Ch 40

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"Try again." Shura instructed as she paced back and forth along the wide room were had been stationed at for the past couple of hours.

My limbs shook from exhaustion as I took a gulp of saliva, attempting to calm my racing heart. Rin sat right in front of me, his body sprawled along the floor as he took long gasps of air.

"Break?" He pleaded weakly.

"I'll break your face..." Shura offered with a shrug, making Rin groan in defeat.

Both our arms were singed, covered in bruises and even small cuts because of each other's flames. Our training? Lighting four candles, together.

"Lets try again." I mumbled half heartedly, begging internally to be allowed to leave.

Rin used a great deal of effort as he sat up facing the four candles, stretching his hands out and wiggling his fingers.


I took a deep breath before inching closer to the candles, aiming to light the one at the right side and the other on the middle-left side of the candle row.

"One... Two... Three!" I said, immediately concentrating a burst of flames into the candles at the same time Rin did. The collision of our flames had enough force to send us reeling backwards and crashing onto opposite walls.

I groaned at the ache on my back, pain seeping through my every pore as I remained on the floor. There wasn't much energy left in me and by the looks of it, Rin was suffering the same fate.

"You guys are using too much force. You'll never learn to fuse your flames if you can't get them to stay near each other without exploding." Shura informed, hands on the back of her head as I heard her own back popping.

"Are you guys even working on the candles by yourselves?" She lazily asked, sliding her eyes shut.

"I am, a bit." I mumbled weakly.

"Yeah, so am I. School's kind of rough, I can barely keep my average score as it is and now I have to worry about some damn candles." Rin grumbled under his breath and I let out a shaky laugh, understanding him completely.

Shura sighed before opening her eyes and directing us a studying gaze.

"You won't get anything done if you guys are this tired. Lets leave it for today, get some rest and meet me back here at the same time tomorrow."

"Yes!" We both said, a glimmer of happiness shining through our voices. I painfully sat up, taking a deep breath and collecting all my left over energy before pushing myself to my feet.

"I'm gonna sleep so comfortably now." I mumbled with a smile on my face, picturing the huge bed in my head.

Rin was still on the floor rubbing his sore arms as he looked at the ceiling. I called out my goodbyes before turning to the nearest door and opening it.

"Ryoku, we're leaving." I said and the dragon, who had been laying on the floor of a medium sized break room, immediately sat up at my voice.

"Master. Are you done with training?"

I nodded. "Kinda sucks, but I think it'll be worth it."

"You're hurt."

"Yeah, Rin's flames are not exactly fond of mine." I sweatdropped. "But don't worry, if I can dance with a dislocated ankle, I can definitely handle this."

"I still do not approve-."

"Ryoku, please don't start. I'm really tired." I pleaded. "You should give Rin a chance. He's a really cool guy."

Suddenly a lightbulb turned on as the gears in my brain shifted. "Hey, how about you stay the night at Rin's dorm?"


"Come on Ryoku! It'll give you a chance to meet him!" I beamed.

He turned his head away, breathing out a puff of fire in opposition to my plea.

"Please, just give it a try! Only for tonight, I promise." I walked over to him, gently patting his head. "It would make me beyond happy..."

His gaze met mine and I saw him hesitate. Taking that as my chance, I spoke again.

"Rin is my friend and so are you. Nothing would make me happier than seeing you guys on 'okay' terms. I'm not asking you to like him, I just want you to give him a chance."

Ryoku turned his hard gaze to me, studying my expression for a long moment before breathing out in defeat.

"Just one night."

"Yes!" I exclaimed, stopping abruptly when a wave of pain shot through my back. "Ah, fuck."

I rubbed my sore area before exiting the room only to find Rin just as I had left him.

"Yo Rin, can Ryoku stay over at your place tonight?"

His eyes widened in horror. "What?"

"He agreed on giving you a chance. Don't screw it up, alright?" I laughed at his shocked face.

"U-Uh, alright..." Rin trailed. "I guess it's okay."

"Great! Try to work things out guys. Ryoku, don't be mean." I turned to my dragon who remained silent.

With that being said I offered my goodbyes, eager to get to my dorm and sleep for a whole month. The halls were empty, thankfully, and I managed to reach the door to my room faster than I thought, considering the limp every time I walked.

I grabbed the knob, yanking the door open and ignoring the ache across my limbs as I stepped inside.

"Amaimon, I'm here-"

Suddenly my body was slammed against the wall, arms pinned at my sides as my eyes widened in terror. The sight, however, was so unexpected not even I could believe it.

The he was, his body pressed closely against mine as a mischievous grin stretched across his face. Amaimon towered above me, blue eyes boring into me as they seemed to devour every inch of my being.

My heart lurched, my stomach doing backflips as all sense of tiredness drained from my body. He was here, in his human form. But how?

Before I could even begin to conjure a coherent sentence his lips slammed into mine.

Sparks immediately ignited within me as I gasped in surprise, my wide eyes fluttering shut as I molded my lips against his own. I could feel his black, sharp nails digging into the skin on my wrists as he pinned my hands above my head, pressing his body closer to mine, if that were possible.

Every single ache on my body disappeared at his touch. I hadn't realized how much I craved the feeling of his body against mine, his hips swaying against my own as he reveled on the fact that I was at his mercy.

A quiet moan escaped my lips as his tongue glided into my mouth. It ventured off, exploring every inch of me as I granted him unrestricted access. His tongue danced skillfully against my own, moving with it as if he owned it. If it weren't for the steadyness of his body, my knees would've faltered under his intoxicating touch. I felt him smirking against my lips as he grabbed my two hands between one of his, the other one making its way to my neck as he pulled me even closer.

My body burned with a fire I had never even dreamed of feeling. I found myself moaning once again as his tongue massaged mine. It was pure bliss, his body moving against mine as he completely dominated my mouth.

After a while his mouth left my lips and I cursed oxygen for being the cause of it. His lips trailed along my neck, leaving soft, gentle kisses before burying his face into the crook of it. My hands finally freed themselves from his hold as he set both of his on my waist, digging his black daggers into my hips as he pressed himself further into me.

I could clearly feel his grin against my skin along with his warm breath, sending shivers down my back.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this." He chuckled softly, making my cheeks burn bright red. Luckly he wasn't witnessing it.

I had to wait a couple of seconds to make sure my voice didn't shake. "Amaimon... How?"

He hummed in question, biting and sucking the side of my neck. I had to steady myself, pressing my hands against his shoulders as I kept my eyes from rolling to the back of my head in pure ecstasy.

"How did you?" I bit back a wild moan as my body got even weaker against his touch.

He finally released my neck and half of me wanted to protest, but I needed to talk to him.

"The spell wore off." He grinned, stating the obvious. I was still very conscious of his hips pressed into mine which made it hard for me to concentrate.

"I can see that." I chuckled weakly. "Does Pheles know?"

"I have no idea. Probably." Was Amaimon's short answer.

His blue eyes connected with mine and I felt my stomach flipping again.

"Should we tell him?" I asked, trying to ignore his tongue as it darted out to lick his lips.

"I think he can figure it out on his own."

"Y-You're right." Dammit, if he just stopped grinding into me, then maybe I could try to think straight. 

"Where's the dragon?" He whispered, something in his eyes telling me he didn't really care. All he was staring at were my lips.

"With Rin." I shortly replied. He furrowed his eyebrows at the mention of the other boy, his eyes trailing along my face.

"So what should we do now?"

I bit my lip before speaking timidly. "Kiss me again?"

And at that moment he shot me a devilish grin only a demon king could be capable of making.

"Don't need to ask me twice."

Well shit. It finally happened XD Amaimon is back and fully charged. Lets see how things will play out >:)

Feedback on the chapter is greatly appreciated!

Thank you to every single person who votes and comments! It means the world to me! :D

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