Ch 45

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"So he's back?" Mephisto's voice rang through the wide office, his face all but surprised.

"He is." I cleared my throat. I didn't mention any of the events from yesterday, or the fact that I had accidentally skipped my first class because of a make-out session.

"Is, uh, is that a problem?"

Mephisto spun around in his chair, his green gaze finding mine every two seconds. "I don't know, is it?"

"Not for me, at least."

"Of course it isn't!" The demon king of time chuckled. "Oh Emi, Papa Mepphy knows all! My plan was a sucess."

"What plan?" I asked through furrowed eyebrows.

"Demon kings never kiss and tell~"

I sweatdropped at his usual overly playful demeanor. Maybe it was a product of him trying to conserve his rapidly increasing age?

"Mephisto?" I asked without really thinking. The purple haired man hummed in response.

"How old are demon kings?"

His eyes shot me a curious gaze as he brought an elegant hand to his chin.

"How old is planet Earth?"

"Um..." I pursed my lips together in thought. "I don't know. Couple billion years old?"

"Interesting." He smirked in my direction. "Want to know a disturbing detail?"

I squinted my eyes at his direction but nodded. My curiosity would someday be my downfall.

"We've been roaming this planet for a pretty long time." He began. "Amaimon probably fucked your great-great grandmother."

My eyes widened as my jaw dropped to the floor. "Why would you tell me that!" I could feel myself shuddering at the thought of Amaimon doing the dirty with a really old relative.

"I enjoy the suffering of others." He simply shrugged. "How is your training going, by the way?"

"No progress at all." I sighed in defeat as I leaned against the wall. Considering how much time I spent in the office, you'd think he'd at least put a chair for me to sit on. But no, Mephisto is too good for that.

"Hm~ what about Ryoku and Rin?"

I perked up at the question, a grin appearing on my face. "I think they're trying to get along! Yesterday Ryoku stayed at his dorm."

"Oh, so brother and you were alone last night?" He smirked but something in his gaze told me he already knew.

"And if we were?" I tried.

"I'd say bring me the cloth stained with your virgin blood and I'll approve the marriage!"

"Wait, what?" I gasped in horror.

"I was joking Emi. Lighten up." He chuckled as he spun around one more time.

"Anyway," I grunted. "I came here to ask if it was safe for Amaimon to go out a little bit more? It's stuffy in my room."

"As long as he doesn't cause any trouble." Mephisto sighed. "If he pulls one more stunt he's going straight to Gehena this time, so I suggest he be wise with his opportunity."

"Alright!" I nodded, a grin fighting its way to my lips. "I'll make sure he behaves."

"Hmm, if you say so..."

With one last wave I turned to the door and left his office, an incredible weight lifted off my shoulders.


"Emi! You're not concentrating!" Shura growled at me as I shot a wave of fire at the candles, a bit too much force laced with them as a strong explosion followed when they collided with Rin's. The force sent both of us flying against opposite walls.

"Ouch." I mumbled as I shakily got up. "Yeah, I know. Sorry about that."

"Try to focus on Rin's flames instead of you own. Figure out just how much force is he using and try to mimic it. Same goes for you." Shura pointed at Rin.

My gaze followed him as he slowly stood up from the floor. I offered him an apologetic smile once he looked at me.

"Try again?" I offered. He sighed in defeat before nodding.

"Just try not to kill me this time."

Nodding slowly I stretched my hand out to the candles, this time waiting for Rin to give me the green light before sending a small pump of flames in their direction. Rin's was bigger, however, and I managed to jump out of the way just in time for the flames to explode together.

"This isn't working." I sighed.

"Listen up, you two." Shura beckoned us over. "This is something that has never been done, so I can't provide much instruction for you guys. We aren't even sure if it's possible at all." She said, her bright pink eyes locking with ours.

"Whether it works or not, it's up to you guys. The only thing I can say is this training is hurting your bodies."

"Don't worry about it!" Rin gave a tired laugh. "We can do this!"

"No." Shura interrupted. "I won't continue something that hasn't had a sign of improvement. You guys have to make your flames get used to each other before trying to fuse them. Am I clear?"

We both nodded slowly, unable to grasp at what she was saying.

"I want you guys to try and focus your flames on one finger."

We obeyed, stepping away from each other. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, using all my willpower to carry my flames to my index finger. Once I opened them again I saw a small, barely there light coming from the tip.

"It's hard." Rin mumbled as he had the same result, a faint flame.

"Work on growing the power of that flame. Additionally, you'll attempt to fuse them while using only your finger." Shura finished. "Just work on touching your fingers together."

Rin and I both nodded, waiting a few seconds before Shura dissmissed us.

"Alright!" I grinned once she was out of the room. "So how'd it go with Ryoku?"

He groaned, attempting to suppress an eyeroll as he stretched his sore muscles. "Horrible. He really does hate me."

"That's not true." I tried to defend as I walked to the small break room where Ryoku always waited during training. Pulling the door open, I was met with my dragon immediately jumping up.


"You said you were going to try to get along with Rin." I raised an eyebrow as I let him exit the room.

"I did."

"No he didn't! He was whining all night about how disgraceful it was to be in the same room with me!" Rin stomped his foot against the ground.

"Ryoku!" I groaned. "If you're gonna stay by my side, the least you can do is tolerate my friends."

The dragon huffed a breath of fire before turning his head away. "He is the son of Satan. I cannot accept him."

"I'm not asking you to accept me!" Rin interrupted with a frustrated sigh. "All I want is for you to at least pretend you don't hate my guts."

"To pretend is to lie. I have no interest in it."

"Ryoku." I cut in with pleading eyes. "Please?"

He huffed again.

This was not going to be easy.


A short update because it's been a long time since I did x.x

I haven't had school in a month because of the hurricane :") I feel like I'm getting dumber by the second.

I blame the memes.

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