Let us pay our respects to my old profile pictures

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Ah, yes. My old profile pictures.

Let's see...

This one is a classic.

It came with this background:


This one was the one with that awkward hand position that was getting on my nerves dkd8mxm mkdjsmsjsldksj-

Ahahaha here's my background for that,. Instead of awkward hand positions, he had no hands at all-

Here's my most recent old profile picture as of yet. It's Phase and... Phase...

Also, there's purple blood splatters, but Phase's blood is blue.


Ah yes, that background for the Sleep Deprived profile.

I forgot to put bags under Nameless's eyes-

And now here's my new profile picture:

AHAHAHA being narcissistic be like putting your own profile in your profile-

This is the background. I had to take a screenshot of the photo because Wattpad was being a jerk and said that the photo was too large-

This is the original photo without that annoying border that iSN'T EQUAL-

Before you ask yes that is Morskoy. Yes I put a jacket on him. Yes he looks like Sans. No he is not any version of Sans. No he is not part of any book (yet). No he really serves no other purpose than to be fun to draw, animate, and RP with.

This picture was me testing out my new shading abilities.

That was before  went ahead and drew a bunch of pictures that I'm not gonna post because they might reveal where I live and I don't want creepy people stalking me from online-

I've gotten a threat about something like that before, but it was a long time ago IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY and I kinda just stopped interacting with the person who delivered the threat after that-

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