Sorry, We're Closed

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I. Need. A BREAK.

I've been getting homework in nearly every subject everyday this week so far. I don't end up going to bed until 12AM every night, just to wake up at 6 to go to orchestra.

"Lilah, if you're so tired, how could you draw that drawing up there?!>:("

Me: "Does that look quality to you? Cuz that's the best of my abilities right now."

So, I am temporarily closing requests as of now. I will still do yours if you have requested it previously. Last time I checked, I had 4 more to do.

I had noooo idea I would get this many. I have freaking bags under my eyes from trying to sketch so late. It's not your guys' fault, but I just really need a break right now.

I hope you understand.

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