Ch 16

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"O-Oh my God! I-I didn't mean to do that! I swear!" I said stumbling backwards and falling off the bed, landing not so gracefully on the floor.

I saw Amaimon peek over the edge of the bed and I covered my face with my hands.

"I'm so sorry!" I groaned. My body was shaking with embarrassment.

After I had calmed down a bit I stood up from the floor and sat awkwardly on the bed. I noticed he had used a pillow to cover... That.

"Uhh..." I thought of something to say to relieve myself from this awkward moment.

"Uhh..." he mimicked me. His cheeks were bright pink. After long seconds of staring at everything but each other, I finally spoke.

"I-I have a bathroom if you want. Or you could use my closet or something. Do you need to- I mean, do boys do that or ya know, I can leave and you use this room. But that would be gross because I sleep here and -"

He cut me off, putting his hand over my mouth and rolling to the floor, hiding us under the bed.

"What the?" my voice was muffled thanks to his hand. He shushed me.

I noticed the weird position we were in. I was on top of him with my back against his chest. His 'thingy' was pressed against my... rear end. I tried to wiggle away from him, but immediately stopped when I heard him gasp.

God Emi! Don't be such a pervert!

I remianed as still as I could when I heard the door open.

"Emi?" the voice of Shima called out.

"Are you in here?" he asked. I heard footsteps coming towards us. Then the squeak of the matress told me Shima had laid on my bed.

"I'll just wait for her then" he said.

I turned my head towards the boy under me. His desperate eyes looked into mine.

I heard Shima begin to sing, loudly might I add. I took this as my chance to talk.

"What the fuck?" I whispered. He rolled his eyes and covered my mouth with his hand again. I resisted the urge to bite him because we were currently pressed against each other under my bed with a singing walrus above us.

"Give me a minute" Amaimon whispered.

I felt his body disappear from under me. I looked to my side and saw a green hamster. I gave him a questioning look. He just wiggled his whiskers at me and climbed up the bed.

Is he really giving me sass? I raised my eyebrow.

Amaimon was under the covers now. I guess he was trying to get to Shima.

"Psst. Hey pinky..." I heard his voice say. I felt a sharp movement in the bed.

"Who's there?" I heard Shima say.

"My name is the Flying Dutchman. I collect souls and bring them to my ship where they live in eternal slavery" Amaimon's voice rang through my ears and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

"W-what? You've got the wrong pink guy! I'm Shima, not Patrick-"

"You caught me in a good mood today. I will spare your life, but you must leave this room immediately and never come back. You also must never tell anyone about our little encounter, or I'll be back to take your soul" Amaimon continued.

I heard the bed squeak and the sound of footsteps running away, just before the door slammed shut and Shima's scream reached my ears.

That's when I started laughing my ass off. I rolled out from under the bed and climbed on top of it. The once plain sheets immediately raised as Amaimon took his normal shape.

I giggled and pulled the covers off his head. He was looking downwards and I saw his hands on his lap. I noticed two things: his 'problem' was thankfully already gone, and his fingers had turned blue.

"Fuck, was that me?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and I could tell he held back a sarcastic answer. I've gotta admit it was a rather stupid question.

"When I covered your mouth..." he answered and pulled his green arm warmer a bit so it covered most of his fingers.

"Ah, you're going to end up like a galaxy because of me" I groaned.

"We'll ask about this tomorrow" he said and I nodded.

"What was the point in hiding under the bed anyway? This is my room, and you could've turned into a hamster..."

"I panicked" he said, cracking a smile.

I guess I should go see a doctor, because I felt something inside me jolt.

He brought his hand to his mouth and gently bit on the black, pointy nail of his thumb. He seemed to be thinking of something.

"Hey Emi?" he said after a while. I looked at him and nodded for him to continue.

"Where's your mom and dad?" he asked.

I tensed and cringed at the question, though only someone who knew me well would've noticed.

"They died" I answered, not wanting to give much detail. He seemed to understand and didn't push the topic any further.

His blue eyes stared into mine and I didn't know what to do. What was I supposed to do anyway?

He brought his hand up, setting it on The back of my neck and brought his face to mine.

"You're hiding something..." he whispered, his breath fanned the skin on my neck, making my hair stand.

He took a long sniff at me, then began to sniff lower and lower, pushing my back against the bed. I watched with wide eyes as he sniffed my body until he eventually ended up just below my stomach.

He reached a hand to me and I got ready to slap him right across the face, but instead of his hands going wandering around, they dug into my pockets. He pulled out my snickers bar.

"Not again" I groaned. He stared at me with an amused expression.

"You weren't gonna share?" he asked

"No! You took mine last time! Give me that!" I said and reached out to grab the bar, but he held it above his head.
"You know what happened earlier when you wouldn't give me candy, right?" I grinned with an evil smile and signaled at his pants. He blushed and stared at me with wide eyes.

"You wouldn't.." he hesitated. I wasn't about to lose my snickers bar that easily, not again.

"Try me Flying Dutchman" I smirked.

He looked at the bar and then back at me again. I sighed.

"How about an exchange. I give you my soul and you give me the snickers bar" I reasoned. The green haired boy smirked.

"I've got something else in mind..."

"Which is?"

"I'll give you the snickers, in exchange for this" he said and immediately my eyes went wide. I didn't really comprehend what was happening until a good five seconds later, when his lips started moving against mine.

Hellooo! I know I've been kind of out of it lately. Sorry :(

Pls vote and comment! Why have you stopped commenting? It makes me sad :c

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