing. Her bed was made, she never came home.

"Sarge, do you copy?" Jay asked as he turned on his radio. "What you got?" Hank asked.

"She didn't come home last night either, her bed is made, she hasn't been here, her car is gone" Jay said and Hank told him to come back to the district.

When Jay walked back into the precinct, he saw Harry and ran up to him. "Hey, O'Hara. Have you heard from Anna?" Jay asked and Harry shook his head no.

"Well, we were supposed to go on a date last night, but she had a family emergency and had to leave" Harry said and Jay furrowed his brows. "Okay.. thanks" Jay said and buzzed himself up into the bullpen.

"O'Hara and Anna had a date last night, he says she bailed on him for a 'family emergency', that's what he knows" Jay said with a frown and a scoff.

"Okay, so we know where she is" Adam said and shrugged. Hank and Jay shared a look and Jay shook his head no.

"Anna doesn't have any family left, she's an only child and her parents died in an accident when she was 16" Jay said and Hank nodded.

"Find her car" Hank ordered and Hailey started working on pinging her phone. "Last location her phone was at was around eleven last night, she called you, right?" Hailey asked and Kim nodded pulling her phone out.

"At eleven" Kim read out. "Somethings not right" Jay said and everyone frowned a little, it did sound weird, but they were worried that Jay was overreacting.

"We found her car" Trudy came up into the bullpen and said. "It was untouched except her bag, keys, phone were gone" Platt said.

"Get me O'Hara" Voight said and Jay looked back at his Sergeant. He agreed something was off. Anna would never disappear without a word.

"O'Hara just clocked out half an hour ago" Trudy replied confused. "Get me everything you can find about O'Hara" Hank shouted.

Hailey and Atwater were working as fast as they could. "Platt, did you know that O'Hara has six restraining orders against him from six different women, they were all claiming that he was stalking them and stole their things. They all look similar, brunette, in their mid twenties, muscular bodies, same as Anna" Hailey read out loud.

"Find Anna, now!" Voight snarled. Jay grew anxious and grabbed his jacket to leave, he was going to find Harry himself.

"Follow Halstead" Hank called out to Kevin, who nodded and hurried after Jay. "Hey, easy" Kevin called out when Jay ripped his door open. "I'm going, Kev" Jay said.

"I know, I'm coming with"

The two roamed the streets and searched Harry's apartment and tried to track his car, with no luck.

"We got a hit on O'Hara's car" Trudy said over the radio to Jay. "Address" was all Jay said. After getting the address Jay sped off, while Kevin informed the team of their lead.

Jay raced through the streets and jumped out of his car when he saw O'Hara's car. "Anna!?" Jay shouted as he ran up on the side. It was abandoned and so Jay broke into the car.

"Atwater, there's blood!" Jay shouted as he saw a drop of dried blood on the passenger seat. "Run it, we need to know if it's Anna's, send a team" Jay said and Kevin repeated into his radio.

Jay stayed by the car till they came and took DNA samples of the car. It didn't take long to confirm it was Anna's blood and prints in the car. "Man, the car was wiped down for a lot of blood" One of the forensics said as he used the UV light on the seat.

Jay's blood ran cold in his veins as he got a glimpse of the blood there had been in the passenger seat, on the side, on the seat, on the floor carpet.

"Too much blood to survive?" Jay asked. The forensics shrugged their shoulders and shot him a pitiful look. "Too early to say" He answered.

"Find, Harry O'Hara, now!" Jay said through gritted teeth into the radio. "There's blood everywhere" Jay heard Kevin tell the team over the radio.


Anna groaned when she heard Harry shout, Anna felt liquid roll down her forehead and she slowly gained her sight back, Harry was screaming at himself.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Anna slowly looked around and winced at the pain in her stomach. "H-Harry, let me go" Anna begged with a hoarse voice.

"Your team has ruined my name!" Harry shouted at her. He grabbed her hair in a fistful and yanked her head back, making her stare into his eyes as he hovered over her.

"I played my cards right" Harry said, but it sounded more to himself than to her. "They will find me" Anna got out in a strained voice when his other hand grabbed her throat.

She tugged against the restraints on her wrists, she was cuffed to a metal chair that was bolted into the floor.

"Yeah, they will. They will find your body" Harry said in agreement. "No, they will find me alive" Anna said with a small chuckle.

Harry squeezed on her throat and Anna's chuckle died down. "Why are you doing this?" Anna hoarsely whispered.

"You were tempting me, flirting with me, you gave me attention– you showed interest" Harry said and laid his face against hers, her blood stained his skin as he moaned.

"You wanted me to take you, you wanted me to have you" Harry said, it sounded like he was trying to convince himself. "Harry, I just wanted to be your friend, the others were–" Anna was interrupted by a yank of her hair.

"You wanted me to have you" Harry insisted. He pulled his face from hers and ran his thumb over her lips. "I saw it in your eyes, Anna. You wanted me to have you" Harry said and smiled when blood ran out of her mouth, from her lip.

Meanwhile Jay was gathering first responders, sending out a search party for Harry O'Hara and Anna Lorenzi.

"Jay, what can you tell me about this guy?" Kelley Severide asked Jay who was screaming orders at everyone who was on the streets.

"He's a nutjob, we talked to the women he stalked before. He's gonna kill her if we don't catch him in time. He's had her for fifteen hours, her time is running low" Jay said breathlessly.

"Okay, we will find her, Halstead. Don't worry, we're all in" Severide said and squeezed Jay's shoulder. "Jay!" Hank shouted and Jay nodded to Severide before running up to Hank.

"I think I have something, come on. Just you and me" Jay nodded and got in his car, Hank drove off, leaving the officers, firefighters and Hailey to look after them, knowing this couldn't end well.

"Just find her, boys" Hailey whispered before keeping up with the teams searching the streets, houses and backyards. She didn't care what had to be done.

"O'Hara went here on a case, I think something happened here, I think it triggered whatever thing he has for stalking people" Voight said.


"Let me go!" Anna screamed, Harry laughed as he ran the knife down her clothed arm. His knife cut the fabric and Anna screamed out for help.

Harry hit her once again and more blood stained her face. "You wanted me to have you" Harry said, trying to convince himself again.

"Harry, please" Anna cried out. All she could think about was Jay, she prayed that he would come. Jay would figure it out, Jay always figured it out.

He was always there for her, he had to be there now. For her.

"Jay, please" Anna whispered and sobbed. "What did you say!?" Harry screamed at her, she turned her face as he began to cut open her shirt.

Leaving her bra and stomach exposed. "You want me to scream? While you torture me?" Anna hissed and kept her breathing calm.

"I won't give you that satisfaction" Anna snarled. Harry screamed in her face, he hit her over and over again. Her head became heavy and her eyes dropped a little, blood filled her vision and before she knew it, Harry was in her face again.

"You wanted me to have you" Harry whispered. Anna stared ahead of her and waited till he moved back from her face, giving her the space she needed to headbutt him.

Harry fell back on his ass when Anna took her chance. She knew she couldn't escape, but she got him away from her. Even for just a second.

Harry quickly got back up and screamed curses at her, he was about to drive his knife into her stomach. Anna gasped, shocked and screamed out 'no' as she could do nothing to stop him.

"Harry! It's over, surrender" Voight's voice was clear to Anna. She knew Jay was near. "J-Jay" Anna sobbed, Jay watched as Anna sobbed his name, begged him to come.

His eyes went from her bloody face to the knife in Harry's hand.

To be continued...

So that happened, what do we think Hank and Jay is gonna do?

Is Jay gonna save Anna's life or is Harry faster? 👀

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