05 : Flashback

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"You're the best thing that happened to me this time," you uttered, looking happily at my direction. "I think I couldn't live without you by my side."

I smiled. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy too."

You hugged me tightly. As you caressed my back, I felt your love for me. I felt safe and I couldn't contain my happiness.

You stared at my eyes. For some reason, I fall deeper in love with you. "I don't want to lose you, my love," you whispered then kissed me at my forehead.

That's the most romantic kiss I always got from you.

"I don't want to lose you too," I replied and you hugged me again.

For the past couple of minutes, we just hugging each other; not minding the people who crazily looked at us.

I closed my eyes. I wanted to feel the every inch of your emotions. I wanted to feel the love you're giving to me. I wanted to feel you.

Three . . .

Two . . .

One . . .

As I slowly opened it, I was shocked when I saw my own reflection. I'm currently looking at the full-body length mirror.

My tears were automatically touched my both cheeks. I instantaneously felt the pain in my heart . . . again.

You're not here anymore.

I just had a quick flashback of what we were before you decided to leave me alone and became a ghost that disappeared out of the blue.

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