Ch 28- part 1

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"First semester is finally over," Rin said with a happy sigh. He had his arms on the back of his head and his eyes closed briefly before looking ahead.

"It's not over yet. We still have a few days left," I laughed.

"It's the same thing," He grumbled.

"Looks like everybody's heading home..." Koneko said, pushing his glasses up.

"I wish we could go home today too," Shima sighed.

"We have to leave now if we want to make it in time to catch the train," I said and everybody nodded.

"Mr. Okumura will be waiting for us at the stop," Bon said.

"Alright then, let's go!"

"Finally, summer fun time has arrived," Yukio said once we exited the train.

"That's what I would like to say, but remember that we'll be in a three day summer camp. Miss Shura Kirigakure will be joining us," Yukio finished as a woman with flaming red and yellow hair waved lazily at us, the same woman from the amusement park, the one who wore the hoodie and pretended to be Yamada.

"This will also serve as a test to see if you're ready to take part on regular missions. So give it your all."

"Yes sir!" we chorused.

Yukio turned to talk to kirigakure and I took the opportunity to look around. We stood in front of a thick forest. There was a path right in front of us leading inside.

"Well, are you ready?" Shima whispered in my ear.

"Yep" I answered exitedly, my eyes not leaving the area in front of me.

All this green reminded me of...

No! I can't be thinking about him. He already made his decision and I have to respect that.

Besides... Green is an ugly color.

I rolled my eyes at myself for being so childish, but I couldn't help it.

"Hey, um... Are you staying there all day?" Koneko asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head rapidly and grabbed my bag, walking beside him and Bon.

"Wow! It feels like a fresh summer day! I'm so excited!" Rin said after a couple of minutes of walking.

"That's because it is a fresh summer day, idiot" Suguro growled.

"Shut up and let me be happy Bon!" Rin whined and Suguro glared at him.

"At night we can dance and build a fire!" Shima said, stars appearing in his eyes as he scratched his chin. His smile was soon replaced by a terrified expression as a spider lowered itself in front of him, a string from it's web holding it up.

"Get it off me!" he screamed.

"Shima calm down!" I tried to keep his arms from flailing around but I couldn't. He immediately reached for his pocket and took out a small spray bottle, spraying an insane amount of it on himself and managing to choke me with the smell.

"What is he doing?" Rin mumbled at the sight of Shima desperately covering himself in a cloud of spray.

"Shima has entomophobia. He's always been like that" Koneko answered with a sigh.

"" Rin said scratching the back of his head.

"Entomophobia. The fear of insects" Koneko clarified.

"Um, let's keep walking then!" I said and grabbed Shima by the elbow, dragging him forward as he muttered things and shot his head in every direction.

After a while of walking through the thick forest, we were extremely tired, no the point where we were almost dragging ourselves forward.

"It's so hot!" Shima whined. We'd managed to calm him down a few minutes earlier, the spray was safely tucked in Koneko's pocket despite Shima's protests.

"This forest is pretty calm during the day, but at night it turns into a swarm of demons," Yukio announced, talking for the first time since we entered. "We have to build a camp before dark, so you guys need to hurry up," He finished. He didn't seem fazed at all by the temperature, and he and miss Kirigakure were the only ones who weren't about to die from being tired.

"What the hell? Doesn't he realize how hot it is? Why is he still wearing that jacket!" Bon grumbled. Everyone had taken off their school jackets except form him.

"C'mon! Move, you slowpokes!" miss Kirigakure yelled. Her arms were resting behind her head as she walked, a calm aura surrounding her.

"Huh? Miss Kiri, where's your bag?" Shima aksed. She gave a shrug.


I turned my head when I heard Rin's ecxited scream.

"It's really cold! I'm gonna drink some!"

He was kneeling beside a small waterfall in the rocks. My eyes widened and I raced towards him, kneeling down too. Out of all of us, Rin seemed to be the less tired, even though we've been walking for ages. As if to prove my thinking, Shima chuckled and spoke.

"Okumura has the energy of a demon!"

I froze at his words, my eyes widening as I shot my head at Rin, but he didn't seem to have heard Shima. I sighed and shook my head, dipping my hands in the fountain and drinking.

After what seemed like hours of more walking, we finally arrived at a big clearing. Yukio told us to drop all our bags here.

"Okay, this will be our camp. The boys will help me with the tents while the girls prepare a magic circle and help Shura with dinner."

We all gave exhausted nods while Yukio finally reached to pull his jacket off.

"Look! He took off his jacket!" Bon gasped.

"I was beginning to think he wasn't human," Shima followed.
We split up, girls with girls and boys with boys. They started pitching up the tents while we made the magic circle. I admit I was never one to do much work, but I did manage to trick people into thinking that I did. So while the girl's were doing that, I was 'checking our surroundings for potential danger'.

Truthfully I was laying down in the shade watching Rin and Bon argue and almost break the tent. Seems I wasn't the only one slacking off, I could see miss Shura at the distance. She was up in a thick tree branch, playing with her PSP while shouting orders at the girls.

The day passed rather quickly after that. I 'came back' when the girls were done with the circle and the boys had begun making a fire.

"Hey Emi, can you give me some help over here?" Shiemi called. She was by one of the tents, peeling some potatoes. I scratched the back of my head and hesitantly walked over.

"Here, peel these potatoes," she said and I nodded. I was actually a horrible cook, but peeling potatoes wasn't considered 'cooking' was it?

I started peeling, uneven strokes and missing a few spots. I noticed Rin staring intently at me. I raised a brow, but his stare didn't budge. I continued peeling the potatoes, not wanting to accept the fact that I was doing a horrible job at it. I looked back at Rin, his left eye had started twitching and he looked like he was about to lunge at me any second. I got a little distracted with him and didn't notice where I put my finger until I felt pain shooting through my hand.

I dropped the potato and brought my finger to my mouth, sucking on it and trying to ease the pain. Rin ran at me and yanked the knife from my hand.

"Your methods disgust me. Let me do it," he glared and threw away the potato that had fallen to the floor, beginning to fix the other ones I'd peeled.

Dramma queen much?

He managed to kick everybody out of the cooking area, although I didn't protest because when he was done everybody's mouth hung open. The dinner looked surprisingly delicious, we all ran to the table, desperate for food.

Each plate was in front of us. We stared between the table, deciding who was gonna try first. Bon and Shima were the first to pick up the fork and bring it to their mouth. We all stared intently as they froze.

"It's delicious!" Bon gasped.

"His wife wont stand a chance!" Shima followed.

Nobody hesitated to dig in after that. We passed around our praises to Rin who smiled victoriously.

"Believe me, he's only good at cooking and nothing else," Yukio chuckled.

"Shut up four eyes!" Rin growled. We all laughed and engaged in different conversations.

Time passed quickly and before we knew it, it had turned dark. I guess it would be time for our training now...

Wait, what? An update that's actually on time? That's a first! XD

It's still a bit late tho, I should've updated sooner. Sorry about that :")

Anyways thank you guys for each comment you leave on this book and each vote too. I don't think you even realize how happy that makes me feel. I practically fly to heaven and back with each comment, because it makes me happy that people enjoy my book.

Thanks for reading!

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