Ch 37

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"If you want to light the candles at the same time, you need to think exactly that." Amaimon said, a yawn escaping his tiny mouth. "You're thinking about lighting them individually."

I was currently sitting on the floor, the three candles set in front of me as I tried to concentrate on lighting them. Amaimon was 'helping' me from his place at the top of my head.

By helping I mean playing with my hair as he looked over once in a while at my pathetic work.

"I'm trying to, alright! It's not that simple." I mumbled as lurched forward on purpose, making him almost lose his balance if it weren't for his grip on my hair.

"Sometimes I wonder who the real demon is..." He mumbled, clearly intending for me to hear it.

"Idiot." I mumbled back before groaning in defeat. "I think I'm going to call it a day. I'm already exhausted."

"We just started fifteen minutes ago..."

"Well those are fifteen minutes I can use for something I actually like!" I groaned as I stood up and made my way over to the bed, tumbling down on it.

"Like what?" Amaimon's little furry face came into view as he passed by my face and settled down on my chest.

"Talking to you."

"Oh~ You make me blush."

I couldn't hold the chuckle that escaped my lips as I flicked his tiny forehead.

"Mr. Pheles told me Ryoku would be back soon..." I sighed. "Know what that means?"

"An annoying little lizard is gonna stay with us?"

I rolled my eyes at his response. "No matter how you look at it, he's way bigger than you."

"I have something that's pretty big, if I do say so m-"

His sentence got cut off by my hand that swatted his little hamster face. "Amaimon!"

"What? Don't act all innocent!" He exclaimed as I pushed him off me and he fell to the bed. With his belly up towards the ceiling and paws desperately trying to turn himself over he said the words that I prayed nobody would ever say.

"I saw your bag! Its full of condoms and birth control pills!"

"What were you doing with my stuff!" I growled, feeling my face heat up.

"I got bored and went on an adventure." Was his simple reply.

A groan left my lips as I brought a pillow to my face, squeezing it in an attempt to stop the oxygen from coming in.

Fuck my life.

"You know it was a pretty interesting find. Good to know you're keeping things safe." I heard Amaimon's voice and this time I threw my pillow at him, making him fall off the bed.

"I haven't used anything from there!" I defended.

"Good." Came Amaimon's pained reply. "I'll be the first to use them."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I peeked at his position on the floor. "Didn't you hate me?"

"We're starting with this again?" He groaned.

"Sorry, sorry. You just ignored me for like five years and only managed to talk to me when you were locked inside my room." I rolled my eyes.

"It hasn't even been a year since the fight..." Amaimon deadpanned. "And I have my reasons for it!"

"I'd like to know every single one of them."

Amaimon gave me a hard stare, my stomach tightening in anticipation. Was this it? Was he going to speak about it? Were we going to fix things?

"First of all, there's Rin."

"What about him?" I encouraged. 

"Well you guys are really close. I don't know what kind of relationship you guys have, but it really ticks me off that you give all your attention to that idiot."

I wanted to justify myself, to say he was just a friend and tell him the feelings I had for Rin could not even compare to the feelings I had for Amaimon, but it wasn't my turn to speak yet. For once Amaimon was being honest with me and I wasn't going to ruin the moment.

"There's also the fact that I asked you out and you completely ignored me. Then overreacted when Rin came and started saying stupid things. Thinking back, I can bet that half of the things you said were just to spite me."

"Amaimon." I whispered. "Rin... Rin was one of my first friends. I've never had someone to be there for me, excluding a blood relative like aunt Claire. I do care for him, for all of them actually." I said, thinking back to each and every one of my group. Shima, Koneko, Shiemi and Kamiki had slowly entered my life without me knowing it.

"When I'm with them I feel a strong connection, we're able to get along so well. But the feelings I have for Rin are completely different from the ones I have for you."

"So you do have feelings for him?" Amaimon muttered, a bitter tone in his voice. "I knew it."

"I do have feelings for Rin. But the feelings I have for him are exactly the same as the feelings I have for the rest of the group. They're my friends, so of course I care for them." A small smile took over my face as I reached out a hand to Amaimon, knocking him from his sitting position back to the floor.

"I googled what its like to have a crush on someone..." I whispered, my face heating up as I tried to hold back the urge to bury it against the bed.

"Shiemi told me that friends don't kiss or do any of the stuff we did..." I continued, licking my bottom lip at all the memories.

"I also found out that the fire I feel every time you're near me... it's unlike anything I could ever feel for a friend."

"What are you trying to say?" Amaimon asked, his eyes locked with mine as he stopped my hand from tipping him over once again, this time keeping it between his small hamster paws.

"I guess what I'm saying is..." I bit my lip, trying to control the urge to throw up out of nervousness. "I-I like you. I really really like you Amaimon. And I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I'd really like a second chance." I whispered.

"I-I want us to be more than friends..."

"What do you mean?" Amaimon eyed me cautiously. "I can never fully understand what you say, you know..."

"Well, exactly that. I want to be more than just a friend..." I whispered.

"So what? Like a best friend?" He answered, a mischievous smile spreading across his features as he walked over, getting closer to where I was.

"No!" I groaned in embarrassment. "I-I want to be your... girlfriend?"

"Hmm..." He tutted, slowly climbing up the bed and positioning himself right next to me. "You don't sound so sure."

"I am." I quickly replied. "I want to be your girlfriend, Amaimon. I want us to date and kiss and do whatever couples are supposed to do." I squeaked, cursing at my lack of experience with being in a relationship.

"Does that include condoms and birth control pills?" He smirked.

"Amaimon!" I yelled, eyes wide as my face turned red all over.

"I was kidding!" He laughed. "Maybe..."

"Please stop that!" I groaned, flicking his tiny forehead. "This is harder than I thought."

"Now you know how I felt." He gave me a playful huff.

"Well?" I shot him a nervous look. "What do you say?"

"I have to admit, the offer is tempting..." He playfully hummed, seizing me up and down. "Tell you what, you convince brother to turn me back and I'll give you your reply. How does that sound?"

"What? No!" I groaned. "You can't just make me wait like that! What if I die without knowing if you like me back?"

"Oh, the angst is strong in this one..." He smirked before continuing. "Do you really need to hear it from me?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"Well go seduce my brother into giving me my original form back."

"But that's not fair!" I whined, a pout forming on my lips as I glared at the green haired hamster.

"The sooner, the better." He simply shrugged, laughing at my misfortune.

"Fine." I growled. "I'm doing this only to prove that what I say is true."

"Really? Stop pouting then."

"Can't help it! You're so annoying!"

"But that's how you like me, correct?" He smirked.

I remained silent. If looks could kill Amaimon would certainly be dead right now. Why did he have to make me go through all of this?

"You don't know how much I'm dying to kiss the shit out of you right now. So I suggest you talk to my brother before my little hamster heart stops."

And that was all it took for me to jump up like a firecracker and sprint out of the room.


"Emi... What brings you to my humble quarters?" The cocky voice belonging to none other than Mephisto rang through my ears as I closed the office door behind me.

"I need a favor."

"Shoot." He smirked.

"It's Amaimon. I need you to turn him back." I quickly said.

He gave me a curious stare, green eyes shining as he raised an eyebrow. "Why might that be?"

"Because, um...we made up, I think. So I guess the whole hamster thing is over, right?"

"Wrong." He smirked.

"What? But why? Just undo the spell!" I pleaded.

Mephisto shook his head a small shrug taking over his shoulders. "I can't undo the spell."

"You're the demon king of time." I deadpanned. "Of course you can undo the spell."

"That doesn't mean I will." He countered. "I'm getting Amaimon back for all the trouble he caused me with the Vatican. Plus, he needs to lay low for a while. What better way to do it than locked in a room with his hamster form?"

"Ok, I get it. But please! I really need him back." I tried one last time.

"I really shouldn't ask why, right?" He shot me a knowing look, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.

I couldn't control the blush that crept into my face.

"How long till the spell wears off?" I sighed. 

"Not long, Emi. Don't worry about things like that. I know what I'm doing." Mephisto nodded slowly.

"But Mr. Pheles!" I groaned, shooting him one last plea. "Isn't there anything I can do to speed up the process?"

"Oh, maybe you can get me one of those smoking hot poodles from the park?" Mephisto answered, eyes shining in excitement.

"What the hell?"

"What? You don't know the poodles?" He gasped. "Everyone knows the poodles! All they do is prance around the park with their fancy hair ties and their colorful nail polish-"

"That's not it..." I sweatdropped, backing away a few steps out of instinct. "Will that really get Amaimon back to his human form?"

"Nope." Mephisto grinned. "But it'll make me happy!"

"You really are a lost cause." I groaned, mentally facepalmimg as I turned around and dragged myself out of the office.

The walk back to my room was slow, a defeated look on my face as I made my way through the hallways of the huge building. Finally I came upon my door, swinging it open.


My eyes scanned the room, only to find it empty.

"In here!" His voice boomed from the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked over to him only to find him standing in front of the body-length mirror.

"Still not my human form..." He sighed.

"I know. Pheles wouldn't change you back." I rolled my eyes, reaching out to the green hamster and picking him up.

"Did you try?" He asked as we made our way to the bed. I threw him softly against the sheets before plopping down on it.

"Yeah. I even agreed to get him a poodle from the park."

"Not the poodles." He groaned.

"It didn't work though. So I guess  you're stuck like that until the spell wears off..."

"Dammit." Amaimon sighed. "He really is evil."

"I know."

"Did he at least tell you how much longer I have to wait?" The green hamster questioned as he climbed up my side and settled on top of my stomach.

"Not long." I replied. "Although I don't really know what that means..."

"He's the king of time!" Amaimon groaned in defeat. "Not long for him could mean an eternity for us!"

"Dang it." I muttered. "He said he's getting you back for the stunt you pulled on the vatican and that you need to lay low for a while..."

"Why didn't he change me back and left me in the room? Its the same shit!"

"I don't know." I answered with a shrug. "But hey, being a hamster is not that bad, ya know."

"Well yeah. Thanks to that I found your stash of condoms, which is very useful." He laughed.

"Shut up."


Took me long enough to update -_- sorry guys XD I was kinda stuck with this story.

So summer's here and I already finished school! Expect more updates coming soon ;)

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